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Galaxy's core is frozen in time.

"Researchers have confirmed the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the core of Omega Centauri, a cluster that once formed the heart of a separate galaxy. This finding enhances our understanding of black hole evolution and galaxy dynamics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Omega Centauri: A Galaxy Core Frozen in Time Reveals Its Black Hole)

Black holes are enormous objects. They dominate space and time. Time travels backward in the black hole's event horizon. That causes the question: can the particle turn younger forever, even if time is an illusion? The idea of time as an illusion means that time is an energy. And when the particle loses its energy, it loses its mass.

Then energy flows out from particles and turns them older. And sooner or later, the particle turns into radiation or wave movement. Or the ball of superstrings unravels. But then back to the question, can a particle be young forever? The particle turns old because the universe expands. That causes the effect. The quantum fields around the particles turn weaker.

Because the universe loses its energy all the time to space around it. That energy flow causes a situation in which energy flows out from particles because they are on a higher energy level. And energy always travels to the lower energy level. The thing that a forever young particle requires is that it gets replacing energy from outside it.

Near black holes, time is frozen because the energy that travels into a black hole touches those objects. The thing that causes the aging of particles is the expansion of the universe. When the universe expands there is a lower energy level because the space is bigger about the energy and material.

To stop aging the speed of energy or wave movement or strength of energy that hits particles near black holes should turn higher. That thing should compensate for the lower energy level in the universe. But if the energy level of radiation that hits the particle remains the same, that freezes time in particles.

So near the centers of galaxies is an area, where time is frozen. And that thing helps us to understand the time. The case that energy cannot escape from a particle makes it turn younger.

"From left to right: The globular star cluster Omega Centauri as a whole, a zoomed-in version of the central area, and the region in the very center with the location of the mid-size black hole that was identified in the present study marked. Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA, Maximilian Häberle (MPIA)" (ScitechDaily, Omega Centauri: A Galaxy Core Frozen in Time Reveals Its Black Hole)

The particle (or gravity center looks like a sombrero. The gravity is like a ditch around the particle. If there is empty space between the wall of the ditch and the particle, that empty space makes energy travel out from the particle. When the walls of the ditch are tightly against particles, energy travels in it.

That means the particle is like a hill or dome in a pothole. And the empty area around the particle is like a ditch. That ditch pulls quantum fields in it. The spinning particle acts like a thermal pump, that conducts the quantum fields out from that pothole. When a pothole's walls touch particles it receives energy.

The idea is that when a particle falls from the energy hill. Sooner or later, it sends wave movement. That wave movement forms an energy ditch. When a gravity wave goes out from that point, it causes a situation. That looks similar to the situation. Where the ball falls from the hill to the water. 

The Higgs mechanism and gravity. 

The ball forms the wave by sending a ditch out from the hill. And that ditch pulls the ball away until outcoming water fills that ditch. We can think that the water is an energy field. And the particle that loses its energy is the ball. That model explains some strange things in the gravity behavior. There is an energy ditch in the quantum (energy) field. That causes a situation. That energy- or quantum field travels to that ditch. 

Sooner or later particle's energy level rises so high, that it pushes the gravity walls away. At that moment it forms a hole between the particle and its pothole. And then that allows energy to start to flow out from the particle.

That thing makes it possible to create a model where particle turns old very fast. We must just put a particle into the point, where is an energy minimum. And that makes energy flow out from particles. And if we think that particle is in an energy pothole, the empty area around the particle gives space, where energy can travel.

But if the particle is in the route where energy travels, that thing pushes energy into it. In other cases, the pothole is so tight, that there is no space where the particle can send its energy. And until there comes some kind of space between the particle and the energy pothole the particle turns yuounger or it receives energy.

When a particle's energy level rises high enough, it pushes the energy pothole's walls into a longer distance. And starts to deliver energy to that space. This is the reason why the black holes start to vaporize. The energy just starts to travel to the empty area around the particle.

Image; pinterest

See also Higgs field


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