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The AI makes advancements in the atomic force microscopy.

"Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have introduced an AI technique that significantly improves Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) by enabling it to visualize material features smaller than the probe’s tip. This breakthrough, offering the first true three-dimensional profiles beyond conventional resolution limits, promises to revolutionize nanoelectronics development and material studies". (ScitechDaily, New AI Breaks Fundamental Limitations of Atomic Force Microscopy)

"Atomic force microscopy (AFM) or scanning force microscopy (SFM) is a very-high-resolution type of scanning probe microscopy (SPM), with demonstrated resolution on the order of fractions of a nanometer, more than 1000 times better than the optical diffraction limit." (Wikipedia, Atomic force microscopy)

The atomic force microscopy is one of the sharpest known systems in the world. 

The AFM  (Atomic Force Microscopy) is not the same as a scanning tunneling microscope. But connecting those two microscopes. It's possible to create more fundamental microscopes than ever before. If a scanning tunneling microscope can hover a single photon between the stylus and layer, that thing will be more powerful than previous systems. The ability to stop single photons makes this kind of system possible. 

Scanning tunneling microscope bases the stylus. And the particle hovers between the layer and that stylus. Scanning tunneling microscope sees objects that are smaller than atoms if electrons hover between layer and stylus. The scanning tunneling microscope's accuracy depends on the hovering particle's size. 

"An AFM generates images by scanning a small cantilever over the surface of a sample. The sharp tip on the end of the cantilever contacts the surface, bending the cantilever and changing the amount of laser light reflected into the photodiode. The height of the cantilever is then adjusted to restore the response signal, resulting in the measured cantilever height tracing the surface." (Wikipedia, Atomic force microscopy)

The scanning tunneling microscope sees atoms, but there is one bad thing. The large-scale scale structure scan takes time. If the scanner uses a tool, that is smaller than atoms almost every structure is large. The thing in AI is that it can control large entireties very accurately. So the system can use a large group of scanning tunneling microscopes. The large group of stylus and hovering particles makes it possible to create a net eye. That can scan larger areas. 

This ability is necessary in nanotechnology. When a system creates complicated structures, it must see what it does. The new types of AI-based solutions are the tools that revolutionize nanotechnology. In nanotechnology, the AI controls a large number of observation and control tools at the same time. 

"An artist’s rendering of nitrogen vacancy centers in a diamond anvil cell, which can detect the expulsion of magnetic fields by a high-pressure superconductor. Credit: Ella Marushchenko" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap in Superconductivity: Harvard’s High-Pressure Breakthrough)

Harvard's new high-pressure superconducting is more fundamental than we might believe. 

In new superconducting systems, the diamonds give an acoustic effect. The system can use photo-acoustic mode, where laser light transports energy into those diamonds. Diamonds are homogenous structures that can create identical acoustic waves. Those acoustic waves can put very high pressure on the object. And that system can turn material superconducting at a higher temperature than usual. 

In superconducting technology, pressure can compensate for low temperatures. And that makes it possible to create superconductivity in higher temperatures. The system can adjust superconductivity using soundwaves and can hover some objects between diamonds. Then that object can act as an antenna that conducts em-radiation into the wanted position. 

The AI can also make new types of superconducting solutions possible. The pressure-based superconducting makes it possible to control the superconducting state. When the pressure system is on, the system presses the object into the superconducting shape. When the system doesn't require a superconducting part. It can turn off the pressure system. That system can make fundamental things in microchips and nanotechnology. Of course, superconducting systems can make solid-state, compact quantum computers suitable.

One point there this kind of system can use is in next-generation radar technology. Small-size superconducting antenna can give new abilities for radars. When the acoustic system is off, the radar operates in normal mode. Then acoustic system turns the radar into superconducting mode.


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