Monday, June 19, 2023

Nanosatellites are the next-generation tools in military and civil work.

It's possible that around the Earth flies even millions of nano-size satellites. Those systems can be about the cell phone size systems that form clouds that can make recon and other missions. Nanosatellites can use as an entirety. They can focus their extremely-small cameras on one point. And that gives them very high resolution. 

The nanosatellites can boost communication. But they can do many more things than offer over 1GB data transmission capacity between orbital devices and ground stations. They can act as next-generation multipurpose systems that give the high-power ELINT capacity for recon satellites. Or they can act as a large entirety that can observe Earth with extremely high accuracy.

The nanosatellites can observe larger satellites. That means they can follow them and search for their condition. Or the nanosatellite can observe data transmission of larger satellites. The nanosatellites are hard to detect because they are very small and nanosatellites can look like space junk. 

The nanosatellites can host very small biological laboratories. Or they can grow crystals inside them. And those cheap satellites can return to Earth after they have done their missions. 

"Spire Global, in partnership with ESA, has launched a second pair of satellites designed to communicate with each other securely using light-based optical inter-satellite links. These satellites will demonstrate the ability to transmit more than 1 GB of data securely within a short window of direct visibility, over distances equivalent to 5000 km, similar to the distance from Glasgow to New York. Credit: SpaceX" ( Up Security: Spire Global Launches Optical Link Nanosats)

The nanosatellites can act as the extremely large radio telescope. In that case, the satellites are looking in different directions. And when those satellites see something interesting they can turn their antennas to the same point. And that thing makes it possible to use those satellites as extremely large radio telescopes or radar antennas. 

Because those satellites are forming a cloud and each satellite can operate independently destroying those spaceborne drone swarms is not an easy operation. The radar satellites can focus their radio transmitters on one target and form an electric arc that destroys the targeted satellite. 

The nanosatellites are giving ultimate ASAT(Antisatellite) and ABM (Antiballistic missile) capacity to owners of those systems. When those satellites' IR sensors detect a missile launch or hostile satellite, the AI can drive them to impact course to those targets. Also, nanosatellites can protect larger satellites against ground-launched or airborne-launched ASAT systems. The idea is that the nano-size satellite can impact incoming ASAT weapons. And destroy them or push them out of the course. 

In some extreme visions, the nanosatellites are connected by using the net of some strong fibers. Or maybe they use laser rays that are strong enough that they can cut those missiles into pieces or damage their aerodynamics. The idea is that those satellites can make that net at the front of the incoming ABM mass raid, and that can cause damage to those missiles. The damaged nose of the warhead can cause the situation. That the warhead breaks into pieces when it returns to the atmosphere before its detonators operate.

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