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The model of antigravitation is simple.

 The model of antigravitation is simple.  The model of antigravitation.  All objects are gravitational centers. Gravitation is an interaction where both participants are sending gravitational strings. If a thing like a standing gravitational wave or another energy field that is dense enough can cause that gravitational wave reflects the direction where it comes. In that case, the gravitational interaction between objects is gone. That thing makes the object hover.  If a gravitational string suddenly cuts the quantum field around the particle acts like a pulsed plasma engine. When the string is gone the quantum fields are impacted at that point. That causes the situation where that flash pushes the particle in the opposite direction.  Artist's impression of antigravity The thing that can break the gravitational string could be the strong standing gravitational wave that reflects gravitational waves in opposite directions. The reflecting gravitational waves form a situation where tho