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Superphotons or photonic Bose-Einstein condensate can create an ultra-secured data network.

"Thousands of light particles can merge into a type of “super photon” under certain conditions. Researchers at the University of Bonn have now been able to use “tiny nano molds” to influence the design of this so-called Bose-Einstein condensate. This enables them to shape the speck of light into a simple lattice structure consisting of four points of light arranged in quadratic form. Such structures could potentially be used in the future to make the exchange of information between multiple participants tap-proof. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Super Photons Unveiled: Sculpting Light Into Unbreakable Communication Networks)

"When numerous light particles are cooled to a very low temperature and simultaneously confined in a compact space, they suddenly become indistinguishable from one another and behave like a single super photon. Physicists call this a Bose-Einstein condensate and it normally resembles a blurry speck of light. “However, we have now managed to imprint a simple lattice structure on the condensate,” says Andreas Redmann from the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at the University of Bonn." (ScitechDaily, Super Photons Unveiled: Sculpting Light Into Unbreakable Communication Networks)

"The researchers at the IAP create super photons by filling a tiny container with a dye solution. The side walls of the container are reflective. If the dye molecules are excited with a laser, they produce photons that bounce back and forth between the reflective surfaces. These light particles start off relatively warm. However, they repeatedly collide with the dye molecules as they move between the reflective surfaces and cool down until they finally condense to form a super photon." (ScitechDaily, Super Photons Unveiled: Sculpting Light Into Unbreakable Communication Networks)

In extremely low temperatures conditions are very stable. And in that stable cold photons can make similar structures as atoms. When the energy level of photons is very low, that denies the oscillation or oscillation transfer to another photon. When photons are in the lowest possible energy levels their quantum fields expand like in Bose-Einstein condensate. That thing leaves space for a photon to move inside its quantum field. The low energy quantum field cannot transmit oscillation like in normal energy levels. And that makes photons to look like stable. 

"Shown on the left in an exaggerated form; the reflective surface is facing upwards), the researchers were able to imprint a structure onto the photon condensate (right). Credit: IAP / University of Bonn" (ScitechDaily, Super Photons Unveiled: Sculpting Light Into Unbreakable Communication Networks)

The second image introduces a very low temperature from the energy cup, that closes photons inside it. Because the energy level is lower than in the environment. Energy travels to those photons. That denies the outside sensors to see them.  And that makes it impossible to break that data transportation from outside. 

The low-energy area does not let photons go away from it. And that makes the superphoton possible. There are information transportation and sensor roles to that very strange material. In sensors, electromagnetic wave movement oscillates those photons. And that can help to detect extremely low energy signals. 

The photon crystals or super photons are the photonic version of Bose-Einstein condensate. The ability to create this kind of structure by manipulating light makes it possible to create an unbreakable quantum network. The photonic version of Bose-Einstein condensate is possible in the case, that photons energy levels are very low. That energy field or "shine" around photons is large but the most out layers are in a very low energy level. That causes a situation in which a photon's oscillation doesn't have so hard effect on another photon because that happens through the minimum energy quantum fields. 

In photon-, or photonic crystals all photons are in the same quantum field. When those weak quantum fields connect to each other, they turn stronger. Closing those photons inside one quantum field, and because the energy level in photons is lower than in the energy field around them, those photons are locked as one entirety. So that means photons can form crystal-like structures, that transport information with very high safety.


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