Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The similarity between human neural structure and cosmic neural structure is remarkable.

    The similarity between human neural structure and cosmic neural structure is remarkable. 

"The James Webb Space Telescope has uncovered AzTECC71, a faint galaxy that was previously elusive to the Hubble Space Telescope. This discovery by the COSMOS-Web collaboration reveals a dusty, star-forming galaxy from the early universe, suggesting a higher prevalence of such galaxies than previously believed. This finding provides new insights into the early universe’s composition and the evolution of galaxies. (Artist’s concept. See actual images below.) Credit:" 

The cosmic web, or cosmic neural structure is one of the biggest formations in the universe. That structure is forming of galaxy groups and gas bridges that connect galaxies and galactic groups. The similarity between the human nervous system and the cosmic web is so remarkable that cosmologists, astrophysicists, and neuroscientists connect their skills to find out what causes that similarity between two very different sizes of systems. 

The requirement for an intelligent universe is the cosmic network must be as complex as human brains. But that thing is an interesting philosophical hypothesis. Cosmic intelligence could involve many internal intelligence structures. In some models, each entirety can communicate with other entirety as an entirety. In that model, the universe is a matrioshka brain, that involves thousands or even millions or billions of internal intelligent structures. 

And that causes interesting thought: can we someday communicate with the universe? I think that this possibility is purely hypothetical. But it's an interesting philosophical dilemma. Two different-sized creatures that communicate with each other are always interesting topics for discussion. 

That cosmic web causes an idea that could the entire universe be intelligent. We would be so small that we cannot interact with the universe itself.  We should create a powerful energy load so that the universe notices that impulse. 

That energy load must have a remarkable effect on those cosmic plasma flows. And there is a possibility that the cosmos doesn't understand or notice that message because it affects only one of those plasma channels. The universe must notice the change in energy levels in those intergalactic plasma channels. 

Even if, we can make enough high-energy radio impulses, it takes hundreds of years that the impulse can reach the energy that goes out from Sgr*A. And in that case, it can affect only one route of that hypothetical nervous system. If the universe is intelligent, the message between neurons travels billions of years if no wormhole allows faster-than-light transportation. But the universe has time to transport data between its participants. 

The intelligent universe theory is interesting. And the cosmic neural structure is one of the most interesting structures in the cosmos. That structure could communicate through the wormholes. Another interesting thing is that. Not only the giant network itself but also galaxies have compensation in that giant cosmic network. 

But the thought about the intelligent universe causes another interesting question. 

What is the intelligence? The quantum computers cause a question must the organism or intelligent structure be "living" in the form as we know life? Could some diamond or crystal form the structure, that acts like a brain or quantum computer using natural energy sources like very stable stars? In that model, the intelligence is the crystals that spontaneously form a quantum processor. In this kind of case the "intelligent" doesn't mean living. 

Intelligence means a structure that can handle information and generate new solutions. So the intelligent organism doesn't mean that it can interact with physical things. 

We can say that intelligence means the ability to respond to some challenge. Then, the intelligent system can develop new solutions interconnecting old models together. That ability doesn't require as powerful tools as people think. 

In those models, self-learning machines form a database from the senses that they get. The system compiles those short-term models with models that are stored deeper. And if there is something new. 

That system can connect two databases into a new entirety. But if there is a similar database, the system can use existing connections between the database and the action that the system connected with that database. This type of system is intelligent, and it knows its resources and ability to respond to challenges. 

Artificial intelligence and morphing neural networks make it possible to create biological cyborg swarms. Into the back of the wasps or flies will put microchips. Those microchips can make those bugs exchange information with other swarm members.  These things mean that the wasps are not intelligent themselves. But they can form intelligent entirety. 

These kinds of experiments are always interesting. But there is always the possibility that something unexpected happen. There is the possibility that those microchips can turn wasp swarm intelligent or make something not predicted.

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