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Researchers found a new model of quantum tunneling.

"New research reveals new insights into electron tunneling dynamics at the sub-nanometer scale. Using a van der Waals complex, Ar-Kr+, and an innovative approach for tracking tunneling dynamics, the research highlights the crucial influence of neighboring atoms in quantum tunneling. This work has important implications for quantum physics, nanoelectronics, and the study of complex biomolecules." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Unveiling the Mysteries of Electron Tunneling)

Electron tunneling is one model of quantum tunneling. This new solution means a tunneling effect between electrons. That are in opposite positions to the potential wall. 

Researchers created a new model for electron tunneling. Electron tunneling is one version of quantum tunneling. In quantum tunneling particle or wave movement impacts the potential wall. And then that thing travels through the wall. In electron tunneling, an electron makes that thing. 

Electrons can travel through the wall itself. In that case, its energy level rises so high that it pushes other particles away from its route.  Or it can send wave movement through the wall. That thing makes electron tunneling important thing in semiconductors. 

 And then make a superposition with some other electron. In that case, the higher energy electron can send information through the wall to another electron. In that case, the electron simply transfers its oscillation to another electron that starts to oscillate with the same frequency as the first electron. 

"The electronic chip and the Van der Waals complex with an internuclear distance 0.39 nm. Credit: Ming Zhu, Jihong Tong, Xiwang Liu, Weifeng Yang, Xiaochun Gong, Wenyu Jiang, Peifen Lu, Hui Li, Xiaohong Song & Jian Wu" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Unveiling the Mysteries of Electron Tunneling)

The potential layer can pump energy to wave movement that tunnels through it. 

"A simulation of a wave packet incident on a potential barrier. In relative units, the barrier energy is 20, greater than the mean wave packet energy of 14. A portion of the wave packet passes through the barrier." (Wikipedia, Quantum tunnelling)

Quantum tunneling can used in a very large technology sector. Engineers can benefit from quantum tunneling in microchips in semiconducting technology. However, the tunneling effect is useful in next-generation sensors and scanning technology. 

Quantum tunneling is the thing that makes it possible to create new types of engines. Those systems send wave movement against the plates. Then those plates will resend that energy to another side of the wall. If the system drives energy to those walls, that will increase the energy level of the wave movement. 

From the image, you can see the thing in those engines. The main part of energy reflects forward. The tunneling effect makes the small pike behind those plates. In some models, the system can operate otherwise. The plate is at the side or direction where the craft is moving. And the wave movement hits it like a sail. So that kind of engine can give thurst. 

That tunneling effect can create at least a pressure impulse at the other side of the wall. But it's possible to use that kind of engine system in outer space, if the system sprays particles to the layer, the tunneling engine can transfer energy to them and push them backward.


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