Atomic breathing is a tool that can use to transform binary information into quantum mode. The system must just predict or adjust the direction of the information flow between the atom and its environment. The problem is how to control that thing. Atoms are extremely complicated quantum systems. Researchers don't know all actors.
That interact with atoms and inside subatomic particles. Without complete knowledge of the system, the researchers cannot control that thing. for full control of the system, the researchers must know all actors and factors that are things, that affect the environment. The factor could be a passive actor that pulls energy or wave movement from the reactions. And even the weakest possible reactions mean very much in the quantum interactions.
The atom is not ever really stable. The energy travels in and out of those complicated quantum systems. The exchange of energy means the exchange of information. The changes in the environment and energy levels in and outside the atom determine the direction where that energy travels. If an atom's energy is lower level than the environment's energy level. Energy travels in the atom. Energy always travels in the lower level.
"Researchers at the University of Washington have detected atomic “breathing,” or mechanical vibration between atom layers, which could help encode and transmit quantum information. They also created an integrated device that manipulates these atomic vibrations and light emissions, advancing quantum technology development." ( “Breathing” – A New Building Block for Quantum Technology)
When energy or wave movement travels in and out of the particles. It stresses their quantum fields. Those quantum fields oscillate and send the wave moves into the atom's nucleus. The energy that the quantum field sends is forming a standing wave in the atom's nucleus. And the other waves are impacting that thing. The particles that form atoms are always sending wave movement in both directions.
So when we are talking about atom breathing that thing can model by using the models that are made for the pressure system. The atom's breathing is the information exchange between the atom and its environment. The energy level in atoms and subatomic particles are changing all the time. And that means energy travels back and forth in the atom and between the atom and its environment.
The thing that makes atoms so complicated quantum structures is that they atoms are forming of the nucleus. There are quarks forming baryons and then electrons are forming a shell. The thing is that all particles in atoms have their role. Atoms interact as an entirety. But also subatomic particles interacting with each other. And also with atoms' environment.
The power- or interaction transmitters like gluons and Z and W bosons, along with photons are the force transmitters. They might have an extremely short life cycle. But all of them have their independent power fields. During their short lifetime, those particles send wave movement that remains after those extremely massive particles are gone. And another thing is that internal quantum fields of atoms also interact straight outside the most out electron orbiter.