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Revolution for nanotechnology: the engine that is 1/10,000th of a millimeter

    Revolution for nanotechnology: the engine that is 1/10,000th of a millimeter

In the future, the medicines might be packed in protein capsules. When that protein capsule faces the ion pump, that cell organ pushes medicine away from the nanomachine. One way to make that thing possible is to connect the protein or enzyme that makes the virus homing to certain cells to the nanomachine. The small-size nanomachine requires new technology. In some visions, the ion pumps that deliver nutrients to the cells can connect with nanomachines. And those nanomachines would use those ion pumps as ion engines. Controlling the nanomachine is very important.

"The novel type of nanomotor with an RNA polymerase, which pulls the two “handles” together and then releases them again. This generates a pulsing movement. Credit: Mathias Centola/University of Bonn" ( in Nanotech: A Motor That’s 1/10,000th of a Millimeter)

Nanomachines can use enzymes that are long chemical fibers for dosing medicines. The medicine will connect to an enzyme that acts like a conveyor belt. And that enzyme travels over the nano-rolls that allow the nanomachine to apportion chemicals to cells. 

The enzyme can also connect with RNA, and it can transport that molecule into the desired position in the cells. The reason enzymes catalyze chemical reactions is that their shape is like wire. Other molecules, like acids, are connected with enzymes. The wire-looking molecule always transports new and fresh acid or some other molecules to the reaction point.

"The enzyme glucosidase converts the sugar maltose into two glucose sugars. Active site residues in red, maltose substrate in black, and NAD cofactor in yellow. (PDB: 1OBB​)" (Wikipedia/enzyme) 

The nanomachine requires new, extremely small engine types. The size of those machines is smaller than a cell. And that is the reason why researchers investigate things like the swimming of sperm—that they can make the nanomachine move in liquid. In those processes, developers try to copy the movement mechanism in those cells into nanomachines.

The new nano-engine created by using RNA polymerase makes it possible to create engines for very small molecular machines that can transport drugs into the right cells. The new nanomachine is like a tweezer, where the structure pulls together and releases. 

And that thing can make the nanomachine able to touch things like molecules. So a nano engine is more useful than just an engine. Nanotechnology is the next-generation tool. And we don't yet know all the applications. What this thing like machines that are smaller than cells can have. But the nanomachines will revolutionize all technology in the world.


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