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Breakthrough in the brainwave research.

"UC Irvine researchers have discovered that crucial brain waves for deep sleep, previously believed to be generated only by a specific brain circuit, also originate from the hippocampus, offering new insights into memory processing during sleep." (ScitechDaily, Researchers Discover New Origin of Deep Brain Waves)

Researchers found the origin of the deep brain waves. That thing is in the special brain circuit in the hippocampus. Those deep brain waves are crucial for the brain. So they can fall into deep sleep. The brain needs also deep sleep because it helps to fill neurotransmitter storages. There can also be some kind of dreams in deep sleep period. But in that case, the memory is completely turned off. 

That's a sad thing because while a person sleeps, the brain is in the most productive mode and the problem is how to turn that productivity into the thing that benefits society and individuals. The brain-computer interface can make images that researchers can see on a computer screen.

But to turn that thing into reality. The BCI requires information that the AI can decode the brain signals. And turn them into a film that researchers can see on the screen. 

The deep sleep periods are full of mysteries. The REM period is only a small moment of the sleeping time. And maybe the AI can decode dreams to a computer screen somewhere in the future. 

"A new study in Nature Biotechnology reveals that 4.5 million gamers have significantly advanced medical research by playing a mini-game within Borderlands 3, which helped map the evolutionary history of microbes in the human gut. This effort, led by McGill University and supported by multiple organizations, has improved existing algorithms and laid the groundwork for future AI tools, showcasing a unique synergy between video gaming and scientific research. Credit: Gearbox"(ScitechDaily, Leveling Up Science: How Gamers Are Advancing Biomedical Research)

Things like computer games can used to teach the computer. How it should react to EEG. The brain-computer interface (BCI) transmits. The user can control things like items on the screen using the BCI. And that thing allows researchers to use that information to control things. Like drone swarms and next-generation jet fighters. 

Things like computer games can help to map brain activity in certain situations. The system can also map things like EEG signals when the player sees some images. The system can search for similar brain waves from EEG. Which the system recorded from the sleeping person's brain. Researchers can also use computer games to test things like cognitive functions and how they advance through their lifetime. 

Computer games can uncover Alzheimer's by researching how a person can remember something that happens simultaneously in the game areas. Computer games can keep statistics that tell when a person will not remember things anymore. The poor memory can seen from statistics. 

By the way...

"A study found that mothers with insecure attachments have heightened brain-to-brain synchrony with their children, suggesting a compensatory mechanism for relationship challenges. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Mind Mingle: Brain Synchrony in Family Dynamics)

When we think about things like telepathy, the family member's brains may synchronize with each other. The theory goes like this: telepathy is the reading of body language. People always see what another person does before some actions. 

Those persons can predict things while they observe each other. However, the long-term relationship may make brain wave synchronization between persons. That makes it possible. That electromagnetic telepathy. There the nervous systems can exchange information using electromagnetism in that process could be possible.


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