The Higgs boson is an extremely high-mass particle whose spin is 0. That means Higgs boson is not rotating. And that thing makes it extremely hard to detect that particle. The weak isospin of the Higgs boson is the result of that particle's interaction with the Higgs field. When we think about the structure of the Higgs boson the lack of spin causes a situation. Where the Higgs boson sends radiation from its shell.
That radiation forms an electromagnetic vacuum around that particle. And then it rips the Higgs boson in pieces. The reason why the 0 spin causes the sudden destruction of the Higgs boson is that there is no kinetic energy that will slow the energy transfer from the Higgs boson. In that model, the Higgs boson suddenly releases all its energy from it, and the Higgs boson is smooth. That means it cannot interact with anything than Higgs fields.
The spin 0 guarantees that the particle will not get any energy from the Higgs field. When we think that the Higgs field is the electromagnetic field that radiation or wavelength is different than other electromagnetic fields there could be an unlimited number of particles that cannot interact with anything else than the Higgs field. That means those particles send their energy or wave movement in the form that it cannot resonate with other particles or electromagnetic fields. If a high-energy particle releases its energy only in the wavelength of the Higgs field. That means we cannot see that radiation. The Higgs field is the thing that gives mass to all particles.
When we think that the Higgs field is the electromagnetic field that oscillates with a certain frequency there is theoretically possible that there is so-called Higgs radiation. All other electromagnetic fields can turn to radiation so, why Higgs field cannot make that thing?
Normal particles that spin in 1/2 the particle's shell will transfer energy to the particle when it touches the electromagnetic field around it. So the regular particle with spin is 1/2 gets energy from outside. And that thing makes them longer-life than Higgs boson. Because the Higgs boson has spin 0 the energy will not transfer into that particle. That thing explains why the Higgs boson is a very short-term particle.
But the hypothetical graviton-particle would have spin 2. That thing makes that particle extremely hard to detect. Because the graviton just spins around its axle it pushes the gravitational radiation to the direction where it was going. That thing removes echo from the graviton. And that thing makes it very hard to detect that particle. There is a possibility that graviton has unlimited spin. Unlimited spin means that the particle just rotates around its axle. That thing causes a situation the particle turns into stealth or a ghost.
When the particle's spin is 1/2. That thing means that the particle is wobbling back and forth. When that particle turns its direction it sends the photon. If a particle just spins around its axle there is no photon that it can send. In some models, the particle that spin is >1 will get more energy than it releases. And in that model, the particle can reach an energy level that jumps to the fourth dimension. Or otherwise saying the particle loses its ability to interact with other particles.
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