Sunday, December 31, 2023

Ten years after the Higgs Boson: there are no new particles found.

 Ten years after the Higgs Boson: there are no new particles found. 

In 2012 researchers celebrated that they found Higgs Boson. And after that, there have been ten years without new particles. The Higgs Boson was a boson as calculated, but the problem is that the boson is too light. Otherwise, it matched calculations. And that thing was the scientific sensation. There was one small detail that researchers passed. 

That detail was that in calculations, Higgs Boson required an asteroid-belt-sized mega-accelerator for coming out. That too-light Higgs Boson caused a theory, that maybe the Higgs Boson is still not found. And researchers found some other non-predicted particles that they named Higgs Boson. 

The behavior of the Higgs Boson tells that there could be one or two particles in that boson. Another interesting thing is that there is no force that Higgs boson seems to carry. All other bosons are force carriers. So where is the force, that Higgs Boson should carry? 

Another reason for the problem that Higgs Boson seems to be too light could be that its energy level is so high, and energy flows so fast forming small quantum vacuum or virtual particles around it that it loses its mass faster than predicted. In some other models Higgs Boson hovers in the energy field. And that makes it seem lighter than it should be. When Higgs Boson divides it forms W and Z bosons. That thing tells that the quantum field around that boson travels outside, forming whirls. Some of those whirls are W and Z bosons which are weak nuclear force transportators. So is the original Higgs particle still unseen? 

The next mission of the CERN is to search supersymmetric, high-energy elementary particles. Those researchers hope that they can uncover the secrecy of dark matter. But that thing seems more complicated than nobody expected. Supersymmetric particles are very high-energy versions of well-known particles. The supersymmetric version of quarks is squark. And, supersymmetric version of neutrino is neutralino. But nobody found those particles yet. Theoretical sfermions are supersymmetrical high-energy versions of fermions. The rise of energy level to high enough will turn fermion to sfermion. 

There are four billion collimations for finding a particle called Higgs Boson, we must realize that finding things like WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles).  And the other, possible supersymmetric particles. The form of WIMP could be that it will somehow tunnel itself through other particles. And that tunneling effect makes it impossible to see those particles. But it's not sure that is a WIMP supersymmetric particle.

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