Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Could photons make similar holes as electrons? (Story of two hypothetical particles dark photon and graviton.)

"Fluorescence and birefringence of 445 nm laser in calcite crystal. The blue laser beam is only visible when the blue light is scattered, for example, by dust particles. Due to the 1.3s exposure time, no individual dust particles can be seen. Dust particles are present in the air, but not in the crystal. In the crystal, some part of the blue light is absorbed and re-emitted as orange light, which is called fluorescence. Most of the blue light just continues to the other end of the crystal. On the lower left you can see the laser beam going in". (Wikipedia/Photon)

Part of the light is reflected on the front surface of the crystal; this is the beam you see on the upper left. In the crystal, the two polarisations are refracted by different angles, forming two beams in the crystal. At the end surface, the two beams (both of which are polarised along the axes of the crystal) are refracted back to their original direction, forming the two parallel beams on the right. Inside the crystal, the two beams cause fluorescence and non-polarised orange light is emitted from each point along both beams in every direction. As this light leaves the crystal, it's separated into two orthogonal polarisations, which are refracted by different angles, so that the observer sees four orange beams. The additional spots and beams you can see result from internal reflections". (Wikipedia/Photon)

The dark photon 

"In physics, chemistry, and electronic engineering, an electron hole (often simply called a hole) is a quasiparticle denoting the lack of an electron at a position where one could exist in an atom or atomic lattice. Since in a normal atom or crystal lattice, the negative charge of the electrons is balanced by the positive charge of the atomic nuclei, the absence of an electron leaves a net positive charge at the hole's location" (Wikipedia/Electron hole)

Could photons make similar holes as electrons? The photon hole would be similar to an electron hole, but its size is smaller. And if that theoretical hole exists it can make many things possible. The dark photon would be a similar thing as the electron hole. The dark photon would make faster-than-light communication possible because it pulls and absorbs outcoming radiation.

The dark photon would pull the Higgs field inside it, and then aim that radiation away from that structure at the point of its axles. That thing makes it theoretically possible that the time will be over-dilated in those particles. And that causes that time travels backward in them. The reason for that could be that there is a quantum-size black hole in that hypothetical particle. There is the theory that the graviton is the miniature black hole that hovers in the quantum world. 

Theoretically is possible that the photon has a mirror particle. Sometimes researchers call that theoretical particle a dark photon. But where that dark photon hides? Theoretically is possible that the dark photon is similar thing as the electron hole. 

The electron hole is the place that is left when an electron is jumping out from the orbital. The electron can form a quasiparticle called exciton when the electron starts to orbit its hole. So could a photon make a similar hole with an electron? And could that photon hole explain why gravitation interacts with all particles? 

The idea is that all particles including photons, have whisk-looking structures. The idea is that the spinning particle has Higgs fields out and inside the structure. The photon's spin is one, which means it rotates around its axle. 

And that thing means that the photon will not be aging. The aging of photons is not confirmed even, in the cases where photons stopped. So that means the photon is rotating with the speed of light. Or there is something inside the photon that causes absolute time dilation? There is a possibility that the photon sends some kind of radiation that makes it impossible to interact with other particles. 

"The cone shows possible values of wave 4-vector of a photon. The "time" axis gives the angular frequency (rad⋅s−1) and the "space" axis represents the angular wavenumber (rad⋅m−1). Green and indigo represent left and right polarization". (Wikipedia/Photon). In some models, the hypothetical graviton is impossible because it travels out from the black hole. And in the wildest visions, the graviton has four dimensions. So in that model, the photon requires one (or more) extra vectors that it could turn into a graviton. 

There is the possibility that the photon's structure is similar to the electron. The reason why I believe that it is also a photon that has a whisk-looking structure is that the quantum computer tests photons to have internal superpositions. And the thing that makes a photon interesting is that it has no mass. 

Is the photon itself the particle that hovers between electromagnetic fields? Or is there some other particle inside the photon? The reason for that conclusion is the charm quark, that is inside proton. That particle is heavier than a proton. But that hadron includes that super-heavy subatomic particle. The reason why this is possible is that charm quarks hovers inside the proton. And we can use this thing as a model, of why a photon the particle of light seems to have no mass. 

So could a photon include a similar structure, that sends radiation or surrounds it through it, and that thing causes a situation that photon will deliver the same energy level as it gets? And that makes photons hover over the quantum fields. 

But is that thing the black hole? The quantum size black hole could be smaller than the shortest wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. And that thing makes the radiation that those black holes send unable or very hard to detect. That kind of hypothetical black holes can push the electromagnetic fields away from them. So in that model, the photon is the shine that surrounds extremely small black holes. 

The reason why things like quarks are aging is that their spin is 1/2. So those particles rotate back and forth. And after every 1/2 round, they change their spin direction. And when they are changing their direction they send radiation. And that radiation is the quantum vapor, that turns the 

Could graviton be so small a bite of wave movement that it acts like a particle? That means the graviton could be like a small cylinder or tornado. 

There is the possibility. That gravitation has only the form of a wave moment. But if something like a superstring, the smallest possible form of information falls into the black hole, that thing sends radiation that wavelength is the same as the thickness of that superstring. So if that superstring sends the wave movement it can have so short wavelength. That this wave movement acts like a small particle. 

Gravitation is an effect that interacts with something that exists in all known particles. The gravitational interaction can look like the case where a bullet travels through an apple. The gravitational wave or hypothetical graviton particle will travel through the small elementary particle. And that thing forms the channel through that particle. 

The Higgs field would travel through that channel, and that thing pulls the particle in some direction. While that particle or wave movement travels through the particle it pushes the Higgs field inside the particle backward. And that thing makes the electromagnetic overpressure act like a rocket engine. 

When we think of the scenario in all particles as that kind of quantum black hole. There is the possibility that information or superstrings can make radiation or gravitational waves. That is acting like virtual particles. Or antennas that are sending the wave movement around the universe. 









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