Thursday, June 15, 2023

Researchers found The critical ingredient for life on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus.

The Enceladus moon is possibly a harbor for some kind of life forms. The critical ingredient for life is found on that moon.  And that thing is one of the most interesting things in history. That critical ingredient is phosphorus, and there is still a possibility that there are no lifeforms on that icy moon. But there is also the possibility that some kind of primitive lifeforms are living in the icy ocean under that moon's icy surface. 

There is the possibility. That if those hypothetical lifeforms are similar to primordial lifeforms on Earth some kind of virus can travel from that moon to Earth because icy geysers are pushing that water to a very high altitude. And there some kind of radiation can push those small droplets to the journey that takes them to Earth.

"SwRI Lead Scientist Dr. Christopher Glein was part of a team that found phosphorus, a key building block for life, from the subsurface ocean of Saturn’s small moon, Enceladus. Liquid water erupts from the moon’s subsurface ocean, forming a plume that contains grains of frozen ocean water. Some of these ice grains go on to form Saturn’s E ring. The team analyzed Cassini spacecraft data from ice grains in the E ring, which revealed fingerprints of soluble phosphate salts from Enceladus’ ocean. Credit: Cassini Imaging Team/SSI/JPL/ SWRI/ Freie Universität Berlin" ( Ingredient for Life Discovered at Saturn’s Icy Moon Enceladus)

 But before we can say for sure, is there some kind of lifeforms in that small world's oceans we must take samples from that ocean. There is the possibility that those still- and hopefully hypothetical lifeforms have some kind of sense that warns them to go too close to the icy geyser's eruption hole. If the organism doesn't have that ability it might go too close to the eruption channel and fly to space. 

There is one vision about those icy moons and how to benefit them in the futuristic space programs that the futuristic astronauts can use the Enceladus's ocean as the place where they put their space station. 

Water protects those astronauts from cosmic radiation. Also, that water can use in the rockets. The electrolysis systems can break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen which are suitable fuel for chemical rockets that take samples from the moons and rings of that gas planet. 

Nuclear rockets can use the water as propellant microwaves or laser rays along with electric arcs can cause water expansion. And that thing makes the system push it backward. This thing increases the thrust for those nuclear engines.

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