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The new model of physics: what if Higgs boson spins?

Higgs boson's spin is 0. That thing makes that strange particle very exotic. And it can interact only with the Higgs field. The existence of the Higgs boson makes it possible to think about the possibility that there is also a spinning version of that boson. In theories, the Higgs boson is the route to wimps (Weakly Interacting Massive particles). 

In some theories, the wimp that is a hypothetical dark matter particle is Higgsion, the particle that looks like a Higgs boson but has spin 1/2 or higher. That information gave the Bing AI the question is their other particles that can interact only with the Higgs field. There are lots of particles that can interact with the Higgs field and some other fields. 

Can the interaction with the Higgs field make particles with mass impossible to reach the speed of light? The fact is that the particles without mass are always traveling at the speed of light. So in that case the interaction between the Higgs field and the particle causes an increase in the particle's mass when its speed raises. 

And that thing indirectly causes the particle with mass cannot reach the speed of light. So only particles without mass can travel with the speed of light. There is the possibility that removing the Higgs field from particles is possible to make them massless. And that thing also allows other particles than massless particles to reach the speed of light. The system must remove the interaction between the particle and the Higgs field for that thing. 

The so-called "Mexican Hat Potential"

If researchers can remove that interaction between particles and the Higgs field. That thing means a new era for space flights. 

And only particles that have no mass are not interacting with the Higgs field. The interaction with the Higgs field can answer why it's so hard to cross the speed of light. The idea is that the particle pushes Higgs field ahead of it like a wave. Then that thing will make crossing the speed of light very hard. In that model, the tightening Higgs field denies that a particle with mass can reach the speed of light. The Higgs field acts like an energy vampire that removes energy from the particle, when its speed closes the speed of light. 

The idea is taken from the model that only particles without mass can reach the speed of light. And actually, the photon has no mass. So the interaction between the particle and the Higgs field can cause the situation. That energy travels out from the particle. The thing is that photons cannot interact with the Higgs field. And that thing makes it massless. The photon has no mass and that allows it to reach the speed of light. 

"The particles that interact with Higgs are the six leptons, the six quarks (18, if you count color), and the W and Z gauge bosons. All the known elementary particles except for the eight gluons".


The existence of the spinning Higgs boson breaks the standard model and begins the revolutionary new physics. Theoretically is possible to make Higgs boson spin. But in real life, the short existence and large mass of the Higgs boson make that thing extremely difficult. Higgs boson causes theories that more particles can interact only with the Higgs field. And that means there are lots of particles that are waiting for their finders. But proving those particles' existence is very hard. 

The Higgs boson proves the Higgs field. That means the Schwinger effect formed the Higgs boson straight from the Higgs field. The Higgs field is the thing that gives mass to particles. And that means particles do have not their mass. They get their mass from the electromagnetic field called the Higgs field. 

When Higgs field will travel to the particle. It raises the particle's energy level. The sombrero model means that when energy travels to the particle, the particle raises to the energy hill. The idea of this model is that when a particle spins it releases energy waves. That thing allows the Higgs field to travel in those particles. And that thing forms the mass. 

The thing that we think of as mass. Is formed when a particle interacts with the Higgs field. That interaction causes the effect that the Higgs field will make those particles mass. If the power of the Higgs field the energy level of that particle is rising very high. When that energy hill collapses the particle on the hill starts to travel to a lower energy level. 

There is a possibility that those particles are sending too much energy to space. And then, the particle's energy level goes on to state, there its energy level is lower than the energy minimum in the universe. That thing forms a pothole in the universe. Energy starts to travel in that pothole, and because there is a particle it raises into a bubble. Or actually, when energy travels in that pothole. The energy waves are impacting the middle of that hole.  That thing causes the electromagnetic wave that travels all around the universe.


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