Saturday, March 30, 2024

From theory to reality, graviton-like particles are isolated in laboratories.

"Light probing a chiral graviton mode in a fractional quantum Hall effect liquid. Credit: Lingjie Du, Nanjing University" (ScitechDaily, From Theory to Reality: Graviton-like Particles Found in Quantum Experiments)

Researchers may find graviton in quantum experiments. ScitechDaily reports about this thing like this: "A team of scientists from Columbia, Nanjing University, Princeton, and the University of Munster, writing in the journal Nature, have presented the first experimental evidence of collective excitations with spin called chiral graviton modes (CGMs) in a semiconducting material". (ScitechDaily, From Theory to Reality: Graviton-like Particles Found in Quantum Experiments) 

There are four fundamental forces or interactions. 

1) Strong nuclear force. (Strong Interaction)

2) Weak nuclear force (Weak Interaction)

3) Electromagnetism. (Electromagnetic interaction)

4) Gravity (or gravitation) (Gravitational interaction)

Their transportation particles are bosons. 

1) Gluons are strong nuclear force transporter particles. 

2) W and X-bosons transport weak nuclear force. 

3) Photons transport electromagnetism 

4) Gravitons transport gravitational force. 

The only particle that is not proven is the graviton. Now there is first evidence about the existence of those particles. Gravitons will prove that gravity is an independent fundamental force with three other forces. Those fundamental interactions are all similar. They have particles and waveforms. Those forces affect different-sized objects inside atoms. 

The thing. That determines the effect's pulling and pushing is the direction of the asymmetry of those forces. The energy or fundamental interaction always travels to a particle that is in a lower energy level in that type of interaction. All fundamental forces or interactions are one type of energy, and the wavelength of energy determines which of the four interactions works in those cases. 

The theoretical antigravity system can form a standing gravity wave using impacting gravitons. That system uses standing gravitational waves to turn gravity opposite. 

The asymmetry in energy levels pushes or pulls the particle. And if the energy level between particles is the same there forms a standing wave between them. That standing wave is one of the so-called virtual particles. The energy level in standing waves rises until another particle can push that wave to another particle. 

But if those particles are in a lower energy level than the standing wave. That wave pushes them away from each other. That thing happens between magnets. And that thing can happen also between gravitational objects. 

If the gravitational waves can form standing waves between those objects they can reflect gravitational radiation or gravitational waves. So antigravity requires the ability to create standing gravitational waves. Then the system increases the power of those waves. Then those standing gravity waves can reflect the gravity radiation from them. And that should make gravity operate opposite to usual. 

Graviton is like glue between particles. They form energy asymmetry that pulls particles together along with other bosons that transport three other fundamental forces.

They are the last unproven particles that carry a remarkable force called gravity. The position of the graviton can be in the subatomic particle or between those particles. 

When we think about the possibility. When a graviton is found, that particle can separated from its entirety. Only in experiments where the system uses certain power. If the system uses too much power the impact energy covers the gravitons. There is also the possibility that Muon G-2 anomaly forms in gravitational interaction between gravitons. It's possible. That the hypothetical but almost proven gravitons are moving during those tests. And that forms asymmetry in Muon's energy field's shape and trajectory. 

If researchers found gravitons during those experiments, that could open a path to new types of research and technical solutions. And a better way to understand gravity. The ability to understand gravity opens the path into a new type of quantum systems, computing, and interstellar flight.

Monday, March 25, 2024

The ultra-fast lasers and nanotubes are new tools to control quantum systems.

Quantum dots and ultra-fast laser impulses are the tools for next-generation quantum computing. The ultra-fast attosecond lasers can act as ultra-accurate scanner systems. The fast laser flashes can scan structures. That is invisible to scanning tunneling microscopes. But the attosecond lasers can also drive information to the qubits. 

In some ideas, the system that is similar to a scanning tunneling microscope forms a structure that looks like a scanning tunneling microscope. The styluses that hover electrons between the layer and stylus are in comb-like structures. The attosecond lasers will transport information into those electrons, that act as transporter dipoles for the information. When laser ray hits electrons. They resend that radiation in the form of photons. 

If the system uses excitons for data transmission the series of fullerene molecules can used to protect the exciton chain. Information travels between those quantum lanterns. Those quantum lantern chains can be in lines and rows. And information can travel vertically and horizontally. 

The thing is that quantum computers are looking for their form. Those systems are becoming more and more advanced. And they learn to drive more and more complicated data structures. 

"Photoinduced bipolaron-to-polaron formations distorting a quasi-1D lattice of atoms play a major role in the formation of the pseudogap. Credit: Steven Burrows/Murnane and Kapteyn Groups" (ScitechDaily, Ultrafast Laser Pulses Unmask Quantum Materials and Superconductivity)

"Illustration showing light exciting electrons in two molecules of the organic semiconductor known as buckminsterfullerene. The newly formed exciton (shown by the bright dot) is first distributed over two molecules before it settles on one molecule (shown on the right in the picture). Credit: Andreas Windischbacher" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap: Pioneering Exciton Imaging Transforms Semiconductor Science)

"Waterloo researchers merge Nobel-prize winning physics and chemistry to enhance quantum communication efficiency and security. Credit:" (Quantum Dots Ignite a New Era in Global Secure Communication)

In some models, the Hall-effect fields or resistance fields can used as qubits. The idea is that the system drives information to those standing waves around those wires. The blue lines in the upper image can portray those fields. Then the photons drive information to those fields. Then the system puts similar Hall fields that are at lower energy levels opposite to those fields. Then the higher energy field can transmit information between those energy fields. 

"The entangled photon source, an indium-based quantum dot embedded in a semiconductor nanowire (left), and a visualization of how the entangled photons are efficiently extracted from the nanowire. Credit: University of Waterloo" (Quantum Dots Ignite a New Era in Global Secure Communication)

Quantum dots make the next-generation ultra-secure data transmission possible. 

The next-generation quantum technology that uses so-called quantum dots and indium nanowires are the tools for high-power quantum networks. The system can put quantum dots inside the nanotube, and those dots can make it possible for an entangled photon chain can transport information in that nanotube. 

This is one of the most secure information transportation methods. If somebody tries to steal information that thing cuts the chain of those entangled photons. And the system detects the attack immediately. 

The main problem with quantum data transportation is: how to get information from the qubit into the wire. Quantum networks are more secure than regular networks because information travels in physical structures. It's also possible that the quantum network uses regular optical cables, where each wire is a qubit's independent state. The system can share the data between those wires. And then that thing makes it hard to break the protection.

AI uncovers interactions between particles and gravity fields.

"AI is emerging as a key tool in nuclear physics, offering solutions for the data-intensive and complex task of particle track reconstruction. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Unveiling New Physics With AI-Powered Particle Tracking)

The AI gives a new way to track particles. The AI-based analysis makes it possible for the system. It can collect information from multiple sensors. And compile that data with previous tests with ultra-high accuracy and speed. The AI can analyze the particle tracks in the impact chambers. 

It can observe particle behavior in particle accelerators. The AI can also collect data from things like telescopes and satellites and connect that data with data that the system collects from multiple particle accelerators that impact particles in different energy levels. 

This thing makes the revolution in physics. The system can compile the cosmic radiation effect with particle impacts. And that gives new data for the systematic models of the universe. 

That model is important for making things like gravitational models. The thing that supernovas send the gravitational waves is interesting. The idea is that gravitational waves are shortwave radiation or wave movement. The supernova energy raises energy levels so high that electromagnetic wave movement can start to interact with gravitational waves. The gravitational wave is wave movement. Which wavelength is different than electromagnetic wave movement? 

And then to the black holes. The thing that we can call the sombrero model is the tool that tries to explain the black hole models. The high energy center, energy hill, and the energy wall between standing energy waves make energy travel to the energy hill a good gravitational field model. In all gravity fields. Without depending on their strength. The black hole is the ultimate gravitational field. But it interacts similar way as other gravity fields. The depth of the energy valley in the sombrero model determines the gravity interaction's strength and direction. 




The theoretical antigravity engine works like this. The system creates a sombrero-shaped energy field. The theoretical antigravity craft hovers in the middle of that energy hill. That energy hill moves craft forward. And the energy Walley pumps energy in that craft. 

Maybe, someday this system is possible.  


J = total angular momentumB = baryon numberQ = electric charge,
I3 = isospinC = charmS = strangenessT = topnessB′ = bottomness. (Wikipedia, quarks)

Researchers created the sombrero model for electromagnetic fields. But we can think that all wavelengths and power fields follow the same model. So how does the famous antigravity work? The idea is simple. There is forming a standing gravitational wave under, or around the object. Then the system must make the opposite sombrero. There must form the deeper energy Walley at outside the standing wave. Or the energy level inside the standing wave must be higher than the environment. Or the standing wave must simply deny the gravitational waves travel inside them. 

The second image shows how gravity works in a 2D environment. When particles rotate they roll energy or quantum fields, including gravity fields into the structure, which looks like a rope or stick. The particle or object hovers above the stick and presses the pothole in the gravity field. That pothole makes the environment or quantum fields fall in that pothole. Then that stick collects the energy and transports it to the object, and that thing makes it act like a gravitational version of the thermal pump. When the thermal pump moves electromagnetic energy, this pump moves gravitational waves.  

In the antigravity, the system must just cut that stick. That denies the form of the pothole. Or the system must send some radiation that fills the pothole. That makes the object hover. And if somebody wants to make an antigravity engine. That futuristic researcher must make the black hole or the "sombrero field" where that futuristic craft is in the middle of that energy hill. 

The third image shows how high-energy radiation pushes quantum fields from around it. That channel forms an effect where the field starts to travel in it. The image was made originally for a gamma-ray burst and a black hole's radiation interaction with its environment. If radiation has a high enough energy level. That radiation can also push the gravity field from around it. 

Quantum gravity has a similar effect. The energy flow or energy stick transports energy between particles and the base energy field. That energy forms low-pressure or potholes in energy fields. That energy channel or pothole forms the effect, where the energy field acts like water, which transports particles in that pothole. 

There are always three quarks in baryonic hadrons. Energy flow in neutrons that form one up and two down quarks creates energy flow that makes the pothole in the quantum field.  And that means that we can say, that neutron hovers above the gravity field.  

Between protons and their environment is a similar interaction. But the energy flow is weaker. The energy flow happens because the up quark energy level (mass) is lower than the down quarks. And energy flows through those up quarks. 

This is why neutron life is so short if it gets out from the atom nucleus. The energy flow. From down quark-pair impact an up quark. And that forms the standing wave that breaks the bonds between quarks. 

Energy flows straight out from protons through those up quarks. That effect squeezes the proton in a heap. But the main reason why a proton exists longer than a neutron is that there is no standing wave. When energy impacts the proton it travels straight through it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The breakthrough in solid-state qubits.

Hybrid integration of a designer nanodiamond with photonic circuits via ring resonators. Credit
Steven Burrows/Sun Group (ScitechDaily, Solid-State Qubits: Artificial Atoms Unlock Quantum Computing Breakthrough)


The next part is from

"JILA breakthrough in integrating artificial atoms with photonic circuits advances quantum computing efficiency and scalability". (ScitechDaily, Solid-State Qubits: Artificial Atoms Unlock Quantum Computing Breakthrough)

"In quantum information science, many particles can act as “bits,” from individual atoms to photons. At JILA, researchers utilize these bits as “qubits,” storing and processing quantum 1s or 0s through a unique system". (ScitechDaily, Solid-State Qubits: Artificial Atoms Unlock Quantum Computing Breakthrough)

"While many JILA Fellows focus on qubits found in nature, such as atoms and ions, JILA Associate Fellow and University of Colorado Boulder Assistant Professor of Physics Shuo Sun is taking a different approach by using “artificial atoms,” or semiconducting nanocrystals with unique electronic properties. By exploiting the atomic dynamics inside fabricated diamond crystals, physicists like Sun can produce a new type of qubit, known as a “solid-state qubit,” or an artificial atom". (ScitechDaily, Solid-State Qubits: Artificial Atoms Unlock Quantum Computing Breakthrough)

"Because these artificial atoms do not move, one way to let them talk to each other is to place them inside a photonic circuit. The photons traveling inside the photonic circuit can connect different artificial atoms. Like hot air moving through an air duct to warm a cold room, photons move through the quantum circuit to induce interactions between the artificial atoms. “Having an interface between artificial atoms and photons allows you to achieve precise control of the interactions between two artificial atoms,” explained Sun". (ScitechDaily, Solid-State Qubits: Artificial Atoms Unlock Quantum Computing Breakthrough)

"Historically, there have been problems with integrating artificial atoms with photonic circuits. This is because creating the artificial atoms (where atoms are knocked out of a diamond crystal) is a very random process, leading to random placement of the artificial atoms, random number of artificial atoms at each location, and random color each artificial atom emits".(ScitechDaily, Solid-State Qubits: Artificial Atoms Unlock Quantum Computing Breakthrough)

JILA homepage:


Making photonic circuits in solid-state materials is quite difficult. Making a photonic network in solid-state material requires channels or tubes inside that material. And in that case, photons can travel or transmit wave movement in those channels. Those channels can be made using nanotubes. Or a laser can drill those channels in solid materials. 

Making quantum computers in solid-state material is similar. As making photonic network. The system must make quantum entanglement between two identical particles. And the most suitable particles are photons. Theoretically is possible to create two photonic clouds with similarly oscillating and the lasers will send information into them. 

In some models, the system can use two oppositely positioned time- or photonic crystals for making quantum entanglement. Laser rays will first freeze those photonic crystals. 

And then those systems can create quantum entanglements between those photons. The photons are been the most useful qubits because they don't interact with EM. fields. In regular systems, photons are framed in the frame, and then a laser sends information to them. 

The new idea is to use nano-diamonds, or artificial atoms for these purposes. The artificial atoms are diamond-like, very small crystal structures. Those crystal structures can create photonic clouds in or around them. And then those systems can make a superposition between two photonic clouds. That is one of the versions of solid-state qubits. 

The problem is how to make photons travel around the nanocrystals. In some versions, the nanocrystal creates an electron ring where electrons travel in line. And then, the laser beam that impacts energy to nanocrystals makes those electrons send photons. 

The thing. What would make it easier to control qubits is that a large group of makers of the qubits can controlled. In the ideal case, the system can create the quantum entanglement between large entireties. And the nanodiamond with a photonic ring with resonators is one of the most promising things in the world.

The system could create an electron ring that orbits the nanodiamond. Then the oscillator sends energy to that ring, and then those electrons send photons. That kind of system requires highly accurate energy measurements.

Plasmonic waves can make new waves in quantum technology.

"LSU researchers have made a significant discovery related to the fundamental properties and behavior of plasmonic waves, which can lead ot the development of more sensitive and robust quantum technologies. Credit: LSU" (ScitechDaily, Plasmonics Breakthrough Unleashes New Era of Quantum Technologies)

Plasmonic waves in the quantum gas are the next-generation tools. The plasmonic wave is quite similar to radio waves. Or, rather say it, a combination of acoustic waves and electromagnetic waves. Quantum gas is an atom group. In those atom groups, temperature and pressure are extremely low. 

The distance of atoms is long. And when an electromagnetic system can pump energy to those atoms. But the thing in quantum gas is that the atoms also make physical movements like soundwaves. It's possible. To create quantum gas using monoatomic ions like ionized noble gas. In those systems, positive (or negative) atoms push each other away. 

When the box is filled with quantum gas and some 3D structure is put in it the system can transmit energy in that gas. The energy release makes those atoms send energy impulses to that structure. 

When some atom is at the route of that energy impulse, it changes that wave movement's direction. And that makes it possible to create new types of sensor technology. The quantum gas can form waves where atoms travel in lines. And that thing makes quantum gas interesting. 

Another interesting thing is that the electrons and maybe, free quarks can also form quantum gas. In the standing electron cloud. The photons pump energy can used to send extremely short wave movement to the structure that is in the middle of it. 

That electron cloud can scan the details of single atoms. The smallest known particle, a photon can also create a photon cloud. Those standing photons can send wave movement. That can used to see things like bonds between quarks. 

When energy hits some particle. The particle sends wave movement to the electromagnetic field around it. That energy impulse forms a photon. Same way photons can send wave movement through the structure. 

One answer for making qubits safe is to put them in the bag. In this model, the hollow plasmoid bubble acts like a plastic bag that stabilizes the qubit. The high-energy plasma with low temperature can used as a protective field that protects qubits from outcoming energy. The problem with qubits is the changes in energy levels around them. 

The fusion reactor's high-energy plasma is possible to transform into qubits. The system can create quantum entanglement between standing photons in that reactor. And then it can transport information to another lower-energy plasma ring. The problem is how to make those photons stay in a static position. 

In some models, two high-energy plasma rings where another plasma ring can be in a higher energy level can transmit information to the lower energy level plasma ring. If those plasma rings have identical plasma structures, laser rays can transmit information through higher-energy plasma rings. And that makes information travel to the lower energy plasma ring. 

When the other photon is at the highest possible energy level. And the other is in the lowest possible energy level, that thing maximizes the quantum entanglements' existence. 

Plasmonic waves can transport information between multiple qubits at the same time. The idea is that the qubits are like buoys in line, and then the plasmonic wave can raise their energy level as an entirety. 

Plasmonic waves can used to improve quantum technology. There is a small possibility that researchers can make quantum entanglement between those wavetops. Or in the system particle lines can be stable in the system. And the plasmonic waves can raise their energy level in groups. That allows to transport of information in multiple lines. That makes it possible to transport information in a quantum computer between multiple qubit lines. But that thing is in the future.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Is some quantum version of the bubble pulse effect behind the dark energy?


"Dark energy’s role in propelling the universe’s accelerated expansion presents a pivotal challenge in astrophysics, driving ongoing research and space missions dedicated to uncovering the nature of this mysterious force." (ScitechDaily, Deciphering the Dark: The Accelerating Universe and the Quest for Dark Energy) 

Is the universe formed in energy projection? That traveled in some kind of space vacuum. That requires. That there was some kind of energy field before the Big Bang. 

Quantum field is the common name of all power fields in the universe. 

Is dark energy a gravitational version of the bubble pulse effect, that detonates submarines? In the bubble pulse effect, the bubble or some other projection. That travels in the larger bubble causing a very high explosive explosion. So could that effect be possible in electromagnetic and gravitational fields? Gravitational fields differ from electromagnetic fields because of their wavelength. 

In some models, the double bubble, or bubble pulse effect is the thing. That forms the annihilation reaction. In annihilation particle, and its antiparticle turns into energy. There is the possibility that antiparticles and particles protrude in each other. 

That forms the double bubble, their small quantum field projection falls through those particles and pushes their quantum fields away. In that process, the antiparticle and particle first form the quantum channel between each other. And then the quantum projection travels in those particles or bubbles to form an energy pulse that is similar to the bubble pulse effect. 

Sometimes people ask, what is dark energy? One answer could be that dark energy is quantum field interaction. Quantum fields are the common name for all power fields in the universe. Higgs field, gravitational field, or electromagnetic field interaction. The idea is that. There is an energy projection that pushes other energy fields from around it. 

Above: Bubble pulse effect. 

In some visions, the high-power magnetic field or some kind of thing like FRB (Fast Radio Burst) can create the impact where energy projection travels through the star. And in that case, the shockwave can detonate even big stars. 

If that energy projection creates a false vacuum around it, that thing can cause an effect that looks like gravity. Those short-term false vacuums can move the hypothetical Higgs field or base energy field in it. And that causes the gravitational effect around those virtual particles. Things like lower energy pockets in gravitational fields can cause a gravitational version of the bubble pulse effect. Same way electromagnetic low-energy pocket in the electromagnetic field forms the double bubble effect. 

We know that energy cannot form from emptiness. And the vacuum cannot form energy. But there is one little point in this model. There are no absolute vacuums in the universe. All vacuums that we know are so-called false vacuums. That means there are energy fields in the false vacuums, and when we talk about vacuum energy, we should call that thing the field amplification. 

The model of field amplification is seen in the models that introduce how the submarine collapses. When a submarine's hull collapses, especially at the bow or back that thing forms water impact, where water travels in the submarine at a very high speed. That water presses air to pressure that is as high, or even higher than the pressure that diesel engines create when it ignite the fuel-air mixture in a cylinder. This effect is called the bubble pulse effect. 

The film about submarine implosion involves the part, that handles this bubble pulse effect. The part begins at about 10.30 in that film. 

The universe is full of plasma, electromagnetic, gravity, and possible Higgs field. The common name for those fields is the quantum fields. If there is a pocket with a lower energy level or lower energy density the quantum field travels into that lower energy pocket. The speed of that energy is higher than it usually is, and then it impacts the other side of that low-energy bubble. When that energy projection travels through the false vacuum it delivers energy to its environment. And it gets more energy from backward. 

There is the possibility that this kind of effect, where first forming a lower energy area or lower dense plasma causes an effect that Higgs field or plasma travels in that pocket. In that case, the Higgs field, plasma, or gravity field can interact same way, as water interacts with air in a collapsing submarine. There are also gravitational fields, and the gravitational energy interacts the same way as water.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Quantum gravity is the key to larger-scale gravity models.

Quantum gravity is the gravitational effect between the smallest known particles. Understanding quantum gravitation requires that all other effects be stripped off. So that researchers can measure the gravitational effect between subatomic particles. 

There is the gravitational effect between protons and neutrons, as well as, the gravitational effect affects things like electrons and their movement around nuclei have gravitational effect. But the other three natural forces or interactions cover that gravitational effect below them. 

Electromagnetism and weak-, and strong nuclear forces cover the gravitational effect between electrons and an atom's nucleus. Quantum gravity is different than full-scale gravity because the object's size is far smaller. And there are also other power fields than just gravitational fields. 

The gravity is wave movement like all other fundamental interactions. And that causes ideas that at the quantum level, there could be something that can reflect the gravitational radiation. That reflection happens on an extremely small scale. And maybe there may be gravitational reflection from bonds between gluon and quark. If that reflection is possible it's very hard to detect. 

The gravitational wave reflection is theoretically possible. That reflection requires extremely dense particles that cannot let gravitational waves sink in that structure. The extremely dense structure can theoretically act like a gravitational mirror, but that kind of thing is purely theoretical. 

The idea is that maybe photons can travel between quarks and interact straight with bonds that formed between quarks and gluon. Those photons can cause the energy bridges between quarks and gluons to start to oscillate like springs. So, could that wave movement be the source of some gravitational waves? 

Or is there an extremely small black hole between quarks and gluons? But in that case, it's also possible that photons can adjust their oscillation. And thing like material oscillation supports both models. 

"Researchers have developed a method to measure gravity at a microscopic level, marking a significant advancement in understanding quantum gravity. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Gravity Unveiled – Scientists Crack the Cosmic Code That Baffled Einstein)

What is gravity?

This gravity model requires a Higgs field. 

In this model gravity center just turns the base energy field, called Higgs field away. The black hole is the whirl the energy field travels so fast, that the outcoming energy field has no time to fill it. The black hole is like a tornado or whirl. The energy level in that whirl must be higher than outside the Higgs field. 

That causes gravitational radiation or gravitational waves. In that model black holes formed of whirls in Higgs field. And they are interacting with the Higgs field. Higgs field is the space, that takes other particles with it. In models, gravity interacts with the entirety. So Higgs field is like water that takes particles to the whirl. 

Because energy or wave movement in the Higgs field's frequency travels out from the black hole, that causes its vaporization. So gravitation is the Higgs field that travels into the gravitational center. And then the gravitational center aims those waves into the direction of its rotational axle. 

If we think that photons make the bonds between quarks and gluons oscillate, that oscillation can transfer energy or wave movement to the Higgs field or atomic power fields. And maybe that thing makes gravity waves hard to detect. So gravity waves are wave movement in the Higgs field. The reason for gravity is that the particle or gravity center moves the Higgs field into some other direction. The thing that causes gravitational pull is the lower energy area in the Higgs field near the gravitational center. When the gravitational center pulls the Higgs field into it, that thing forms the lower energy area in the Higgs field. That causes an effect where the Higgs field travels to fill that lower energy area. 

The reason for the black hole's existence is that the fast spinning field or gravity center transfers the Higgs field away from its center so fast that the outcoming field cannot fill the whirl, called the black hole. But that whirl turns smaller and smaller all the time. And that thing is the thing called vaporization. So the black hole behaves exactly like tornadoes. Sooner or later the outcoming energy fields break the black hole, like outside pressure breaks the tornado or breaks it. The pressure in the black hole's energy field must be higher than the outcoming energy field. That energy field around the black hole keeps in its form. Then the outside energy field breaks that structure and caves in the black hole.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Researchers found how HIV cheats the immune system.


"The artist’s impression shows how the HIV capsid penetrates the jelly-like permeability barrier of a nuclear pore. To smuggle its genome through this defense line into the cell nucleus, it has evolved into a molecular transporter. Credit: Johannes Pauly / Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences" (ScitechDaily, The Invisible Assault: New Research Reveals How HIV Outsmarts Cellular Security)

The thing how HIV takes entire cells into control is been a mystery. The researchers found the answer. The virus' genetic material is packed in the ball, or pore there are thousands of proteins. HIV uses that thing to cheat the cell and transport its DNA to the nucleus. 

Another way would be that HIV takes some cell organelles under control by sending the RNA to that organelle. That thing allows the virus to order cell organelles to produce new viruses. But in this method, the HIV starts to take the entire cell under control. 

And the thing how that virus makes this thing is interesting. HIV just transforms the mechanism. That is created for the cell's protection to carry its DNA into the nucleus. Normally. The mechanism where the cell uses a carrier involves lots of proteins. And that protects it against viruses. That key is not very easy to capture. 

The pore there is thousands of proteins means that HIV has a master key that fits into the T-cell keyhole. Normally when a virus infects cells, it sends marks that it's infected. And that thing calls the T-cells to mark it. But when the T-cell itself is infected. There is no mark. That makes it call other cells to destroy it. 

That causes a situation in which the T-cell starts to produce HIV viruses. The pore that involves the T-cell detection proteins makes those cells helpless against HIV. First, the infection travels in T-cells. The role of the T-cells is that they mark infected cells. But the problem is that the infected T-cell can't mark itself. 

The reason for researchers are interested in this mechanism is simple. They need it to create vaccines. But the other thing is that researchers want to use this thing as the system, which makes HIV cheat cells is that they want to use it in biotechnology. This system gives the ultimate ability to transport genetic material into the cells. The ability to cheat the DNA makes it possible to give gene therapy using only injections that are as easy as vaccines. 

It can also make it possible to increase the effectiveness of gene therapy. The system can inject pores there is DNA into the human body. There the DNA makes infected cells create new viruses. And that gives the possibility to give extensive gene therapy.

How long can life exist in the universe?

That's a good question. When we think about life, we must realize that the autonomous factories that use robots to collect raw materials can also be things that can fill the description of life. In that case, life is the living or non-living creature that can multiply and defend itself. Robot factories can operate quite independently, and their intelligence level is not probably higher than some cells or bacteria. 

In that case, those independently operating factories can be remnants of past civilizations. But the thing is that the robots that have genetically cloned living brains can be as intelligent as humans or even more intelligent than we are. In those cases large number of living brains control the spacecraft that involve Von Neumann technology. And they can make copies of themselves. 

So are those systems living or dead? Those brains need nutrients anyway. And that means those systems can be an ultimate hybridization. Between machines and living creatures. That kind of android can be extremely large and it can operate independently. The alien civilizations can move in space using radio waves. In those cases, the alien civilization sends the robot factory to another planet. And then it sends its genetic code to that factory. Then the AI creates synthetic DNA. And then it creates the new creature connecting that alien DNA with those planets' flora and fauna. 

The life can continue as long as there is energy. The civilization can survive from the big silence or big crunch transforming it in the form of nanotechnology in the new universe. In that case, the nanomachine must travel billions of years, and then it must find the planet where there are living organisms. Then it must hybridize its DNA to those creatures. 

Or it must transfer some crystals that can receive the wave movement that is the civilization's EEG code to those crystals that start to stress those creatures' nervous systems. But that thing could be a very difficult operation. And it requires the existence of a multiverse. 

But can civilization move outside the universe? Moving outside the universe is not difficult. The system must use a solar sail and detonate antimatter behind it. When antimatter detonates between the craft and that shield it pulls the craft ahead. An artificial black hole or some kind of thermal pump can pull energy from around the craft into it. And that denies material turn into energy. 

Life can be possible in the universe as long as there is energy, that creatures can use. Civilization can create rings around black holes, and those rings can harvest the last energy waves in the universe. But that thing means that when black holes are vaporizing that's the ultimate end.

What if Phoenix Universe is true? In that theory, the universe is born again and again. If the phoenix universe is true, the civilization can live until the next universe forms. 

But those black holes vaporization creates shockwaves around the universe.  Crossing shockwaves can form new Schwinger effect and wave-particle duality can form new particles. Or antimatter-matter particle pairs that send wave movement around emptiness. There are more and more crossings. And there is forming new particle-antiparticle pairs. Finally, that entirety forms a great black hole, and then another universe is born.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Researchers think that the multiverse is not fiction anymore.

Multiverse means that our universe is one of many universes. The reason why researchers and scientists believe that this is true is that logical. About 50 years ago people didn't know that there were other solar systems. Exoplanets were only theories in the 80's. 

About 400 years ago people thought that our Sun was the only star in the universe. Edvin Hubble proved that our galaxy, Milky Way is one of many galaxies. Then researchers found that galaxies form groups, and supergroups. That means that today we think that the universe, where we live is the ultimate supergroup of galactic supergroups. And logically thinking there should be other universes.

We believe that the universe began its existence in an event or series of events called the Big Bang. That event did not begin, because the energy that formed material should come from somewhere. The Big Bang was not one "bang" or explosion. It was a series of events where material took form. Or the energy level that it has today. 

The road from the heliocentric universe to multiverse theory is like matrioshka. We expand our knowledge all the time. And theories travel forward of the observation. 

If we think that the Schwinger effect or wave-particle duality formed all material, we can understand the multiverse's nature better. In interaction where wave movement forms particles, it forms particle-antiparticle pairs. And because they have opposite polarity, that pulls them back together. When material and antimatter face they turn into energy. There was some kind of asymmetry in the young universe. And that asymmetry caused a situation. That there is only one type of material in our universe. When particles hit the atmosphere they form a small number of antimatter particles. 

In the image, an inquisitive person breaks the bubble. 

So what caused that asymmetry? The thing that can explain it is that. Some particles came from another universe. In an antimatter universe, all natural laws are similar to our universe. But the material that forms those universes is mirror material. 

The other universes are harder to see than anything else. Light pollution comes from objects in our universe covering those other universes. 

Those other universes must not be similar to our universe. There is the possibility that antimatter forms those other universes. And if they formed in different times, or if their mass is smaller, that thing causes a situation that those universes are invisible to us.

Multiverse explains things like:

Dark energy

Dark matter 

And even the universe's existence. 

In this model universe is the thing. That formed in the crossing point of energy fields that formed in other universes. Dark energy is energy that comes from other universes. 

Dark matter can form clouds and other structures that are similar to visible material. Those dark matter clouds and dark energy are things, that require new models. 

Sometimes researchers think that dark matter is the source of dark energy. And things like low-mass dark matter objects cause theories that maybe some other universes are invisible to us. 

Multiverse explains dark energy and dark matter. That those things can come from other universes. That is one of the most interesting things in multiverse theory.  In multiverse theory, all universes formed from some kind of Big Bang. And that means there should be other universes forming right now. 

Every single universe's mass can be different in the multiverse. And that means time can travel other ways in them. If the universe expands materia turns into wave movement. And if the universe falls the energy level in it turns higher, which means the material turns "younger" because a high energy level in the environment packs wave movement to those particles. 

That is a key element in time. When the universe expands the particles vaporize and energy travels out from the particles. The universe's accelerates and particles turn into wave movement faster and faster. The reason for that is. The difference in energy levels between a particle and its environment turns higher. That increases the speed of energy flow. 

If the universe turns smaller the energy density in it turns higher. That decreases energy flow from particles. The situation the particle reaches the same energy level as its environment, that thing causes the situation particle to melt in its entirety. So being a particle, it requires a different energy level.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

AI and fusion.


Artist's rendition of a nuclear fusion reactor. (Intersting Engineering, New superconducting magnets ready for fusion reactions, say scientists)

AI has a great ability to control entireties. The new AI-controlled fusion systems can precisely control the energy levels in the systems.  The ignition point is one of the biggest problems in fusion systems. If the energy level in high-speed plasma is too high, that thing causes a shockwave that destroys the entirety. Plasma spreads to large areas that the magnetic fields can control. When ignition happens the system must press plasma together, or shockwave and energy entropy destroy the plasma ring. 

The precise point of the plasma ring where ignition happens is one of the most important things. If fusion starts inside the plasma ring, that thing causes an outgoing shockwave. And that shockwave destroys the plasma. If the ignition area covers the entire plasma ring, and it happens at its shell the ignition forms a shockwave that travels into the plasma and presses it forming large-area fusion. 

That's why ignition must happen in the entire plasma ring if we talk about torus or tokamak reactors. In some visions, the plasma ring will start in high-temperature conditions. 

Then the system sprays opposite pole particles into the tokamak reactor. And then those particles should impact the plasma ring. If those impacts cover the entire plasma ring, that should cause a pressure wave that will create fusion into the entire plasma ring. 

"A a view from inside the OMEGA target chamber during a direct-drive inertial fusion experiment at the University of Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics. Scientists fired 28 kilojoules of laser energy at small capsules filled with deuterium and tritium fuel, causing the capsules to implode and produce a plasma hot enough to initiate fusion reactions between the fuel nuclei".(ScitechDaily, Scientists Demonstrate Effective Fusion “Spark Plug” in Groundbreaking Experiments)

 The temperatures achieved at the heart of these implosions are as high as 100 million degrees Celsius (180 million degrees Fahrenheit). The speed at which the implosion takes place is typically between 500 and 600 kilometers per second (1.1 to 1.35 million miles per hour). The pressures at the core are up to 80 billion times greater than atmospheric pressure. Credit: University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics photo / Eugene Kowaluk" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Demonstrate Effective Fusion “Spark Plug” in Groundbreaking Experiments)

"Focused ion beam technology is pivotal in nanoscale materials processing, with a new EU report outlining its broad applications and potential for future breakthroughs in science and technology. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Ion Beams Unleashed: The Nanotechnology Game Changer)

The pulse-plasma fusion or "the candle model". 

Basically, crossing ion and anion beams can begin a fusion reaction. In those systems ions and anions are impacting. And that forms fusion that can release very high power energy impact. 

In the candle model, the anions and ions impact along with the laser beams that ignite fusion. One of those systems is two crossing linear accelerators where ions and anions impact. The linear accelerator can shoot those particles together. And in the same moment, the system shoots laser rays at the impact point. That is a simpler system than tokamak, and the fusion is easier to create. But there is always a problem with how to make fusion systems create more energy than used. 

The other version is called the candle model. In that model, the fusion system pushes ionized gas from the tube to the fusion chamber. Then the system injects opposite pole plasma into the ignition chamber. The system looks like NIF (National Ignition Facility). 

Except there is an ion pumping system around the protective building. The ion accelerators increase those ions speed and then they will impact with the anions that come from the tube. Along with high-power laser systems that system should create oscillating ion-anion fusion that could give more energy than it uses.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Ion beams are next-generation tools for nanotechnology, military, and medical use.

"Focused ion beam technology is pivotal in nanoscale materials processing, with a new EU report outlining its broad applications and potential for future breakthroughs in science and technology. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Ion Beams Unleashed: The Nanotechnology Game Changer)

Ion engines use ions as thrusters. The ion accelerator pushes ions back into the magnetic track. Then those ions will transport craft forward.  

Ion beams are particle flows that are formed by electrically loaded particles. The systems can use ion beams to transport material over distances. The system can ionize things like raw materials and send them to the receiver. That must only remove electricity from ions and turn them into neutral atoms. 

The ion beams can also destroy cancer cells and disinfect surfaces. In some visions. Sometimes in the future, the ion systems can used to create giant 3D structures. And that makes it possible to create space stations using ions and anions that are stored in tanks. But today we are far away from that thing. 

In nanotechnology, ion systems can play billiards with ionized atoms. And that thing makes it possible to create 3D structures. The accurate ion systems make it possible for the system. That can adjust the energy that focuses on the structure. The highly accurately adjusted energy allows those systems can shoot ions into the structure without breaking it, and that makes it possible to use them as highly advanced 3D printers. That can make very accurate atom structures. 

Acoustic or electromagnetic wormholes can allow the system to shoot ions in long range. The system can use a combination of acoustic wormholes and laser beams that make the ion channel through the air. If the wormhole or eruption channel is empty enough. 

That can be used to shoot antimatter particles to the target. In those cases, the antimatter particles must not touch the material. The photon or laser accelerators can pull energy to the ions and anions when they fly through the wormhole. 

Ion beams can used in highly advanced military systems. If in the negative ion beam are also protons or positive ions that help to keep the beam in the formation. The ion cannon can shoot ions in long distances if it shoots that particle flow through acoustic wormholes. 

The acoustic- or pressure wormholes are the channels in the air. The system can make them using some kind of acoustic system or the systems that shoot laser rays through the air. Lasers or some other electromagnetic radiation can used to make a plasma channel that allows the ion system to shoot ions in the long range.

The AI makes advancements in the atomic force microscopy.

"Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have introduced an AI technique that significantly improves Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) by enabling it to visualize material features smaller than the probe’s tip. This breakthrough, offering the first true three-dimensional profiles beyond conventional resolution limits, promises to revolutionize nanoelectronics development and material studies". (ScitechDaily, New AI Breaks Fundamental Limitations of Atomic Force Microscopy)

"Atomic force microscopy (AFM) or scanning force microscopy (SFM) is a very-high-resolution type of scanning probe microscopy (SPM), with demonstrated resolution on the order of fractions of a nanometer, more than 1000 times better than the optical diffraction limit." (Wikipedia, Atomic force microscopy)

The atomic force microscopy is one of the sharpest known systems in the world. 

The AFM  (Atomic Force Microscopy) is not the same as a scanning tunneling microscope. But connecting those two microscopes. It's possible to create more fundamental microscopes than ever before. If a scanning tunneling microscope can hover a single photon between the stylus and layer, that thing will be more powerful than previous systems. The ability to stop single photons makes this kind of system possible. 

Scanning tunneling microscope bases the stylus. And the particle hovers between the layer and that stylus. Scanning tunneling microscope sees objects that are smaller than atoms if electrons hover between layer and stylus. The scanning tunneling microscope's accuracy depends on the hovering particle's size. 

"An AFM generates images by scanning a small cantilever over the surface of a sample. The sharp tip on the end of the cantilever contacts the surface, bending the cantilever and changing the amount of laser light reflected into the photodiode. The height of the cantilever is then adjusted to restore the response signal, resulting in the measured cantilever height tracing the surface." (Wikipedia, Atomic force microscopy)

The scanning tunneling microscope sees atoms, but there is one bad thing. The large-scale scale structure scan takes time. If the scanner uses a tool, that is smaller than atoms almost every structure is large. The thing in AI is that it can control large entireties very accurately. So the system can use a large group of scanning tunneling microscopes. The large group of stylus and hovering particles makes it possible to create a net eye. That can scan larger areas. 

This ability is necessary in nanotechnology. When a system creates complicated structures, it must see what it does. The new types of AI-based solutions are the tools that revolutionize nanotechnology. In nanotechnology, the AI controls a large number of observation and control tools at the same time. 

"An artist’s rendering of nitrogen vacancy centers in a diamond anvil cell, which can detect the expulsion of magnetic fields by a high-pressure superconductor. Credit: Ella Marushchenko" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap in Superconductivity: Harvard’s High-Pressure Breakthrough)

Harvard's new high-pressure superconducting is more fundamental than we might believe. 

In new superconducting systems, the diamonds give an acoustic effect. The system can use photo-acoustic mode, where laser light transports energy into those diamonds. Diamonds are homogenous structures that can create identical acoustic waves. Those acoustic waves can put very high pressure on the object. And that system can turn material superconducting at a higher temperature than usual. 

In superconducting technology, pressure can compensate for low temperatures. And that makes it possible to create superconductivity in higher temperatures. The system can adjust superconductivity using soundwaves and can hover some objects between diamonds. Then that object can act as an antenna that conducts em-radiation into the wanted position. 

The AI can also make new types of superconducting solutions possible. The pressure-based superconducting makes it possible to control the superconducting state. When the pressure system is on, the system presses the object into the superconducting shape. When the system doesn't require a superconducting part. It can turn off the pressure system. That system can make fundamental things in microchips and nanotechnology. Of course, superconducting systems can make solid-state, compact quantum computers suitable.

One point there this kind of system can use is in next-generation radar technology. Small-size superconducting antenna can give new abilities for radars. When the acoustic system is off, the radar operates in normal mode. Then acoustic system turns the radar into superconducting mode.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Brane theory, black holes, and wormholes are the new model for the universe.

The idea in the so-called Brane Theory is that the branes along with superstrings form spacetime. Superstrings are on layers called branes. There are horizontal and vertical "branes" or layers. The horizontal branes are wavelengths, and the vertical branes are energy levels. There are also depth branes or time branes if we want to make that brane model into 3D coordinates. Those branes can be 3D, and one thing that can support the brane model is the Higgs Field. 

Wormholes are hypothetical channels through the universe. Things like cosmic web and GRB, XRB, and FRBs (Gamma, X-ray, and Fast Radio Bursts) are also things. That could support the wormhole theory. In those high-energy bursts, the wave movement could travel like a spiral around the string or wormhole. Same way, cosmic web material seems to pack around some kind of strings. 

The Brane model is the thing that can be used to model the wormhole. Wormhole, or Einstein-Rose bridge is the energy channel whirl or hole in the universe. So where is that hole? The hole is an energy tornado in the Higgs field. That energy tornado is so thick that it denies the formation of the Hall field or transverse energy fields in it. In that case, the energy tornado forms the situation that only its walls transfer energy into the particle. Those transverse fields are not taking energy out from particles. When a particle falls in a wormhole it rides on an energy wave. The wormhole is an energy tunnel through the spacetime. 

All particles and radiation travel at the same speed in a wormhole, the object travels in an energy wave. And that particle cannot release energy into its environment. And that denies the aging of the object. That energy wave that transports particles in the wormhole locks energy in them. And it also locks time in those particles. 

Cosmic web

When we think about forming a wormhole. There is a gravity pothole in the energy field that could be a Higgs Field. When two gravity potholes impact they form a channel through the Higgs field. If we think that intersecting Higgs Fields are the Hall fields. That thing means that the wormhole is the intersecting Hall field that doesn't let any side-coming radiation inside it. 

In a Brane theory, Brane could be Higgs Field. It's the energy level between two particles. If the difference between those particle's energy levels is high enough they will not be able to transmit data to each other. And that means they are in different dimensions. So dimension is the limit between two energy levels where particles can exchange information. 

So if we think that the wormhole is a whirl of water the idea is that if the whirl is deep and we jump in it, we will fall straight through water. The thing that pulls particles through a wormhole is the difference in energy levels between begin and end of the wormhole. When we think about things like stable wormholes long wormholes remain longer time than short wormholes. The speed of energy and material that comes out from that tunnel must be high enough that it will not push energy back into the tunnel. The energy that reflects from the end of the tunnel forms a so-called standing wave and increases entropy. 

Entropy is the thing that destroys the wormhole. It destroys the regular tornados in the atmosphere, and finally, entropy is the thing that destroys the black holes. In a tornado, the outcoming energy keeps the whirl in its form. When the temperature in a tornado increases that thing causes a situation that energy starts to travel through the entire world. In this version, the internal entropy destroys the whirl. If the whirl is too weak, the tornado doesn't form, because the outcoming effect destroys it. And outcoming entropy destroys whirl. So cold tornadoes remain longer. 

Same way gravitational waves form entropy in black holes. Or they talk about entropy inside them. When a wormhole forms between the black holes that turn superposition it forms a channel between them. And because energy can travel only in one direction in wormholes that thing destroys the lower energy black hole. The gravitational waves that travel to lower-mass black holes form entropy. And finally, they detonate that receiving black hole. 

That thing forms the wormhole's other side, a hypothetical white hole. The white hole would be like a donut-shaped formation in the universe. When material comes out from a white hole it forms a shockwave that causes high energy fusion around it. There is a theory that some of the black hole stars were or are some kind of white holes. So if we want to travel through a wormhole, that means we cannot go into a white hole. The particle flow from the white hole would be destructive.

Solar power in rockets.

"NASA is developing solar sail technology for deep space exploration. This innovative propulsion system, powered by sunlight reflecting off its surface, has recently achieved a new readiness level, making it suitable for future science missions. Solar sails offer a fuel-free, environmentally friendly method of propulsion, capable of propelling low-mass missions to novel orbits and distant planets. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, Harnessing Helios: The Science Behind NASA’s Solar Sail Breakthrough)

In traditional form solar sails get their movement energy from the sun. The solar wind pushes that thing into the interplanetary journey. The solar wind is an effective thruster. However, its use is limited in the internal solar system, inside the asteroid belt. 

But some active components may make those things more effective than they were. There are models where there are small gas pockets or gas tanks in the solar sail. And when solar energy hits the craft, it boils that gas.  

There are also plans for the solar rocket engines. Those engine systems use liquid hydrogen as a propellant. 

In those systems, the large parabolic mirror makes that propellant boil and expands it. The parabolic mirror drives sunlight in that propulsion system. 

There could be a thermal element like carbon fiber or ceramic point, and the sunlight haets that element. When the system drives hydrogen into that point the heat expands it and forms the thrust. In some other versions, the system conducts solar panel energy to the thermal element. And that expands the hydrogen. Solar power also can used in ion motors. The ion accelerators can get their electricity from solar panels. 

The solar sail can pull nuclear or antimatter rockets to the edge of the asteroid belt. 

Solar sails are multi-use systems. The large surface of those sails can also act as a radar antenna. And they can use solar power to accelerate the craft into the journey. It's possible. Solar sails can covered with some other elements like plutonium or methane ice, and then laser rays will start to vaporize that material. Also, things like ion cannons can benefit the acceleration process. If solar sails use hybrid technology, that thing is more interesting than just sailing. 

In some visions, there would be giant lasers in our solar system. There those laser systems accelerate the solar sails when they are too far from the sun. That allows them to transport space probes to the Kuiper belt. 

NASAs breakthrough in solar sail technology is interesting because solar sails are cheap to make. They don't need internal fuel. The solar wind or particle flow from the sun accelerates solar sails. There is the possibility that solar sails can pull small nuclear or antimatter rockets to the edge of the asteroid belt. And then those rockets can continue their journey to the gas giants and the Kuiper belt. 

The antimatter engine can produce an antimatter load from the solar wind. And that is one of the things, that makes solar sails interesting. In those cases, the solar sail will travel near the sun first. After that, the solar sail will open, and the particle load from the sun will accelerate to journey.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...