Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Quark-gluon plasma was the first material. Or was it?

 Quark-gluon plasma was the first material. Or was it? 

Quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is one of the most highly energetic research objects in the history of physics. The QGP forms when particle accelerators impact hadrons together. Like in proton-proton or proton-neutron and proton-electron collimations. If those impacts have enough high energy levels, that impact destroys the shell of the hadron and releases quarks and gluons free from hadrons. 

The energy level in QGP must be high enough. That it can keep quarks and gluons away from each other. If the energy level is too low. Quarks and gluons return to protons and neutrons. For observing quarks and gluons researchers must produce clean particles and space, where quarks and gluons are separated. And that thing requires lots of energy. 

We are wrong if we think that conditions in particle accelerators are the same as they were in the young universe. The size of quark-gluon plasma was larger. The other thing is that the energy level in that young universe was far higher than it is now. Absolute zero point or energy minimum was more than millions or even billions of degrees. The radiation level was far higher than it is now.  

"Quark gluon plasma (QGP) is a unique state of matter produced by colliding heavy nuclei in laboratories, leading to the creation of a QGP fireball. This fireball undergoes expansion and cooling, eventually forming subatomic particles that are key to understanding QGP. New research using the maximum entropy principle has led to advancements in understanding the transition from QGP to hadronized states and identifying critical points in quantum chromodynamics. Credit: ( Puzzle: How Do Quark-Gluon-Plasma Fireballs Explode Into Hadrons?)

The big question is: what comes first? Gluons or bosons. Or fermions? 

In a chaotic universe, quark-gluon plasma started to form hadrons or protons. There is a possibility that some particles formed before gluons, and before QGP were "G" or gluon plasma. The idea is that the very first particles were gluons or some other similar bosonic particles. Gluon itself is a gauge boson that transports a strong nuclear force. Quarks are fermions that form the hadrons. The hypothetical G plasma is one of the suggestions for the first stable particles. 

Hyperons are very short-living hadrons. 

Could there be some other kinds of hadrons or baryons in the young universe than hadrons made of up-and-down quarks? The fact is that there are lots of more short-term baryons than just protons and neutrons. Those short-term particle groups are the things that could be stable somewhere in the past. But then the universe started to turn colder and those short-term baryons. Lambda baryon could be stable. There is the possibility that those lambda-baryons exist near high-energy objects in the universe. 

The structure of lambda baryon is simple. There is one up-and-down quark. And then one other like strange quark. There is a particle called xi-baryon where there are two up quarks and two strange quarks. That particle has a very short life. But it's possible that if there is only one strange and two up quarks in the hadron. There are exotic short-living hadrons called hyperons in particle accelerators. And those things are extremely interesting. 

The problem with the standard model is that. Also, other quarks should form hadrons rather than up-and-down quarks. So what kind of hypothetical hadron would form of strange quark and two down quarks? Or what kind of hadron would form when the top quark makes a "hadron" with two bottom quarks? I think that it's possible. That in the young universe, those particles could exist. And maybe some of those hypothetical particles had some other lepton shell than electrons. 

The problem is that the standard model involves many other fermions than one quark. There are six types of quarks. The up-and-down quarks form protons and neutrons. And nobody saw material where there are two up quarks and one top quark. Quarks are in the atom's nucleus, and also other than up and down quarks should make stable hadrons or baryonic hadrons. 

Baryonic hadrons are subatomic particles that act like elementary particles. The most well-known baryons are protons and neutrons. There are up-and-down quarks in those baryons. In a proton two up and one down quarks. And in neutron is two down and one up quark. But there are short-term baryons where there are charm quarks or even top quarks. The high energy level of those particles guarantees that they are short-term particles. The energy level in the young universe was higher. And that means that those exotic baryons could exist longer. 

Also, if we think that all leptons act like electrons. And they orbit the atom's nucleus. We know that electrons are leptons that make this thing they orbit every single atom nucleus in the universe. But also things like muons and tau-particles are leptons. Also electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos and tau neutrinos are leptons. But we have no atoms that those other leptons orbit.



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