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The neutrinos and antimatter.

Neutrinos are weakly interacting particles. The problem is that neutrinos seem to be born "too easily". That thing means that it's possible that when particle comes out from the stars or nuclear reactors lose their energy very fast, that thing stops or transforms their spin. 

There is a possibility that the electron will travel out from the energy field spin the axle ahead and send an energy impulse. That thing can act like a rocket engine and slow the spin. 

In that model, the EM field can transform particles like electrons into neutrinos. And that thing opens new visions for physics. If that thing is possible, it brings new visions for research that can bring us an unlimited energy source. But neutrinos brig new hypothetical material type in the front of the people eye. 

We all know that there are two possible main types of matter. Those forms are antimatter and material. Every single particle except photons has an anti-particle pair. Same way neutrino has an anti-neutrino pair. That thing means that annihilation between neutrinos and their anti-neutrino pairs is possible.  

The reaction happens when the down quark touches the anti-down quark, or the up-quark touches up-antiquark causing a reaction that breaks the structure. The energy that this reaction releases depends on if other quarks hit their antiquarks. 

The particle's mass has something to do with annihilation and its particle-antiparticle interaction. The photon is the only known particle that has no mass, and a photon also doesn't have antiparticle pair. 

So in annihilation, the mass turns into energy. And somehow the massless particles seem to have no anti-particle pairs. That causes an idea, that maybe the photon is warped traveling wave movement. That traveling wave has no spin. And the hole or ditch ahead that thing pulls photons ahead. 

If material touches dark matter, that causes annihilation where both particles turn into wave movement.  Things like dark matter are hypothetical, and the only confirmed thing in dark matter is this: there is a mysterious gravitational effect in the universe without visible origin. There could also be hypothetical "medium material" that doesn't annihilate either with antimatter or matter. 

If we give color codes for antimatter, hypothetical bi-particle, or medium particle, that will not make annihilation either with material and antimatter and matter we can use the next codes. 

The antimatter is red.

The hypothetical medium particle is yellow. 

The material is green. 

We can think that antimatter is red material. And the material is green. But is there some kind of "yellow" material? That hypothetical material could not form annihilation with material and antimatter. If that medium between antimatter and matter exists, that can form a revolution in physics and technology. 

But then we can think about the shape of that third main type of material. The thing that determines if the particle is matter or antimatter is simple. The spin in the particle is opposite to its antiparticle. So that hypothetical third type of material or "yellow" material could have had the second spin axle. We can think that the normal material and antimatter particles have polar spin, and the third material would spin around the equator. 

So the spin axles of that third particle could form the X-shape structure and the spin of that particle looks like planet Uranus's spin. The poles of particles would be at the ends of the laying axle, and the other standing spin axle makes those poles rotate around that structure. So the particles have horizontal and vertical spin axles. 

Antimatter-material annihilation is possible only between mirror particles. So the thing that makes antimatter storage so difficult is that those particles have opposite electric loads. That means those particle-antiparticle pairs pull them against each other. 

So, when up quark and up-antiquark impact each other that begins the annihilation, and that reaction destroys the proton and antiproton in annihilation between those particles. The reason why antimatter is hard to control is that the antiproton and proton will turn up quarks and the up-antiquarks against each other. But those medium particles are hypothetical.


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