Monday, April 29, 2024

The cosmic peptides can make the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms more difficult.

"Research has demonstrated that peptides, crucial organic compounds, can form on cosmic dust particles even in the presence of water. This challenges previous beliefs and suggests that the formation of life’s building blocks in space is feasible, despite the conditions. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Interstellar Peptides Point to Extraterrestrial Origin of Life’s Building Blocks)

Supernova and kilonova explosions are the most violent cases in the universe. The power of that shockwave can form new elements. But when a shockwave traveled long enough in the universe. Its power decreased. When that shockwave impacts the interplanetary nebula there is oxygen and hydrogen that shockwave can push those atoms together, forming water molecules. 

Nuclear reactions form oxygen, and there is oxygen in the old star's atmosphere. We can say that all stars have Oort clouds. Oort clouds are distant very cold asteroids that stars can capture around them from interstellar space. 

In the case of a supernova explosion, the energy can melt also icy water. And it's possible. Some peptides can form in those water droplets. 

The interstellar, enormous-scale chemical reactions can form a large number of complex molecules. Those molecules can explain the origin of life. Interstellar can form large masses of organic material. 

In things like supernova explosions, the energy impact hits planets, and that energy impact can form peptides and amino acids.  Peptides can form in cosmic dust without water. And things like supernova explosions, and stars can give energy into that kind of chemical reaction. The ability to form large masses of peptides in cosmic clouds can make the background that covers planetary peptides below them. This thing makes the spectroscopic research difficult. 

By the way...

Space is an incredible place to create chemical compounds. Zero gravity. Along with the vacuum, it creates good conditions to create a highly accurate chemical environment with precisely selected reaction components. 

If long molecule peptides can form in the cosmic clouds, that environment can used as a model in chemical research. Maybe researchers can copy those conditions into laboratories.  

The miniature shuttles with remote-controlled laboratories can make those highly accurate chemical environments. The large-scale production of complex molecular structures in zero-gravity conditions can revolutionize the chemical industry. The small shuttles can transport laboratories into orbiters, and then make zero-gravity production and land after they do their work.

The Gaia telescope found the largest stellar black hole in the Milky Way.

"An international team has identified the heaviest black hole in our galaxy, with a mass 33 times that of the sun, using data from the Gaia spacecraft. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Einstein’s Legacy Proven Again With Monumental Black Hole Discovery)

The largest stellar known black hole in the Milky Way is 33 times heavier than the sun. That monster's location is in the binary star system 1500 light years from Earth. The black hole's existence in a binary star system can explained because of the black hole's massive and very large gravity field. That pulls other stars into the black hole. In the same way, the gravity interactions between two stars can pull them together. That causes a situation in which members of the binary star system can be of different ages. 

The stars can be impacted if gravity wins the electromagnetic and particle pressure. In a normal star system, the particle flow from those stars pushes them out. And the gravity pulls them together. And if stars collide, they can also turn into the black hole, if they are heavy enough. 

"This artist’s impression compares side-by-side three stellar black holes in our galaxy: Gaia BH1, Cygnus X-1, and Gaia BH3, whose masses are 10, 21, and 33 times that of the Sun respectively. Gaia BH3 is the most massive stellar black hole found to date in the Milky Way. The radii of the black holes are directly proportional to their masses, but note that the black holes themselves have not been directly imaged. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser" (ScitechDaily, Einstein’s Legacy Proven Again With Monumental Black Hole Discovery)

When a star detonates as a supernova that event forms a neutron star or black holes. The thing is that the black hole takes the quantum fields with it. That thing turns an electromagnetic field and the other three interactions into form. That looks like a tornado. Each interaction is wave movement with different wavelengths. The wavelength determined is the wave movement strong, or weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, or gravity. 

In black holes, the intensive gravitation presses those interactions into so small space, that they start to interact with each other. That means four fundamental interactions turn into one superinteraction. This superinteraction forms energy with enormous energy levels. The black holes do not only pull objects in them. Radiation that comes from the black hole's material disk and relativistic jet push particles away. Near black holes energy flow is so strong, that it makes stars glow brighter than they should.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Mathematics and qubits.

Image Wikipedia/Qubit

"Bloch sphere representation of a qubit. The probability amplitudes for the superposition state, are given by and

Calculating qubits is not harder, than calculating a ball's size in a coordinate system with billions of axles. 

AI is a powerful tool, as we noticed many times. The AI is a tool that can create a new way to control data in the systems. That means the AI can play quantum computer. The AI-based operating systems can make it possible for the networked neurocomputer, to act like a quantum computer. In that neuro system, each binary computer is one state of the virtual qubit. The AI can handle complicated imaginal equations that the system needs to handle qubits in quantum computers. 

The difference between binary and quantum computers and the math behind those things is that in binary computers the "regular mathematics" is needed to control the memory. We can think of the computer's memory as squares. And the system reserves a certain number of those squares in the missions or operands. 

When we calculate qubits we can use formulas that are made for 3D trigonometry. Those formulas go like this (A^2+B^2+C^2). Those equations are connected by the Pythagoras equation (A^2+B^2=C^2). But when we are calculating the distance from some point to another point, we must use two coordinates, X and Y coordinates from the coordinate system. In that case, we handle the 2D coordinates. In qubits theoretically, we must take the Z axle with that thing. So the coordinates of the points are in form X, Y, Z. But in qubits, we must use a coordinate system with billions of axles.

When we calculate the size of the qubits we must determine the ball's center point. The ball is called a qubit. Then we must measure or calculate the distance of the certain point of the ball's shell's distance to the qubit's core. After that, the system must control the energy level of the qubit, so that it can start to synchronize the oscillation with the receiving particle. The system must also notice other things like EM radiation and even gravity waves. 

The problem of those things is that the system must make a slight, ball-shaped qubit. In normal cases, the particle's quantum fields are full of craters and mountains. The system must blow that quantum field to form that is a slight ball to control it. Those mountains and hills on the particles' like electron's quantum fields are the reason why superposition is so hard to make in practical life. 

In quantum computers, the system stores data in the qubit, which we can think of as a ball. So for calculating qubits, we require equations that can handle 3D structures. So we must calculate the ball's size and shape. The suitable form of the equation is the imaginal equation. Or equation must handle the 3D space ball's surface. The problem is that those equations must handle multiple points on the quality and the cubit's shell distance to its core.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Breakthrough in the brainwave research.

"UC Irvine researchers have discovered that crucial brain waves for deep sleep, previously believed to be generated only by a specific brain circuit, also originate from the hippocampus, offering new insights into memory processing during sleep." (ScitechDaily, Researchers Discover New Origin of Deep Brain Waves)

Researchers found the origin of the deep brain waves. That thing is in the special brain circuit in the hippocampus. Those deep brain waves are crucial for the brain. So they can fall into deep sleep. The brain needs also deep sleep because it helps to fill neurotransmitter storages. There can also be some kind of dreams in deep sleep period. But in that case, the memory is completely turned off. 

That's a sad thing because while a person sleeps, the brain is in the most productive mode and the problem is how to turn that productivity into the thing that benefits society and individuals. The brain-computer interface can make images that researchers can see on a computer screen.

But to turn that thing into reality. The BCI requires information that the AI can decode the brain signals. And turn them into a film that researchers can see on the screen. 

The deep sleep periods are full of mysteries. The REM period is only a small moment of the sleeping time. And maybe the AI can decode dreams to a computer screen somewhere in the future. 

"A new study in Nature Biotechnology reveals that 4.5 million gamers have significantly advanced medical research by playing a mini-game within Borderlands 3, which helped map the evolutionary history of microbes in the human gut. This effort, led by McGill University and supported by multiple organizations, has improved existing algorithms and laid the groundwork for future AI tools, showcasing a unique synergy between video gaming and scientific research. Credit: Gearbox"(ScitechDaily, Leveling Up Science: How Gamers Are Advancing Biomedical Research)

Things like computer games can used to teach the computer. How it should react to EEG. The brain-computer interface (BCI) transmits. The user can control things like items on the screen using the BCI. And that thing allows researchers to use that information to control things. Like drone swarms and next-generation jet fighters. 

Things like computer games can help to map brain activity in certain situations. The system can also map things like EEG signals when the player sees some images. The system can search for similar brain waves from EEG. Which the system recorded from the sleeping person's brain. Researchers can also use computer games to test things like cognitive functions and how they advance through their lifetime. 

Computer games can uncover Alzheimer's by researching how a person can remember something that happens simultaneously in the game areas. Computer games can keep statistics that tell when a person will not remember things anymore. The poor memory can seen from statistics. 

By the way...

"A study found that mothers with insecure attachments have heightened brain-to-brain synchrony with their children, suggesting a compensatory mechanism for relationship challenges. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Mind Mingle: Brain Synchrony in Family Dynamics)

When we think about things like telepathy, the family member's brains may synchronize with each other. The theory goes like this: telepathy is the reading of body language. People always see what another person does before some actions. 

Those persons can predict things while they observe each other. However, the long-term relationship may make brain wave synchronization between persons. That makes it possible. That electromagnetic telepathy. There the nervous systems can exchange information using electromagnetism in that process could be possible.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The discoveries suggest that dark energy turns weaker.

When the universe expands distance of particles and objects turns bigger. That makes the gravity effect weaker. Dark energy is the thing that affects the universe and increases its expansion speed. 

But now researchers found that dark energy turns weaker all the time. That opens the door to the thing called: the Big Crunch. In that case, all material returns to the point, where the Big Bang happened. 

Could the dark energy be some kind of Cherenkov radiation? 

The problem is that if the dark energy origin is in the material or dark matter particles or Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) distances also turn longer when the universe expands. That means the density of dark energy turns lower and lower. Dark energy is a thing whose origin is unknown. WIMP may be the tachyon the hypothetical faster-than-light particle. 

The speed of light is quite easy to cross. The speed of light in air is higher than the speed of light in water.  When a particle travels in the atmosphere with the speed of light impacts water, that particle sends a blue light shockwave because it must slow its speed from the speed of light in the atmosphere to the speed of light in water. 

If the particle hits the ice on an object like the dwarf planet Pluto there is no remarkable atmosphere that the particle's slowing is rougher than on Earth where the particle transmits its energy to the atmosphere before it hits water. That means it can send quite strong high-energy radiation impulses when its speed slows straight from the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in ice. 

Tachyon can be:

1) Elementary particles like electrons or photons that form in the cosmic void or interstellar space. When those particles travel in interstellar space. They can travel faster than light travels in plasma bubbles around stars. 

When those particles hit a plasma bubble or water they release their energy. The neutrinos may be remnants of tachyons. When a hypothetical particle hits the plasma bubble around the sun, it must slow its speed from the speed of light in interstellar space to the speed of light in the plasma bubble. 

When a particle slows its speed it sends a radiation shockwave. So if that particle exists, it slows its speed a second time, when it comes to atmosphere. In the third time that particle slows its speed in the neutrino detector. 

The energy level determines the shape. Or (the name) of the particle and that means that before neutrino hits the detector. It has been some other particle. And that particle could be the tachyon. 

2) If tachyon forms outside the universe, that means it slows its speed when it comes to the universe. The reason for that thing is the speed of light depends on the material. There are also ice bits in the universe. And when neutrinos or some other particles hit those ice bites. They send radiation. Just like neutrino sends when it hits water in neutrino detectors. 

If we think of the possibility that some particles can travel faster than light, we must remember that the medium's density affects the speed of light. If the particle forms in the cosmic void and starts to travel across it, it can travel faster than similar particles outside that cosmic void, like Böotes void. If that particle hits an interstellar nebula or some ice bite, that particle can travel faster than time in a short moment. Things like neutrino detectors have proven that thing. 

Same way if the antimatter and material particles impact interstellar space and those impacts send photons and other particles around them. The speed of light in interstellar or intergalactic space is faster than, the speed of light in plasma or cosmic nebulas. When those particles hit the denser material they must remove their kinetic energy in the form of radiation. Slowing particles form the thing called Cherenkov radiation. 

Maybe the dark energy is some kind of Cherenkov radiation. If the source of the mysterious energy is in particles that come out of the universe, that proves the multiverse. But the fact is that dark energy is one of the things that remains mysterious.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The neutron crystal.

"MIT researchers have discovered that neutrons can bind to quantum dots using the strong force, a finding that opens new possibilities for probing material properties at the quantum level and advancing quantum information processing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, “Neutronic Molecules” – Neutrons Meet Quantum Dots in Groundbreaking MIT Discovery)

MIT's groundbreaking research connected neutrons with quantum dots. And that allowed researchers to connect neutrons in the entirety than ever seen before on Earth. Neutron crystals or neutronic molecules are the newest things created in the quantum- and nanoworld. 

Researchers have known that neutrons can connected. Because. They have N and S poles. The practical solution was not as easy to make as the theoretical model. The neutron crystals allow to creation of lasers that operate in neutron radiation frequency. 

The first molecules do not seem very impressive. But they prove that researchers can connect neutrons.

Researchers can trap neutrons in nanotubes. And then the radiation stress makes them send neutron radiation. The system would look a bit like a long-range acoustic device (LRAD) that authorities use against riots. In a simpler version, the neutron molecules would hover in a tube their system inputs radiation stress. 

The neutron laser can give extremely accurate radiation therapy. And those systems can also make very accurate X-ray imaging. But the fact is that neutron radiation is very pervasive and dangerous. 

Maybe in the future possible. Researchers can create 2D neutron layers. Which can give a new ability for the materials. The neutron network can be an extremely tough material. And that thing can be one of the things, where researchers can use those pure neutrons. 

Neutron molecules can used as miniature generators. When those neutron structures face radiation stress they act like small neutron stars. That makes it possible to create new types of electric systems. In some visions, there could be neutron molecules in nanotubes. Those things can make an entire layer turn into a fundamental generator. 

It's possible, that the fullerene cell structure is between two thin aluminum layers. And in the cell is the neutron molecule that spins very fast. That kind of system can be the fundamental and effective power source for aerial devices.

Monday, April 15, 2024

What is the speed of light?

"On average, sunlight takes 8 minutes and 17 seconds to travel from the Sun to Earth. The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant that is exactly equal to 299,792,458 metres per second (approximately 300,000 kilometres per second; 186,000 miles per second; 671 million miles per hour" (Wikipedia, speed of light)

"Speed of light in a vacuum and air = 300 million m/s or 273,400 mph. Speed of light in water = 226 million m/s or 205,600 mph. Speed of light in glass = 200 million m/s or 182,300 mph." (

The speed of light is cosmic constant. But the speed of light is not the same all the time. Outside the atmosphere speed of light is higher than in water. Outside the universe, the speed of light is higher than the speed of light in the universe. 

The speed of light is the speed of photons. So that's why we should say that a photon's speed depends on the environment. And that causes problems. Speed itself is relative to its environment. So we all moving about something.

We are moving about the sun or distant stars. That means that we always move. When we think about the universe. And its relation with speed. The universe is denser than the space outside it. That means particles should travel out from the universe faster than they travel inside it. 

But then we always forget that the universe's gravity slows particles. The speed of light can virtually be crossed when two particles travel opposite to each other. 

That thing can cause measurement error and virtual crossing of the speed of light if both particles travel faster than 50% of the speed of light. Also, things like black holes that stretch time and space can cause virtual redshift that can cause an effect that they travel faster than the speed of light. Crossing the speed of light happens at the point of the event horizon. 

The reason for that is that. The speed of light is connected with the space. If we were in a spacecraft that travels 60% of the speed of light we should cross that speed by accelerating to the speed that is 50-100% of the speed of light. And at least if we remove craft from around us, that thing causes us can cross the speed of light for a short moment, because the material that has mass cannot decrease its speed unlimitely. 

Neutrino detectors show that when a particle hits water from the air it travels a short moment faster than the speed of light. The reason for that is that the speed of light is slower in water than in air. While a particle slows its speed it sends a blue light flash. 

Because. Particles must transport their kinetic energy to the water. The speed of light is the wall, where energy flow to particles turns opposite. When energy flow turns away from particles, their acceleration ends. In black holes, the black hole presses the universe and energy into a denser form. 

That thing pumps energy into those particles. All photons and electromagnetic fields travel in the same direction. So the speed of particles is slower in space. And the speed of light is always an interesting thing.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The molecules offer new ways to create data security.

"Image depicting the control of polariton particles using electric-field tip-enhanced strong coupling spectroscopy. Credit: POSTECH" (ScitechDaily, Light-Matter Particle Breakthrough Could Change Displays Forever). The system can use the same method to create qubits. 

Light-particle interaction that can change displays forever can also make it possible to unlock a new way to create qubits. The system can make it possible to trap things like electrons between two layers. And then. The system can create the quantum entanglement between those electrons or maybe even atoms. 

The superposition between atoms is possible if the system can make a very accurate superposition between those atom's quantum fields. Or the system must just descramble information that it transports between atoms. 

In this image, you can see the energy hills and the system can make quantum entanglement between those hills. 

Holographic displays. That creates hovering holograms over them those holograms can used as optical communication tools. The system traps the qubit in those holograms. And then it transports information into them. The blinking holograms also offer the possibility to make an optical data network. 

"Scientists have discovered that molecules scramble quantum information at rates comparable to black holes, affecting chemical reactions and offering insights for controlling quantum computing systems. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Scrambling: Chemical Reactions Rivaling Black Holes)

Molecules offer impressive paths for data security. 

Researchers saw that molecules can scramble information as effectively as black holes. And that can make a big advance in quantum technology. If we think about the possibility of scrambling and descrambling information. We can say that a molecule twists information in a certain way. In that system, the information is like tangled woolen yarn. When the woolen yarn is tangled. It creates a structure that seems impossible to take in use. 

But if we have patience. We can turn those yarns into straight form. Same way molecules can entangle information. And then. The receiving system must just make the same actions that the encoding molecule made backward. 

We must understand that certain movements create this tangled structure. And to disentangle that mess, we should only make those movements backward. 

"Researchers have used neutron spectroscopy to uncover the unique, moonlander-like movement of triphenylphosphine on graphite, advancing our understanding of molecular motion and its applications in material science.Credit: TU Graz" (ScitechDaily, A Molecular Moonlander: PPh3’s Movement Challenges Conventional Science)

Moon lander molecules can used to create big advances in data security and nanotechnology. 

The molecular moon-lander that acts as a molecular-size USB  can improve data security. This molecule can hover over a graphite layer. And it can offer very interesting opportunities for data security and nanotechnology. 

The triphenylphosphine (PPh3) molecule offers a new way to secure data communication. The film shows how the molecule interacts with the layer. And when one part of it comes closer to the contact point, it can release data. That system is stored in it. This kind of thing can make chemical qubit possible. 

If there is a ring of metal atoms around the carbon ring. That system can store information in those atoms. Then the system can use that structure to turn the data row into data lines. 

That molecule can act like a miniature USB stick. And it can transport data between two layers. At least. If there are some metal atoms where the system can store information. The molecular moon lander can also operate as a tool for nanotechnology. And it can transport things like enzymes to precise points. The molecular moon lander as this molecule is called can also act as a miniature antenna. That scans the objects that are on the graphite or graphene layers.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The new methods can make compact GWD (Gravitational Wave Detectors) possible.

"The Kerr-enhanced optical spring method enhances gravitational wave detection, offering new insights into cosmic phenomena and neutron star structures. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Universe: Kerr-Enhanced Optical Springs for Next-Gen Gravitational Wave Detectors)

The next-generation gravity wave detectors can be more sensitive and compact than ever imagined. In some scenarios, the nano-size mirrors with as high a reflection as possible can create an optical structure. Where the laser ray's length is thousands of kilometers. This thing is quite hard to make. 

If researchers create that structure using mirrors that reflect 100%. The system can detect the brightness of laser rays. And when the gravity wave hits those laser rays, it changes their brightness. 

But the other thing is what if researchers can stretch light? In stretching light the length of the light surface is big. And that makes it possible to create a system. That can detect gravity waves

"Kerr-enhanced optical spring demonstrates tunable non-linearity, presenting potential applications for enhancing GWD sensitivity and in various optomechanical systems. Credit: Tokyo Tech" (ScitechDaily,Unlocking the Universe: Kerr-Enhanced Optical Springs for Next-Gen Gravitational Wave Detectors)

The Kerr-enhanced magneto-optical springs can make the next-generation gravity wave detectors (GWD)

But then we can imagine the case that the sensor uses the magneto-optical springs. In some ideas, the magneto-optical spinning structures can harvest the gravity waves, if they are sensitive enough. The problem is that gravity waves are so weak. Gravity waves must impact enough energy to the sensor that it can detect changes in its structure. 

The GWD sensors are the newest tools for the research universe. Those things offer the possibility of researching black hole's internal structures. 

The detectable gravity waves are forming in the black hole's event horizon. But their origin is far inside the event horizon. That means that black holes are like an onion of multiple internal gravity fields. 

All gravitational objects send gravity waves. Those things can also used to give information about the internal structures of other objects. But the problem is how to create GWD that has high enough accuracy. Gravity wave detectors are tools that give information about the most dominating force in the universe. 

Can we someday benefit from gravity waves as an energy source? 

The GWD sensors can also work as pathfinders for the systems that use gravity waves as an energy source. The sensor that measures gravitational waves harvests energy from those waves. Gravity waves can transfer energy to photons. Those things are interactions. And photons should also transfer energy to the gravity waves. 

So large-scale systems could use laser rays to capture gravity waves. Or gravity waves could transport energy to some lightweight, low-energy particles. And then laser rays can block the gravity waves. That thing makes those particles like free gluons or low-energy quarks deliver their extra energy. And maybe someday, we can make those gluon clouds.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

There are always more than three actors in the real world.

"An international research team is advancing precision timekeeping by developing a nuclear clock using thorium isotopes and innovative laser methods, potentially transforming our understanding of physical constants and dark matter. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Unveiling the Thorium Nuclear Clock and Its Time-Twisting Secrets)

From Three-body problem...

There are no pure three-body systems in nature. There are always more than three components in the system. For making real three-body systems we must separate those three bodies from the environment. Otherwise, there are stable effects. But nobody can predict some effects like distant supernova explosions or sun eruptions. 

And one of those things that affect all bodies is time. When radioactive materials decay. That affects the stability and symmetry of the object. 

Energy levels affect the existence of things like neutrons. The thorium atom clocks are next-generation tools for time measurement. In those systems advanced laser technology allows us to replace highly radioactive cesium by using less radioactive thorium. 

"Approximate trajectories of three identical bodies located at the vertices of a scalene triangle and having zero initial velocities. The center of mass, in accordance with the law of conservation of momentum, remains in place." (Wikipedia, Three-body problem)

The problem is that even quarks are not identical. There is an asymmetry in up and down quark's energy fields. There are also many other actors in nature, than those three components. 

Researchers can use safer atom clocks because there is no highly radioactive material. So if somebody steals that atom clock, there is no so big danger. The high-accurate navigation systems also require high-accurate time measurements.

And it will improve the ability to measure things like changes in gravity fields. Safer components allow them to make more atom clocks. And that makes it possible to make a more accurate network to measure time and gravity fields and their changes. 

"Quantum computers, utilizing versatile qubits, are at the forefront of solving complex optimization problems like the traveling salesman dilemma, traditionally plagued by computational inefficiency. Through rigorous mathematical analysis, researchers have demonstrated that quantum computing can fundamentally transform problem-solving, offering a more efficient polynomial increase in computation time compared to classical methods and yielding superior solutions." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap: Redefining Complex Problem-Solving)

To complex internally entangled three object problems. 

We see three-body problems everywhere. There are three quarks in baryons protons and neutrons. Those quarks moving around each other. But the problem is that those quarks are not alone. They interact with gluons and electrons. And that means there is a complex internal entangled three-body problem groups. 

The problem with three body problems is this. There are many more than three objects in the universe. So if we want to move the three-body or three-object problem into the real world we must realize that all other objects interact in natural systems. The second problem is that all four interactions participate in those interactions. 

Things like asteroid groups, interplanetary dust, ion flows, and other things like close and distant gravity effects and gravity field strengths affect three bodies. So multiple forces interact with those three bodies. And all forces are entireties. To predict the system's behavior, we must know all its participants. We know that the gravity field is not stable even on Earth. 

The internal and external forces interact with particles and particle groups. And even the weak force has a measurable effect if the interaction continues for a very long time. The other thing is that all particles that interact in the three. Object problem has a different force their gravity is different, and the electromagnetic radiation is also different.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Elliptic light polarization can act as a model for things like wormholes.

"Two different powered, polarized lasers combine in the process of High Harmonic Generation. CreditSteven Burrows/Becker Group" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Light’s “Goldilocks” Zone: Perfecting Elliptical Polarization)

Researchers can use elliptical light polarization to observe ultra-fast electron dynamics. It can used to create the hollow light that protects some structures against outside outcoming non-controlled effects.

Researchers created a "new method to produce extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and x-ray light with elliptical polarization, a special shape in which the direction of light waves’ oscillation is changing. This method could provide experimentalists with a simple technique to generate such light, which is beneficial for physicists to further understand the interactions between electrons in materials on the quantum level, paving the way for designing better electronic devices such as circuit boards, solar panels, and more." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Light’s “Goldilocks” Zone: Perfecting Elliptical Polarization)

The elliptic light polarization can used to model how other wavelengths behave. That thing opens new ideas for gravity research. What if gravity wave polarization is possible? That thing denies the gravity wave interaction between object and environment. 

The elliptical polarization of light is one thing that can used in long- or medium-distance quantum communication. The elliptical light waves can form a structure like a tunnel or virtual light fiber. The elliptic light waves can be used to model how wave movement acts. In this model, all wavelengths interact in the same way. 

The difference between light, radio waves, and gravity is that their wavelength is different. That means. There should be a polarization effect also other wavelengths than optical wavelengths. Researchers can use polarization, especially the elliptic light polarization model, to gravitational waves can form the Einstein-Rose bridge or gravitational wormholes. 

Gravitational wave polarization can happen when an object creates an elliptic but hollow gravitational field that closes other gravitational waves away from inside it. When we think about the possibility of creating synthetic gravitational waves. We can think about the quantum stylus where the bosons are in series. Theoretically is possible to make a line where a photon pumps energy into W and Z bosons then W/Z boson-pair pumps energy in gluons. And then gluon can pump energy in graviton if that particle exists.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...