"Light probing a chiral graviton mode in a fractional quantum Hall effect liquid. Credit: Lingjie Du, Nanjing University" (ScitechDaily, From Theory to Reality: Graviton-like Particles Found in Quantum Experiments)
Researchers may find graviton in quantum experiments. ScitechDaily reports about this thing like this: "A team of scientists from Columbia, Nanjing University, Princeton, and the University of Munster, writing in the journal Nature, have presented the first experimental evidence of collective excitations with spin called chiral graviton modes (CGMs) in a semiconducting material". (ScitechDaily, From Theory to Reality: Graviton-like Particles Found in Quantum Experiments)
There are four fundamental forces or interactions.
1) Strong nuclear force. (Strong Interaction)
2) Weak nuclear force (Weak Interaction)
3) Electromagnetism. (Electromagnetic interaction)
4) Gravity (or gravitation) (Gravitational interaction)
Their transportation particles are bosons.
1) Gluons are strong nuclear force transporter particles.
2) W and X-bosons transport weak nuclear force.
3) Photons transport electromagnetism
4) Gravitons transport gravitational force.
The only particle that is not proven is the graviton. Now there is first evidence about the existence of those particles. Gravitons will prove that gravity is an independent fundamental force with three other forces. Those fundamental interactions are all similar. They have particles and waveforms. Those forces affect different-sized objects inside atoms.
The thing. That determines the effect's pulling and pushing is the direction of the asymmetry of those forces. The energy or fundamental interaction always travels to a particle that is in a lower energy level in that type of interaction. All fundamental forces or interactions are one type of energy, and the wavelength of energy determines which of the four interactions works in those cases.
The theoretical antigravity system can form a standing gravity wave using impacting gravitons. That system uses standing gravitational waves to turn gravity opposite.
The asymmetry in energy levels pushes or pulls the particle. And if the energy level between particles is the same there forms a standing wave between them. That standing wave is one of the so-called virtual particles. The energy level in standing waves rises until another particle can push that wave to another particle.
But if those particles are in a lower energy level than the standing wave. That wave pushes them away from each other. That thing happens between magnets. And that thing can happen also between gravitational objects.
If the gravitational waves can form standing waves between those objects they can reflect gravitational radiation or gravitational waves. So antigravity requires the ability to create standing gravitational waves. Then the system increases the power of those waves. Then those standing gravity waves can reflect the gravity radiation from them. And that should make gravity operate opposite to usual.
Graviton is like glue between particles. They form energy asymmetry that pulls particles together along with other bosons that transport three other fundamental forces.
They are the last unproven particles that carry a remarkable force called gravity. The position of the graviton can be in the subatomic particle or between those particles.
When we think about the possibility. When a graviton is found, that particle can separated from its entirety. Only in experiments where the system uses certain power. If the system uses too much power the impact energy covers the gravitons. There is also the possibility that Muon G-2 anomaly forms in gravitational interaction between gravitons. It's possible. That the hypothetical but almost proven gravitons are moving during those tests. And that forms asymmetry in Muon's energy field's shape and trajectory.
If researchers found gravitons during those experiments, that could open a path to new types of research and technical solutions. And a better way to understand gravity. The ability to understand gravity opens the path into a new type of quantum systems, computing, and interstellar flight.