Friday, March 8, 2024

Quantum gravity is the key to larger-scale gravity models.

Quantum gravity is the gravitational effect between the smallest known particles. Understanding quantum gravitation requires that all other effects be stripped off. So that researchers can measure the gravitational effect between subatomic particles. 

There is the gravitational effect between protons and neutrons, as well as, the gravitational effect affects things like electrons and their movement around nuclei have gravitational effect. But the other three natural forces or interactions cover that gravitational effect below them. 

Electromagnetism and weak-, and strong nuclear forces cover the gravitational effect between electrons and an atom's nucleus. Quantum gravity is different than full-scale gravity because the object's size is far smaller. And there are also other power fields than just gravitational fields. 

The gravity is wave movement like all other fundamental interactions. And that causes ideas that at the quantum level, there could be something that can reflect the gravitational radiation. That reflection happens on an extremely small scale. And maybe there may be gravitational reflection from bonds between gluon and quark. If that reflection is possible it's very hard to detect. 

The gravitational wave reflection is theoretically possible. That reflection requires extremely dense particles that cannot let gravitational waves sink in that structure. The extremely dense structure can theoretically act like a gravitational mirror, but that kind of thing is purely theoretical. 

The idea is that maybe photons can travel between quarks and interact straight with bonds that formed between quarks and gluon. Those photons can cause the energy bridges between quarks and gluons to start to oscillate like springs. So, could that wave movement be the source of some gravitational waves? 

Or is there an extremely small black hole between quarks and gluons? But in that case, it's also possible that photons can adjust their oscillation. And thing like material oscillation supports both models. 

"Researchers have developed a method to measure gravity at a microscopic level, marking a significant advancement in understanding quantum gravity. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Gravity Unveiled – Scientists Crack the Cosmic Code That Baffled Einstein)

What is gravity?

This gravity model requires a Higgs field. 

In this model gravity center just turns the base energy field, called Higgs field away. The black hole is the whirl the energy field travels so fast, that the outcoming energy field has no time to fill it. The black hole is like a tornado or whirl. The energy level in that whirl must be higher than outside the Higgs field. 

That causes gravitational radiation or gravitational waves. In that model black holes formed of whirls in Higgs field. And they are interacting with the Higgs field. Higgs field is the space, that takes other particles with it. In models, gravity interacts with the entirety. So Higgs field is like water that takes particles to the whirl. 

Because energy or wave movement in the Higgs field's frequency travels out from the black hole, that causes its vaporization. So gravitation is the Higgs field that travels into the gravitational center. And then the gravitational center aims those waves into the direction of its rotational axle. 

If we think that photons make the bonds between quarks and gluons oscillate, that oscillation can transfer energy or wave movement to the Higgs field or atomic power fields. And maybe that thing makes gravity waves hard to detect. So gravity waves are wave movement in the Higgs field. The reason for gravity is that the particle or gravity center moves the Higgs field into some other direction. The thing that causes gravitational pull is the lower energy area in the Higgs field near the gravitational center. When the gravitational center pulls the Higgs field into it, that thing forms the lower energy area in the Higgs field. That causes an effect where the Higgs field travels to fill that lower energy area. 

The reason for the black hole's existence is that the fast spinning field or gravity center transfers the Higgs field away from its center so fast that the outcoming field cannot fill the whirl, called the black hole. But that whirl turns smaller and smaller all the time. And that thing is the thing called vaporization. So the black hole behaves exactly like tornadoes. Sooner or later the outcoming energy fields break the black hole, like outside pressure breaks the tornado or breaks it. The pressure in the black hole's energy field must be higher than the outcoming energy field. That energy field around the black hole keeps in its form. Then the outside energy field breaks that structure and caves in the black hole.

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