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SETI detected mysterious new signals.

   SETI detected mysterious new signals. 

"Researchers at the SETI Institute have observed 35 bursts from FRB 20220912A using the Allen Telescope Array, shedding light on the mysterious nature of Fast Radio Bursts and their possible origins from extreme cosmic objects. Credit:" ( New Signals Detected by SETI: Unlocking the Strange Puzzle of Fast Radio Bursts)

The SETI telescope or sharper saying Allen Telescope Array (ATA)-telescope is registered 35 FRB:s (Fast Radio Burst) from a single object called FRB 20220912A. The FRB is extremely powerful. But short-term radio signal that is hard to predict. There is some extremely powerful energy source that sends those FRB signals. Repeating FRB signals are not very common things. The ATA telescope detects very powerful repeating radio signals that are not from our solar system. The source of those radio bursts is unknown. 

"Dynamic spectra (or “waterfall” plots) for all the bursts from FRB 20220912A detected using the Allen Telescope Array, the frequency-averaged pulse profiles, and the time-averaged spectra.

The red-shaded regions in the time series plots denote the time span of the defined sub-bursts, with red vertical lines demarcating adjacent sub-burst. Credit: SETI Institute" ( New Signals Detected by SETI: Unlocking the Strange Puzzle of Fast Radio Bursts)

Researchers believe that the source for those FRB signals is some kind of hiding magnetar. The FRB 20220912A is coming from an almost empty area which can explain its power. If differences in the energy levels between magnetar and its environment are very big, that thing can explain the power of those signals. In the case that sleeping magnetar is in the cosmic void and it suddenly impacts with some material, that makes an energy difference that is higher than in normal cases, where magnetars impact with the material.


The FAST-telescope report of that radio burst tells about this. 

"We report the observations of FRB 20220912A using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). We conducted 17 observations totaling 8.67 hours and detected a total of 1076 bursts with an event rate up to 390 hr−1. The cumulative energy distribution can be well described using a broken power-law function with the lower and higher-energy slopes of −0.38±0.02 and −2.07±0.07, respectively. We also report the L band (1−1.5 GHz) spectral index of the synthetic spectrum of FRB~20220912A bursts, which is −2.6±0.21. The average rotation measure (RM) value of the bursts from FRB~20220912A is −0.08±5.39 radm−2, close to 0 radm−2, and maintain relatively stable over two months. Most bursts have nearly 100\% linear polarization.

About 45\% of the bursts have circular polarization with SNR > 3, and the highest circular polarization degree can reach 70\%. Our observations suggest that FRB~20220912A is located in a relatively clean local environment with complex circular polarization characteristics. These various behaviors imply that the mechanism of circular polarization of FRBs likely originates from an intrinsic radiation mechanism, such as coherent curvature radiation or inverse Compton scattering inside the magnetosphere of the FRB engine source (e.g. a magnetar). 



In cosmic vacuums or cosmic voids, quantum fields are very weak. Wave movement along with particles those magnetars send can travel faster than otherwise. The difference between energy levels on magnetar's shell especially in nuclear reactions and its environment is very high. So energy travels out from the magnetar with very high speed and power. And maybe that is one explanation for the FRBs.


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