Monday, April 29, 2024

The cosmic peptides can make the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms more difficult.

"Research has demonstrated that peptides, crucial organic compounds, can form on cosmic dust particles even in the presence of water. This challenges previous beliefs and suggests that the formation of life’s building blocks in space is feasible, despite the conditions. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Interstellar Peptides Point to Extraterrestrial Origin of Life’s Building Blocks)

Supernova and kilonova explosions are the most violent cases in the universe. The power of that shockwave can form new elements. But when a shockwave traveled long enough in the universe. Its power decreased. When that shockwave impacts the interplanetary nebula there is oxygen and hydrogen that shockwave can push those atoms together, forming water molecules. 

Nuclear reactions form oxygen, and there is oxygen in the old star's atmosphere. We can say that all stars have Oort clouds. Oort clouds are distant very cold asteroids that stars can capture around them from interstellar space. 

In the case of a supernova explosion, the energy can melt also icy water. And it's possible. Some peptides can form in those water droplets. 

The interstellar, enormous-scale chemical reactions can form a large number of complex molecules. Those molecules can explain the origin of life. Interstellar can form large masses of organic material. 

In things like supernova explosions, the energy impact hits planets, and that energy impact can form peptides and amino acids.  Peptides can form in cosmic dust without water. And things like supernova explosions, and stars can give energy into that kind of chemical reaction. The ability to form large masses of peptides in cosmic clouds can make the background that covers planetary peptides below them. This thing makes the spectroscopic research difficult. 

By the way...

Space is an incredible place to create chemical compounds. Zero gravity. Along with the vacuum, it creates good conditions to create a highly accurate chemical environment with precisely selected reaction components. 

If long molecule peptides can form in the cosmic clouds, that environment can used as a model in chemical research. Maybe researchers can copy those conditions into laboratories.  

The miniature shuttles with remote-controlled laboratories can make those highly accurate chemical environments. The large-scale production of complex molecular structures in zero-gravity conditions can revolutionize the chemical industry. The small shuttles can transport laboratories into orbiters, and then make zero-gravity production and land after they do their work.

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