Thursday, June 22, 2023

Atomic breathing is the new building block for quantum computing.

Atomic breathing is a tool that can use to transform binary information into quantum mode. The system must just predict or adjust the direction of the information flow between the atom and its environment. The problem is how to control that thing. Atoms are extremely complicated quantum systems. Researchers don't know all actors. 

That interact with atoms and inside subatomic particles. Without complete knowledge of the system, the researchers cannot control that thing. for full control of the system, the researchers must know all actors and factors that are things, that affect the environment. The factor could be a passive actor that pulls energy or wave movement from the reactions. And even the weakest possible reactions mean very much in the quantum interactions. 

The atom is not ever really stable. The energy travels in and out of those complicated quantum systems. The exchange of energy means the exchange of information. The changes in the environment and energy levels in and outside the atom determine the direction where that energy travels. If an atom's energy is lower level than the environment's energy level. Energy travels in the atom. Energy always travels in the lower level. 

"Researchers at the University of Washington have detected atomic “breathing,” or mechanical vibration between atom layers, which could help encode and transmit quantum information. They also created an integrated device that manipulates these atomic vibrations and light emissions, advancing quantum technology development." ( “Breathing” – A New Building Block for Quantum Technology)

When energy or wave movement travels in and out of the particles. It stresses their quantum fields. Those quantum fields oscillate and send the wave moves into the atom's nucleus. The energy that the quantum field sends is forming a standing wave in the atom's nucleus. And the other waves are impacting that thing. The particles that form atoms are always sending wave movement in both directions. 

So when we are talking about atom breathing that thing can model by using the models that are made for the pressure system. The atom's breathing is the information exchange between the atom and its environment. The energy level in atoms and subatomic particles are changing all the time. And that means energy travels back and forth in the atom and between the atom and its environment. 

The thing that makes atoms so complicated quantum structures is that they atoms are forming of the nucleus. There are quarks forming baryons and then electrons are forming a shell. The thing is that all particles in atoms have their role. Atoms interact as an entirety. But also subatomic particles interacting with each other. And also with atoms' environment. 

The power- or interaction transmitters like gluons and Z and W bosons, along with photons are the force transmitters. They might have an extremely short life cycle. But all of them have their independent power fields. During their short lifetime, those particles send wave movement that remains after those extremely massive particles are gone. And another thing is that internal quantum fields of atoms also interact straight outside the most out electron orbiter.

Higgs field and hypothetical negative mass are making it possible to cross the speed of light.

The Higgs mirror field may exist. The Higgs boson interacts with weak nuclear force. or it releases W and Z bosons. So the weak interaction is one of the things that affect the Higgs boson. And that causes the idea that maybe gravitation, or hypothetical graviton particle, can be found between weak and strong nuclear forces. 

The thing that makes Higgs field interesting is that it gives mass to particles. The mass is the thing that denies that particles with mass cannot reach the speed of light. But otherwise, particles with no mass have only one speed. And that is the speed of light. 

That thing causes an idea if there is negative mass, the particle can cross the speed of light. But nobody ever made negative mass. There is a possibility that some kind of extremely high-power impact can turn the Higgs field opposite and create the hypothetical thing called the Higgs reverse field. And Higgs reverse field makes it possible that the particle would have negative mass. 

The Higgs reverse field or Higgs mirror field would be opposite to the Higgs field. That thing would pull energy through the particle. Which turns them back to four fundamental interactions. There is the possibility that a mythical or hypothetical faster-than-light particle called Tachyon is just impacting with the Higgs field so strong that it turns the Higgs field and its interaction (Higgs mechanism) opposite. 

Or what happens? The tachyon impacts Higgs field. That field transfers energy to the tachyon. In some models, the Higgs field covers that hypothetical particle. And that makes it possible that the wave motion with the same frequency as the Higgs field just pushes the Higgs field away from that particle. Or it makes Higgs field act oppositely than usual. But how to confirm that thing? Confirmation requires proof that the tachyon exists. And this means this is only theory. 

The field superposition can someday make it possible to create the Higgs reverse field. The idea is that Anderson (a strong) localization traps wave movement. And then some kind of energy impact would turn that trapped wave into its mirror. The detail in superposition is the thing that supports this model is that in superposition the superpositioned particles are spinning opposite ways. 

So does that thing turn the power fields like Higgs field opposite? That is one of the things that maybe can be solved in the future. The model of the power field is like a membrane that oscillates. The oscillation is the wave movement and when the energy level rises at the other side of the wave movement. The other side will create electromagnetic low-pressure. And then some other type of wave movement starts to fill that electromagnetic low pressure. 

The Anderson effect, along with field superposition is one of the things that makes the Higgs reverse field possible. The idea is that in superposition the electromagnetic fields would put spin in opposite ways. And that thing makes it possible to create the mirror model of the Higgs field. 

The Higgs field is a similar electromagnetic field to other electromagnetic fields. The frequency of that field is different from other EM fields. 

There is the possibility that the electromagnetic field is forming superstrings. The superstring is the thing that spins in some direction. So in the mirror field, the superstrings are rotating in the opposite direction than in the original field. The other electromagnetic fields have push and pull effects. And that means all other electromagnetic fields except gravitation have their counter field. So why not a Higgs field can have similar structures to other electromagnetic fields? 

The idea is that those superstrings act like propellers. That structure pulls energy through particles to the Higgs field. And that thing makes the particle flat. So if that version of Higgs field works the opposite way. That makes it possible that this version of the Higgs field turns the mass negative. The idea is simple. The Higgs opposite Higgs field pumps energy to the particle. And that particle starts to hover above the Higgs field. 

The reason for aging could be that the Higgs field pulls other wave movement types through it. 

The idea is that material or elementary particles are things. That are channeling other electromagnetic fields to the Higgs field. The power fields or fundamental interactions are like chains of particles. That string-looking power fields connect. When some particle travels through that structure (or structure travels through particle) that structure called a power field pumps energy to the particle. 

Electromagnetic fields and aging are interesting things. We know that we can increase the particle's lifetime by stressing them with electromagnetic wave movement. But then we are facing the thing, that I mentioned in some other texts. Spin plays a big role in the particle's lifetime and existence. If we think that the particle is like a whisk. Superstrings are forming its shell. And when the particle spins, that whisk-looking structure will push other electromagnetic wave movements away from the particle. 

The model is that the Higgs field pulls four fundamental forces through the particle. The idea is that all four interactions, strong and weak nuclear forces with electromagnetism and gravitation are all wave movements. But the frequency of the wave movement is different. There is a transportation particle that transports those four fundamental interactions. 

Does Higgs field make mass to particle only if itself or some other power fields travel through the elementary particle? 

But all fundamental interactions have the wave movement mode. And when the Higgs field pulls those wave movements through the particle. That thing causes electromagnetic low-pressure under those superstrings. That electromagnetic vacuum will act like normal low-pressure and sooner or later that electromagnetic low pressure in the whisk-looking structure in elementary particles pulls that particle to flat. Or otherways saying, the Higgs field causes the collapse of the particle. The shortest living particles have a slow spin or their spin is zero. 

When we think about photons, we can ask if photons spin so fast that they will not allow the Higgs field to travel through that particle. So does Higgs field give mass to the particle only of itself, or do other electromagnetic fields travel through that particle? 

That thing causes a situation. Where the Higgs field pulls other wave movements just through the particle. And that thing causes the particle's collapse because its internal interaction with the Higgs field pulls the particle into the 2D mode or turns it to wave movement. So the particles with fast spin live longer. 

The reason, why fast spin makes particles live longer is that the Higgs field will not pull energy or wave movement through spinning particles. When the energy level of a particle rises that increases its spin. And that's why a high energy level increases a particle's lifetime.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

How does the coldest spot on the sun warms its million-degree corona?

The corona is the hottest point of the sun. The temperature of that area is about million of degrees of celsius. And this extremely high-temperature forms when the protuberances, flares, and radiation interacts with gas that forms a corona. The fact is that the corona is not gas in the form of gas in Earth's atmosphere. 

The pressure of the corona is not very high. The plasma that forms the corona can orbit the sun at a very high speed. Plasma follows the Sun's magnetic field's power lines. And that thing causes friction because Sun's south pole pulls ions to it. The anions or negative ions travel to the north or positive pole of the sun. The interaction in that plasma flow is quite complicated. There are plasma pikes like flares that cause more whirling in plasma around the sun.

The material that forms the corona is ionized gas or plasma. Radiation that comes from the sun shoots electrons out from the gas-atoms orbitals. That thing makes the plasma interact with magnetic fields. When the sun sends the protuberances and flares, that thing causes a situation where the plasma that surrounds the sun forming starts to whirl. Those whirls are increasing the temperature of that gas. 

And friction along with EM-radiation and impacting plasma rise the corona's temperature. There is also the possibility that some kind of fusion reaction can happen in the corona. When the other pole of the sun sends opposite polar ions that orbit the sun that causes a situation where those ions and anions are impacting. That thing can increase energy level.

So there are multiple reasons why the corona is so hot. And the reason why researchers are interested in this phenomenon is that these kinds of reactions can use as models for self-sustaining fusion reactions. Knowledge about mechanisms that can turn the very low-energy object to increase the energy level of other targets can make fully working commercial fusion systems possible.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Black holes and the Higgs field might have a connection.


There is a possibility that the particles that have mass are acting as connectors between the Higgs field and other electromagnetic fields. When a material or elementary particle spins it collects energy from its entirety. And there is a possibility that the Higgs field forms inside the particle. When the Higgs field travels through the particle's shell it forms its mass. And that thing causes the aging of the particle. 

The sombrero-looking power field sends radiation through the particle. And when those waves are traveling through the particle's structure. They take some part of the particle with them. So the Mexican hat model explains the aging of particles. 

We can think particle as a ball that hovers above Higgs field. Energy or four fundamental interactions are traveling through that particle. And particle acts as a tensor or connector. That is connecting the Higgs field to other electromagnetic fields. So electromagnetic waves can travel through particles. And some mechanisms could turn those waves into the mass of particles. 

When a supernova forms a black hole it sends enormous energy impact through the universe. There is the possibility that this energy wave that the supernova sends forms a counter-wave that pushes all other electromagnetic fields except the Higgs field away from the point where the star's nucleus has been. The electromagnetic vacuum will collide sooner or later and the electromagnetic fields are trying to fill that place. But what if that supernova turns Higgs field extremely dominant? 

We know that electromagnetic fields can push away by using counterwaves with the same frequency. The supernova sends one extremely powerful energy wave through the universe. And behind that wave which pushes all electromagnetic fields away, thing forms the electromagnetic vacuum. But there is the possibility that the Higgs field also remains in that area. 

When that wave turns weaker electromagnetic fields are starting to travel at that point. And the Higgs field can raise its sombrero-looking power field in the middle of that vacuum. So when those power fields are collapsing they impact with Higgs field that raised to sombrero-model. That thing can form the Higgs bosons. And then the singularity where all particles and power fields forming the entire Higgs bosons can stay in form. 

Maybe those bosons are starting to divide in the singularity and that can cause small internal movements in that material. In that model, Higgs bosons are like bubbles in the singularity. And when those bubbles divide that causes small shaking or oscillation in the singularity. Normally singularity is frozen in entirety. The thing that gives energy to black holes is the power fields that are trapped in the singularity. 

The interaction between black holes and the Higgs field is interesting. The thing is that the singularity might have strong interactions with the Higgs field. And in that form, other electromagnetic fields are like the battery to the black hole. The black holes are pulling material and wave movement inside them. 

Black holes send gravitational waves and possible Hawking radiation that causes their vaporization. The vaporization of the black hole turns faster when material and wave movement that falls in the black hole decreases. The spin of black holes or their singularity is extremely high. And that causes the idea that spin plays a very important role in the material. 

Particles that spin can live longer than particles without spin. And that means there is some kind of channel that pulls some kind of energy field in the particle. When a particle spins there forming a channel that pulls some energy field like the Higgs field inside the particle. That thing means that the sombrero-looking electromagnetic field turns into a particle. And that causes wave movement that destroys particles. If the particle has no spin, no energy can replace the energy that travels to the Higgs field. And that causes that particle turns wave movement. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Why are black holes vaporizing?

Black holes are full of paradoxes. 

The black hole is full of paradoxes. And one of the paradoxes is how it can avoid heat death. Black holes are pulling material inside them, and then that material should turn extremely high energy. So otherwise we can say that friction and other kinds of reaction should rise the energy level inside the event horizon to so high that the black hole will detonate. We know that around the event horizon is a whirl. 

The specialty of black holes is this. They are also pulling wave movement inside them. So all energy and material should travel in one direction. And then another thing is that they all lose their mass. So why this thing happens? Where is that mass going? If something just pulls material inside it, that means it should expand forever. 

And because of the law of continuity of motion that whirl should continue inside the black hole. The whirl continues until material and wave movement hits the singularity. That is material in the middle of a black hole. If we follow that model, the black holes should expand forever. And we know that all black holes are losing their mass. 


Is it possible, that black holes are dumping their mass or energy to Higgs field? 

In that model, extremely strong interaction with the Higgs field just peels the singularity. The vaporization or losing the mass of black holes can mean that the black holes are that something takes material out from the singularity, the material pack where all particles and quantum fields around the atom are packed into one entirety. The Higgs field just peels the singularity like a knife peels an apple. And then sooner or later there is nothing left of the supermaterial that formed the black hole. 

Could the black hole form the stable Higgs boson inside it? And could the Higgs field explain some extreme attributes of black holes? We know that singularity is an extremely massive pack of materials. And that means it has a very strong interaction with the Higgs field. 

The reason why the singularity is not destroying immediately is that. There are also trapped other interactions than just interaction with the Higgs mechanism. Also, a material that falls into a black hole feed singularity with energy. But that thing causes a question is a black hole dumping its mass and energy into Higgs field? That could explain why all black holes are losing their mass. 


Does that loss of mass have a connection with gravitational waves? So is there some kind of negative gravitation? There is the possibility that around the singularity forms a standing gravitational wave that causes reflection. Or maybe some photons are making superposition through the event horizon. And that superposition pulls energy out from the black hole. 

To make sure what causes this strange phenomenon researchers should find out the depth inside the event horizon where those gravitational waves are forming. We know that black holes are losing mass. And that means the mass should go somewhere. 

One of the explanations why black holes are not growing forever could be a wormhole. The idea is that the gravitational tornado that leaves from the poles of the black hole is taking energy out of it. 

Materia that forms a black hole is extremely thick. That thing causes a situation where there is no space at all in that material. The tight form of the singularity means that the material cannot oscillate. 

Because all its particles and electromagnetic fields form an entirety there is no internal movement in that material. The outcoming radiation and information press the singularity into one entirety. The only interaction in singularity material happens at the shell of that material. 

And that causes an exciting idea that there is a stable Higgs boson inside a black hole. That means the interaction with singularity and Higgs field is extremely strong.  Because energy presses the singularity and there are no internal structures that thing causes a situation where during the formation of that material the extreme energy of supernova forms the Higgs bosons that are leaving inside the collapsing star. 

Those Higgs bosons could form bubbles in the singularity. And maybe they can explain why black holes can vaporize. If Higgs boson decays in the singularity that thing causes a powerful eruption. Or actually, that boson must not decay in the singularity. The energy level in black holes is so high that there may be also forming Higgs bosons that are living longer than on some particle accelerators. 

In that model wave movement that falls in black holes feeds that thing. And that energy can also form Higgs bosons inside the black hole's event horizon. So could it be the Higgs field that gives mass to black holes? Is Higgs field so powerful in that structure that it can explain why nothing can leave a black hole? 

The mysterious ghost particles cause grey hair for researchers.

When the particle's mass grows, the Higgs field turns more dominating. 

There is the possibility that the Higgs field will take energy out from particles. And other interactions are loading energy onto the particle. The thing that supports this theory is that a massless photon exists forever. Massless particles are not interacting with the Higgs field. And mass is the thing that means the particle has interaction with the Higgs field. 

The most massive particles Higgs boson and top quark live for a short time. The existence or lifetime of the top quark is 5×10^−25 s. And lifetime of the Higgs boson is 1.2 ~ 4.6 × 10−22 s^. The photon that has no interaction with the Higgs field remains forever. And the lifetime of a neutrino is also extremely long. 

So we can think that the Higgs field takes energy out from the particles. And other interactions are loading energy for it. So when a particle's mass increases. The Higgs field's domination increases. And the thing is that when the mass of a particle will rise, its lifetime turns shorter. 

So when we think about the lifetimes of the particles and their interaction with the Higgs field we can say that the growing mass of particles means. That the dominant interaction slides to the Higgs mechanism. And when the particle's mass decreases the dominating field turns to gravitation or electromagnetism or weak and strong interactions. 

"Candidate Higgs boson events from collisions between protons in the LHC" (Wikipedia/Higgs boson)

The mysterious ghost particles cause grey hair for researchers. 

Neutrinos are almost massless particles. Which means they have a very weak interaction with the Higgs field. That very weak interaction is interesting because neutrino can interact only between weak interaction (weak nuclear force) and gravitation. There is a possibility that the low mass of neutrino forms in an interaction where neutrino interacts with W and Z bosons. 

So in this model, W and Z bosons are transferring some kind of echoes from the Higgs field to the neutrino. And that means neutrinos would not have straight interaction with the Higgs field. The small mass means that the neutrino would turn to wave movement. 

The thing, that makes the neutrino interesting is that it can be a tensor or medium between the Higgs mechanism and the other four fundamental interactions. So there are particles. That can interact with other interactions except for the Higgs field. And some particles can interact only with the Higgs field. And we know only one of those particles, the Higgs boson. 

But we know that the mass of particles is directly proportional to interaction with the Higgs field. And massive particles like Top Quarks and Higgs bosons have extremely strong interaction with the Higgs field. Another thing is that the lifetime of those massive particles is extremely short. 

The existence or lifetime of the top quark is 5×10^−25 s. And lifetime of the Higgs boson is 1.2 ~ 4.6 × 10−22 s^. The photon that has no interaction with the Higgs field remains forever. And the lifetime of a neutrino is also extremely long. As I wrote earlier in this text. 

That means when the particle's mass grows, its interaction with the Higgs field grows. And higher mass means that the Higgs field turns more dominating than other interactions. And the Higgs boson that only interacts with the Higgs field would decay in the shortest time. The more dominant the effect of the Higgs field on the particle, the shorter-lived the particle is. 

When domination of the Higgs field increases other interactions turn recessive. So we can conclude that the Higgs field pulls energy out from particles. And other interactions are pumping energy to the particle making it longer-life, as I wrote at the beginning of this text.

Nanosatellites are the next-generation tools in military and civil work.

It's possible that around the Earth flies even millions of nano-size satellites. Those systems can be about the cell phone size systems that form clouds that can make recon and other missions. Nanosatellites can use as an entirety. They can focus their extremely-small cameras on one point. And that gives them very high resolution. 

The nanosatellites can boost communication. But they can do many more things than offer over 1GB data transmission capacity between orbital devices and ground stations. They can act as next-generation multipurpose systems that give the high-power ELINT capacity for recon satellites. Or they can act as a large entirety that can observe Earth with extremely high accuracy.

The nanosatellites can observe larger satellites. That means they can follow them and search for their condition. Or the nanosatellite can observe data transmission of larger satellites. The nanosatellites are hard to detect because they are very small and nanosatellites can look like space junk. 

The nanosatellites can host very small biological laboratories. Or they can grow crystals inside them. And those cheap satellites can return to Earth after they have done their missions. 

"Spire Global, in partnership with ESA, has launched a second pair of satellites designed to communicate with each other securely using light-based optical inter-satellite links. These satellites will demonstrate the ability to transmit more than 1 GB of data securely within a short window of direct visibility, over distances equivalent to 5000 km, similar to the distance from Glasgow to New York. Credit: SpaceX" ( Up Security: Spire Global Launches Optical Link Nanosats)

The nanosatellites can act as the extremely large radio telescope. In that case, the satellites are looking in different directions. And when those satellites see something interesting they can turn their antennas to the same point. And that thing makes it possible to use those satellites as extremely large radio telescopes or radar antennas. 

Because those satellites are forming a cloud and each satellite can operate independently destroying those spaceborne drone swarms is not an easy operation. The radar satellites can focus their radio transmitters on one target and form an electric arc that destroys the targeted satellite. 

The nanosatellites are giving ultimate ASAT(Antisatellite) and ABM (Antiballistic missile) capacity to owners of those systems. When those satellites' IR sensors detect a missile launch or hostile satellite, the AI can drive them to impact course to those targets. Also, nanosatellites can protect larger satellites against ground-launched or airborne-launched ASAT systems. The idea is that the nano-size satellite can impact incoming ASAT weapons. And destroy them or push them out of the course. 

In some extreme visions, the nanosatellites are connected by using the net of some strong fibers. Or maybe they use laser rays that are strong enough that they can cut those missiles into pieces or damage their aerodynamics. The idea is that those satellites can make that net at the front of the incoming ABM mass raid, and that can cause damage to those missiles. The damaged nose of the warhead can cause the situation. That the warhead breaks into pieces when it returns to the atmosphere before its detonators operate.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Higgs boson is the point where two sombrero-energy fields can impact.

In this text sombrero model and Mexican hat potential are the same thing. The big question is where that Mexican hat or sombrero is forming. Does it form out from the particle, or in the particle? If those Mexican hat potentials impact inside the particle they send wave movement that could explain the aging of the material. 

When those potential fields impact inside the particle. They send wave movement. And that wave movement takes part of the particle with it. That explains why only particles with mass can turn to wave movement. The Higgs field pulls part of them in it. And the thing that supports this model is the fact that massless particles cannot turn older. The only speed that those particles have is the speed of light. And that thing causes time dilation. 

So photons never turn old. The thing is that aging is connected with the mass of the particle. The particles with mass can slow, and they turn to wave movement. And that tells that interaction between the particle and Higgs field causes aging by "stealing energy from particles". The particles that don't have interaction with the Higgs field are timeless. 

Higgs boson is an extremely short-term particle. The particle divides less than a nanosecond. And it makes observations about that particle extremely hard. But the question is how a particle that spin is zero can give energy to W and Z bosons and other sub-particles that it releases while it divides. 

The answer could be in the impacting sombreros. The sombrero model is the model where the power field turns to material and particles. So the Higgs field in the particle could look like a sombrero. When the Higgs boson is forming that thing is a high-energy area in the Higgs field. 

When the Higgs boson divides, that thing causes a shockwave in the Higgs field. The point where Higgs boson was turning lower energy level. Then Higgs field travels to that point and impacts in the middle of the place, where the Higgs boson existed. 

So we can think that two sombrero-looking power fields anchor the Higgs boson in the static position that remained for a very short time. And then those two sombrero-looking energy fields impact at the point where the Higgs boson existed. So could that thing be the thing that we can call dark energy? 

The key is how Higgs boson gives mass to the material. There is the possibility that the superstrings are the smallest form of material. Are like spiral or screw-looking power fields. And the Higgs field can make a plaque on those superstrings. That plaque could explain why the Higgs field is pulling the energy field. 

The plaque around those superstrings that are forming a whisk-looking structure on the shell of particles is the higher energy form of the Higgs field than the field around the particle. And that causes a situation in which the Higgs field travels out from the particle. When the particle spins it transfers kinetic energy to those superstrings and Higgs field plaque. The energy travels out from the particle because its energy level is higher than the Higgs field. And maybe that energy channel can explain dark energy as the energy transfer between particles and the Higgs field. 

When we are looking at the sombrero model where the Higgs boson is like the ball on the sombrero that is the Higgs field, we forget one very important thing. We live in a 3D universe, where almost all particles are 3D structures. If we think that the Higgs field that gives mass to particles is like a sombrero, we forget that there are two sombreros on opposite sides of particles. 

And in the middle of particles that have mass, those two opposite sombreros impact. If those two sombrero-looking power fields impact in the middle of the particle. They should send wave movement. That wave movement from those impacting sombrero-shaped energy fields can explain why particles turn to wave movement or vaporizing. 

The Higgs field can also explain why there is dark energy in the universe. We can think of the particles with mass as the bubbles that are hovering above the Higgs field. The Higgs field forms the channel between particles and the Higgs field. And when photons or other massless particles hit those channels or quantum pillars. They cut those pillars or quantum channels into two parts. 

When the photon passes the quantum pillar, that pillar will impact back to its entirety and in that case, the pillar sends wave movement. When that quantum channel slams back to close, that thing causes an energy impact that is very weak and different from other energy impacts. That thing forms the wave in the Higgs field. 

How the Higgs field gives mass to particles?

The Higgs boson is a wave in the Higgs field. That particle is very short-term. There is the possibility that Higgs bosons are quite common but short-term particles in the universe. The remarkable thing about the Higgs field is that it makes mass into particles. And the fingerprint of the particle's interaction with the Higgs field is that it has mass. There are two details in the mass of the particle. 

Massless particles like photons can travel only at the speed of light. Massless particles cannot turn older, and the reason for that is that particles cannot exchange information with the Higgs field. And another thing is that the Higgs field can have a connection with aging. The reason for that is. That all particles with mass are vaporizing or turning to wave movement. 

So does the Higgs field pull energy out from particles that have mass? Particles with mass can slow their speed. And that means Higgs field pulls energy out from them. The reason, why I believe that thing is massless particles like photons have only one speed,  the speed of light. The photon cannot slow its speed. 

That means it can move its kinetic energy anywhere. There is nothing that can receive this energy. The speed of photons can change but it's always the speed of light. And photons speed determines the speed of light in the medium where the photon travels. 

If that thing happens it explains why particles with mass are turning older. in that model, the Higgs field or Higgs mechanism causes interaction that turns particles older. But photons and massless particles remain forever.

And there is the possibility that the Higgs boson can explain how the mass of the particles forms in that Higgs field. Which is the response to the mass of particles. Or maybe we should say that the Higgs boson can explain how the Higgs field makes the mass of objects. 

Actually, the Higgs field makes mass into particles, but how it makes it? Higgs boson is like a bubble or wave in the Higgs field. When that particle divide, there forms a point where the Higgs field is weaker than in other places. Then another Higgs field tries to fill that point where the Higgs field lost. So the Higgs boson is the more powerful point in the Higgs field than the regular Higgs field is.  

When we are thinking about the Higgs boson and gravitational interaction we can say that gravitation might be the tensor that connects the Higgs field to other EM fields. The gravitation interacts with massless particles that cannot interact with the Higgs field. And it also interacts with massive particles that interact with the Higgs field. 

The question is, does gravitation interact with massless particles like photons with gravitational fields or gravitational waves? Gravitational waves are a disturbance in gravitational fields. The Higgs boson is the wave in the Higgs field. And the graviton could be the wave in the gravitational field. 

The graviton could be a long-livin', long-distance version of the Higgs boson that is a short-term short distance particle. There is the possibility that the gravitons are pulling energy out from the particles or causing energy asymmetry in some other ways. The energy asymmetry in the particle itself or its environment causes a situation where gravitation pulls particles into the gravitational center. 

The Higgs boson is a wave in the Higgs field that makes mass to objects. Nobody is sure does the Higgs boson is an interaction with gravitation, or does it only interact with the Higgs field? There is knowledge that Higgs boson can interact with W and Z bosons but not photons and gluons. The reason why researchers believe that the Higgs boson can interact with Z and W bosons is that the Higgs boson decays into W and Z bosons. 

But there is the possibility that the Higgs boson doesn't interact straight with W and Z bosons and that interaction happens through the Higgs boson remnants after it turns to W and Z bosons. In that case, the splitting Higgs boson transfers energy to the W and Z bosons while it decays.  The fact is that the Higgs boson decays more than W and Z bosons. And there is a list of those particles that are forming Higgs boson. 

"The "Mexican hat-shaped" potential of the Higgs field is responsible for some particles gaining mass". (Wikipedia/Higgs boson)

The list of the decays of the Higgs boson is from Wikipedia.


pair (observed)

Two W bosons (observed)

Two gluons (predicted)

Tau–antitau (particle) pair (observed)

Two Z bosons (observed)

Two photons (observed)

Two leptons and a photon (Dalitz decay via virtual photon) (tentatively observed at sigma 3.2 (1 in 1000) significance) 

Muon–antimuon pair (predicted)

Various other decays (predicted)

(Wikipedia/ Higgs boson) 

Does Higgs boson interact with gravitation? 

The thing is that nobody is sure about the gravitation interaction with the Higgs boson. And the reason for that is that particle is so short-term. But the Higgs boson almost proved the Higgs mechanism and Higgs interaction that gives mass to the material. The Higgs field is pulling the scalar field. That is everywhere in the universe. 

Some particles cannot interact with the Higgs field. Those particles are massless. If a particle has mass, it interacts with the Higgs field. So W and Z bosons can interact with the Higgs field. And also with the Higgs boson. Good detail that we can notice about the interaction with the Higgs field is that if the particle has mass it can interact with the Higgs field. 

The thing. That proves that neutrino can interact with the Higgs field is that neutrino has a mass. The mass is the detail about the object that can interact with the Higgs field. 

Massless particles like gluons and photons cannot interact with the Higgs field. One of the reasons for that is that those small massless  (zero mass) particles can push the Higgs field away from their shell. And maybe that thing explains why the Higgs field cannot affect those particles. 

An interesting detail about the massless particles is that all of them travel at the speed of light. Those particles cannot slow their speed. And that means Higgs field has some kind of connection with aging. The Higgs field is a scalar field that makes mass into particles. But there is a possibility that the Higgs field pulls energy out from the particle. But how that thing happens? Does it happen by the way, that I explained at the beginning of this text?

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Researchers found The critical ingredient for life on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus.

The Enceladus moon is possibly a harbor for some kind of life forms. The critical ingredient for life is found on that moon.  And that thing is one of the most interesting things in history. That critical ingredient is phosphorus, and there is still a possibility that there are no lifeforms on that icy moon. But there is also the possibility that some kind of primitive lifeforms are living in the icy ocean under that moon's icy surface. 

There is the possibility. That if those hypothetical lifeforms are similar to primordial lifeforms on Earth some kind of virus can travel from that moon to Earth because icy geysers are pushing that water to a very high altitude. And there some kind of radiation can push those small droplets to the journey that takes them to Earth.

"SwRI Lead Scientist Dr. Christopher Glein was part of a team that found phosphorus, a key building block for life, from the subsurface ocean of Saturn’s small moon, Enceladus. Liquid water erupts from the moon’s subsurface ocean, forming a plume that contains grains of frozen ocean water. Some of these ice grains go on to form Saturn’s E ring. The team analyzed Cassini spacecraft data from ice grains in the E ring, which revealed fingerprints of soluble phosphate salts from Enceladus’ ocean. Credit: Cassini Imaging Team/SSI/JPL/ SWRI/ Freie Universität Berlin" ( Ingredient for Life Discovered at Saturn’s Icy Moon Enceladus)

 But before we can say for sure, is there some kind of lifeforms in that small world's oceans we must take samples from that ocean. There is the possibility that those still- and hopefully hypothetical lifeforms have some kind of sense that warns them to go too close to the icy geyser's eruption hole. If the organism doesn't have that ability it might go too close to the eruption channel and fly to space. 

There is one vision about those icy moons and how to benefit them in the futuristic space programs that the futuristic astronauts can use the Enceladus's ocean as the place where they put their space station. 

Water protects those astronauts from cosmic radiation. Also, that water can use in the rockets. The electrolysis systems can break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen which are suitable fuel for chemical rockets that take samples from the moons and rings of that gas planet. 

Nuclear rockets can use the water as propellant microwaves or laser rays along with electric arcs can cause water expansion. And that thing makes the system push it backward. This thing increases the thrust for those nuclear engines.

The new model of physics: what if Higgs boson spins?

Higgs boson's spin is 0. That thing makes that strange particle very exotic. And it can interact only with the Higgs field. The existence of the Higgs boson makes it possible to think about the possibility that there is also a spinning version of that boson. In theories, the Higgs boson is the route to wimps (Weakly Interacting Massive particles). 

In some theories, the wimp that is a hypothetical dark matter particle is Higgsion, the particle that looks like a Higgs boson but has spin 1/2 or higher. That information gave the Bing AI the question is their other particles that can interact only with the Higgs field. There are lots of particles that can interact with the Higgs field and some other fields. 

Can the interaction with the Higgs field make particles with mass impossible to reach the speed of light? The fact is that the particles without mass are always traveling at the speed of light. So in that case the interaction between the Higgs field and the particle causes an increase in the particle's mass when its speed raises. 

And that thing indirectly causes the particle with mass cannot reach the speed of light. So only particles without mass can travel with the speed of light. There is the possibility that removing the Higgs field from particles is possible to make them massless. And that thing also allows other particles than massless particles to reach the speed of light. The system must remove the interaction between the particle and the Higgs field for that thing. 

The so-called "Mexican Hat Potential"

If researchers can remove that interaction between particles and the Higgs field. That thing means a new era for space flights. 

And only particles that have no mass are not interacting with the Higgs field. The interaction with the Higgs field can answer why it's so hard to cross the speed of light. The idea is that the particle pushes Higgs field ahead of it like a wave. Then that thing will make crossing the speed of light very hard. In that model, the tightening Higgs field denies that a particle with mass can reach the speed of light. The Higgs field acts like an energy vampire that removes energy from the particle, when its speed closes the speed of light. 

The idea is taken from the model that only particles without mass can reach the speed of light. And actually, the photon has no mass. So the interaction between the particle and the Higgs field can cause the situation. That energy travels out from the particle. The thing is that photons cannot interact with the Higgs field. And that thing makes it massless. The photon has no mass and that allows it to reach the speed of light. 

"The particles that interact with Higgs are the six leptons, the six quarks (18, if you count color), and the W and Z gauge bosons. All the known elementary particles except for the eight gluons".


The existence of the spinning Higgs boson breaks the standard model and begins the revolutionary new physics. Theoretically is possible to make Higgs boson spin. But in real life, the short existence and large mass of the Higgs boson make that thing extremely difficult. Higgs boson causes theories that more particles can interact only with the Higgs field. And that means there are lots of particles that are waiting for their finders. But proving those particles' existence is very hard. 

The Higgs boson proves the Higgs field. That means the Schwinger effect formed the Higgs boson straight from the Higgs field. The Higgs field is the thing that gives mass to particles. And that means particles do have not their mass. They get their mass from the electromagnetic field called the Higgs field. 

When Higgs field will travel to the particle. It raises the particle's energy level. The sombrero model means that when energy travels to the particle, the particle raises to the energy hill. The idea of this model is that when a particle spins it releases energy waves. That thing allows the Higgs field to travel in those particles. And that thing forms the mass. 

The thing that we think of as mass. Is formed when a particle interacts with the Higgs field. That interaction causes the effect that the Higgs field will make those particles mass. If the power of the Higgs field the energy level of that particle is rising very high. When that energy hill collapses the particle on the hill starts to travel to a lower energy level. 

There is a possibility that those particles are sending too much energy to space. And then, the particle's energy level goes on to state, there its energy level is lower than the energy minimum in the universe. That thing forms a pothole in the universe. Energy starts to travel in that pothole, and because there is a particle it raises into a bubble. Or actually, when energy travels in that pothole. The energy waves are impacting the middle of that hole.  That thing causes the electromagnetic wave that travels all around the universe.

Interesting facts about Higgs boson.

The Higgs boson is an extremely high-mass particle whose spin is 0. That means Higgs boson is not rotating. And that thing makes it extremely hard to detect that particle. The weak isospin of the Higgs boson is the result of that particle's interaction with the Higgs field. When we think about the structure of the Higgs boson the lack of spin causes a situation. Where the Higgs boson sends radiation from its shell. 

That radiation forms an electromagnetic vacuum around that particle. And then it rips the Higgs boson in pieces. The reason why the 0 spin causes the sudden destruction of the Higgs boson is that there is no kinetic energy that will slow the energy transfer from the Higgs boson. In that model, the Higgs boson suddenly releases all its energy from it, and the Higgs boson is smooth. That means it cannot interact with anything than Higgs fields. 

The spin 0 guarantees that the particle will not get any energy from the Higgs field. When we think that the Higgs field is the electromagnetic field that radiation or wavelength is different than other electromagnetic fields there could be an unlimited number of particles that cannot interact with anything else than the Higgs field. That means those particles send their energy or wave movement in the form that it cannot resonate with other particles or electromagnetic fields. If a high-energy particle releases its energy only in the wavelength of the Higgs field. That means we cannot see that radiation. The Higgs field is the thing that gives mass to all particles. 

When we think that the Higgs field is the electromagnetic field that oscillates with a certain frequency there is theoretically possible that there is so-called Higgs radiation. All other electromagnetic fields can turn to radiation so, why Higgs field cannot make that thing?

Normal particles that spin in 1/2 the particle's shell will transfer energy to the particle when it touches the electromagnetic field around it. So the regular particle with spin is 1/2 gets energy from outside. And that thing makes them longer-life than Higgs boson. Because the Higgs boson has spin 0 the energy will not transfer into that particle. That thing explains why the Higgs boson is a very short-term particle. 

But the hypothetical graviton-particle would have spin 2. That thing makes that particle extremely hard to detect. Because the graviton just spins around its axle it pushes the gravitational radiation to the direction where it was going. That thing removes echo from the graviton. And that thing makes it very hard to detect that particle. There is a possibility that graviton has unlimited spin. Unlimited spin means that the particle just rotates around its axle. That thing causes a situation the particle turns into stealth or a ghost. 

When the particle's spin is 1/2. That thing means that the particle is wobbling back and forth. When that particle turns its direction it sends the photon. If a particle just spins around its axle there is no photon that it can send. In some models, the particle that spin is >1 will get more energy than it releases. And in that model, the particle can reach an energy level that jumps to the fourth dimension. Or otherwise saying the particle loses its ability to interact with other particles.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The origin of the gravitational waves can be in the internal structure of objects.

Neutron stars can lead us to the source of gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are oscillations of the gravitational fields. And the key question is what causes that oscillation. There must be something that disturbs the gravitational field so that it can oscillate. The difference between regular objects and neutron stars is that a neutron star is a fully homogenous object there are only neutrons in its structure. 

There is the possibility that this thing can make a situation where neutrons and especially their internal structure spins synchronized in the same direction. Neutron is one of the hadrons or baryonic hadrons. There are three quarks in that structure. And in this model, those three quarks are spinning at a different speed than the neutron's shell. That spin causes an effect where those quarks or gluon (or gluon channels) between those quarks will affect the gravitational fields. 

The spin of protons and neutrons is 1/2. That causes a situation that they wobble back and forth. The idea is that when the internal structures of baryons are wobbling back and forth that structure sends electromagnetic impulses to the neutron's shell. In normal stars. Or in normal objects that back-and-forth wobbling spin happens at different times. The reason for that is that the internal structure of regular objects is not homogenous. And that thing limits the power of the gravitational field. 

But in neutron star-type objects all those structures could spin at the same time, in the same direction. That thing sends energy waves around the neutron star. And between those energy waves could form the electromagnetic vacuum that pulls electromagnetic fields to the neutron stars. Then those vacuums are pulling particles to that neutron star or black hole. When outside electromagnetic radiation hits to neutron star it causes energy asymmetry in that structure. The energy asymmetry means that other neutrons are at higher energy levels than others. And that causes a situation in that information travels between neutrons. 

In black holes, massive gravity causes a situation the energy level in the entire singularity is the same. So no energy travels in the singularity. The singularity behaves as an entirety. And then that thing makes it possible that the energy impulses to travel out from the black hole with extreme power. The model goes like this: the black hole is the object there is no internal energy transfer. 

When normal particle groups reach the same energy level or otherways saying all particles in the groups reach the same energy level that destroys the quantum system. But in very massive objects the gravitational interaction can cause situations where all particles have the same energy level and the gravitation ties them into one entirety. 

All parts of the singularity have a homogenous energy level. And the only point where the energy travels out from the singularity is its shell. That thing makes a model where the event horizon is the impact point between energy waves that come out from singularity and outcoming energy fields. So singularity is a so-called cold object that pulls energy inside it.  

The extreme density of the singularity causes a situation where those energy waves are reflected from its shell. Also, the energy flow from the singularity increases the power of that radiation. And then that thing causes a thing called the event horizon which could be the standing gravitational wave. 

There is a potential link between FRBs and gravitational waves from neutron stars.

If researchers can connect the FRBs to the powerful gravitational waves that thing is a remarkable advance. Powerful gravitational waves are formed when some high-energy reaction shakes the neutron star. And that means the FRBs could form at the same time. When the unusually powerful gravitational waves are leaving from the neutron star. 

When neutron stars are oscillating their shell, that is one of the smoothest things in the universe and could also kick gravitational waves away it. During that process, the neutron star is in an electromagnetic vacuum for a short moment.  But shaking that structure requires lots of energy. And there is a possibility that the black hole jet that impacts with the neutron star could make enough energy, that the neutron star can push gravitational waves away. 

The thing is that the FRBs can solve the mystery of gravitation. There is the possibility that FRBs are forming when the particles are traveling across the electromagnetic vacuum. When those particles impact the quantum field they send radiation. And maybe that kind of thing is behind the FRB. 

"An international research team has found a potential link between neutron star mergers and fast radio bursts (FRBs), two of the universe’s most enigmatic phenomena. The observed correlation, if confirmed by further data, suggests that some FRBs may be created by the merging and subsequent collapse of neutron stars, potentially providing a new understanding of these mysterious cosmic events". ( Deep Space Mysteries: Researchers Uncover Potential Link Between Two of Astronomy’s Most Enigmatic Phenomena)

"New research provides preliminary evidence supporting a quantum gravity model which suggests that the speed of ultrarelativistic particles reduces with increased energy. The study used data from the Fermi telescope and the IceCube Neutrino Observatory to validate the theory. The findings mark a significant advancement in the field of quantum gravity". ( Quantum Gravity: New Results From IceCube Neutrino Observatory and Fermi Space Telescope)

Neutron stars are a good thing for researching micro- and quantum gravitation. When two massive objects are orbiting each other. That causes a reaction where another massive object aims gravitational field in a certain direction. Those massive objects are acting like other binary stars that aim the electromagnetic radiation and plasma in a certain direction. But in the cases of neutron stars, the thing that is traveling is gravitation radiation. 

Gravitation is wave movement like all other wave movements. So if we think that gravitation is one form of energy, that thing causes an idea that gravitation acts like all other energy forms. That means that the gravitation travels from an object that gravitational field is stronger to an object that gravitational field is weaker. 

So that means that the gravitational energy attempts to reach the energy minimum. In that model, the gravitational fields and waves are acting like all electromagnetism fields. The field travels from the higher level to the lower energy level. Until the energy levels of those fields are the same. When the energy level between two quantum systems is the same. That thing means energy travels between those objects' ends. 

So theoretically is possible that the gravitational fields can act similar way. If gravitational waves or gravitational fields are acting like all other types of wave movements that thing means that it's possible to create a situation that the gravitational waves cannot travel between those objects. 

And that hypothetical situation is the same as two particles reaching the same energy level. That thing means that the energy transfer between those particles will end. Theoretically is possible to create the same situation where gravitational wave travel between objects is ended because their gravitational energy level is the same.


The development of quantum computers is faster than nobody expected.

In 2019 the Conversation magazine published an article that says "A quantum computing future is unlikely, due to random hardware errors". And that's it. The hardware random errors would destroy the quantum calculation and quantum communication. The thing is that quantum computers are under development and many highly trained persons are working with quantum computing. 

The development process of quantum computers is faster than ever before, and the reason for that is that also quantum computers and AI are participating in this process. Today researchers are working to solve things like how to eliminate outside effects from quantum computers. And those things are been successful. But the fact is that the random hardware errors must be eliminated so that quantum computers can turn everyday tools. 

"Artist’s impression of a platform for linear mechanical quantum computing (LMQC). The central transparent element is a phonon beam splitter. Blue and red marbles represent individual phonons, which are the collective mechanical motions of quadrillions of atoms. These mechanical motions can be visualized as surface acoustic waves coming into the beam splitter from opposite directions. The two-phonon interference at the beam splitter is central to LMQC. The output phonons emerging from the image are in a two-phonon state, with one “blue” phonon and one “red” phonon grouped together. Credit: Peter Allen" ( “Split” Phonons in Step Toward New Type of Linear Mechanical Quantum Computer)

This could be a model for the hybrid quantum-classical computer. The system could jump between quantum and binary states. 

"An illustration of Schrödinger’s cat code. In a significant quantum computing breakthrough, physicists from EPFL have proposed a “critical Schrödinger cat code” for advanced resilience to errors, an encoding scheme inspired by Schrödinger’s thought experiment. This novel system, operating in a hybrid regime, not only provides enhanced error suppression capabilities but also displays remarkable resistance to errors from random frequency shifts, paving the way for devices with several interacting qubits, the minimal requirement for a quantum computer. Credit: Vincenzo Savona (EPFL)" ( Schrödinger Cat Code: Quantum Computing Breakthrough for Better Qubits)

The new ideas of splitting photons can revolutionize quantum computers and turn the "intelligent wires" possible. The intelligent wires are the series of atom-size quantum computers. Theoretically, those things can make any copper wire quantum computers. Splitting photons and other particles is a good way to make fully identical particle pairs. And those things are easy to superposition. The split photons can make a new type of mechanical quantum computer possible. And when quantum computers turn more common, more and more users can get access to those systems. And that causes its risks. 

The fact is that the qubits are more sensitive to outside effects than binary systems. Things like error correlations require another quantum computer. In the classic model, the system uses two quantum computers. And if the gravitational waves or FRBs affect both of those systems. The error detection doesn't work. But there is the possibility that the system uses two waves for detecting errors. The system sends information twice through those systems. And if the answers are the same, the system can give the right answer. 

A hybrid quantum-classical computer can solve the problem of how to drive the information in and out of the quantum system. That kind of system can switch between quantum and binary states. 

That means real portable quantum computers are far away in the future. Or they might be closer than we expect. The thing is that there is a new type of system that can change between quantum and binary systems. The system drives information in those hybrid systems in the binary form. And then the system turns itself into a quantum state. That system can make it easier to drive data in and out of the quantum system. 

Researchers are working hard to make better qubits. That thing makes it possible to create new and more powerful systems that can maintain the qubits longer time. And maybe tomorrow quantum computers will turn all other systems old-fashion. But there is a lot of work to make that kind of thing.

Monday, June 12, 2023

FRB and long-distance communication.

FRB can offer a solution for long-distance quantum communication. 

The idea of this type of communication is that internally positioned EM fields can protect each other. So the qubit can be packed in an electromagnetic capsule. And things like power fields like skyrmions can also be superpositioned. But the problem is how to protect the information in that system from the outside effects. 

In some models, the FRB (Fast Radio Bursts) are the skyrmions that travel on some kind of quantum flashes of lightning. In those models, the quantum lighting or donut-looking power field will get energy from the superstring or quantum tornado. 

"New research in structured light means researchers can exploit the many patterns of light as an encoding alphabet without worrying about how noisy the channel is. Credit: Wits University" ( Light Revolution: Noise-Free Optical Communication Demonstrated)

In that model, the quantum tornado or the tail of some very fast particle forms a channel. And the FRB is traveling on that channel. Maybe FRBs can someday in the future be the model for long-distance quantum communication. 

The problem with quantum communication is the noise. In some models, quantum computers will use the donut-shaped skyrmion lightning for long-distance communication. The skyrmion can be segmented and each segment can be the independent state of the qubit. But the problem is how to protect the skyrmion from the outside effects. 

The noise-free optical communication has been demonstrated. The problem with optical communication is the outside effect. If the light travels in the fullerene nanotube that thing protects the information carrier. Fullerene nanotubes can protect the information over short distances, but for long-term communication is needed some other solutions. 

The other version is to use a hollow laser ray where the information travels in a safe. The hollow laser rays allow researchers to create an electromagnetic wormhole that protects information that travels in the optical system. And researchers can install that system's binary version in regular network components. 

In some models, the system can use the mechanic quantum computer. The mechanic quantum computer could be a very small structure in the wires. Researchers are turned single atoms into quantum computers. And that means the copper wires can act as quantum computers if they can be stabilized. 

 So intelligent electric wires can use to transmit electricity and information between two points. The mechanic quantum computer is one very promising system for many purposes. But the problem is that the R&D process for these kinds of systems is just beginning.

Astronomers double the number of repeating fast radio bursts.

The problem with FRB (Fast Radio Burst) research is that nobody knows when those FRBs start. There are theories that those extremely powerful energy bursts could have a connection with neutron stars. And in some versions of this model, the neutron star's jet crosses some other energy field (like a black hole's jet) and that thing increases its power. 

When astronomers are detecting the FRB they should mark the position of that incoming energy impulse. And then follow that point because there is the possibility that more FRBs are coming from that area. 

Things like optical (with X- and gamma-ray) telescopes and gravitational wave telescopes can use to detect the source of those mystery radio impulses. 

Maybe in the future, there is an FRB-warning system. That system could be integrated with the gravitational wave telescopes. Theoretically is possible to create a satellite system that sends warnings about gravitational waves and FRBs. 

"An artist’s impression depicts the CHIME telescope detecting fast radio bursts throughout the year. Credit: CHIME/FRB Collaboration, with artistic additions by Luka Vlajić ( the Mystery: Astronomers Double the Number of Known Repeating Fast Radio Bursts)

The system bases the radio telescopes that are far away from Earth. When those telescopes see the FRB they send information about that thing to Earth. And On Earth, researchers can turn radio telescopes to the point where FRB is seen. 

But working perfectly those kinds of systems require a communication system that allows to transport of information faster than FRB. And that makes the system extremely hard to create. 

The problem is that nobody knows when the next FRB is coming if it's coming at all. Reseching of the FRBs is interesting. But the problem is that researchers must capture the entire radio burst. There are a couple of solutions that could be promising. But the problem is how to make the information travel faster than FRB. If the "FRB-warning" system can operate that thing will revolutionize radio astronomy. 

One of the solutions could be a group of radio telescopes. That was sent to the Kuiper Belt. Then those telescopes could detect the FRB and send information to Earth. But for working perfectly. That system requires quantum teleportation or some other communication tool that can move data faster than regular radio impulses. 

And then the next problem is how to get information faster than light to Earth. The solution could be the laser communication system where the hollow laser ray forms an electromagnetic wormhole. And information is sent by using superpositioned electrons. When the quantum entanglement moves back and forth it could send information faster to Earth than regular radio.

The symmetry or asymmetry in the universe might explain why everything exists.

The thing is that asymmetry in the universe is very small. And it's visible only in the most distant galaxies. The team used a four-point correlation function for measuring the universe's geometry. The results are so clear that the asymmetry cannot be a coincidence. 

"Researchers used the form of tetrahedrons or four galaxies. "A tetrahedron is the simplest shape that cannot be rotated into its mirror image in three-dimension (3D). The 4-point correlation function (4PCF), which quantifies excess clustering of quartets of galaxies over random, is the lowest order statistic sensitive to parity violation. Each galaxy defines one vertex of the tetrahedron. Parity-odd modes of the 4PCF probe an imbalance between tetrahedra and their mirror images". (

The natural laws might not be symmetrical. That means the other natural laws might be stronger than others. Another way to say that thing is that there is more some natural law and its transportation particles than another natural law or interaction. So there is fewer some type of bosons than some other types of bosons. That theory means that natural interactions are forming bubbles in the universe. And those interactions travel through each other. 

So those traveling interactions might explain why we and material existence. When superstrings traveled against each other, that thing makes the Schwinger effect possible. During that era, the Schwinger effect formed particle-antiparticle pairs and caused great annihilation and cosmic inflation. 

But what if the entire universe is not symmetrical? That thing causes interesting ideas. If the universe would look like a rugby-ball or flat ball, that means the material released from the point that looked like some kind of black hole. But in this version, we must realize that the source of the universe just looks like a black hole. The fact is that there is nothing so massive as the point that released all known material into the spacetime. 

There is a model that the great annihilation, just after the Big Bang adjusted the energy level of dark matter. The thing that supports that model is that the visible material is quite exotic. If we compare it with dark matter and dark energy. Only a small part of the universe is visible to us. 

But in that case, the universe is a symmetrical structure around the point where the Big Bang released material that formed the universe. If the universe is not symmetrical that means something that came outside causes the effect that caused asymmetry in the form of the universe. There is a possibility that some kind of energy pike impacted the wave movement around the Big Bang. And that thing formed the first particles. 

There is the possibility that the dark matter did not take its form at the same time as visible material. In that model, the Big Bang is the thing that adjusts the energy level of the particles at a certain level. Maybe cosmic inflation theory explains the thing called the Big Bang. The idea is that the beginning of cosmic inflation is the annihilation reaction that happened between particle-antiparticle pairs. 

In that model, the great annihilation that happened between yet unknown particle-antiparticle pairs caused so strong energy impulse that turned the dark matter particles or hypothetical wimps (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) into the energy level that makes it the material that we know as visible material. 

So could the extremely powerful annihilation radiation turn the wimp into visible material? The relations of particle types and dark energy in the universe could prove that model. In this model, the universe is a bubble of very exotic material in a large space that is full of yet unknown particles and virtual particles.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Gravitational waves are the next tool for creating new models for cosmology.

Gravitational telescopes can be sharp as optical telescopes. They might use miniaturized nanotechnology, which means the small-size cells and the laser rays might jump between the edges of the cells. That thing makes it possible to create the miniaturized version of Ligo. 

And the length of laser rays that measure the gravitational waves can travel the journey of thousands of kilometers in the nano-size systems. Those systems can form large entireties. And maybe someday in the future, we can create a gravitational telescope that can be aimed to the point, where gravitational radiation comes. 

In some visions, gravitational telescopes can be a large group of miniature satellites. Between those satellites travels laser rays like a giant spider's web. Those miniature satellites can also have an optical sensor that helps them to detect cosmic reactions and aim the laser web at those points. That kind of system can be the James Webb-telescopes gravitational version. 

Maybe gravitational telescopes are like these futuristic mega telescopes. The gravitational super-telescope along with the James Webb telescope can give more data about the universe than any system before. 

Gravitational James Webb-telescope can be the most powerful sensor. That has ever been created. The reason for that is simple. Gravitational waves are brand-new tools in astronomy and cosmology. Deep knowledge of gravitational waves and their nature can help to make things like WARP drives and other very interesting tools. The antigravitation makes it possible to turn large objects out from the trajectory. Antigravitation should be possible because gravitation is radiation. And all radiation can turn in another direction. 

Gravitational waves can uncover secrets of a black hole's internal structures. And they can also use it to see things that are invisible to us. Because gravitational waves are brand new observation tools, that means. Every single new gravitational sensor can give a new type of information about the reactions in our universe. 

Maybe gravitational waves can answer things like what the fourth dimension looks like, or maybe someday, gravitational waves can prove the existence of the multiverse. But the technology that detects gravitational waves is quite new. And that means there would be lots of new information about the universe and what gravitational waves can bring.

The claimed antigravitational engine.

There is claiming that the mystery plane called TR3B that existence is not confirmed, uses the secretive Nazi-patent-based antigravitational system. The system claimed to use mercury to make the antigravitational levitation. But is that thing possible in real life? Sometimes people claim that they see different colors of lights in UFO observations. There is the theory that those lights are the laser-LEDs that mission is to stress certain atoms by using their resonance wavelength. 

That means those LED lights are making the plasma cloud around that craft. The purpose of that plasma is to deny the radar radiation echo from the craft's surface. The idea is that plasma pulls energy away from the incoming radio waves. 

And sometimes people, who were abducted claimed to hear some strange sound. Theoretically, that sound could be the acoustic weapon, that puts targets into hibernation. Neurologists confirmed. That there is an ultrasound trigger that puts a person in hibernation if the person is targeted using this kind of acoustic system. 

And sometimes people who abducted. Claimed to hear some strange sound. Theoretically, that sound could be the acoustic weapon, that puts targets into hibernation. Neurologists confirmed. That there is an ultrasound trigger that puts a person in hibernation if the person is targeted using this kind of acoustic system. 

Theoretically, antigravitation is possible to make. The system might be the slight ball that sends electromagnetic waves that are so dense that they could deny the gravitational waves travel through those impact waves. The other version is to make the counter-gravitational waves that deny the outcoming gravitational waves to reach the object. And that thing should make that thing levitate. 

In that system called Die Glocke, which is the hypothetical antigravitational machine the system would load mercury droplets by using electromagnetic radiation. That thing makes the mercury droplet heavier or higher energy than unusual. That energy impact turns the mercury extremely slight and dense. Then the system sends the electromagnetic radiation to the mercury. 

Theoretically, that thing should send homogenously and tight energy reflection from those mercury droplets to the environment. And then those tight electromagnetic counterwaves could make it possible to turn the incoming gravitational waves to another direction. 

The spinning mercury droplet will act like an artificial neutron star. In this hypothetical antigravitation engine's conventional models. The mercury droplet will be loaded into an extremely high energy level. And then, that system will send electromagnetic radiation pikes to the front of the rocket chamber. So in this version, the system uses virtual antigravitation. 

There is a vision that the particle accelerators can make ping-ball-size artificial neutron stars that can be put in the rocket's reaction chamber. The electromagnetic radiation pikes from the poles of those neutrons can push the rocket in the wanted direction. In that model, another radiation pike will push the front side of the reaction chamber. And other pike travel backward. 

But can extremely tight and homogenous electromagnetic wave turn gravitation opposite? The fact is that gravitation is wave movement and all wave movement can turn around. The idea of that thing is proven with neutron stars. Neutron stars are also sending gravitational waves. Those waves are forming in its absolute light shell. When a neutron star spins in the universe it harvests energy from its environment. The neutron star also sends gravitational energy. And the homogenous shape of that supernova remnant will explain why neutron stars can send gravitational waves. 

While electromagnetic radiation impact with neutron stars. The quantum bonds between neutrons. Along with bonds and gluons between quarks acting like antennas. The energy that impacts neutron stars travels to their shell. And that shell is one of the most homogenous objects in the universe. The fast spin of the neutron stars also makes EM-radiation hard to tunnel in the neutron structure. So there is forming an extremely tight homogenous radiation impulse that can deny energy or even gravitational waves impact with the shell of the neutron star.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

A former intelligence officer claimed, that the U.S. government has aerial vehicles with unknown origin in their hands.

We all know the story about the most famous UFO incident in Roswell, New Mexico from the year 1947. In that incident, the U.S. Airforce claimed to capture a UFO. There are also many other cases where the USAF and its cooperatives claimed to capture unknown aerial vehicles. Kecksburg case, Pennsylvania in 1965, and the Cape Girardeau  case from the year 1941 are other well-known cases, where the craft, with an unknown power source, made a crash landing. The Kecksburg UFO may have some kind of connection with the ion-power technology where the system pressures plasma and then drives those ions to the ground. 

In some cases, the Kecksburg-case claimed to have connections with the so-called "The Bell" or "Die Glocke". The purpose of the mythic Die Glocke or the Bell is unknown. There is a possibility that the system is the EMP weapon, and that thing could explain the mystic electromagnetic phenomenon near the flying thing. So were those mythic crafts came from other planets or some Air Force laboratories? 

In some visions, there is the quick-silver base antigravity system. In those cases. The system drives quicksilver droplets through the accelerator. The system pushes those droplets into extremely dense mode. And then those droplets can turn to act like very slight objects. Then there forming standing waves around those droplets. And then those standing waves will push another wave movement that impacts them away. That thing could theoretically make even antigravitation possible. 

The former intelligence official said that the metal structure of those captured devices was unknown. So were those crafts extraterrestrials or were they some kinds of test devices? The thing is that nobody still confirms having the extraterrestrial crafts in their hangars. And that means the stories about the captured alien vehicles are not confirmed. 

The fact is that the unknown metal structure might also be made in some Air Force laboratory. The reason for those exotic materials could be that there is some kind of oscillation. That must be removed from the craft. If the material structure in the craft is unique, it's harder to make resonance that could damage the structure of those vehicles.


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