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Mathematicians prove that Hawking was wrong about extreme black holes.


Mathematicians prove that Hawking was wrong about extreme black holes. That means it's theoretically possible that so-called naked singularity can form. The naked singularity means the black hole without an event horizon. A theoretical naked singularity is one of the most interesting. And enigmatic phenomena in the universe. The idea is that slowly rotating extreme black holes can form a so-called naked singularity. "In theoretical physics, an extremal black hole is a black hole with the minimum possible mass that is compatible with its charge and angular momentum." (Wikipedia, Extremal black hole) 

When we talk about the surface of the black hole, we must describe it, do we mean the surface of the material that formed the black hole? Or do we mean the event horizon, the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light?  In theories, the material that formed a black hole is in the form called singularity. The space, material, energy, and time. Along with four fundamental interactions, gravity, electromagnetism, and weak- and strong nuclear interactions form the entirety. 

The regular black holes spin when they pull material inside them. The black hole also pulls spacetime inside it. The spacetime is a wave movement that forms the base energy level in the universe. In some models, the gravity can be zero at the point of the black hole's event horizon. And when somebody pushes a particle a little bit to the center of a black hole, that particle falls through the event horizon and never returns. 

But then we can think of this thing another way. The gravity at the point of the event horizon can be virtually zero. That means the event horizon is the whirl around the black hole center. The thing is that the event horizon is like an onion-looking structure. There are the layers where ions and atoms, subatomic particles, and finally, photons orbit the black hole's center. 

When the escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light, even photons start to orbit the gravity center. The speed of that whirl is the same as the speed of light. And that makes the event horizon look solid. That whirl denies to see into a black hole. But if that whirl does not exist, the naked singularity is possible.  

The black hole's size and mass are important things. Two main forces that affect black holes. Gravity and electromagnetism. When the size of a black hole turns smaller role, or relation, between electromagnetism and gravity is. That means that. If the black hole is small enough the electromagnetic field turns dominant over gravity. Another name for that kind of black hole is an electromagnetic black hole. Or electromagnetically boosted black hole. 

Around small back holes, the material can impact. And that black hole orbiting material's energy level rises so high that it feeds the black hole. In that case, the intense heat around the small back hole pumps energy into it. That kind of black hole will start to vaporize immediately if that gas bubble vanishes.


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