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The entropy and entanglement.

"Researchers from Singapore and China have experimentally observed negative entanglement entropy using classical electrical circuits, providing new insights into quantum phenomena without the complexities of true quantum systems. Their work suggests that electrical circuits could serve as a low-cost platform for exploring exotic quantum behaviors, with implications for future quantum technologies. Credit:" (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

Negative elusive entanglement entropy is one of the most beautiful ideas in quantum systems. When we entangle two different systems, we connect those systems, and that makes the entangled systems interesting. In the perfect quantum entanglement, the fate of two different systems is the same. And when one system is destroyed, the other will also destroyed. In the universe. All known systems are entangled. The universe connects all known systems. 

And the fate of all systems in the universe is the same. That fate doesn't depend on the type of the fate of the universe. The universe causes the same fate to all the systems that are in it. Those kinds of things are interesting ideas. 

The entropy or disorder in all systems grows all the time. When the universe expands that thing makes the space in the system. That space allows particles to oscillate more freely than before. And that thing grows entropy in the system. 

Only in the system where there is space, can form entropy. If all things have more space to move, that thing grows entropy. Entropy is like whirls in the system. That disorder cuts the quantum entanglements and other ways, it denies information travel to the past. The ultimate high-energy objects can send information to the past. But that information is hard to see. And that entropy disturbs it.

There are two types of entanglement. 

"High Entanglement: If the colors of the two socks are almost perfectly correlated, then knowing the color of one sock gives you almost perfect information about the other. In particular, if one sock suddenly becomes inaccessible, one would also lose knowledge of the color of the other sock."(, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

"Low Entanglement: If the socks’ colors are essentially uncorrelated, then knowing the color of one sock does not make one more certain about the color of the other. In particular, if one sock suddenly becomes inaccessible, there will not be any more uncertainty i.e. entropy regarding the color of the other sock." (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

"While usual gapless points that are not geometrically defective i.e. Dirac points (Left column) possess only eigenvalues within [0, 1] (Bottom Left), defective exceptional points (Right column) also exhibit special isolated EB eigenvalues far outside of [0, 1] (Bottom Right). It can be realized by an electric circuit (Right). Credit: Science China Press" (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

Conventional quantum mechanics have only been concerned with conservative systems where particles and energy do not get destroyed or made. However, intriguing new physics arises when this restriction is lifted – in the sock analogy, where socks can be removed or added to the system. Such systems as known as “Non-Hermitian” systems. (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

In non-Hermitian systems, the concept of entanglement needs to be modified, because information can also be lost when the number of particles changes. In particular, gaining new socks and their information can be construed as giving out a negative amount of sock information to others. This leads to the new concept of negative entanglement entropy. (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

While the theoretical recipe for achieving negative entanglement entropy in a non-Hermitian quantum system has been thought of since a few years ago, actually observing negative entanglement in quantum experiments cannot be easily done. This is due to significant challenges in manipulating intricate quantum states in a way that they gain or lose energy, while at the same time also measuring how entangled they are. (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

But two entropic systems can put themselves into entanglement. In that model, all things like whirls and energy hills in the system can be identical and the systems can entangle with each other. In some models, the entanglement between two systems can happen certainly between mirror systems. In those systems energy hill in other systems has the energy pothole pair in the other systems. In that model, the other system has energy potholes and energy hills at opposite points.

The simpler models of those systems are the gearwheels. The upper points of the other gearwheels have a position in the lower point of the other gearwheel. The thing is that the other gearwheel rotates in the opposite direction. If those gearwheels try to rotate in the same direction. That thing destroys the system. 

So antimatter universe would be that "mirror system" for the universe. But then we can think that the universe is multiple internet systems. And if we look at that gearwheel model, we can say that we could see the anti-universe. But if the other universe is a similar matter as our universe, that thing causes entropy that makes it impossible to see that universe. 

The universe is a more complex system than we imagine.  In simple systems the number of particles and energy levels are static. In complex systems, the particles form, and destroy all the time. 

The other system doesn't necessarily mean that the entanglement is complete and that means the only entangled parts can be some electromagnetic fields. But those things are only hypotheses. But if there is some ghost- or mirror structure for the universe, and information travels between them that means their ultimate fate could be entangled.


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