"Researchers use supercomputer simulations to study remnants formed by neutron star collisions. These remnants cool through neutrino emissions, and their structure offers insights into the behavior of nuclear matter and the possibility of preventing black hole formation. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Neutron Star Collisions: Unmasking the Ghosts of Gravity)
Prologue: neutrons can be the key to the ultimate strong quantum materials.
Graphene is one of the most fundamental materials in the world. That material is a 2D carbon lattice. And that makes graphene one of the most fundamental materials in the world. Graphene has a problem. It is monoatomic strucutre. And when something hits it, the energy can form standing waves inside the graphene ring.
If we could put nanocrystals made of silicone or iron into the graphene rings those things can transport energy away from the layer. And that metamaterial can also make it possible for developers can create new types of loudspeakers. That kind of structure where nanocrystals make pressure or sound waves can also make acoustic levitation possible. But what if we would press that material into quantum mode?
One of the most promising versions of those futuristic quantum materials is "neutron graphene". The neutron graphene is the quantum version of the graphene. That material got its inspiration from neutron stars.
There is a theoretical possibility of creating a similar 2D neutron network made of neutrons. If we can put protons between those neutron strings, that thing makes neutron steel, the extreme quantum version of steel. Those protons inside holes between neutron networks pull the energy of the standing waves that can form in that hypothetical neutron structure into themselves. In that structure, the protons form the points that deny the forming of a standing wave.
The kilonovas open the secrets of the neutron stars. And theoretically, it's possible to use small neutron balls as the energy sources. The problem is how to tie those neutrons together. Or the system can use single neutrons as energy sources. Because neurons have polarity, or, they have N and S-poles they can form the "neutron graphene" if the N-pole is against the other neutron's S pole. That thing pulls neutrons together.
Neutron-star collisions called: kilonovas are the most powerful things in the universe. Neutron stars are the densest objects in the universe. When those heavy, and dense objects collide. Collisions release very high power energy impulses that can make even gravity fields quake. The origin of the neutron stars is in supernova explosions, where all particles in the star turn into neutrons.
Neutron star collisions release energy of weak nuclear force. Same way, fission releases weak nuclear force but the homogenous neutron structure means that kilonova releases more energy in a shorter time than regular fission.
The electrons and protons neutralize each other's electric polarity and they turn into neutrons. So technically, neutron stars are like giant neutrons. When neutron stars collide that impact releases energy that is stored in the neutron star's structures. When two neutrons impact that collisions stretch the quantum field around them.
Above: Graphene structure where carbon atoms form a 2D honeycomb net structure. At least in theory, neutrons can also create similar structures on a smaller scale.
That thing forms the quantum low-pressure into the quantum field, and that pulls quarks away from each other. If the expansion of the quantum field is too high, that rips quarks too long distance from each other. And quarks can go through that quantum field. The neutron star collisions cause so dense energy impact, that it can interact straight with the Higgs field. And we can say that the gravity wave is the wave in the Higgs field.
Neutron stars are things that open the mysteries in the shadows of gravity. When we say that the neutron star's internal structures are expanding, we forget that the expansion happens also in bonds between neutrons. Neutron stars are homogenous objects. When energy hits them, there is no space where it can go. That makes the neutron star an extreme version of the iron ball. Iron balls are extremely strong, but they are fragile.
If we push those balls symmetrically from every point the ball stands that thing. Or, of course, energy travels into the center of the ball. Then it reflects from the ball's center. Can the ball keep its form depending on the situation can the energy that reflects from inside it push its atoms long enough from each other that breaks the bonds between particles?
We can compare neutron stars with iron balls.
When some energy impulse hits those balls into the small area, that transfers energy impulse to those iron atoms. Then those atoms start to oscillate and push other atoms away from each other. The energy can flow between atoms and break the structure. Same way neutron stars are hard but same way fragile. In the neutron stars, neutrons replaced atoms. If a neutron beam hits to neutron star, that thing can break the structure. The question of whether that thing breaks the structure depends on the gravity wins the energy impulse.
In atoms, energy can go into protons if neutrons impact. The thing that causes fission is that in fissile material is a large number of neutrons. When a neutron impacts, for example, plutonium, an atom those neutrons send an energy wave through the atom's nucleus. Those energy waves form standing waves between neutrons, and then that energy pushes neutrons away from each other.
The difference between plutonium and neutron stars is this. Part of the atom nucleus is formed of protons. Those protons are acting as energy pockets. But in neutron stars, there are no protons. There are no energy pockets, and impact wave travels through the neutron structures. Nothing can turn it weaker. Abd that makes an extremely powerful explosion.
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