Monday, June 12, 2023

The symmetry or asymmetry in the universe might explain why everything exists.

The thing is that asymmetry in the universe is very small. And it's visible only in the most distant galaxies. The team used a four-point correlation function for measuring the universe's geometry. The results are so clear that the asymmetry cannot be a coincidence. 

"Researchers used the form of tetrahedrons or four galaxies. "A tetrahedron is the simplest shape that cannot be rotated into its mirror image in three-dimension (3D). The 4-point correlation function (4PCF), which quantifies excess clustering of quartets of galaxies over random, is the lowest order statistic sensitive to parity violation. Each galaxy defines one vertex of the tetrahedron. Parity-odd modes of the 4PCF probe an imbalance between tetrahedra and their mirror images". (

The natural laws might not be symmetrical. That means the other natural laws might be stronger than others. Another way to say that thing is that there is more some natural law and its transportation particles than another natural law or interaction. So there is fewer some type of bosons than some other types of bosons. That theory means that natural interactions are forming bubbles in the universe. And those interactions travel through each other. 

So those traveling interactions might explain why we and material existence. When superstrings traveled against each other, that thing makes the Schwinger effect possible. During that era, the Schwinger effect formed particle-antiparticle pairs and caused great annihilation and cosmic inflation. 

But what if the entire universe is not symmetrical? That thing causes interesting ideas. If the universe would look like a rugby-ball or flat ball, that means the material released from the point that looked like some kind of black hole. But in this version, we must realize that the source of the universe just looks like a black hole. The fact is that there is nothing so massive as the point that released all known material into the spacetime. 

There is a model that the great annihilation, just after the Big Bang adjusted the energy level of dark matter. The thing that supports that model is that the visible material is quite exotic. If we compare it with dark matter and dark energy. Only a small part of the universe is visible to us. 

But in that case, the universe is a symmetrical structure around the point where the Big Bang released material that formed the universe. If the universe is not symmetrical that means something that came outside causes the effect that caused asymmetry in the form of the universe. There is a possibility that some kind of energy pike impacted the wave movement around the Big Bang. And that thing formed the first particles. 

There is the possibility that the dark matter did not take its form at the same time as visible material. In that model, the Big Bang is the thing that adjusts the energy level of the particles at a certain level. Maybe cosmic inflation theory explains the thing called the Big Bang. The idea is that the beginning of cosmic inflation is the annihilation reaction that happened between particle-antiparticle pairs. 

In that model, the great annihilation that happened between yet unknown particle-antiparticle pairs caused so strong energy impulse that turned the dark matter particles or hypothetical wimps (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) into the energy level that makes it the material that we know as visible material. 

So could the extremely powerful annihilation radiation turn the wimp into visible material? The relations of particle types and dark energy in the universe could prove that model. In this model, the universe is a bubble of very exotic material in a large space that is full of yet unknown particles and virtual particles.

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