The Higgs boson is a wave in the Higgs field. That particle is very short-term. There is the possibility that Higgs bosons are quite common but short-term particles in the universe. The remarkable thing about the Higgs field is that it makes mass into particles. And the fingerprint of the particle's interaction with the Higgs field is that it has mass. There are two details in the mass of the particle.
Massless particles like photons can travel only at the speed of light. Massless particles cannot turn older, and the reason for that is that particles cannot exchange information with the Higgs field. And another thing is that the Higgs field can have a connection with aging. The reason for that is. That all particles with mass are vaporizing or turning to wave movement.
So does the Higgs field pull energy out from particles that have mass? Particles with mass can slow their speed. And that means Higgs field pulls energy out from them. The reason, why I believe that thing is massless particles like photons have only one speed, the speed of light. The photon cannot slow its speed.
That means it can move its kinetic energy anywhere. There is nothing that can receive this energy. The speed of photons can change but it's always the speed of light. And photons speed determines the speed of light in the medium where the photon travels.
If that thing happens it explains why particles with mass are turning older. in that model, the Higgs field or Higgs mechanism causes interaction that turns particles older. But photons and massless particles remain forever.
And there is the possibility that the Higgs boson can explain how the mass of the particles forms in that Higgs field. Which is the response to the mass of particles. Or maybe we should say that the Higgs boson can explain how the Higgs field makes the mass of objects.
Actually, the Higgs field makes mass into particles, but how it makes it? Higgs boson is like a bubble or wave in the Higgs field. When that particle divide, there forms a point where the Higgs field is weaker than in other places. Then another Higgs field tries to fill that point where the Higgs field lost. So the Higgs boson is the more powerful point in the Higgs field than the regular Higgs field is.
When we are thinking about the Higgs boson and gravitational interaction we can say that gravitation might be the tensor that connects the Higgs field to other EM fields. The gravitation interacts with massless particles that cannot interact with the Higgs field. And it also interacts with massive particles that interact with the Higgs field.
The question is, does gravitation interact with massless particles like photons with gravitational fields or gravitational waves? Gravitational waves are a disturbance in gravitational fields. The Higgs boson is the wave in the Higgs field. And the graviton could be the wave in the gravitational field.
The graviton could be a long-livin', long-distance version of the Higgs boson that is a short-term short distance particle. There is the possibility that the gravitons are pulling energy out from the particles or causing energy asymmetry in some other ways. The energy asymmetry in the particle itself or its environment causes a situation where gravitation pulls particles into the gravitational center.
The Higgs boson is a wave in the Higgs field that makes mass to objects. Nobody is sure does the Higgs boson is an interaction with gravitation, or does it only interact with the Higgs field? There is knowledge that Higgs boson can interact with W and Z bosons but not photons and gluons. The reason why researchers believe that the Higgs boson can interact with Z and W bosons is that the Higgs boson decays into W and Z bosons.
But there is the possibility that the Higgs boson doesn't interact straight with W and Z bosons and that interaction happens through the Higgs boson remnants after it turns to W and Z bosons. In that case, the splitting Higgs boson transfers energy to the W and Z bosons while it decays. The fact is that the Higgs boson decays more than W and Z bosons. And there is a list of those particles that are forming Higgs boson.
"The "Mexican hat-shaped" potential of the Higgs field is responsible for some particles gaining mass". (Wikipedia/Higgs boson)
The list of the decays of the Higgs boson is from Wikipedia.
pair (observed)
Two W bosons (observed)
Two gluons (predicted)
Tau–antitau (particle) pair (observed)
Two Z bosons (observed)
Two photons (observed)
Two leptons and a photon (Dalitz decay via virtual photon) (tentatively observed at sigma 3.2 (1 in 1000) significance)
Muon–antimuon pair (predicted)
Various other decays (predicted)
(Wikipedia/ Higgs boson)
Does Higgs boson interact with gravitation?
The thing is that nobody is sure about the gravitation interaction with the Higgs boson. And the reason for that is that particle is so short-term. But the Higgs boson almost proved the Higgs mechanism and Higgs interaction that gives mass to the material. The Higgs field is pulling the scalar field. That is everywhere in the universe.
Some particles cannot interact with the Higgs field. Those particles are massless. If a particle has mass, it interacts with the Higgs field. So W and Z bosons can interact with the Higgs field. And also with the Higgs boson. Good detail that we can notice about the interaction with the Higgs field is that if the particle has mass it can interact with the Higgs field.
The thing. That proves that neutrino can interact with the Higgs field is that neutrino has a mass. The mass is the detail about the object that can interact with the Higgs field.
Massless particles like gluons and photons cannot interact with the Higgs field. One of the reasons for that is that those small massless (zero mass) particles can push the Higgs field away from their shell. And maybe that thing explains why the Higgs field cannot affect those particles.
An interesting detail about the massless particles is that all of them travel at the speed of light. Those particles cannot slow their speed. And that means Higgs field has some kind of connection with aging. The Higgs field is a scalar field that makes mass into particles. But there is a possibility that the Higgs field pulls energy out from the particle. But how that thing happens? Does it happen by the way, that I explained at the beginning of this text?
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