Thursday, June 22, 2023

Higgs field and hypothetical negative mass are making it possible to cross the speed of light.

The Higgs mirror field may exist. The Higgs boson interacts with weak nuclear force. or it releases W and Z bosons. So the weak interaction is one of the things that affect the Higgs boson. And that causes the idea that maybe gravitation, or hypothetical graviton particle, can be found between weak and strong nuclear forces. 

The thing that makes Higgs field interesting is that it gives mass to particles. The mass is the thing that denies that particles with mass cannot reach the speed of light. But otherwise, particles with no mass have only one speed. And that is the speed of light. 

That thing causes an idea if there is negative mass, the particle can cross the speed of light. But nobody ever made negative mass. There is a possibility that some kind of extremely high-power impact can turn the Higgs field opposite and create the hypothetical thing called the Higgs reverse field. And Higgs reverse field makes it possible that the particle would have negative mass. 

The Higgs reverse field or Higgs mirror field would be opposite to the Higgs field. That thing would pull energy through the particle. Which turns them back to four fundamental interactions. There is the possibility that a mythical or hypothetical faster-than-light particle called Tachyon is just impacting with the Higgs field so strong that it turns the Higgs field and its interaction (Higgs mechanism) opposite. 

Or what happens? The tachyon impacts Higgs field. That field transfers energy to the tachyon. In some models, the Higgs field covers that hypothetical particle. And that makes it possible that the wave motion with the same frequency as the Higgs field just pushes the Higgs field away from that particle. Or it makes Higgs field act oppositely than usual. But how to confirm that thing? Confirmation requires proof that the tachyon exists. And this means this is only theory. 

The field superposition can someday make it possible to create the Higgs reverse field. The idea is that Anderson (a strong) localization traps wave movement. And then some kind of energy impact would turn that trapped wave into its mirror. The detail in superposition is the thing that supports this model is that in superposition the superpositioned particles are spinning opposite ways. 

So does that thing turn the power fields like Higgs field opposite? That is one of the things that maybe can be solved in the future. The model of the power field is like a membrane that oscillates. The oscillation is the wave movement and when the energy level rises at the other side of the wave movement. The other side will create electromagnetic low-pressure. And then some other type of wave movement starts to fill that electromagnetic low pressure. 

The Anderson effect, along with field superposition is one of the things that makes the Higgs reverse field possible. The idea is that in superposition the electromagnetic fields would put spin in opposite ways. And that thing makes it possible to create the mirror model of the Higgs field. 

The Higgs field is a similar electromagnetic field to other electromagnetic fields. The frequency of that field is different from other EM fields. 

There is the possibility that the electromagnetic field is forming superstrings. The superstring is the thing that spins in some direction. So in the mirror field, the superstrings are rotating in the opposite direction than in the original field. The other electromagnetic fields have push and pull effects. And that means all other electromagnetic fields except gravitation have their counter field. So why not a Higgs field can have similar structures to other electromagnetic fields? 

The idea is that those superstrings act like propellers. That structure pulls energy through particles to the Higgs field. And that thing makes the particle flat. So if that version of Higgs field works the opposite way. That makes it possible that this version of the Higgs field turns the mass negative. The idea is simple. The Higgs opposite Higgs field pumps energy to the particle. And that particle starts to hover above the Higgs field. 

The reason for aging could be that the Higgs field pulls other wave movement types through it. 

The idea is that material or elementary particles are things. That are channeling other electromagnetic fields to the Higgs field. The power fields or fundamental interactions are like chains of particles. That string-looking power fields connect. When some particle travels through that structure (or structure travels through particle) that structure called a power field pumps energy to the particle. 

Electromagnetic fields and aging are interesting things. We know that we can increase the particle's lifetime by stressing them with electromagnetic wave movement. But then we are facing the thing, that I mentioned in some other texts. Spin plays a big role in the particle's lifetime and existence. If we think that the particle is like a whisk. Superstrings are forming its shell. And when the particle spins, that whisk-looking structure will push other electromagnetic wave movements away from the particle. 

The model is that the Higgs field pulls four fundamental forces through the particle. The idea is that all four interactions, strong and weak nuclear forces with electromagnetism and gravitation are all wave movements. But the frequency of the wave movement is different. There is a transportation particle that transports those four fundamental interactions. 

Does Higgs field make mass to particle only if itself or some other power fields travel through the elementary particle? 

But all fundamental interactions have the wave movement mode. And when the Higgs field pulls those wave movements through the particle. That thing causes electromagnetic low-pressure under those superstrings. That electromagnetic vacuum will act like normal low-pressure and sooner or later that electromagnetic low pressure in the whisk-looking structure in elementary particles pulls that particle to flat. Or otherways saying, the Higgs field causes the collapse of the particle. The shortest living particles have a slow spin or their spin is zero. 

When we think about photons, we can ask if photons spin so fast that they will not allow the Higgs field to travel through that particle. So does Higgs field give mass to the particle only of itself, or do other electromagnetic fields travel through that particle? 

That thing causes a situation. Where the Higgs field pulls other wave movements just through the particle. And that thing causes the particle's collapse because its internal interaction with the Higgs field pulls the particle into the 2D mode or turns it to wave movement. So the particles with fast spin live longer. 

The reason, why fast spin makes particles live longer is that the Higgs field will not pull energy or wave movement through spinning particles. When the energy level of a particle rises that increases its spin. And that's why a high energy level increases a particle's lifetime.

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