Monday, May 22, 2023

How to connect General Relativity and quantum theory?

Researchers want to connect quantum theory with General Relativity. And the key element in that process is to explain. What is the curvature of the universe? When the universe is curving researchers must know what is curving, and one explanation is that the curvature of the universe is the denser Higgs field. 

If the gravitational field pushes the Higgs field denser that causes a situation that the densing Higgs field pulls more energy in the particle that travels in the gravitational center. If the denser Higgs field is the thing that is the curvature of the universe, that makes it easier to connect General Relativity and quantum theory. 

When we are thinking about the interaction of the black hole and its environment, we can think that the event horizon is the point where the superstring is same time inside and outside the point, where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. Just at the point of the event horizon, the superstring could transmit radiation out from the black hole. 

There is the possibility that the point of the event horizon is quantum whirls or quantum rolls. Those quantum rolls are inputting energy to the superstring that travels through the event horizon. And maybe those superstrings can explain the gravitational waves of the black hole. 

"In the background: the gravitational lens effect, an example of an effect explained by relativity. With quantum particles, analogous effects can be studied. Credit: NASA / TU Wien" ( Quantum Theory and Relativity: Curved Spacetime in a Quantum Simulator)

Diagram of that interaction. In that model, the event horizon is a series of quantum rolls. 

Qauntun rolls: Circles

Superstring: Arrows


Researchers can create this system in real life. It could be the most powerful engine. But it might use some other type of wave movement than superstrings. 

When a 2D superstring travels in the universe and impacts the electromagnetic- or quantum field it forms two whirls around it. That thing happens also at the point of the event horizon. And those whirls are acting like quantum rolls that are impacting energy in the superstring. 

There is the possibility that those superstrings are traveling in and out of the black hole. The superstrings that are traveling out from the event horizon could explain the gravitational waves. The graviton or the hypothetical gravitational transmitter particle could be so small, that it's impossible to see. In some models, the graviton is something near the Higgs boson. 

That means the turbulence disappears the gravitational radiation under it. And that's why the sender of the gravitational waves must be so massive that there are lots of gravitons that receiving system can detect those gravitational waves. But there is the possibility that superstrings, the hypothetical base element of material also can act as the graviton. The superstring could act like some kind of water impact. The speed of superstrings could be a little bit faster than the particles. 

And that thing causes a situation that when a superstring travels through a particle it takes Higgs field from inside it. That means material turns smaller when it reaches the speed of light or travels near the point where escaping velocity is near the speed of light. When a particle turns smaller, the Higgs field pushes it stronger. 

It is possible that in the black holes or their event horizons, the superstrings that are impacting the event horizon are touching the quantum roll and in that case, the quantum roll can throw the superstring back to the space. In that case, the source of gravitational waves is near the event horizon. 

But there is a possibility that there is a disk of gravitational waves or some other wave movement. And then that disk will accelerate the superstrings so that they can travel out from the black hole. The superstring is the smallest form of material and the source of those gravitational waves would be so small particles that we cannot see them. And one candidate for that thing is those superstrings.

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