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AI and fusion.


Artist's rendition of a nuclear fusion reactor. (Intersting Engineering, New superconducting magnets ready for fusion reactions, say scientists)

AI has a great ability to control entireties. The new AI-controlled fusion systems can precisely control the energy levels in the systems.  The ignition point is one of the biggest problems in fusion systems. If the energy level in high-speed plasma is too high, that thing causes a shockwave that destroys the entirety. Plasma spreads to large areas that the magnetic fields can control. When ignition happens the system must press plasma together, or shockwave and energy entropy destroy the plasma ring. 

The precise point of the plasma ring where ignition happens is one of the most important things. If fusion starts inside the plasma ring, that thing causes an outgoing shockwave. And that shockwave destroys the plasma. If the ignition area covers the entire plasma ring, and it happens at its shell the ignition forms a shockwave that travels into the plasma and presses it forming large-area fusion. 

That's why ignition must happen in the entire plasma ring if we talk about torus or tokamak reactors. In some visions, the plasma ring will start in high-temperature conditions. 

Then the system sprays opposite pole particles into the tokamak reactor. And then those particles should impact the plasma ring. If those impacts cover the entire plasma ring, that should cause a pressure wave that will create fusion into the entire plasma ring. 

"A a view from inside the OMEGA target chamber during a direct-drive inertial fusion experiment at the University of Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics. Scientists fired 28 kilojoules of laser energy at small capsules filled with deuterium and tritium fuel, causing the capsules to implode and produce a plasma hot enough to initiate fusion reactions between the fuel nuclei".(ScitechDaily, Scientists Demonstrate Effective Fusion “Spark Plug” in Groundbreaking Experiments)

 The temperatures achieved at the heart of these implosions are as high as 100 million degrees Celsius (180 million degrees Fahrenheit). The speed at which the implosion takes place is typically between 500 and 600 kilometers per second (1.1 to 1.35 million miles per hour). The pressures at the core are up to 80 billion times greater than atmospheric pressure. Credit: University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics photo / Eugene Kowaluk" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Demonstrate Effective Fusion “Spark Plug” in Groundbreaking Experiments)

"Focused ion beam technology is pivotal in nanoscale materials processing, with a new EU report outlining its broad applications and potential for future breakthroughs in science and technology. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Ion Beams Unleashed: The Nanotechnology Game Changer)

The pulse-plasma fusion or "the candle model". 

Basically, crossing ion and anion beams can begin a fusion reaction. In those systems ions and anions are impacting. And that forms fusion that can release very high power energy impact. 

In the candle model, the anions and ions impact along with the laser beams that ignite fusion. One of those systems is two crossing linear accelerators where ions and anions impact. The linear accelerator can shoot those particles together. And in the same moment, the system shoots laser rays at the impact point. That is a simpler system than tokamak, and the fusion is easier to create. But there is always a problem with how to make fusion systems create more energy than used. 

The other version is called the candle model. In that model, the fusion system pushes ionized gas from the tube to the fusion chamber. Then the system injects opposite pole plasma into the ignition chamber. The system looks like NIF (National Ignition Facility). 

Except there is an ion pumping system around the protective building. The ion accelerators increase those ions speed and then they will impact with the anions that come from the tube. Along with high-power laser systems that system should create oscillating ion-anion fusion that could give more energy than it uses.


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