The weakness of gravity makes people think that there is something very small, hypothetical graviton, the source of gravity. That explains why gravity is so weak. That thing would be the source of gravity waves. One of the reasons why gravity is so weak is its interaction happens in a smaller area than the other three forces.
This means that gravitational interaction is hard to research. The other three interactions, electromagnetism, and weak and strong interactions, will cover the gravitational interaction. All three fundamental interactions or fundamental forces have pulling and pushing effects. And that means electromagnetism can cover gravitational interaction.
Can the Pauli exclusion principle's effect with gravity theory explain dark energy and the expansion of the Universe?
The Pauli exclusion principle can explain the expansion of the universe. In that model, there cannot be two fermions in the same quantum system with the same energy level. So if two fermions have the same energy level, they start to push each other away. So in that model Pauli exclusion principle explains the Universe's expansion's accelerating speed with a large number of fermions. When the Universe's energy level decreases. More and more fermions will reach the same energy level. When those fermion's wave movement travels in the Universe that wave movement catches other wave movement.
That has the same wavelength and frequency. Impacting wave movement raises the energy level of that traveling wave movement. And that thing kicks fermions out of each other. If that is true, there could be no dark matter. Dark matter is a material in which a particle's energy level is at the same level. And if those hypothetical WIMPs (Weakly interacting massive particles) are true, that explains the dark energy. And that means dark matter would have a similar fermion form as visible material.
Is gravitation without quantum possible?
When we think about quantum gravity or gravity between extremely small particles, we must remember that larger particles are groups of those particles. And elementary particles form all material in the universe. So modelling the gravitational effect between electrons and protons or gluons, we can say that the model where the particle is like a whisk. Low energy balls surrounding quantum lightning or superstrings, we can model gravitational like this. Gravity is radiation with extremely short wavelengths. And when it hits those superstrings, it forms a shadow behind those strings.
Those strings cause an effect that quantum fields travel in those shadow areas, and then they impact in the middle of the particle. So there is an axle standing wave movement in the middle of the particle. And that transports energy out from the particle from its poles or spin-axle. This standing wave will act like a laser. And it increases the energy of that radiation that impacts with it.
Reflection can explain why electromagnetic radiation increases the particle's mass. When a particle reflects radiation it takes that radiation into itself or its quantum field. Energy always travels to lower energy level space. And that energy flow continues until energy levels between space and particle are the same.
We know that when electromagnetic radiation hits to particle, that increases its mass. So electromagnetic waves just increase the particle's energy level. That thing causes an effect that particle sends wave movement more often.
A higher energy level in a particle. Compared to its environment increases the energy flow that travels out from the particle. When that energy flow's energy level increases it sends radiation or wave movement more often. When the period between energy bursts is high enough, that thing forms quantum low pressure around the particle.
All particles send wave movement all the time. The reason for that is the expansion of the universe. The thing that causes acceleration of the universe's expansion is that the energy flows out from particles continues, and that energy flow pushes particles out from each other. That decreases gravitational interaction between particles, because their distance increase. However, the wave movement that travels out from particles has the same energy level.
Because gravitation interacts with all particles and wave movement, there must be some common object there that thing touches. The dark energy is one of the things why gravitational models are so hard to make. There is a possibility that the dark energy is the interaction between WIMPS (Weakly interacting massive particles. Or its interaction with cold dark matter.
That interaction is called "Lambda CMD (Cold Dark Matter)". This model means that dark matter has similar forms as visible matter. Dark matter has also particle and wave movement forms. However, the existence of dark matter is not completely confirmed. Dark matter may be a scattered group of low-energy wave movements or superstrings.
If those hypothetical superstrings' energy level is lower than others that makes energy transfer to them. So in this model accelerating expansion of the universe is caused because those superstrings' or CMD-particles' energy level turns to the same. That causes an effect where those particles start to push each other away.
There is a possibility that gravitational radiation has a similar scattering effect as all other radiation. That means that when gravitational waves travel across each other they can cut gravitational waves. That thing means that the gravitational radiation between two objects cuts. This can happen when a stronger gravitational wave crosses another gravitational wave.
See also:
Cold dark matter
Dark matter
Pauli exclusion principle
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