Monday, May 8, 2023

Can the past still exist?

Lost variable causes nothing to work. 

Why we cannot predict the future by using mathematical methods? Why we cannot calculate what happens in the future, even if we think, that we know everything about spacetime? The answer is in the formula EP=ERP. If we know what, are E and P, we cannot straight find the ERP because there is one missing term. We must find that missing term by using mathematical methods. And move those terms across the (=) by following mathematical rules. 

The problem with why we cannot calculate the future by using NTP (Normal Temperature and Pressure) or Bolzmann's formulas is that. Something is missing. We know energy. And we know gravitation but is the missing part of the quantity the time? We think that spacetime is a 3D structure, but then we forget that time is one of those dimensions. The thing that makes the equation unable to match reality means something is missing.  

"The 2022 physics Nobel prize was awarded for experimental work demonstrating fundamental breaks in our understanding of the quantum world, leading to discussions around “local realism” and how it could be refuted. Many theorists believe these experiments challenge either “locality” (the notion that distant objects require a physical mediator to interact) or “realism” (the idea that there’s an objective state of reality). However, a growing number of experts suggest an alternative approach, “retrocausality,” which posits that present actions can affect past events, thus preserving both locality and realism." ( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past)

When we look at this image, and compare it with the image that introduces quantum gravitation, we face one interesting thing. If some kind of particle that orbits some kind of wire or string forms gravitation, there is a possibility that time is locked in that particle. If the particle's speed is the speed of light, that means the particle will not get older. 

Causation (From

"What is causation anyway? Let’s start with the line everyone knows: correlation is not causation. Some correlations are causation, but not all. What’s the difference?" ( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past)

"Consider two examples. There’s a correlation between a barometer needle and the weather – that’s why we learn about the weather by looking at the barometer. But no one thinks that the barometer needle is causing the weather.  Drinking strong coffee is correlated with a raised heart rate. Here it seems right to say that the first is causing the second".( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past)

The difference is that if we “wiggle” the barometer needle, we won’t change the weather. The weather and the barometer needle are both controlled by a third thing, the atmospheric pressure – that’s why they are correlated. When we control the needle ourselves, we break the link to the air pressure, and the correlation goes away". ( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past

( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past)

Superdeterminism and light cone: is this model prove the superdeterminism? 

"In quantum mechanics, superdeterminism is a loophole in Bell's theorem. By postulating that all systems being measured are correlated with the choices of which measurements to make on them, the assumptions of the theorem are no longer fulfilled. A hidden variables theory which is superdeterministic can thus fulfill Bell's notion of local causality and still violate the inequalities derived from Bell's theorem. This makes it possible to construct a local hidden-variable theory that reproduces the predictions of quantum mechanics, for which a few toy models have been proposed.In addition to being deterministic, superdeterministic models also postulate correlations between the state that is measured and the measurement setting". (Wikipedia/Superdeteminism) 

So that means, things that happen in the future should be possible to calculate. But the problem is that making suitable formulas is extremely difficult. 

Superdeterminism means that there is no free will. Information cannot vanish. So information itself exists forever. That means the shape of the information and the density of the information are changing. When information comes closer to the hypersurface of the present. Its density increases. And when information travels through the hypersurface of the present, that is the point of the present. That means it turns upside down. 

If the information is forming in the future and gets its shape before it reaches the point of the present, that means there is no free will. The future preordered. And that means we cannot affect information in the future. We can affect information only by interacting with it. And that point where interaction happens is the point, where information reaches the hypersurface of the present. At that point, the information is thick enough. That interaction with two information packages is possible. And in that model, we are another information package. 

The light cone can use as the model of information travel in spacetime. 

The behavior of light, when it travels through a positive lens, might be the model of how information travels in time. So if information travels in spacetime by following the model of the light cone, its focus is in the hypersurface of the present. And then behind that point, the information turns upside down. 

Do you know what retrocausality means? Retrocausality is the effect where the future affects the past. We know, that quantum entanglement affects both ways, and there is evidence that quantum entanglement also affects both ways across time. So if we think, that the light cone is the graph. 

That introduces how information turns sharper when it reaches the hypersurface of the present. The focus of the information is in the hypersurface of the present. And then the information starts to turn uncertain, but at that point, the information turns upside down. The light cone could introduce how time affects information and how we can see the information. 

Information closes us from the future, and then it gets its focus. On the point of the present. And then the information will turn uncertain. And it also turns upside down. Same way as light acts when it travels through the positive lens. 

So the light cone would introduce that information travels in time the same way as it travels through a positive lens. A positive lens focuses light at a certain point. And then after that point, lightwaves are crossing. And after the focus point, the light or information that light transmits turns upside down. And if we think that information acts the same way as light, we might think that it exists in the past. But because it's upside down we cannot see that information. 

All positive lenses are acting the same way. And one of those positive lenses is the gravitational lens. The gravitational lens makes the focus where information strings cross. We can say that the gravitational lens turns the image behind it upside down. 

Gravitational lenses also affect the trajectories of gravitational waves. And gravitational lenses would make gravitation act like the light when it travels through the positive lens. 

The thing is that gravitational lenses also form time dilation in the point, where they focus information. There is one thing that can turn light and that is the gravitational field. So could light turn gravitation? The thing is this. Certainly, another gravitational field can turn the direction of the gravitational field. But could extremely thick photon cloud lens the gravitational waves and form the effect where gravitational radiation or gravitational waves focus on one point? And then they would turn upside down? 

Time dilation means that the particle will be aging slower than other things. The time dilation also affects superstrings. When a long superstring travels in the energy field its energy level rises. That thing can cause an effect where some superstrings are forming. The warp bubble around them. Superstrings are the smallest structures of material. They are extremely thin energy fields. 

The thing is that the laws of quantum physics affect also those things. They send wave movement when their energy level is higher than their environment. And they receive energy when their energy level is lower than their environment. 

That energy travel in the Higgs field causes friction or an effect where that interaction sends the wave movement. The situation is similar to when somebody throws cold water into the water pool. That water causes interaction where the wave movement will travel also to the sideways from that thing. 

We can say that all wave movement is forming of strings. Those strings are the thing that transports information through the universe. But are there points in the universe, where time is traveling backward? Yes, in black holes time is traveling backwards. 

There is a theory that dark energy is information that comes from the future. The idea is that black holes transport information from the future to the past. The black hole will transport information to the point in spacetime where it is born. 

That point is in space and time. When we think about the point where escaping velocity raches speed of light time stops. And if we would travel with the speed of light. That means time freezes if we are observing it outside that object. If we would do something inside the capsule that travels at the speed of light that thing can take a second in that capsule. But outside the capsule that second lasts even thousands of years. 

So everything happens at the point of the event horizon where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light events and moments remain forever or to the point where the speed of the object will decrease. In that case, the existence of the events is relative. The thing that is second to one object is thousands of years with another object.

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