Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Black holes and the Higgs field might have a connection.


There is a possibility that the particles that have mass are acting as connectors between the Higgs field and other electromagnetic fields. When a material or elementary particle spins it collects energy from its entirety. And there is a possibility that the Higgs field forms inside the particle. When the Higgs field travels through the particle's shell it forms its mass. And that thing causes the aging of the particle. 

The sombrero-looking power field sends radiation through the particle. And when those waves are traveling through the particle's structure. They take some part of the particle with them. So the Mexican hat model explains the aging of particles. 

We can think particle as a ball that hovers above Higgs field. Energy or four fundamental interactions are traveling through that particle. And particle acts as a tensor or connector. That is connecting the Higgs field to other electromagnetic fields. So electromagnetic waves can travel through particles. And some mechanisms could turn those waves into the mass of particles. 

When a supernova forms a black hole it sends enormous energy impact through the universe. There is the possibility that this energy wave that the supernova sends forms a counter-wave that pushes all other electromagnetic fields except the Higgs field away from the point where the star's nucleus has been. The electromagnetic vacuum will collide sooner or later and the electromagnetic fields are trying to fill that place. But what if that supernova turns Higgs field extremely dominant? 

We know that electromagnetic fields can push away by using counterwaves with the same frequency. The supernova sends one extremely powerful energy wave through the universe. And behind that wave which pushes all electromagnetic fields away, thing forms the electromagnetic vacuum. But there is the possibility that the Higgs field also remains in that area. 

When that wave turns weaker electromagnetic fields are starting to travel at that point. And the Higgs field can raise its sombrero-looking power field in the middle of that vacuum. So when those power fields are collapsing they impact with Higgs field that raised to sombrero-model. That thing can form the Higgs bosons. And then the singularity where all particles and power fields forming the entire Higgs bosons can stay in form. 

Maybe those bosons are starting to divide in the singularity and that can cause small internal movements in that material. In that model, Higgs bosons are like bubbles in the singularity. And when those bubbles divide that causes small shaking or oscillation in the singularity. Normally singularity is frozen in entirety. The thing that gives energy to black holes is the power fields that are trapped in the singularity. 

The interaction between black holes and the Higgs field is interesting. The thing is that the singularity might have strong interactions with the Higgs field. And in that form, other electromagnetic fields are like the battery to the black hole. The black holes are pulling material and wave movement inside them. 

Black holes send gravitational waves and possible Hawking radiation that causes their vaporization. The vaporization of the black hole turns faster when material and wave movement that falls in the black hole decreases. The spin of black holes or their singularity is extremely high. And that causes the idea that spin plays a very important role in the material. 

Particles that spin can live longer than particles without spin. And that means there is some kind of channel that pulls some kind of energy field in the particle. When a particle spins there forming a channel that pulls some energy field like the Higgs field inside the particle. That thing means that the sombrero-looking electromagnetic field turns into a particle. And that causes wave movement that destroys particles. If the particle has no spin, no energy can replace the energy that travels to the Higgs field. And that causes that particle turns wave movement. 

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