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The breakthrough in quantum teleportation.

"Quantum teleportation researchers have developed a method to improve teleportation quality in noisy conditions by using hybrid entanglement of photons, achieving nearly perfect state transfers. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Turning Quantum Noise Into a Teleportation Breakthrough)

In quantum teleportation, particles like photon transport their information into another particle without moving themselves. In that system, the laser, or some other energy source creates the electromagnetic electromagnetic shadow behind another photon or other elementary particle. 

Then, that electromagnetic shadow moves wave movement to another similar particle and synchronizes its oscillation frequency the same as the sending particle has. The very important thing is that the receiving particle is in the lower energy level. When those particles reach the same energy level the standing wave pushes those particles away. And that breaks the quantum entanglement. Another thing that disturbs the quantum entanglement is the quantum noise. 

The new idea turns the quantum noise into the thing that carries a qubit and denies it to deliver its information. The idea is that quantum noise is wave movement as regular and electromagnetic noise. The quantum teleporting system can ride the quantum wave. When the system sends a qubit forward at the top of the quantum wave, that quantum wave can carry the qubit. The qubit rides the wave like a windsurfer. 

In quantum entanglement, the energy travels in one direction. In some visions, the system makes the quantum entanglement where energy can travel back to the sender. That helps to maintain the quantum entanglement for a longer time. Theoretically is possible to create a curve where the energy level of the information rises higger than sending particle. But the problem is how to deny the information travel back. 

"Researchers have developed a method to quantify quantum entanglement using normalized entanglement witnesses in various experimental scenarios. This advancement allows for the estimation of lower bounds on entanglement measures and can differentiate between entangled and separable states more effectively. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Entanglement Unmasked by Entanglement Witnesses)

Another problem is how to deny the particles reach the same energy level. At that point, a standing wave destroys the quantum entanglement. The answer could be the virtual particle. In that case, the system creates the virtual particle-like standing field that maintains the quantum entanglement. 

The idea is that the superpositioned and entangled particles create a second route that they can use to transmit information. The idea is that the system makes quantum entanglement through the relay or middle-man particle. The information travels first to the middle-man particle. In that case, the system transforms the receiving particle in the quantum entanglement into the transmitting particle. 

The system raises the receiver particle's and middle-man particle's energy levels. Then the system makes quantum entanglement from the middle-man particle to the receiving particle. Another way is to transport energy out from the receiving particle. 

The waves whose wavelength is precisely right can help to make the stable quantum entanglement. The system can wave the superpositioned and entangled particles and switch their energy level. So in that model, the superpositioned and entangled particle pairs act like a seesaw. The problem is how to deny the destruction of the quantum entanglement in the moment, where the particle pair is in the same energy level higher than a previous transmitting particle. 

The information travels first into the middle-man particle, and then to the receiving particle. This thing can make the quantum entanglement act like a seesaw. In some other models, the third particle must transport energy out from the receiving particle. That helps the system to lock the quantum entanglement. 

The answer could be the third wave. The locked wave can act as a virtual particle. The virtual particle, that system creates created between hose superpositioned entangled particles can adjust the energy level in quantum entanglement. In this model, the system can create the "auxiliary" entanglement through the virtual particle that stands and warped energy waves as I wrote before. That virtual particle can help to raise the energy level higher in the receiving particle without breaking the quantum entanglement.


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