Could the Muon g-2 anomaly be caused by dark matter or wormholes?
In some visions, dark matter is material that travels in the wormholes.
Theoretically, if material travels in wormholes. The electromagnetic tornado will deny normal interaction through the wormhole's wall. The only remaining effect is gravitational interaction. So in that model, the dark matter is material that travels in wormholes.
The wormhole would be a layered effect. The most out part of it could be an electromagnetic field that presses radio waves and then more high energy radiation like X- and Gamma-rays to bundle.
If the radiowaves are strong enough they could form a bundle of superstrings that is closing all other radiation inside it. The most out layer of that structure would be the electromagnetic field that presses the radiation inside it into a coherent form. If the outer layers are strong enough. They can push even gravitational waves into a bundle that transports information in that channel.
So how can two objects or particles form the wormhole?
They must make the channel through the quantum fields. Then those particles must spin that way that they can make the quantum bundle around that channel. The channel's size must be suitable so that the outcoming radiation can form a stable quantum bundle where the outcoming maser effect keeps that channel open. If we think this thing happens between black holes. That wormhole is forming in the radiation pikes of those objects. The idea is that the quantum bundle turns so tight that even gravitational waves can turn into a bundle. That is traveling in the quantum channel called a wormhole.
Artist's vision of black hole. With spiral radiation and plasma vortex. If that spiral can turn into a bundle. That is tight enough this thing could explain the wormholes.
Could the reason for the muon g-2 anomaly be the wormhole or some yet unknown force?
The Muon g-2 anomaly is one of the most interesting things in physics. Does those anomalies in the Muon trajectories in Fermilab and CERN caused by some unknown natural forces, or were those anomalies the result of the interaction with hypothetical WIMP, theoretical dark matter particles? The reason why the trajectory of Muon particles changed is a mystery.
In some visions, the curves in the muon particle trajectories are caused by impacting or some other interaction with something unknown. There is the possibility that the anomaly caused by the pike-looking quantum tornado could be a tiny wormhole. When muons traveled around the center of the cyclotrons they pumped energy away from the middle of it. That thing could open the wormhole, or make that gravitational-electromagnetic tornado dance that causes interaction with muons.
Research tells about a strong magnetic field around the repeating FRBs Fast Radio Bursts. The strong magnetic field is the thing that pushes those FRBs into the channel. That magnetic field just pumps energy into those radio waves, and that thing causes a maser effect. When FRB travels in the magnetic field the effect is similar when laser ray travels in the laser tube where laser element pumps energy in that radiation. As I wrote before.
That thing could prove that wormholes have existed. In this model, the wormhole is the layered effect. The most out thing is an electromagnetic field, then the radio waves and X-, and gamma-rays are forming the electromagnetic tornado. The most out layer is the electromagnetic field. And if the bundle of radio waves is tight enough that allows the higher energy radiation to make a channel through spacetime.
And maybe the wormholes are the source of semi-visible jets and the cosmic network, the largest known cosmic superstructure. The idea is that the thing that forms the strings around objects are the cosmic semi-visible jets.
Cosmic Web: NASA
"The ATLAS Collaboration pioneered the search for semi-visible jets, a potential dark matter signature arising from dark quarks and gluons in a strongly interacting dark sector. Despite the challenges and no direct findings, this novel research sets the first limits on semi-visible jet production, paving the way for more nuanced dark matter searches in the future". ( Particle Jets: Is Dark Matter Hiding in Plain Sight?)
The semi-visible particle jets can uncover at least part of the mystery called dark matter.
Dark matter is a mystery. Theoretically, dark energy is the radiation that origin in dark matter. But there is no physical evidence about dark matter, that is the strange gravitational effect. Sometimes is introduced that dark matter is free, standing gravitational waves.
But in some other visions, the dark matter is WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). Those massive particles could be extremely high-energy particles that spin so fast that they cannot interact. Maybe WIMPs are spinning in miniature WARP bubbles.
That means the outside electromagnetic field slides over those particles. In that model, the WIMPs or their quantum fields are so slight that they are not sending changing waves. Without those waves, the particle is very hard to detect. And if quantum fields travel over those particles without touching them, that makes those particles act like a form of stealth bombers.
In some models, hypothetical WIMPs are extremely small-size particles. That has a large-size quantum field around it. Maybe that thing explains why there is no interaction between WIMP and other particles. In that model when a visible particle faces a WIMP particle there is forming an energy impulse that pushes WIMP away before there is no visible interaction. Or maybe WIMP will travel through the particles.
When researchers try to research dark matter they investigate extremely strong gravitational centers. Or launch particles in particle accelerators at a speed that is as close to the speed of light as possible. During those processes, researchers hope that they can create denser waves of dark matter that can interact with other particles. And maybe gravitational interaction or standing gravitational wave or shockwave of the extremely fast-moving particle can cause the first interaction with hypothetical WIMP.
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