Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The discoveries suggest that dark energy turns weaker.

When the universe expands distance of particles and objects turns bigger. That makes the gravity effect weaker. Dark energy is the thing that affects the universe and increases its expansion speed. 

But now researchers found that dark energy turns weaker all the time. That opens the door to the thing called: the Big Crunch. In that case, all material returns to the point, where the Big Bang happened. 

Could the dark energy be some kind of Cherenkov radiation? 

The problem is that if the dark energy origin is in the material or dark matter particles or Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) distances also turn longer when the universe expands. That means the density of dark energy turns lower and lower. Dark energy is a thing whose origin is unknown. WIMP may be the tachyon the hypothetical faster-than-light particle. 

The speed of light is quite easy to cross. The speed of light in air is higher than the speed of light in water.  When a particle travels in the atmosphere with the speed of light impacts water, that particle sends a blue light shockwave because it must slow its speed from the speed of light in the atmosphere to the speed of light in water. 

If the particle hits the ice on an object like the dwarf planet Pluto there is no remarkable atmosphere that the particle's slowing is rougher than on Earth where the particle transmits its energy to the atmosphere before it hits water. That means it can send quite strong high-energy radiation impulses when its speed slows straight from the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in ice. 

Tachyon can be:

1) Elementary particles like electrons or photons that form in the cosmic void or interstellar space. When those particles travel in interstellar space. They can travel faster than light travels in plasma bubbles around stars. 

When those particles hit a plasma bubble or water they release their energy. The neutrinos may be remnants of tachyons. When a hypothetical particle hits the plasma bubble around the sun, it must slow its speed from the speed of light in interstellar space to the speed of light in the plasma bubble. 

When a particle slows its speed it sends a radiation shockwave. So if that particle exists, it slows its speed a second time, when it comes to atmosphere. In the third time that particle slows its speed in the neutrino detector. 

The energy level determines the shape. Or (the name) of the particle and that means that before neutrino hits the detector. It has been some other particle. And that particle could be the tachyon. 

2) If tachyon forms outside the universe, that means it slows its speed when it comes to the universe. The reason for that thing is the speed of light depends on the material. There are also ice bits in the universe. And when neutrinos or some other particles hit those ice bites. They send radiation. Just like neutrino sends when it hits water in neutrino detectors. 

If we think of the possibility that some particles can travel faster than light, we must remember that the medium's density affects the speed of light. If the particle forms in the cosmic void and starts to travel across it, it can travel faster than similar particles outside that cosmic void, like Böotes void. If that particle hits an interstellar nebula or some ice bite, that particle can travel faster than time in a short moment. Things like neutrino detectors have proven that thing. 

Same way if the antimatter and material particles impact interstellar space and those impacts send photons and other particles around them. The speed of light in interstellar or intergalactic space is faster than, the speed of light in plasma or cosmic nebulas. When those particles hit the denser material they must remove their kinetic energy in the form of radiation. Slowing particles form the thing called Cherenkov radiation. 

Maybe the dark energy is some kind of Cherenkov radiation. If the source of the mysterious energy is in particles that come out of the universe, that proves the multiverse. But the fact is that dark energy is one of the things that remains mysterious.

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