Sunday, October 29, 2023

Researchers tested the limits of the quantum teleportation.

    Researchers tested the limits of the quantum teleportation. 

The researchers from the University of Stuttgart measured all four Bell states. The Bell states are full correlations between qubits that can be in states 0 or 1 or in superpositions. The reason why Bell states are interesting is that the quantum system requires two-qubit lines and all four states to back and forth communication. The problem with Bell state collapse is that the qubits that transmit information from point A to point B are opposite or mirror position to the qubit that transports information from point B to point A. 

The reason for that mirror symmetry is that the transmitting side of the qubit must be at a higher energy level than the receiving qubit. Only identical qubits can transport information without damaging the informational structure. When two identical qubits are side by side energy travels from the higher energy qubits to lower energy qubits.

"In the Barz group’s experiment with a two-stage interferometer auxiliary photons are used to generate distinct measurement patterns for all four Bell states, increasing the efficiency beyond the traditional limit of 50%. Credit: Jon Heras, Cambridge Illustrators." ( the Quantum Limit: From Einstein-Bohr Debates to Achieving “Unattainable” Efficiency)

 When a qubit sends energy to another qubit the difference between energy levels decreases and information starts to run slower. Energy runs in a quantum system until both sides are at the same level. And that forms a standing wave between those sides which destroys the qubit. 

We can use the seesaw as the model of Bell states. Each end of those seesaws is one of the Bell states. If we consider that quantum entanglement is like a seesaw where information flows from a higher energy level to a lower one, then a two-way quantum network needs two seesaws that cross together. 

The thing is that information and energy always travel from higher energy levels to lower. When energy levels in the ends of the systems reach the same level it destroys the entire system. And then that thing destroys the quantum entanglement. 

But the thing that causes collapse in Bell states is this. When energy travels out from the higher energy level qubit its energy level decreases. Because there are four states in the qubit pair. That thing causes entropy in energy levels to rise. The reason for that is that there are forming whirls and waves to the qubit. 

Those things destroy the entire qubit and cause the destruction of the Bell states. In tests, the researchers tested the Bell states stability and ability to send information back and forth by using the Bell states. The thing is that the Bell states are a requirement for two-direction communication over the quantum network.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Researchers use quantum light to hear quantum sound.

   Researchers use quantum light to hear quantum sound.

At the beginning were ion microphones.

When a pressure wave hits the box where there are atoms, it transfers energy to that atom cloud. This thing gives an idea for the ion microphones. An ion microphone can be a kilometer-long tube where laser rays are detecting pressure waves in that tube. The ion microphones can detect sound waves from the ground.

The ion microphones are boxes where there are ions or atomic clouds. When a soundwave hits that box, it sends a pressure wave to that atomic cloud. The idea is that those atoms are brought to a certain energy level, and then a pressure wave gives them an energy impulse. And the lasers can detect the movements of that gas.

"Researchers from the University of East Anglia have introduced a pioneering method using quantum light to detect quantum sound. Their study sheds light on the intricate quantum interactions between molecular vibrations and photons. The findings are expected to enhance understanding of light-matter interactions on a molecular scale and could lead to new avenues in quantum technology and biology. The team’s efforts might also spur the development of innovative techniques to detect individual phonons directly." ( Solving Molecular Mysteries: How Quantum Light “Hears” Quantum Sound)

But then to the quarter microphones.

What would you do with boxes whose inside walls are made of 100% reflecting mirrors? In those boxes, the light rays can theoretically jump between those walls forever. The system allows for very accurate measurements.

We can think that a photon cloud is similar to an atomic cloud. However, the particles in a photonic cloud are smaller. When some particle moves in a photon cloud, it sends "quantum sound," which is the quantum version of pressure waves. The idea is that when a particle hits the photonic cloud, it transfers energy to those photons. And energy travels in a photon cloud just like pressure travels in a gas cloud.

The quantum light or photon cloud can be used to measure the smallest parts of atoms. The quantum microscope that uses two superpositioned and entangled photons can detect even quark- or gluon-level particles from atoms. In that system, quantum entanglement is used as a scanning tunneling microscope that has extreme accuracy. But photon clouds can also be used to detect things like electrons' movements in their orbitals.

Quantum light is a photon cloud that could be used to detect atomic fibrations. When atoms or subatomic particles impact a photonic cloud, they send energy to those photons. And that thing can cause an effect where those photons can detect vibrations in atoms and subatomic particles.

The problem with those photon clouds is that their energy level must be precisely the right level. If the energy level of those photons is too high, the system cannot detect "quantum pressure waves" in those photons. Another problem is how to make that photon cloud. One version is to use the box, whose walls are made of 100% reflecting mirrors.

Lasers will inject photons inside the box where there are other atoms, and then electrons and other parts of those atoms will send quantum waves into that photon cloud. The use of that reflection box eliminates the unwanted effects and makes the measurements sharper.

The Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe.

    The Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe. 

What was before the Big Bang? There were dimensions. The dimension could determined as the superstrings that have a certain energy level. Then something caused the situation. The superstrings send some kind of sub-strings or wave movement and that thing formed material. The impulse from those superstrings caused Schwinger to affect where those impacting superstrings formed the first particles. So we can say that the Big Bang was the event, where material or superstrings that formed material reach a certain energy level. 

But then we must ask was there a universe before our universe? There is a vision that radiation that comes from black holes is one of the reasons for dark energy. There is the possibility that information that we see as vapor of the black holes is coming from the future. The idea is that: when escaping velocity turns faster than the speed of light, the time turns to go backwards. 

Time stops at the speed of light. And if gravity turns escape velocity higher than the speed of light, the time starts to travel backward. Objects come out from the black hole at the point where the black hole formed. The question is: is time only in material? In this case black hole turns particles young. Or does the time affect also spacetime? And that caused an idea that could the quantum vapor that Sir Roger Penrose observed come from the future. 

When we think of black holes as tubes where material drops through time we can say that the expansion of the universe along with the decrease in the energy level causes the difference in energy levels from the Big Bang to the energy level at the end of the universe increasing while time goes away from the Big Bang. 

The thing that makes energy is differences in energy levels. Because the past is at a higher energy level than the future energy travels to the future. That energy keeps the black hole open. So to make energy and information backward in the black hole, the requirement is that the energy level in the future side of the black hole turns higher than it was in the past.

Is the quantum vapor, that comes from the black holes evidence of a cyclic universe? Or does that vapor come from the future? 

The question about Sir Roger Penrose's observations about the old black holes is: does that vapor come from the past or future? Penrose suggested that there was a universe before our universe. But if the black hole brings information from the future, that thing is a very interesting opportunity. 

That means the white hole is the case, where information can come from the future. The black hole's vaporization is evidence that a white hole is possible. That vaporization is seen as gravity waves. But the requirement for the existence of a white hole is that the black hole suddenly detonates. And then the energy that comes out from the channel keeps it open and forms the white hole. The thing is that a theoretical white hole brings information out of the black hole. 

And that information or radiation means that if some futuristic astronaut wants to use this phenomenon in time or space travel, that person must find a black hole and use a black hole as a transportator. The energy that comes from the white hole destroys that craft immediately. If our hypothetical astronaut wants to travel through a black hole energy level in the material of that craft must decrease very slowly or the craft will detonate immediately. 

The black hole doesn't let particles send its wave movement and energy out from it. And when a particle comes out from the black hole, it sends its extra energy with enormous speed. The reason for that is that energy always travels from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. When energy travels from that material to the environment. That thing increases the energy level around it. 

The difference between energy levels from the beginning of the black hole to the last second before it vaporizes or turns to wave movement determines how powerful is the pull in the black hole. So we can think that the first objects that formed after the Big Bang were enormous black holes. Those black holes could transfer material from the high-energy young universe to the end of the universe, where particles turn to wave movement. In this model, the first ones are the last. The first black hole is the last black hole. And the reason for that is that energy flowing through that black hole is so fast that it cannot collapse. 

And when differences between energy levels in the beginning and end of the black holes are high enough that causes an effect where material explodes. In that case, energy travels out from the material so fast that it forms an electromagnetic vacuum around the particle. And that rips particle into wave movement. This thing causes an effect where wave movement from those particles hits other wave movement. That thing can cause the new universe to start to form.

Revolution for nanotechnology: the engine that is 1/10,000th of a millimeter

    Revolution for nanotechnology: the engine that is 1/10,000th of a millimeter

In the future, the medicines might be packed in protein capsules. When that protein capsule faces the ion pump, that cell organ pushes medicine away from the nanomachine. One way to make that thing possible is to connect the protein or enzyme that makes the virus homing to certain cells to the nanomachine. The small-size nanomachine requires new technology. In some visions, the ion pumps that deliver nutrients to the cells can connect with nanomachines. And those nanomachines would use those ion pumps as ion engines. Controlling the nanomachine is very important.

"The novel type of nanomotor with an RNA polymerase, which pulls the two “handles” together and then releases them again. This generates a pulsing movement. Credit: Mathias Centola/University of Bonn" ( in Nanotech: A Motor That’s 1/10,000th of a Millimeter)

Nanomachines can use enzymes that are long chemical fibers for dosing medicines. The medicine will connect to an enzyme that acts like a conveyor belt. And that enzyme travels over the nano-rolls that allow the nanomachine to apportion chemicals to cells. 

The enzyme can also connect with RNA, and it can transport that molecule into the desired position in the cells. The reason enzymes catalyze chemical reactions is that their shape is like wire. Other molecules, like acids, are connected with enzymes. The wire-looking molecule always transports new and fresh acid or some other molecules to the reaction point.

"The enzyme glucosidase converts the sugar maltose into two glucose sugars. Active site residues in red, maltose substrate in black, and NAD cofactor in yellow. (PDB: 1OBB​)" (Wikipedia/enzyme) 

The nanomachine requires new, extremely small engine types. The size of those machines is smaller than a cell. And that is the reason why researchers investigate things like the swimming of sperm—that they can make the nanomachine move in liquid. In those processes, developers try to copy the movement mechanism in those cells into nanomachines.

The new nano-engine created by using RNA polymerase makes it possible to create engines for very small molecular machines that can transport drugs into the right cells. The new nanomachine is like a tweezer, where the structure pulls together and releases. 

And that thing can make the nanomachine able to touch things like molecules. So a nano engine is more useful than just an engine. Nanotechnology is the next-generation tool. And we don't yet know all the applications. What this thing like machines that are smaller than cells can have. But the nanomachines will revolutionize all technology in the world.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Researchers created a new method to manipulate qubits by using sound.

    Researchers created a new method to manipulate qubits by using sound. 

Theoretically is possible to move even photons by using soundwaves. Soundwaves are molecular movements, and directly pushing photons using air molecules is impossible. But it's possible to use molecules or atomic clouds to push smaller atoms. Then smaller atoms will push smaller and smaller particles. 

If the chain in the series of smaller particles is long enough, the particles will turn smaller and smaller. It's possible. That push to the molecule can send from the series of atoms and subatomic components to photons. In this case particle series whose size decreases during all its series could push photons. 

But manipulating qubits by using soundwaves can happen by stressing piezo-electric crystals with soundwaves. The other version is to point sound waves to photonic crystals. Then the soundwaves can affect the crystal's symmetry. Changes in photonic crystal symmetry affect the movements of quantum elements in those crystals. 

"Acoustic resonators, found in devices like smartphones and Wi-Fi systems, degrade over time with no easy way to monitor this degradation. Researchers from Harvard SEAS and Purdue University have now developed a method using atomic vacancies in silicon carbide to measure the stability of these resonators and even manipulate quantum states, potentially benefiting accelerometers, gyroscopes, clocks, and quantum networking." ( Leap – Harvard Scientists Use Sound To Test Devices, Control Qubits)

"A piezoelectric layer (green) sandwiched between two electrodes (yellow) atop of a silicon carbide acoustic resonator (blue). Acoustic waves generated by the electrodes and piezoelectric layer put mechanical strain on the lattice, which flip the spin of the defect (red). The spin is read out with a laser-focused onto the backside of the resonator. Credit: Hu Group/Harvard SEAS" (Quantum Leap – Harvard Scientists Use Sound To Test Devices, Control Qubits)

The researchers of Harward SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science) laboratory used silicon carbide in a test where they manipulated atomic vacancies in the material by using sound waves. As I wrote before soundwave is a pressure impulse. When pressure impact hits the piezoelectric layer it turns to electromagnetic waves. The thing where the piezoelectric layer turns electric impulses back to soundwaves is not very difficult to make. 

The system can send electric impulses from the piezoelectric layer to a loudspeaker that is connected to the amplifier. The piezoelectric layers can connect with transistors that can increase their signal power. This kind of system can allow next-generation security for signals and communication. 

The ability to use soundwaves to control qubits can used to make the next-generation underwater communication. And there are many other applications for this kind of system. The system that can control qubits with soundwaves or qubits that control soundwaves can have applications for nanotechnology and other things. In nanotechnology, the precise controlled soundwaves can push objects, that are smaller than molecules.

The predator's role is to protect the prey population from weak individuals.

   The predator's role is to protect the prey population from weak individuals.

If you take your prey from the wrong place in the population, that thing can refine non-wanted abilities in the prey.

The bats and insects are in an arms race. They are a good example of the relationship between prey and predator. Just like all other predators and prey, bats and insects are in a race. However, the new research challenges this evolutionary model. 

Or does it? Before we start to talk about evolution and the evolutionary arms race, we must understand the predators and their role in the prey's community. The purpose of the predator is to keep the prey's population at a certain level. But the predator's other role is to keep the prey population clean from unwanted genomes.

"Researchers challenge the idea of an arms race between bats and insects, suggesting that the barbastelle bat’s quiet calls are inherited from quieter gleaner ancestors, not as a direct adaptation against insect hearing." ( Echolocation: How Evolutionary Twists Made This Bat a Silent Assassin)

The relationship between prey and predator is an interaction. If a predator becomes too dominant, that causes it to eat all its food. And if prey can create the ultimate escape methodology, that means predators die of hunger.

If a species becomes too dominant, that thing causes another threat. The viruses and bacteria can use individuals with weak genetic backgrounds as gatekeepers, which allows those parasites to enter the population.

One of the predator's purposes is to remove individuals with weak genomes from the population. Weak individuals are the gate that allows viruses and bacteria to transfer into that population. If some population becomes too dominant, genetically weak individuals can also survive, which causes a situation where some viruses and other parasites start to use some individuals' genetic weaknesses to slip into the population.

When a predator selects its prey, it must avoid redefining the targeted population. If certain abilities become too common, the predator will not get food. And in some other cases, the problem is that if a predator becomes too dominant, that prey population ends. And the predator must look for new prey, or it will die of hunger.

If the prey turns into a difficult target, their number increases. And if we think that all insects are consumers, the problem with them is that they are also "predators". They eat other insects or plants. And if there are too many plant-eating insects, that causes a situation where those insects eat too many trees or grass. In that case, the insects will not get food. And they die of hunger.

The question is: is there some kind of mechanism that denies the arms race between prey and predators? The answer is in the last chapter. If we think that the predator would want to deny the non-wanted advances of its prey. It should select its prey by using a method that denies the prey the ability to transfer non-wanted genomes forward in their family trees.

Insects are not easy prey. Their generational variation is very fast. The lifetime or lifecycle of some insects is only a couple of days. And that means the evolution of those things can be very fast. If predators find a weak spot in prey's defense, that means that non-wanted things for predators will become more common faster than those predators can answer for that advance.

This is one of the reasons why predators seek out old and sick animals. The philosophy behind this kind of behavior is simple. The sick and old animals are in lockers. They will not transfer their genomes forward. And they will not have descendants. If predators choose their prey roughly, that makes it possible for the best escapers can avoid the hunter.

This thing causes genetic enrichment, which enriches abilities that make those prey avoid the prey. If that refinement happens at the wrong point in the population, that thing causes a non-wanted advance in the prey population.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Gravitational waves don't arrive simultaneously with light.

  Gravitational waves don't arrive simultaneously with light. 

"In 2017, a kilonova sent light and gravitational waves across the Universe. Here on Earth, there was a 1.7 second signal arrival delay. Why?" 

( and gravitational waves don’t arrive simultaneously)

The gravitational waves from the kilonova in 2017 arrived 1,7 seconds before visible light. The reason. Researchers might find the answer to the question of why that thing happened and why gravitational waves arrived before visible light from a "Flamingo" simulation. The simulation is meant for a universal model of the object and its magnetic field interaction with the material. All quantum fields interact similarly. And that simulation can give a hint that maybe gravitational wave comes closer than light. 

The Flamingo-simulation 

There are three possibilities as to why light comes after the gravitational waves. 

1) Gravitational waves come from different places than visible light. One suggestion is dark matter dense around gravitational centers. If the impact wave that leaves from kilonova has a high enough density that thing can interact with dark matter. In some models. There is a remarkable mass of dark matter inside neutron stars.

And collisions between those things cause an effect where that impact resonates with dark matter. In this model, gravitational waves are the result of the interaction between dark matter particles. 

2) The expanding shockwave that travels slower than the speed of light closes the light inside it. The shockwave cannot close gravitational waves inside it, and that causes an effect where light seems to travel slower than gravity waves. 

3) The third possibility is the most fascinating. A gravitational wave is an expanding gravitational field. When the gravitational field's expansion is fast enough the gravitational wave just sheds from the main gravity field. And gravity wave is traveling gravitational field. 

 It's possible that when gravitational waves harvest energy from a kilonova explosion they could travel faster than light. The gravitational wave should induct gravitational fields into other particles. Also, it can slow the speed of photons. If another gravitational field is not slowing the gravitational wave. That causes gravitational waves can travel faster than light in certain circumstances. 

In models, an extremely strong gravitational field pulls other energy fields to the gravitational center. When gravitational-wave impact those electromagnetic waves their energy level rises. In the kilonova explosion high energy level causes the situation. That gravity field starts to turn stronger. And when that energy production ends the gravitational fields start to shrink. In that case, the most out layer of the gravitational field just rips itself off the entirety. 


"One of the most fascinating, but also most rare, events in all of the Universe is the inspiral and merger of two neutron stars, which sometimes leads to a kilonova event. In 2017, such an event occurred, and the signals were detected here on Earth by both light-sensitive observatories like NASA's Fermi satellite, as well as the gravitational wave detectors LIGO and Virgo. Even though both light and gravitational waves were generated by this event, and they both travel at the same speed, the gravitational waves stopped arriving 1.7 seconds before the first light was seen. Science investigates the reason why."


In kilonovas, the temperature rises to an extremely high level. The high temperature means that the energy level in those impacts is very high. And that high energy impact turns gas and dust into the heaviest elements like gold and even uranium. There is always a dark matter ball or density around all gravitational centers. And in extremely high energy levels is possible. That the electromagnetic radiation interacts directly with dark matter. 

In those explosions, the electromagnetic wave movement turns so tight that it can push dark matter. In the "Flamingo"-image you can see the double-ring. Near very dense and heavy objects those double rings can be so high energy that they can push straight the dark matter. The reason why this model is interesting is that there is a black hole that is forming after a neutron star collision. And that massive gravitation slows light. 

So the reason why gravitational waves arrive on Earth before light could be that the gravitational wave source is in a different place than visible light. Another reason for that thing could be the pressure or shockwave that travels out from Kilonova. In that case, the shockwave forms a bubble that travels slower than light. In that case, the shockwave closes the light inside it. The shockwave will not close gravitational waves inside it. And that causes a situation, where light comes to Earth after the gravitational waves.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The black hole research from Finland opens new roads to light-photon-material interaction.

    The black hole research from Finland opens new roads to light-photon-material interaction.

When we talk about light or photon-material interaction we should name that thing as wave-particle interaction. Black holes are places where gravitation packs another wave movement in a very tight form. In a black hole, four fundamental interactions interact straight with each other. And in black holes, dark matter and dark energy interact with each other. 

When black holes form in the supernova explosions that explosion forms a vacuum. Then vacuum presses the material and wave movement to one entirety called sigularity. Massive gravity causes extremely powerful time dilation. And the singularity starts to travel in time. 

In this model time is a dimension. And the black hole is a hole in that dimension. The black hole forms a channel or tunnel through time. Past is at a higher energy level than future. The reason for that is the expansion of the universe. The energy that comes from the past pushes singularity to the future. That energy also keeps a black hole open. 

When the energy level rises the object jumps to the hill. Vaporization of the black hole makes the energy statue or energy hill look like a cone. The spin of a black hole forms a whirl that we see as an acceleration disk. The black hole itself is like a whirl. And when entropy or disorder increases in that system the black hole vaporizes. 

The black hole is like a shortcut through time. This is the thing that makes it so powerful. When an object falls into a black hole. It starts to travel in time because it cannot release its energy. We can use the water flow from the hill as an example of how material and energy travel in spacetime. The top of the hill is the top of the energy. And then the energy level decreases like a river flows on the slopes. During that journey, water delivers its energy to the ground. And that slows it's speed. 

"An artistic depiction of a wave encountering an exponentially curved spacetime. Credit: Matias Koivurova, University of Eastern Finland". ( Unraveled: Accelerating Waves and the Mysteries of Time and Relativity)

If we look at this image, we might understand why quantum-size black holes cannot pull material inside them. The superstrings would travel through those miniature black holes. The model of superstrings goes like this: the smallest part of the material is supersting. And particles are warped yarnballs of superstrings. Superstrings between particle and wave movement will transport energy out from the black hole. And they close the channel of the black hole. 

The black hole is like a tube that is drilled 90 degrees straight down from the hilltop. The speed of water that falls straight in this tube increases. The reason for that is that there is no friction between water and other material in the tube that is straight down from the hillside. 

In black holes material and wave movement cannot interact with outside. That means material and wave movement cannot release their energy. During the travel in a black hole. So when material travels out from a black hole it suddenly releases its energy. The thing is that. The vaporization of the black holes is seen in their radiation. The cone-shaped change in the shape of singularity may break some parts of the material. So in this model black hole is full of small white holes. Those white holes would be white hair. The cone travels in time, not in 3D space.  

But a white hole can used to travel through a black hole from the past to the future requiring that a black hole vaporizes in less than an attosecond. Then the energy that travels in a black hole should keep this structure open. Then if we can send craft through that cosmic light cable we must decrease its energy level very slowly. If that thing is not done material releases its energy so fast that it destroys it. 

The thing that destroys material is the fast energy flow out from particles. And that thing forms an electromagnetic vacuum or energy rips itself off the material. When energy travels out from the nucleus like a quark it causes interaction in the particle's quantum field. Decreasing the size of a particle causes a situation in which contact between it and its quantum field is lost. And that vacuum rips material in pieces. 

Can we transport information from the past to the future by using black holes? That thing is possible if at some point in black hole forms an energy level that is so high that is higher than the supernova that formed the black hole. Which side in the black hole is at a higher level determines the direction in which information travels. That means traveling back in time is possible but it requires a very high energy level.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Nanotechnology and AI are the ultimate combination.

  Nanotechnology and AI are the ultimate combination. 

The DNA nano engine can give new abilities for nanomachines. 

The new DNA-based nanomachine travels pulsing movements. And that kind of system can give new abilities for nanotechnology. This kind of nano engine can act as a nanogenerator. The nanogenerators can give electricity to nano-size microchips. Nano-size microchips are needed to control miniature robots. The problem with nano-size microchips is this. The system requires an ultimate accurate electric supply. There is always a possibility. That electricity jumps over switches and routers in nano-size microchips. 

But they can operate as a large entirety forming a hybrid core multipurpose microporcessor group. That kind of system with multiple nano-size microprocessors can act as a virtual quantum computer. Or it can control many actions at the same time. In virtual mode, the TCP/IP protocol shares the mission to all processors. And they need to make only part of that thing. So the system can share missions to multiple microchips. That makes it lighter for those systems. The nanomachines act like regular drone swarms. But they are much smaller. 

The other version is to use an outside computer. If that system can connect with a long-range wireless electric supply the system can deliver electricity to nanomachines and same time the same system can exchange information between the support station where the control system is and the nano drone swarm. 

The control might happen through the atomic vapor. That is one version of the antennas. The atomic vapor is between those drones. And the information will be transmitted to them through that vapor. 

"Scientists have developed a DNA-based nano engine that exhibits pulsing movements. Mirroring a hand grip trainer’s functionality, but vastly smaller, it employs RNA polymerases for its action and is powered by nucleotide triphosphates, offering potential in advanced nanotechnology applications." ( Nano Engine: The Revolutionary Power Behind Tomorrow’s Nanomachines)

"Artistic rendering of a photonic chip with both light and RF frequency encoding data. Credit: B.Dong / University of Oxford." ( Speed Ahead: 3D Photonic-Electronic Hardware Revolutionizes AI)

"Artistic rendering of a photonic chip with both light and RF frequency encoding data. Credit: B.Dong / University of Oxford." ( Speed Ahead: 3D Photonic-Electronic Hardware Revolutionizes AI)

The new microchip can transform RF signals into photonic information. 

The AI requires powerful computers.  The new photonic microchip can transfer RF (Radio Frequency) or simple radio signals to photonic information. This is one of the most revolutionary things in computing. Photonic computers use less power than electric systems. The photonic microchips can use gas prisms or photonic crystals to change the photon route. The photonic microchips would be useful tools in the nanomachines. 

The ability to use a system, that transfers RF signals to photons makes it possible to keep the temperature in the microchip lower. But things like pressure-wave scatter gas prisms require miniaturization.  

The gas prism uses asymmetry of the scattering for aiming the laser ray. And that asymmetry is made by using pressure waves. In the last case, the system uses virtual gravity to change the photon's trajectory. The problem is how to transmit data to the photo-electric microchip.  And the new microchip can transform RF signals into photons. The principle of that microchip is in the article linked below the text. These kinds of systems can used to transmit information between (nano) robots and their support systems.

The first time machine simulator is in use to solve impossible physical problems.

    The first time machine simulator is in use to solve impossible physical problems.  

Time travel means that information can travel over time without changing. 

Sometimes some people say that the tiny black holes bring information from space and time to our time. In those models, the information travels from the past to this moment. And that thing causes the mysterious wave movement called dark energy. If energy tunnels itself from the past to the future that blows the universe bigger. 

Black hole tunnel information that is inside it. That means material travels in a black hole without outside effect. The paradox in black holes is that the past of the black hole is in a higher energy level than the future information should travel from the past to the future. But because a black hole's escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light, that thing causes the effect where time starts to travel backward. 

Never try to transport particles in space and time at the same time. 

When a black hole is born in a supernova explosion that explosion creates a tunnel through space and time. And the information or energy that travels from the past to the future keeps this hole open. In modern models, the center of the black hole transports information to the future. 

The border area forms a situation where information travels back in time. That means the hurricane could be the best model for the black hole and its interaction. The cloud is the acceleration disk in this moment whirl is the black hole that transports information to the future. And rising vapor is information that travels back in time. 

The thing is that black holes are not joined all the time. The black hole's shape is like a cone. It sends material and energy all the time. The vaporization means that black holes sometimes lose photons. When those hyper-energy photons impact with superstrings, the extremely thin wave movement.  The impact sends a signal through this superstring to the past. 

When particles or wave movement travels through a black hole. They can keep the energy load that they got in the past. When those particles travel out from a black hole they smash to layer or quantum field. That is at the lower energy level. 

That means the energy interaction is very strong when those particles come out of the tunnel. They send energy as wave movement. Then that. Energy interacts with superstrings. And that thing can raise energy waves to a level that they can send information from the future to the past. 

Black hole is standing wormhole. 


Time travel means that information can travel through time without changes. 

If we want to modify Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle in time travel we cannot move particles, at the same time, in space and time. If we try that thing travel in space vector pulls energy from time time vector. So, we must choose will we want to transport particles in space. Or in time. 

And for jumping back to time the particle must accelerate to a speed that is very close to the speed of light. Then it must stop and keep its kinetic energy. Then outside effect must push more energy to that particle. When a particle starts to travel to the past in time it leaves a hole behind it. That hole is the black hole. 

Energy from the past falls in that hole or channel. And that energy keeps the channel open and we see that thing as a black hole. So if we think that information travels in a tunnel we see the side where information falls in that hole as a black hole. And the side where information comes out is the white hole. 


The black hole is a standing wormhole that can transport information over time.  It cannot transport information over space. 

Why are we not detecting white holes? White holes are places where information comes out from black holes. The thing is that the shape of a black hole in time is a cone. That means the black hole's vaporization is the effect that is the white hole. When a black hole is born it starts to vaporize. Or some photons are leaving it. That means a black hole sends energy or radiation from its entire existence. 

The white hole would be a case where the black hole suddenly vaporizes and turns into some kind of quantum vacuum. Then information that comes from the past can keep that hole open. The black hole is one form of wormholes. And it acts like a cosmic light cable that brings information from the past to the future. 


"Researchers at the University of Cambridge have utilized quantum entanglement to simulate a scenario resembling backward time travel. This allows for past actions to be retroactively altered, potentially leading to improved present outcomes". ( Reality: Cambridge Uses Time-Travel Simulations To Solve “Impossible” Problems)

The University of Cambridge created the world's first time machine simulator. 

The University of Cambridge created the world's first time machine simulator. The idea of this complex system is to solve problems and find opportunities for transporting information back and forward in time. Even if we can transport information only from the past in the form of electromagnetic radiation or wave movement that thing gives an endless power source for people. 

Time travel means that the system tunnels information through spacetime. While the information pulse travels in the tunnel, that isolates it from the space around it. There is no outside effect that can affect it. All energy and material formed in the Big Bang, and that means if we can create a tunnel from the past to this moment, we can have endless energy sources. 

In some visions, quantum entanglement is a suitable thing for this operation. Between superpositioned and entangled particles forms the energy bridge. The energy bridge is formed of superstrings. And if we want to tunnel information from the future to the past, we should turn that energy bridge into a spiral or rope. And information can travel through that spiral or "tornado". The past is closer to the Big Bang. That means the past is at a higher energy level than this moment and the future is. 

Information travels from the past to the future. And if we want to make information travel from the future to the past we must just raise the energy level in the future side of the tunnel higher than it's in the past. And that makes energy or wave movement travel in opposite directions. That thing makes very interesting models. Because it allows us to transport information from the future to the past.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Does Heisenberg's uncertainty principle fall, because the attosecond technology gives so accurate values?

   Does Heisenberg's uncertainty principle fall, because the attosecond technology gives so accurate values?

We can increase our accuracy forever. That helps us to see things that are not been possible before. And if we want to determine at the same time the electron's movement or "where the electron is going" and "the point where the electron is"  we cannot get very accurate values. But we cannot get precise values. 

When we increase accuracy we can get so close to precise or absolute values that errors lose their effect and meaning for values. But there still is minimal error. That has no practical meaning for values and tests. So the focus in those measurements is, or it should be to minimize the uncertainty effect from measurements. 

Together those things are limits or limit values (sometimes called limes). The value is close to the precise target value, but it never reaches it. The electron curtain is a combination of wave movement and particle-form electrons. 

One cannot simultaneously determine the position and momentum of an electron". That is the quote called Heisenberg's uncertainty Principle. The uncertainty means that we must accept certain error levels. "You can find out where the electron is, but not where it's going." Or "You can determine where the electron is going, but not where it is". So you can determine the Delta Vector (Change of place) of the electron but not the point where the electron is. The reason, why all measurements about that thing are wrong is that an electron is moving when information travels out from it. 

When information travels between the sensor and electron, that takes a small moment because the information has a speed limit which is the speed of light. So we can make very accurate measurements about that topic, but at the same time (or moment) we can't determine the change of the electron's position and electron's precise point. But if we separate those missions we can very accurately determine the electron's precise location point at a certain moment. Otherwise, we can determine very accurately the change between two positions where the electron is between certain time units. 

In the uncertainty Principle, the certainty is not precisely determined. The certainty is limited in values. The limit is the marginal where the result can be acceptable. That means we can take the focus to the system, and make the more accurate information about the particle's position, but we cannot reach absolute certainty. This means that Heisenberg's uncertainty Principle is one of the things that can fall, but at the same time, it remains forever. The idea of Heisenberg's uncertainty Principle is that we can determine the electron's position in the orbitals. The attosecond systems can make it possible to reach more and more accurate images of the electron's position. But that position is not precisely determined.

The miniature particle accelerators have two interesting solutions.

    The miniature particle accelerators have two interesting solutions. 

The miniature particle accelerators can revolutionize aviation. 

The miniatured particle accelerators can make the "cylinder-shaped UFO" possible. Those particle accelerators will send particles in all directions. And that makes the silent levitation possible. The image above is the artwork of those cylinders. If that craft would be real. The hovering engines are seen below. 

The less than mm.-size particle accelerators can used for next-generation aircraft propulsion. The aircraft's body and wings might be equipped with scratches where those particle accelerators are. That system can give a very fast specific impulse. The miniature particle accelerators can accelerate electrons to a speed that is 100,000 km/s. And the speed of those electrons can accelerate with laser rays even higher. 

The system can use some other propellant, that electrons vaporize. And that thing can create more thrust from the nano-size particle accelerators. In some visions, those particle accelerators shoot positrons and electrons together. And that annihilation makes energy. If that nanotube-based system works,  it will installed into aircraft. That will make new and fundamental avionics possible.

X-51 Waverider

The miniature particle accelerators can installed in ramjet and scramjet systems. Those systems can make next-generation hypersonic systems possible. Particle accelerators can transport plasma through them. In these kinds of systems, the laser or other electromagnetic systems ionize air, and the accelerators pump through them. 

If developers install this system into the disk-shaped structure. The system puts electrons to rotate the structure like in LP disks. That thing can make it possible to make the time dilation in the system. 

In some visions, the nano-size particle accelerators will be installed in a ball-shaped structure. Those systems allow that structure to fly in any direction where it wants. The particle accelerators can use in miniature aerial vehicles (MAVs), that can travel at very high speeds. Those systems can create a drone swarm there are billions of individual drones. And this kind of system's military application could be a sandstorm that advances in hypersonic speed. 


The miniature particle accelerators can make the new plasma stealth possible. The craft's body will covered using the miniature particle accelerators. These are used to create plasma over the craft. The plasma system can connect with the ramjet or scramjet. The plasma system will make the plasma around the craft, and then magnets pull it in the scramjet or ramjet. That allows the engine to start in place. And that could be an extremely innovative solution for hypersonic stealth technology. 

Developers can use miniature particle accelerators in submarines. They can make the new type of MHD (Magneto-Hydrodynamic Drive) possible. 

Those miniature particle accelerators also make it possible to create pocket-size nuclear explosives. The particle accelerators can shoot ions and anions together. And that thing could make it possible to create small-size portable hydrogen bombs. 

"Researchers have developed nanophotonic electron accelerators, marking a significant step towards miniaturizing particle accelerators. These new accelerators are the size of a computer chip, leveraging lasers to speed up electrons. Such advancements could lead to direct internal radiotherapy using endoscopes in the future". ( the Future: World’s First Miniature Particle Accelerator Unveiled)

The miniature particle accelerators can make the room-temperature quantum computers real. 

Sometimes is introduced that things like quantum LEDs can act as the axon's ends. The number of working LEDs determines the state of the qubit. And then the receiver has miniature silicone cells, that transform the photonic information into electricity. The LED-based optical qubit can be a bee cell-looking structure. 

But the miniature particle accelerators can do the same thing with those LED-based systems. 

The miniature particle accelerators can make artificial neurons near reality. The particle accelerators can be at the end of the system. That transmits energy and data in optical wires. And then those particle accelerators would be at the holes between those artificial neurons. Those miniature particle accelerators can send electrons over the axon gap, and those electrons can be like neurotransmitters. 

If those particle accelerators are in a group that is like a bee cell, that system can make the room-temperature quantum computer possible. The number of electrons that the system sends determines the qubit's state.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The distorted photonic crystals made a pseudogravity effect on light beams.

 The distorted photonic crystals made a pseudogravity effect on light beams. 

Pseudogravity is an effect where some "non-gravitational" object acts like gravitation. The photonic crystals acted like a gravitational effect and split the light beam into two parts. Reseachers can use that thing to share laser beams to two routes without affecting their information. 

The photonic crystals could allow the system to share identical information between two quantum computers. And that thing can make it possible to create or improve error detection in quantum computers. 

The fact is that we can think of wave movement as mountains. When another wave movement impacts the main wave movement, those wave movements can exchange information if the tops of those mountains are close enough to each other. In that case, the information or energy travels from the higher energy waves to the lower energy waves. 

A conceptual image of the distorted photonic crystal and photonic crystal. Credit: K. Kitamura (’s Theories Revisited: Scientists Produce “Pseudogravity” Using Photonic Crystals)

"The experimental set-up and simulation results of beam trajectory in a DPC. Credit: ©K. Kitamura" (’s Theories Revisited: Scientists Produce “Pseudogravity” Using Photonic Crystals)

If we want to deny the reflection or wave movement travel to the layer. We must just put that wave movement to travel through a  lower energy wave movement that has the same wavelength but a lower energy level. That lower energy wave movement pulls a little bit of energy from the higher energy wave movement. 

Sooner or later, that higher energy wave movement loses all of its energy to those "vampire rays". The idea is that those vampire rays travel through the outer layer of the laser ray. And that can transfer part of the laser ray into the other way. 

The other version is to shoot a higher higher-energy laser beam to a lower energy laser beam. In that case, the higher energy laser turns the route of the lower energy laser beam. 

But that pseudogravitational effect can used to make the layers invisible. In that case, those photonic crystals just aim for optical light waves in the direction that they cannot reach the layer. That thing can make the ultimate stealth possible. And sometimes some people are introduced. This technology is the reason, why some aircraft, ships, and other things turn invisible or loose from visible tracking. The optical stealth systems are the ultimate secret. And that kind of system possibly exists.

Friday, October 20, 2023

The miniature particle accelerator can make fundamental observation, engine, and weapon technology possible.

    The miniature particle accelerator can make fundamental observation, engine, and weapon technology possible. 

The particle accelerator that size is less than mm. can make the new portable electron microscopes possible. The developers can use this technology in small ion engines. And there are also weapon applications that can benefit that technology. 

The developer can use a small particle accelerator to drive other particles in the desired direction. Or they can act as an electron source for larger particle accelerators. Those small particle accelerators can also aim to impact particles precisely to the desired point in the particle's track. 

Those miniature particle accelerators can shoot qubits or electron-shaped qubits in the quantum computers. 

The smallest particle accelerator in the world accelerates electrons and ions to the speed of 100,000 km/s. The particle accelerator's size is less than 1 mm. Or sharper saying that particle accelerator's size is 0,2 mm. And that means it fits into a microchip. Researchers can use this particle accelerator to find the secrets of living cells. 

This small particle accelerator can be used as an electron microscope that controls the material formation process. It can find things like anomalies in microchip structures. And it can be the portable or "briefcase" model of electron microscopes. That system can bring electron microscopes to field operations.

The developers can use portable miniature particle accelerators in the fundamental engine and laser solutions in the civil and military sectors. 

If researchers can use that nano-size particle accelerator to create antimatter. That thing is the most fundamental system in the world. 

 An accelerator chip is shown on the tip of a finger along with an electron microscope image of the chip. ( Laser-based microchip particle accelerator can benefit industry and medicine)


"As electrons flow through this channel etched in a silicon chip, laser light (shown in yellow and purple) accelerates the particles to high speeds. Credit: Neil Sapra" (


Antimatter engines and laser systems can use this particle accelerator for making antimatter. 

The antimatter causes extremely bright flashes when it annihilates with its mirror particles. In that process, annihilation turns particle-antiparticle pairs like electron and positron (anti-electron) into energy. That causes a bright flash. If those flashes are around laser elements like carbonite crystal or carbon monoxide laser they can be used as flash tubes to pump energy to that laser. 

This kind of small nano-particle accelerator can also create positrons that can shoot into the air. That thing causes annihilation and the system can installed in missiles. Or it can used as antimatter mines. When the enemy comes to that area. The system bursts antimatter particles into the air. 

But this type of system can make many other things than just act as a small and portable electron microscope. There is the possibility to use this small particle accelerator in fundamental ion engines. Engineers can use ion engines in saucer-shaped airships. Engineers can cover the entire saucer-shaped craft with this system. 

And also, nano-size spacecraft and other flying systems can use this kind of engine solution. The system can use annihilation. 

The particle accelerators turn electrons into positrons. Then the system can shoot them into the air. That forms thrust in nanotubes. And if those nanotubes are all around the craft, that gives it fundamental maneuverability. 

The other version of ion systems is that the system pushes ion flow to the front of the craft. That thing can form a vacuum that pulls craft forward. In that system, the engine uses regular ions. The system ionizes the air around the craft. And then magnets or ions with the same polarity push those ions away forming a vacuum that pulls craft to it. 

The nano-size particle accelerators can also operate as death rays. The death ray that Nikola Tesla developed was an electron- or so-called beta cannon. The beta cannon accelerates electrons that hit to target. Those electrons cause damage to chromosomes.

Retrocausality: when the reaction comes before action.

    Retrocausality: when the reaction comes before action. 

When the ball moves, before someone kicks it.  Or we can say otherways retrocausality is like backward-moving film. 

Sometimes, the term retrocausality determines that the reaction is before action. In linear time, the reaction comes after the action. But in retrocausality, action and reaction come to an observer in the opposite order. So if a soccer player kicks a ball. The retrospective model of that reaction is that The ball moves before the soccer player kicks it. 

When we think about the retrocausal model we can imagine that the action and reaction are like the pistons and the ball traveling in a tube. The piston is the action and the ball is the reaction. 

When the piston moves and impacts the ball, the causal reaction is that the ball moves after the piston. In the retrocausal model, the ball travels to the tube. Then the ball moves the piston backward. So the retrocausality is like a backward-moving film. In this model, the piston and the ball are information, and the tube is the time. 

The wormhole takes material through space and time. A black hole is the wormhole itself.  We might think. That retrocausality is the case, where a wormhole brings information from the future to the past. The idea of retrocausality is simple. When the energy level in the particle rises high enough, time dilation turns backward. In this case, the escaping velocity from the particle is the same as the speed of light time stops. And the particle's aging ends. 

When escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. Time starts to travel backward. If we think that wormhole is like well. The retrocausality is like a pressure wave that travels up from the wormhole. So if we throw the stone hard enough, it may return from the future to the past. But we need a very high energy level so that the stone itself can return from the hole. 

The past is a higher energy level than the future. That thing causes linear time. 

Time began with the Big Bang. The universe's temperature decreases all the time. That means it loses its energy, and the past is at a higher energy level than today and tomorrow. Energy travels from the future to the past. And if we want to send something to the past we must increase the energy level of the sender higher than the receiver. 

And if we think that this tube is the time, the reason why pushing that piston and ball back to the point where everything begins is that the tube is on the hillside. We must raise the energy level in the retrocausal model so high, that it can push the piston to the top of the hill. So we must kick the ball to the tube so hard that the kick gives so much energy that it can push the piston and the ball through that tube. 

There is the possibility of bringing information from the future to the past by using quantum entanglement or superposition and quantum entanglement. In that model, the superpositioned and entangled particle pair. First one particle will turn to a higher energy level than the other. 

Time dilation causes the lower energy particle to travel faster than the high energy particle in time. 

In some models photon that travels around the superstring forms so high-energy impact wave, that can cause an energy impulse that travels back in time. In that model, the photon travels in the universe around the wire called a superstring. The photon forms a small impact wave at the front of it. And if the energy of that impact wave rises high enough, it causes an echo that travels back in time. 

When the distance between those particles in time is high enough, the particle's sides will turn opposite. The particle that the system sends to the future will rise to a higher energy level than the particle in the past. Because energy travels into the lower energy level. That turns the information flow to the past possible. 

The thing is that thermodynamically is impossible to bring information from the future to the past. The reason for that is that the energy level in the universe is lower in the future. And energy or information always travels in the lower energy direction. 

But it's possible to bring information from the future to the past.  Using superposition and entanglement. In that model, the energy level of some particles can rise so high that information starts to travel opposite direction. Using this kind of system could be possible. To transfer information from the future to the requirement for that is that the energy level of the active transmit particle is higher than a recessive particle in that entirety.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Quantum dots and nano-diamonds are key elements in photonic and quantum computers.

    Quantum dots and nano-diamonds are key elements in photonic and quantum computers. 

Quantum dots brought the Nobel prize. Quantum dots are tools that are used in electronics like LED lights and TV monitors. The color of quantum dots depends on their size. That ability is the thing that can make quantum dots useful in photonic and quantum computers. Each light color is a certain wavelength. 

Researchers can use quantum dots to create photonic- or laser-based quantum computers. Each quantum dot can send data at individual wavelengths. That allows researchers to create a photonic network where each route has a different wavelength. Because light travels in the photonic network in different wavelengths. That makes it possible to minimize turbulence from that system. 

"Professor Michael Hecht and his research group at Princeton have made a significant discovery in the field of chemistry by creating the first known de novo protein that catalyzes the synthesis of quantum dots. Quantum dots are nanocrystals with fluorescent properties that are used in a range of electronic applications, including LED screens and solar panels. This new method of creating quantum dots has the potential to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly than current methods, as it demonstrates that functional materials can be synthesized using protein sequences that are not derived from nature". ( Chemists Create Quantum Dots at Room Temperature Using Custom Protein)

"In the realm of quantum communication, the fragility of qubit transmissions resembles the information distortions in the children’s game of telephone. Scientists are now leveraging defects in diamonds to construct quantum repeaters. These repeaters bridge gaps between quantum systems, allowing for more reliable data transfer, with potential applications ranging from artificial intelligence to satellite navigation".( Brilliance at MIT: Quantum Repeaters Revolutionizing Networking)

The new nanodiamonds are tools that can make quantum networks easier to build. The nanodiamonds act like optical switches. And those things can connect with quantum dots, that thing can be the revolution for the next-generation quantum networks. The ability to change the wavelength of the light makes it possible to minimize the mutual non-controlled effects from the quantum network. In some futuristic quantum computers and planned portable quantum computers. The energy level that the laser uses, determines the the qubit's states. And the wavelength can also determine those layers. 

When data comes from a binary system the quantum system must share it between the layers of the qubit. The system can drive data to linear memory that sends the bit row to the bit line. Then the system must drive that data concurrently forward. And this is the problem with this kind of quantum computer. 

The information that the system processes must stay without outside turbulence. The laser beams carry data. And if those frequencies in each data handling line are different, that minimizes their mutual effects. The information can travel in laser rays in the form of superpositioned elementary particles is not the only way to create qubits. The other version is the laser rays that transmit information from the qubits. In that kind of system, the color or wavelength of the radiation is one state of qubit. These kinds of systems might operate at quite nearly 0 Celsius. And that is a great advance in quantum technology.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Researchers can use planet Mercury's shrinking can to model dark energy.

   Researchers can use planet Mercury's shrinking can to model dark energy. 

The quantum-size Van Allen belts quantum-loops can explain dark energy. When the universe expands, that causes a situation where material turns to wave movement. The symmetry of how this thing happens may explain dark energy. In this model a very thin radiation wave. That comes from an elementary particle's spin axle can explain why we cannot see that material. 

Normally, we think that to find the reason why material is what it is, we must search the smallest possible particles. But otherwise, we can use large particle groups to make models, of how the smallest particles interact with other particles and wave movement. 

That means we could use the planet Mercury's shrinking for modeling the form of dark energy or some part of dark energy. Mercury's magnetosphere is not very strong. But it creates Van Allen belts or plasma belts around it. The power of solar wind is much stronger on Mercury, than it's on Earth. When those Van Allen belts trap particles radiation that comes from the sun like high-energy wave movement and high-energy particles hits those trapped particles sending high-energy radiation in X-ray frequency. 

The solar wind hits Mercury's Van Allen belts, forming X-ray aurora or X-ray flares. X-ray aurora sends energy impulses to Mercury. Even if that X-ray aurora is only in the Van Allen belt's Sun side, that thing forms a horseshoe-looking radiation effect into Mercury. That X-ray effect ionizes material on Mercury's surface in or on the planet's shell. Then magnetic field drives those ions to Mercury's poles. And that thing causes the shrinking of that planet. 

An extremely small quantum loop or quantum-size Van Allen belts around particles could explain dark energy. 

Researchers can use Mercury's shrinking to make a model of how material vaporizes at the quantum level. The wave movement hits particles and their quantum fields like it hits the Mercury. Every single particle in the universe has its halo, the quantum field. That surrounds particles. When a higher energy particle interacts with a lower energy particle, it sends a superstring around that other particle. 

The superstring is like a quantum-size Van Allen belt around the elementary particle. Energy interaction happens through that superstring. And then it reaches the loop that acts like a Van Allen belt or antenna. That loop sends energy to the particle. Then it forms the situation that energy travels out from the particle from its spin axle. That forms an extremely thin radiation pike. That comes out from the particle axle. If that pike is extremely thin it's hard to detect. And that thing could be one version of dark energy.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...