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Acoustic waves can be the next-generation tool for making quantum internet.

"Beams of light, shown in orange and blue, are shined on a surface acoustic wave resonator, where their interactions are controlled by a precisely designed cavity. Inside this echo chamber, the light becomes strongly coupled with the surface acoustic waves. Credit: University of Rochester illustration / Iyer et al." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Use Sound Waves To Enable the Future of the Internet)

In the regular internet, data travels in the form of electric impulses. That makes it quite easy to steal information from the system. The eavesdropper must capture the electric flow and find the zeros and ones from the electric flow. The system can see the eavesdropper if it can notice the energy loss the eavesdropping tool causes. However, the data that the attacker captured before the defender noticed the eavesdropper is in the wrong hands. 

To see the loss of electricity requires excellent knowledge of the system. The electricity loss, or low voltage, cannot measured if data travels a long way in a non-controlled environment. The low voltage conditions require a well-known environment. This is why sealing data from radio waves is quite an easy process.  

Lasers or coherent radiowaves or microwave (or radio wave) amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (MASER) can make communication more secure than regular radio waves. But those precisely targeted systems require. That the transmitter system knows exactly the receiver's position. 

The regular laser rays cannot travel through the walls. So transmitter system must use X- or Gamma-rays to send messages. The gamma- or X-rays can transmit data the same way as regular lasers. Some people introduce the hypothetical aliens using high-power gamma- or X-rays for communication.  

But let's come back to Earth. The X- or gamma-laser system can aim the laser system at the target if it knows the position where the receiver is. The receiving system can use a radio signal that the transmitter can use to aim the data signal to the right point. Or the regular laser-based systems can ask for the position of the receiver. Then if the receiver is in some certain house, the transmitter can send data to the optical receiver on the house's floor. 

Then the system shares that data to the intranet of the house. Another way is to make the EMP-protected house, and then data will be transmitted there using the data cable. The EMP protection denies the ability to hear electronic voices from the house. Another way is to use IR-LED and windows that filter the wavelength of the radiation that travels through the window. That denies the outsiders to see the radiation and information that travels in the radiation. 

In the quantum internet, information is stored in physical form. Or the network itself is part of the encryption. The electron and its superpositions make it possible to transmit data through long distances. That means a quantum computer sends data in the form of a qubit. When the receiving system receives that electron, it can make superposition and entanglement into it using that particle. In modern quantum systems, data is stored in photons and that makes it a little bit hard to control. 

In other models, data stored in the qubit must be sent through the air the system can send each state of the qubit using independent radio frequency. Then receiving system can transfer data from each frequency back to qubit and that helps to determine the qubit states. In that case, the system can share information from each qubit's state with individual wires in the flat cable. 

The acoustic waves that are connected with the laser systems can used to make the qubits in the surface acoustic systems. The standing surface acoustic waves can act as qubits.  The data or qubits can also travel between those acoustic waves. And that makes it possible to transport data in the form of qubits over short distances. 

The soundwaves can used to push the particles in the material closer to each other. If that thing happens in the tube-looking nanostructures, it makes it possible to push particles in denser form. That can protect particle, that travels in the quantum material. 

And that can make it possible to create materials that have variable attributes. The lightweight materials are light because the distance between particles is long. And that makes lightweight materials flexible. 

But they are not very hard. Dense homogenous materials are the hardest and heaviest materials in the universe. So what if the soundwaves can used to push lightweight material like aerogels into denser form? Or what if the sound system can make denser layers in the aerogel? That opens new visions for armor and space technology. Material that is dense and non-dense in the same shell is interesting.


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