Saturday, August 19, 2023

The model of antigravitation is simple.

 The model of antigravitation is simple. 

The model of antigravitation. 

All objects are gravitational centers. Gravitation is an interaction where both participants are sending gravitational strings. If a thing like a standing gravitational wave or another energy field that is dense enough can cause that gravitational wave reflects the direction where it comes. In that case, the gravitational interaction between objects is gone. That thing makes the object hover. 

If a gravitational string suddenly cuts the quantum field around the particle acts like a pulsed plasma engine. When the string is gone the quantum fields are impacted at that point. That causes the situation where that flash pushes the particle in the opposite direction. 

Artist's impression of antigravity

The thing that can break the gravitational string could be the strong standing gravitational wave that reflects gravitational waves in opposite directions. The reflecting gravitational waves form a situation where those quantum stretches or WIMPs form backward of the particle. And those stretches or waves push particles away from the gravitational center. 

The other model is that if one of the gravitational strings jumps to a higher energy level than other gravitational wave strings. That causes a situation that this gravitational string that is a higher energy level pushes other gravitational strings away from its sides. That pushes gravitation out from that point. 

Or if the standing gravitational wave forms between the hovering object and the ground it can deny forming of the string. That standing gravitational wave separates gravitational sources from each other and reflects gravitational waves to the direction where they came. 

The model is that all objects are gravitational centers. And gravitation is an interaction where both participants are sending gravitational strings. If those strings are cut and gravitation reflects, that thing causes real antigravitation. 

Gravitational waves' wavelength is so short that nothing can come between them. 

The wavelength of gravitational waves is so short that nothing fits between them. That causes a situation where the vacuum pulls the material to the gravitational center. The gravitational wave pulls energy out from particles at the gravitational center's side. That causes interaction where energy starts to travel to the lower energy areas it always does. And that energy pushes particles with it. 

In that model, gravitation is like a string that pulls particles into it. That string forms when a hypothetical graviton particle travels out from the gravitational center. Then the vacuum in that string pulls graviton back and that can form a stretch called WIMP. 

There is a possibility that the gravitation can interact only through WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) that are like stretches in the quantum field. That means WIMP acts like a hook, that pulls an object to the gravitational center. The WIMP could be the energy that pushes particles back to the gravitational center. 

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