Researchers tested the limits of the quantum teleportation. The researchers from the University of Stuttgart measured all four Bell states. The Bell states are full correlations between qubits that can be in states 0 or 1 or in superpositions. The reason why Bell states are interesting is that the quantum system requires two-qubit lines and all four states to back and forth communication. The problem with Bell state collapse is that the qubits that transmit information from point A to point B are opposite or mirror position to the qubit that transports information from point B to point A. The reason for that mirror symmetry is that the transmitting side of the qubit must be at a higher energy level than the receiving qubit. Only identical qubits can transport information without damaging the informational structure. When two identical qubits are side by side energy travels from the higher energy qubits to lower energy qubits. "In the Barz group’s experime...