Black holes are full of paradoxes.
The black hole is full of paradoxes. And one of the paradoxes is how it can avoid heat death. Black holes are pulling material inside them, and then that material should turn extremely high energy. So otherwise we can say that friction and other kinds of reaction should rise the energy level inside the event horizon to so high that the black hole will detonate. We know that around the event horizon is a whirl.
The specialty of black holes is this. They are also pulling wave movement inside them. So all energy and material should travel in one direction. And then another thing is that they all lose their mass. So why this thing happens? Where is that mass going? If something just pulls material inside it, that means it should expand forever.
And because of the law of continuity of motion that whirl should continue inside the black hole. The whirl continues until material and wave movement hits the singularity. That is material in the middle of a black hole. If we follow that model, the black holes should expand forever. And we know that all black holes are losing their mass.
Is it possible, that black holes are dumping their mass or energy to Higgs field?
In that model, extremely strong interaction with the Higgs field just peels the singularity. The vaporization or losing the mass of black holes can mean that the black holes are that something takes material out from the singularity, the material pack where all particles and quantum fields around the atom are packed into one entirety. The Higgs field just peels the singularity like a knife peels an apple. And then sooner or later there is nothing left of the supermaterial that formed the black hole.
Could the black hole form the stable Higgs boson inside it? And could the Higgs field explain some extreme attributes of black holes? We know that singularity is an extremely massive pack of materials. And that means it has a very strong interaction with the Higgs field.
The reason why the singularity is not destroying immediately is that. There are also trapped other interactions than just interaction with the Higgs mechanism. Also, a material that falls into a black hole feed singularity with energy. But that thing causes a question is a black hole dumping its mass and energy into Higgs field? That could explain why all black holes are losing their mass.
Does that loss of mass have a connection with gravitational waves? So is there some kind of negative gravitation? There is the possibility that around the singularity forms a standing gravitational wave that causes reflection. Or maybe some photons are making superposition through the event horizon. And that superposition pulls energy out from the black hole.
To make sure what causes this strange phenomenon researchers should find out the depth inside the event horizon where those gravitational waves are forming. We know that black holes are losing mass. And that means the mass should go somewhere.
One of the explanations why black holes are not growing forever could be a wormhole. The idea is that the gravitational tornado that leaves from the poles of the black hole is taking energy out of it.
Materia that forms a black hole is extremely thick. That thing causes a situation where there is no space at all in that material. The tight form of the singularity means that the material cannot oscillate.
Because all its particles and electromagnetic fields form an entirety there is no internal movement in that material. The outcoming radiation and information press the singularity into one entirety. The only interaction in singularity material happens at the shell of that material.
And that causes an exciting idea that there is a stable Higgs boson inside a black hole. That means the interaction with singularity and Higgs field is extremely strong. Because energy presses the singularity and there are no internal structures that thing causes a situation where during the formation of that material the extreme energy of supernova forms the Higgs bosons that are leaving inside the collapsing star.
Those Higgs bosons could form bubbles in the singularity. And maybe they can explain why black holes can vaporize. If Higgs boson decays in the singularity that thing causes a powerful eruption. Or actually, that boson must not decay in the singularity. The energy level in black holes is so high that there may be also forming Higgs bosons that are living longer than on some particle accelerators.
In that model wave movement that falls in black holes feeds that thing. And that energy can also form Higgs bosons inside the black hole's event horizon. So could it be the Higgs field that gives mass to black holes? Is Higgs field so powerful in that structure that it can explain why nothing can leave a black hole?
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