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The distorted photonic crystals made a pseudogravity effect on light beams.

 The distorted photonic crystals made a pseudogravity effect on light beams. 

Pseudogravity is an effect where some "non-gravitational" object acts like gravitation. The photonic crystals acted like a gravitational effect and split the light beam into two parts. Reseachers can use that thing to share laser beams to two routes without affecting their information. 

The photonic crystals could allow the system to share identical information between two quantum computers. And that thing can make it possible to create or improve error detection in quantum computers. 

The fact is that we can think of wave movement as mountains. When another wave movement impacts the main wave movement, those wave movements can exchange information if the tops of those mountains are close enough to each other. In that case, the information or energy travels from the higher energy waves to the lower energy waves. 

A conceptual image of the distorted photonic crystal and photonic crystal. Credit: K. Kitamura (’s Theories Revisited: Scientists Produce “Pseudogravity” Using Photonic Crystals)

"The experimental set-up and simulation results of beam trajectory in a DPC. Credit: ©K. Kitamura" (’s Theories Revisited: Scientists Produce “Pseudogravity” Using Photonic Crystals)

If we want to deny the reflection or wave movement travel to the layer. We must just put that wave movement to travel through a  lower energy wave movement that has the same wavelength but a lower energy level. That lower energy wave movement pulls a little bit of energy from the higher energy wave movement. 

Sooner or later, that higher energy wave movement loses all of its energy to those "vampire rays". The idea is that those vampire rays travel through the outer layer of the laser ray. And that can transfer part of the laser ray into the other way. 

The other version is to shoot a higher higher-energy laser beam to a lower energy laser beam. In that case, the higher energy laser turns the route of the lower energy laser beam. 

But that pseudogravitational effect can used to make the layers invisible. In that case, those photonic crystals just aim for optical light waves in the direction that they cannot reach the layer. That thing can make the ultimate stealth possible. And sometimes some people are introduced. This technology is the reason, why some aircraft, ships, and other things turn invisible or loose from visible tracking. The optical stealth systems are the ultimate secret. And that kind of system possibly exists.


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