Monday, November 27, 2023

There is the possibility that extreme stars are behind mystic FRBs (Fast-Radio Bursts)

    There is the possibility that extreme stars are behind mystic FRBs (Fast-Radio Bursts)

Maybe some chain reactions between magnetars and neutron stars can explain FRBs. FRB (Fast Radio Burst) is one of the most high-energy phenomena in the universe. And the thing that could form the FRB is an energy beam that impacts with magnetar. That energy burst can come from other magnetars or black holes. When a magnetar's jet or black hole's relativistic jet impacts with magnetars. That thing causes an extremely high-energy impact. 

There is a possibility that FRB will form when: 

*Jet from another neutron star or magnetar hits magnetar. 

*Plasma from supernova hits magnetar. 

*Antimatter impact in relativistic jet raises its temperature. It's possible that crossing a relativistic jet can form antimatter in another relativistic jet.   

"Researchers discovered a universal scaling law in neutron stars, including magnetars, that might explain mysterious Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). By studying the sub-structure of their radio emissions, they found a commonality in their rotation periods, enhancing our understanding of these celestial phenomena." ( Enigma Solved? Extreme Stars May Hold the Key to Mysterious Radio Bursts)

In this text term, relativistic jet means all high-energy jets that come from black holes or neutron stars. Crossing high-energy jets can form the situation that there is forming an FRB. In those cases matter can turn antimatter and cause annihilation. 

FRB may form when a high energy burst of high energy particles and radiation hits the magnetars. The source of those particles could be in black hole's relativistic jets, other magnetar jets, or supernova explosions. In some vision, the kilonovas or impacting neutron stars can send plasma waves that can form the FRB. Or in the wildest visions, the antimatter impacts the neutron star's or black hole's jet. That can raise its energy level to a very high level. Negative ions can pull anti-electrons into themselves. And that thing can cause annihilation in a relativistic jet. 

The negative ion can pull antiprotons into them. The difference between antimatter and "regular" material is that the antimatter particle's polarity is opposite to the material. Extremely strong magnetic fields can turn particles into antimatter. And that makes it possible that antimatter impact in a relativistic jet can cause extremely high-power energy bursts that we see as FRBs. 

Sometimes supernova explosions where shockwave impacts with magnetars can cause the FRB. When high-energy plasma travels in space, magnetars can pull it into its shell. The speed of those particles is near the speed of light. And when they impact with magnetars that causes a very high energy reaction. Those things can be good explanations for enigmatic high-energy phenomena. That is frightening and fascinating. The remarkable thing about FRBs is that they are hard to predict. And the second thing is that they seem to come from nothingness.

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