Monday, May 29, 2023

The unstable X-ray bursts in the black hole's jets shake the foundations of particle acceleration theory.

Unstable X-ray emissions can uncover the point where black hole jets are forming. The jets are forming around the rotation axle of a black hole. But the problem is that nobody knows the depth where those jets are forming. Distance to the event horizon is a thing that is a mystery. The black hole's magnetic field transports particles to the poles, and there. 

Those particles impact other particles. At that point, the energy level rises to an extremely high level. But there are also X-ray emissions in the jets themselves. That thing tells that there is some kind of friction in that structure that the electromagnetic tornado surrounds. 

Those jets of black holes also can uncover Hawking radiation. If we think that all radiation around a black hole follows the same formula, we can make a model where Hawking radiation forms the radiation pike at the same point with the jets of the black hole. So could Hawking radiation be one of the reasons for the unstable X-ray emissions from the black hole's jets? 

In models, the hypothetical Hawking radiation is the high energy radiation that is even higher energy levels than gamma rays. The extremely high-energy photons of those radiations could simply push particles away. In some other models Hawking radiation is the "sub photon". So if we think like that the photon in extremely high energy level starts to act like all other particles. And send radiation or wave movement. 

"In a groundbreaking study published in Nature Astronomy, a team of researchers led by Eileen Meyer at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, has challenged the prevailing theories about x-ray emissions from black hole jets. Artist’s concept illustration of a supermassive black hole emitting an x-ray jet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" ( Hole Paradox: Unstable X-ray Emissions Shake Foundations of Particle Acceleration Theory)

So could the hypothetical Hawking radiation be the strong version of dark energy? 

In this model, photons can send some kind of wave movement at least to the photon that is at the lower energy level. Maybe those extremely small energy channels can explain the mystic dark energy. Or at least part of it. The fact is that nobody has seen that dark wave movement. And in some models, dark energy is so weak radiation that we cannot detect it. The thing that makes dark energy dominant is that there are lots of particles that send it. 

So could dark energy be the radiation or wave movement that is left by photons? Photons are particles like all other particles. So they should behave like all other particles. When a photon's energy level is higher than its environment it should release wave movement as well as all other particles are sending. In the regular universe. That wave movement is very hard to detect. But in extremely high energy areas the photons could send wave movement that can be detected. 

The most common particle in the universe is a photon. And even if those particles are sending weak radiation or wave movement there is lots of surface that sends this radiation. So in that case. The effect of weak wave movement turns very strong. The reason for that is there are lots of particles. That sends the wave movement. And maybe sometime in the future, we can get an answer.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

The semi-visible particle jets can uncover at least part of the mystery called dark matter.

Could the Muon g-2 anomaly be caused by dark matter or wormholes?

In some visions, dark matter is material that travels in the wormholes. 

Theoretically, if material travels in wormholes. The electromagnetic tornado will deny normal interaction through the wormhole's wall. The only remaining effect is gravitational interaction. So in that model, the dark matter is material that travels in wormholes. 

The wormhole would be a layered effect. The most out part of it could be an electromagnetic field that presses radio waves and then more high energy radiation like X- and Gamma-rays to bundle. 

If the radiowaves are strong enough they could form a bundle of superstrings that is closing all other radiation inside it. The most out layer of that structure would be the electromagnetic field that presses the radiation inside it into a coherent form. If the outer layers are strong enough. They can push even gravitational waves into a bundle that transports information in that channel. 

So how can two objects or particles form the wormhole? 

They must make the channel through the quantum fields. Then those particles must spin that way that they can make the quantum bundle around that channel. The channel's size must be suitable so that the outcoming radiation can form a stable quantum bundle where the outcoming maser effect keeps that channel open. If we think this thing happens between black holes. That wormhole is forming in the radiation pikes of those objects. The idea is that the quantum bundle turns so tight that even gravitational waves can turn into a bundle. That is traveling in the quantum channel called a wormhole.

Artist's vision of black hole. With spiral radiation and plasma vortex. If that spiral can turn into a bundle. That is tight enough this thing could explain the wormholes. 

Could the reason for the muon g-2 anomaly be the wormhole or some yet unknown force? 

The Muon g-2 anomaly is one of the most interesting things in physics. Does those anomalies in the Muon trajectories in Fermilab and CERN caused by some unknown natural forces, or were those anomalies the result of the interaction with hypothetical WIMP, theoretical dark matter particles? The reason why the trajectory of Muon particles changed is a mystery. 

In some visions, the curves in the muon particle trajectories are caused by impacting or some other interaction with something unknown. There is the possibility that the anomaly caused by the pike-looking quantum tornado could be a tiny wormhole. When muons traveled around the center of the cyclotrons they pumped energy away from the middle of it. That thing could open the wormhole, or make that gravitational-electromagnetic tornado dance that causes interaction with muons. 

Research tells about a strong magnetic field around the repeating FRBs Fast Radio Bursts. The strong magnetic field is the thing that pushes those FRBs into the channel. That magnetic field just pumps energy into those radio waves, and that thing causes a maser effect. When FRB travels in the magnetic field the effect is similar when laser ray travels in the laser tube where laser element pumps energy in that radiation. As I wrote before. 

That thing could prove that wormholes have existed. In this model, the wormhole is the layered effect. The most out thing is an electromagnetic field, then the radio waves and X-, and gamma-rays are forming the electromagnetic tornado. The most out layer is the electromagnetic field. And if the bundle of radio waves is tight enough that allows the higher energy radiation to make a channel through spacetime.  

And maybe the wormholes are the source of semi-visible jets and the cosmic network, the largest known cosmic superstructure. The idea is that the thing that forms the strings around objects are the cosmic semi-visible jets. 

Cosmic Web: NASA

"The ATLAS Collaboration pioneered the search for semi-visible jets, a potential dark matter signature arising from dark quarks and gluons in a strongly interacting dark sector. Despite the challenges and no direct findings, this novel research sets the first limits on semi-visible jet production, paving the way for more nuanced dark matter searches in the future". ( Particle Jets: Is Dark Matter Hiding in Plain Sight?)

 The semi-visible particle jets can uncover at least part of the mystery called dark matter. 

Dark matter is a mystery. Theoretically, dark energy is the radiation that origin in dark matter. But there is no physical evidence about dark matter, that is the strange gravitational effect. Sometimes is introduced that dark matter is free, standing gravitational waves. 

But in some other visions, the dark matter is WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). Those massive particles could be extremely high-energy particles that spin so fast that they cannot interact. Maybe WIMPs are spinning in miniature WARP bubbles. 

That means the outside electromagnetic field slides over those particles. In that model, the WIMPs or their quantum fields are so slight that they are not sending changing waves. Without those waves, the particle is very hard to detect. And if quantum fields travel over those particles without touching them, that makes those particles act like a form of stealth bombers. 

In some models, hypothetical WIMPs are extremely small-size particles. That has a large-size quantum field around it. Maybe that thing explains why there is no interaction between WIMP and other particles. In that model when a visible particle faces a WIMP particle there is forming an energy impulse that pushes WIMP away before there is no visible interaction. Or maybe WIMP will travel through the particles. 

When researchers try to research dark matter they investigate extremely strong gravitational centers. Or launch particles in particle accelerators at a speed that is as close to the speed of light as possible. During those processes, researchers hope that they can create denser waves of dark matter that can interact with other particles. And maybe gravitational interaction or standing gravitational wave or shockwave of the extremely fast-moving particle can cause the first interaction with hypothetical WIMP.

Monday, May 22, 2023

How to connect General Relativity and quantum theory?

Researchers want to connect quantum theory with General Relativity. And the key element in that process is to explain. What is the curvature of the universe? When the universe is curving researchers must know what is curving, and one explanation is that the curvature of the universe is the denser Higgs field. 

If the gravitational field pushes the Higgs field denser that causes a situation that the densing Higgs field pulls more energy in the particle that travels in the gravitational center. If the denser Higgs field is the thing that is the curvature of the universe, that makes it easier to connect General Relativity and quantum theory. 

When we are thinking about the interaction of the black hole and its environment, we can think that the event horizon is the point where the superstring is same time inside and outside the point, where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. Just at the point of the event horizon, the superstring could transmit radiation out from the black hole. 

There is the possibility that the point of the event horizon is quantum whirls or quantum rolls. Those quantum rolls are inputting energy to the superstring that travels through the event horizon. And maybe those superstrings can explain the gravitational waves of the black hole. 

"In the background: the gravitational lens effect, an example of an effect explained by relativity. With quantum particles, analogous effects can be studied. Credit: NASA / TU Wien" ( Quantum Theory and Relativity: Curved Spacetime in a Quantum Simulator)

Diagram of that interaction. In that model, the event horizon is a series of quantum rolls. 

Qauntun rolls: Circles

Superstring: Arrows


Researchers can create this system in real life. It could be the most powerful engine. But it might use some other type of wave movement than superstrings. 

When a 2D superstring travels in the universe and impacts the electromagnetic- or quantum field it forms two whirls around it. That thing happens also at the point of the event horizon. And those whirls are acting like quantum rolls that are impacting energy in the superstring. 

There is the possibility that those superstrings are traveling in and out of the black hole. The superstrings that are traveling out from the event horizon could explain the gravitational waves. The graviton or the hypothetical gravitational transmitter particle could be so small, that it's impossible to see. In some models, the graviton is something near the Higgs boson. 

That means the turbulence disappears the gravitational radiation under it. And that's why the sender of the gravitational waves must be so massive that there are lots of gravitons that receiving system can detect those gravitational waves. But there is the possibility that superstrings, the hypothetical base element of material also can act as the graviton. The superstring could act like some kind of water impact. The speed of superstrings could be a little bit faster than the particles. 

And that thing causes a situation that when a superstring travels through a particle it takes Higgs field from inside it. That means material turns smaller when it reaches the speed of light or travels near the point where escaping velocity is near the speed of light. When a particle turns smaller, the Higgs field pushes it stronger. 

It is possible that in the black holes or their event horizons, the superstrings that are impacting the event horizon are touching the quantum roll and in that case, the quantum roll can throw the superstring back to the space. In that case, the source of gravitational waves is near the event horizon. 

But there is a possibility that there is a disk of gravitational waves or some other wave movement. And then that disk will accelerate the superstrings so that they can travel out from the black hole. The superstring is the smallest form of material and the source of those gravitational waves would be so small particles that we cannot see them. And one candidate for that thing is those superstrings.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Could photons make similar holes as electrons? (Story of two hypothetical particles dark photon and graviton.)

"Fluorescence and birefringence of 445 nm laser in calcite crystal. The blue laser beam is only visible when the blue light is scattered, for example, by dust particles. Due to the 1.3s exposure time, no individual dust particles can be seen. Dust particles are present in the air, but not in the crystal. In the crystal, some part of the blue light is absorbed and re-emitted as orange light, which is called fluorescence. Most of the blue light just continues to the other end of the crystal. On the lower left you can see the laser beam going in". (Wikipedia/Photon)

Part of the light is reflected on the front surface of the crystal; this is the beam you see on the upper left. In the crystal, the two polarisations are refracted by different angles, forming two beams in the crystal. At the end surface, the two beams (both of which are polarised along the axes of the crystal) are refracted back to their original direction, forming the two parallel beams on the right. Inside the crystal, the two beams cause fluorescence and non-polarised orange light is emitted from each point along both beams in every direction. As this light leaves the crystal, it's separated into two orthogonal polarisations, which are refracted by different angles, so that the observer sees four orange beams. The additional spots and beams you can see result from internal reflections". (Wikipedia/Photon)

The dark photon 

"In physics, chemistry, and electronic engineering, an electron hole (often simply called a hole) is a quasiparticle denoting the lack of an electron at a position where one could exist in an atom or atomic lattice. Since in a normal atom or crystal lattice, the negative charge of the electrons is balanced by the positive charge of the atomic nuclei, the absence of an electron leaves a net positive charge at the hole's location" (Wikipedia/Electron hole)

Could photons make similar holes as electrons? The photon hole would be similar to an electron hole, but its size is smaller. And if that theoretical hole exists it can make many things possible. The dark photon would be a similar thing as the electron hole. The dark photon would make faster-than-light communication possible because it pulls and absorbs outcoming radiation.

The dark photon would pull the Higgs field inside it, and then aim that radiation away from that structure at the point of its axles. That thing makes it theoretically possible that the time will be over-dilated in those particles. And that causes that time travels backward in them. The reason for that could be that there is a quantum-size black hole in that hypothetical particle. There is the theory that the graviton is the miniature black hole that hovers in the quantum world. 

Theoretically is possible that the photon has a mirror particle. Sometimes researchers call that theoretical particle a dark photon. But where that dark photon hides? Theoretically is possible that the dark photon is similar thing as the electron hole. 

The electron hole is the place that is left when an electron is jumping out from the orbital. The electron can form a quasiparticle called exciton when the electron starts to orbit its hole. So could a photon make a similar hole with an electron? And could that photon hole explain why gravitation interacts with all particles? 

The idea is that all particles including photons, have whisk-looking structures. The idea is that the spinning particle has Higgs fields out and inside the structure. The photon's spin is one, which means it rotates around its axle. 

And that thing means that the photon will not be aging. The aging of photons is not confirmed even, in the cases where photons stopped. So that means the photon is rotating with the speed of light. Or there is something inside the photon that causes absolute time dilation? There is a possibility that the photon sends some kind of radiation that makes it impossible to interact with other particles. 

"The cone shows possible values of wave 4-vector of a photon. The "time" axis gives the angular frequency (rad⋅s−1) and the "space" axis represents the angular wavenumber (rad⋅m−1). Green and indigo represent left and right polarization". (Wikipedia/Photon). In some models, the hypothetical graviton is impossible because it travels out from the black hole. And in the wildest visions, the graviton has four dimensions. So in that model, the photon requires one (or more) extra vectors that it could turn into a graviton. 

There is the possibility that the photon's structure is similar to the electron. The reason why I believe that it is also a photon that has a whisk-looking structure is that the quantum computer tests photons to have internal superpositions. And the thing that makes a photon interesting is that it has no mass. 

Is the photon itself the particle that hovers between electromagnetic fields? Or is there some other particle inside the photon? The reason for that conclusion is the charm quark, that is inside proton. That particle is heavier than a proton. But that hadron includes that super-heavy subatomic particle. The reason why this is possible is that charm quarks hovers inside the proton. And we can use this thing as a model, of why a photon the particle of light seems to have no mass. 

So could a photon include a similar structure, that sends radiation or surrounds it through it, and that thing causes a situation that photon will deliver the same energy level as it gets? And that makes photons hover over the quantum fields. 

But is that thing the black hole? The quantum size black hole could be smaller than the shortest wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. And that thing makes the radiation that those black holes send unable or very hard to detect. That kind of hypothetical black holes can push the electromagnetic fields away from them. So in that model, the photon is the shine that surrounds extremely small black holes. 

The reason why things like quarks are aging is that their spin is 1/2. So those particles rotate back and forth. And after every 1/2 round, they change their spin direction. And when they are changing their direction they send radiation. And that radiation is the quantum vapor, that turns the 

Could graviton be so small a bite of wave movement that it acts like a particle? That means the graviton could be like a small cylinder or tornado. 

There is the possibility. That gravitation has only the form of a wave moment. But if something like a superstring, the smallest possible form of information falls into the black hole, that thing sends radiation that wavelength is the same as the thickness of that superstring. So if that superstring sends the wave movement it can have so short wavelength. That this wave movement acts like a small particle. 

Gravitation is an effect that interacts with something that exists in all known particles. The gravitational interaction can look like the case where a bullet travels through an apple. The gravitational wave or hypothetical graviton particle will travel through the small elementary particle. And that thing forms the channel through that particle. 

The Higgs field would travel through that channel, and that thing pulls the particle in some direction. While that particle or wave movement travels through the particle it pushes the Higgs field inside the particle backward. And that thing makes the electromagnetic overpressure act like a rocket engine. 

When we think of the scenario in all particles as that kind of quantum black hole. There is the possibility that information or superstrings can make radiation or gravitational waves. That is acting like virtual particles. Or antennas that are sending the wave movement around the universe.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Can the past still exist?

Lost variable causes nothing to work. 

Why we cannot predict the future by using mathematical methods? Why we cannot calculate what happens in the future, even if we think, that we know everything about spacetime? The answer is in the formula EP=ERP. If we know what, are E and P, we cannot straight find the ERP because there is one missing term. We must find that missing term by using mathematical methods. And move those terms across the (=) by following mathematical rules. 

The problem with why we cannot calculate the future by using NTP (Normal Temperature and Pressure) or Bolzmann's formulas is that. Something is missing. We know energy. And we know gravitation but is the missing part of the quantity the time? We think that spacetime is a 3D structure, but then we forget that time is one of those dimensions. The thing that makes the equation unable to match reality means something is missing.  

"The 2022 physics Nobel prize was awarded for experimental work demonstrating fundamental breaks in our understanding of the quantum world, leading to discussions around “local realism” and how it could be refuted. Many theorists believe these experiments challenge either “locality” (the notion that distant objects require a physical mediator to interact) or “realism” (the idea that there’s an objective state of reality). However, a growing number of experts suggest an alternative approach, “retrocausality,” which posits that present actions can affect past events, thus preserving both locality and realism." ( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past)

When we look at this image, and compare it with the image that introduces quantum gravitation, we face one interesting thing. If some kind of particle that orbits some kind of wire or string forms gravitation, there is a possibility that time is locked in that particle. If the particle's speed is the speed of light, that means the particle will not get older. 

Causation (From

"What is causation anyway? Let’s start with the line everyone knows: correlation is not causation. Some correlations are causation, but not all. What’s the difference?" ( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past)

"Consider two examples. There’s a correlation between a barometer needle and the weather – that’s why we learn about the weather by looking at the barometer. But no one thinks that the barometer needle is causing the weather.  Drinking strong coffee is correlated with a raised heart rate. Here it seems right to say that the first is causing the second".( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past)

The difference is that if we “wiggle” the barometer needle, we won’t change the weather. The weather and the barometer needle are both controlled by a third thing, the atmospheric pressure – that’s why they are correlated. When we control the needle ourselves, we break the link to the air pressure, and the correlation goes away". ( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past

( Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past)

Superdeterminism and light cone: is this model prove the superdeterminism? 

"In quantum mechanics, superdeterminism is a loophole in Bell's theorem. By postulating that all systems being measured are correlated with the choices of which measurements to make on them, the assumptions of the theorem are no longer fulfilled. A hidden variables theory which is superdeterministic can thus fulfill Bell's notion of local causality and still violate the inequalities derived from Bell's theorem. This makes it possible to construct a local hidden-variable theory that reproduces the predictions of quantum mechanics, for which a few toy models have been proposed.In addition to being deterministic, superdeterministic models also postulate correlations between the state that is measured and the measurement setting". (Wikipedia/Superdeteminism) 

So that means, things that happen in the future should be possible to calculate. But the problem is that making suitable formulas is extremely difficult. 

Superdeterminism means that there is no free will. Information cannot vanish. So information itself exists forever. That means the shape of the information and the density of the information are changing. When information comes closer to the hypersurface of the present. Its density increases. And when information travels through the hypersurface of the present, that is the point of the present. That means it turns upside down. 

If the information is forming in the future and gets its shape before it reaches the point of the present, that means there is no free will. The future preordered. And that means we cannot affect information in the future. We can affect information only by interacting with it. And that point where interaction happens is the point, where information reaches the hypersurface of the present. At that point, the information is thick enough. That interaction with two information packages is possible. And in that model, we are another information package. 

The light cone can use as the model of information travel in spacetime. 

The behavior of light, when it travels through a positive lens, might be the model of how information travels in time. So if information travels in spacetime by following the model of the light cone, its focus is in the hypersurface of the present. And then behind that point, the information turns upside down. 

Do you know what retrocausality means? Retrocausality is the effect where the future affects the past. We know, that quantum entanglement affects both ways, and there is evidence that quantum entanglement also affects both ways across time. So if we think, that the light cone is the graph. 

That introduces how information turns sharper when it reaches the hypersurface of the present. The focus of the information is in the hypersurface of the present. And then the information starts to turn uncertain, but at that point, the information turns upside down. The light cone could introduce how time affects information and how we can see the information. 

Information closes us from the future, and then it gets its focus. On the point of the present. And then the information will turn uncertain. And it also turns upside down. Same way as light acts when it travels through the positive lens. 

So the light cone would introduce that information travels in time the same way as it travels through a positive lens. A positive lens focuses light at a certain point. And then after that point, lightwaves are crossing. And after the focus point, the light or information that light transmits turns upside down. And if we think that information acts the same way as light, we might think that it exists in the past. But because it's upside down we cannot see that information. 

All positive lenses are acting the same way. And one of those positive lenses is the gravitational lens. The gravitational lens makes the focus where information strings cross. We can say that the gravitational lens turns the image behind it upside down. 

Gravitational lenses also affect the trajectories of gravitational waves. And gravitational lenses would make gravitation act like the light when it travels through the positive lens. 

The thing is that gravitational lenses also form time dilation in the point, where they focus information. There is one thing that can turn light and that is the gravitational field. So could light turn gravitation? The thing is this. Certainly, another gravitational field can turn the direction of the gravitational field. But could extremely thick photon cloud lens the gravitational waves and form the effect where gravitational radiation or gravitational waves focus on one point? And then they would turn upside down? 

Time dilation means that the particle will be aging slower than other things. The time dilation also affects superstrings. When a long superstring travels in the energy field its energy level rises. That thing can cause an effect where some superstrings are forming. The warp bubble around them. Superstrings are the smallest structures of material. They are extremely thin energy fields. 

The thing is that the laws of quantum physics affect also those things. They send wave movement when their energy level is higher than their environment. And they receive energy when their energy level is lower than their environment. 

That energy travel in the Higgs field causes friction or an effect where that interaction sends the wave movement. The situation is similar to when somebody throws cold water into the water pool. That water causes interaction where the wave movement will travel also to the sideways from that thing. 

We can say that all wave movement is forming of strings. Those strings are the thing that transports information through the universe. But are there points in the universe, where time is traveling backward? Yes, in black holes time is traveling backwards. 

There is a theory that dark energy is information that comes from the future. The idea is that black holes transport information from the future to the past. The black hole will transport information to the point in spacetime where it is born. 

That point is in space and time. When we think about the point where escaping velocity raches speed of light time stops. And if we would travel with the speed of light. That means time freezes if we are observing it outside that object. If we would do something inside the capsule that travels at the speed of light that thing can take a second in that capsule. But outside the capsule that second lasts even thousands of years. 

So everything happens at the point of the event horizon where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light events and moments remain forever or to the point where the speed of the object will decrease. In that case, the existence of the events is relative. The thing that is second to one object is thousands of years with another object.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Time crystals can make molecular-size quantum neural networks possible.

Can perpetual motion be possible at the quantum level? If that thing is possible, it can revolutionize quantum computing. 

Quantum-level perpetual motion in wobbling time crystals is an interesting phenomenon. The idea is that the atoms in wobbling time crystals recycle energy in the system. The system base is in electricity that pushes and pulls the line of the ultra-cold atoms. Because time crystal is superconducting there should not be loss of power. And if the system can recycle all energy that thing makes it a perpetual motion machine. 

When atoms inside the time crystal touch the shell. Energy travels to another side of the time crystal. So the idea is that the electricity travels to the other side of the time crystal than those wobbling atoms. And that electricity pulls those atoms to another side of the time crystal. Or otherwise, repelling electric pole travels to another side of the time crystal. 

So why the quantum perpetual motion machines are interesting? 

If we think that those wobbling atoms are so-called Rydberg atoms. That makes it possible to use those time crystals as extremely small-size quantum computers. Rydberg states make it possible to create quantum entanglements between electrons that orbit the same atom. And that thing makes it possible to create quantum-size quantum computers. 

In those systems, excitons can transport information to the Rydberg-atoms. At first one of the wobbling atoms in time crystal will ionize. And the system removes one of its electrons. Then outside the time crystal system transforms one electron into a qubit. And after that, that electron will transport information to an ion in a time crystal. That thing happens by using the exciton fission. That qubit electron turns the ionized atom into the neutral atom. Then that time crystal can start to act like a quantum calculation unit. 

The time crystals also can form a network of quantum systems. Above is the image of the convolutional neural network system. The system can put time crystals in series, and then those Rydberg atoms can make entanglements between each other. 

Researchers know how to make mass memories that use superconducting technology. The problem is that the information stands still in those traditional mass memories. The wobbling time crystals allow the creation of quantum USB memories that can process data like traditional USB can store it. If the person has a quantum-computer USB that can operate independently. Data can download into that system. And then that system can operate independently. When the operator needs that data, that quantum computer can reconnect to the system. 

The problem is how to deny the outside information affects the internal process of those time crystal-quantum computers. The AI-based system can transmit information to quantum computers. Then the operator can leave the system alone and get the answer. 

That thing makes it possible to calculate extremely long series without reserving the operator's time. So the operator can use time crystal as the intelligent USB stick. The operator can drive the formula in the system. And then the operator can turn to work with other things until the work is done. The time crystals allow to make multiple single-use quantum computers. But the problem is how to protect information inside the system. 

If the system can recycle energy inside it, it denies the effect of outside energy from the system. And that minimizes turbulence. If the system can recycle all energy inside it. That allows the system to protect information better. And the same way if the system can recycle information that makes it possible to create new answers and connections between data lines. 

 In quantum computers, ER=EPR is a problematic thing. Originally, that equation connected with wormhole theory. We can think that the wormhole is the place, where information can travel in the form, and no outside effect can disturb that information. So we can think that the time crystal is a very slow wormhole. If no outside effect can affect the information in the box, that thing means that time is stopped in the box. And that box acts like a wormhole that transports information in time. 

The ER=EPR could mean all information that travels from point A to point B. Those points can be in space, or they can be in time. The ER=EPR means that a system like the human brain forgets things. 

The reason for that is at the first system get's information in the form of ER. Then the problem is that systems handle information in cycles. And between those cycles is possible. That the outcoming effect "P" will disturb information. So the problem is how to deny outside information artifact (non-controlled)-effect affect the process inside the system. 

If the system can keep the outside artifact effect out from those quantum systems, that opens a bright future for computing. The operator can just give the mission to the quantum systems and then leave the system to make its mission. And then maybe after a couple of days, the operator can look at the solution.

Excitons can revolutionize photovoltaic cells and help to create quantum stealth and simulated quantum gravitation.

Exciton fission can revolutionize photovoltaic cell technology. 

"Emergence of the bitriplet exciton in crystalline pentacene. Photovoltaic technology, which converts light into electricity, could be significantly upgraded by a process called exciton fission found in materials like pentacene, wherein one photon excites two electrons. Credit: © TU Berlin" ( Fission Breakthrough Could Revolutionize Photovoltaic Solar Cell Technology)

In that image, the exciton's electron hole is in the middle of the graphene. The electron orbits the structure outside it. And then, the electron orbits the graphene structure outside it. That makes this electron will act like an antenna. That transports energy in that structure. When an electron orbits the graphene its energy level rises.  If some electron from outside that exciton fills the hole, it sends the electron in some direction. And that thing means that the exciton will divide. This process can also be called exciton fission. Another version of that reaction is that an electron hits between the electron and its hole. And that energy splits exciton sending the electron and its hole in opposite directions. 

Exciton fission is the thing that can make photovoltaic cells more powerful than ever before. Excitons are quasiparticles that form when electron starts to orbit their hole. That thing means that theoretically, excitons can form virtual material that acts like regular material. So theoretically is possible to burn excitons like hydrogen, because that electron interacts with the environment like a hydrogen atom's electron. 

Chemical reactions are reactions between electron shells. And that thing means that the exciton can at least theoretically make similar reactions as "real" atoms. The exciton fission means that the electron will separate from its hole. That thing can make by inputting another electron between an electron and its hole. Or in some other model, another electron fills the exciton's electron-hole. And that releases electrons from its orbiter. 

In that image, the string in the middle of the ring-shaped trajectory can be the series of electron holes. And particle that orbits that string could be an electron. So that thing could be a series of axions. The electron that orbits the series of holes will pump energy to them. And maybe legendary wormholes are a series of holes in the Higgs field. 

Excitons in quantum stealth and antigravitation are from the quantum gravitation model. Quantum gravitation is the important thing because that thing is the gravitational effect between the smallest possible objects in the universe. And the smallest possible objects forming larger entireties. 

The model of quantum gravitation is seen in the still image. That is taken from the film below it. The small object that rotates the string-looking structure forms the pothole in the gravitational- (or quantum field). There are two possibilities for how that object makes that. 

It could pull energy out from the energy field or increase the power of the gravitational field. The pothole is the curvature of the universe or spacetime. And those potholes are the thing that makes gravitation. 

One version of gravitation forms when some particle orbits a very thin string or radiation ray. In some theories, gravitation is radiation. Or a very thin quantum field that travels through the elementary particle. When that string travels through a particle it pushes the Higgs field away from the other side. And that thing acts like a rocket. 

Does the object pull energy out from that quantum field, or does it transport more energy to that field depending on the direction gravitation effect?  When that object travels through that quantum field that field transfers energy to that object. Or other ways, the object or particles can take energy from invisible very thin strings that they orbit. 

Excitons can be used to create quantum stealth. In that model, excitons form quantum propellers that kick photons into a certain direction. Those quantum propellers can deny the reflection from the surface. That thing is one of the most interesting things that excitons can use. But the excitons can also use for things like tractor rays and levitation systems. 

The chain of excitons can create a quantum tornado. In that model, excitons are put in the flat position. So series of hole-electron pairs can make the quantum tornado possible. There is electromagnetic low pressure in that structure. That thing means that those excitons can use to move objects. And if those quantum tornadoes are made up of the object, those EM tornadoes will pull it up.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Black holes and their geometrical shape are interesting things. And maybe they can explain the vaporization of back holes.

Black holes are like cosmic kebap or paper rolls. 

We can think that a black hole is a standing gravitational field. Or it's the standing gravitational wave in the middle of a black hole. If we think that the gravitational field is the Higgs field and gravitation is the effect that pulls the Higgs field inside the black hole, we can use Turkish kebap as the model of the Higgs field and how it stays and interacts in the black hole. 

The Higgs field is standing around the black holes axle like a paper roll or meat around the kebap skewer or paper is around the roll. In that model, there is an absolute vacuum in the middle of the roll. And that vacuum pulls the Higgs field around it. Then the Higgs field will start to repel another Higgs field. The energy level of that Higgs field is higher. And it pushes the incoming field away. That thing explains the black hole's vaporization. 

If we think that the black hole has two internal event horizons the radiation reflection. That comes from the internal event horizon and impacts the outer event horizon. Or when a black hole pulls enough material and wave movement inside it, that thing causes a situation that the internal event horizon starts to expand. Then sooner or later. Those event horizons touch each other. Then those things form the boom. That is visible as the gravitational waves. 

So the open question is: is Hawking radiation independent energy form or is it reflecting gravitational radiation or antigravity? In other theories, the outer event horizon transforms Hawking radiation into gravitational radiation. The event horizon is a standing wave. And that thing can transform Hawking radiation into gravitational radiation. 

And that means the Hawking radiation can be gravitational radiation that is forming inside the black hole. Or it might be wave movement that is happening in the Higgs field. The Higgs field or 3-kelvin field is the thing that is everywhere in the universe. And that thing forms the mass of the particles. 

Reissner-Nordström (RN) model

Klein bottle

The interaction in the knot point of the Klein bottle is interesting. 

Klein bottle is the model of 4-dimensional spacetime. And it's introduced as the geometrical form of the black hole. And if material travels in that bottle, it will interact in the knot point of the bottle just behind the bottleneck with material that falls in the bottle. When material drops in the black hole it starts to travel back in time, because if the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light the time starts to move backward. The material should travel backward in time to the point in spacetime where black hole forms. And in the point, where those particle and energy flows are connecting happens an interaction that could explain the radiation of a black hole. 

Because the material and wave movement loses their energy all the time when they travel in that tube, there forming a vacuum inside the tube. When the time between the point where the black hole forms and when it pulls material inside it turns longer, the length of the tube or Klein bottle increases. And that means the energy level in that knot point decreases. 

So could that impact in the knot point explain the interaction in the black hole? When the energy that forms in that interaction starts to travel in that bottle it travels in the channel causing non-centralized energy flow. That energy flow causes an electromagnetic low-pressure just behind that impact- or interaction areas. And that thing forms the effect that pulls material and wave movement to the channel that is like a Klein bottle. 

The light cone introduces the point where at least time and maybe gravitation turns to their mirror. The fact is that the light cone can use to introduce many things. It portrays a situation where time is connected with the material. It also could portray how reality and information focus on the "now" moment. And the hypersurface of the present could be the event horizon. So the event horizon or light barrier can be the speed that is the speed of light. Or it can be the gravitational field that forms escaping velocity that is higher than the speed of light. At that point. Where the escaping velocity reaches the speed of light the information freezes. 

The light cone can use as a model of how the gravitation or energy presses information into one very small point when its speed closes to the speed of light. When gravitation will focus on a small point. That increases the surface area of that information particle. And that warps the spacetime. 

Black holes and their geometry are like bottles. 

When we think of the Reissner-Nordtröm model: the black hole has two internal event horizons. The outer and inner event horizons are very important points in the black hole. At the point of the inner event horizon, the curvature of the spacetime will increase. That thing forms the bottleneck that will dam the radiation or material that drops into the black hole. And maybe the inner event horizon is the point, where the gravitational radiation forms. 

Maybe gravitational radiation is a result of the Hawking radiation. That means Hawking radiation interacts with the very thick gravitational field. And that forms the situation where radiation can escape from the black hole. So in this model, the gravitational field is extremely thick at the point near the event horizon. 

Gravitation acts like all other power fields. That means the thickness of the gravitational field determines its power. And then, the thick gravitational field starts to reflect other gravitational waves. 

The idea is that the stronger wave field same frequency as impacting field will push that impacting field away. At that point forms the standing wave. And then we might say that the event horizon is the standing Gravitational wave. And if we look at the Reissner-Nordström model there are two standing waves in the black hole's geometry. Those standing gravitational waves are inner and outer event horizons. And is it possible that an internal event horizon forms at the point, where a black hole brings material from the future? 

So, if we think about Klein bottle as a black hole's model the internal event horizon is forming at the point where the channels of the material flows connect. 

The field with a higher energy level in the same frequency dominates the interaction when it impacts with lower energy or recessive field. And if the frequency of those impacting fields is the same the dominating field pushes the recessive or lower energy field away. And to the point where those fields impact is forming a standing wave. 

But when we return to the Reissner-Nordström model. There is a possibility that inside the inner event horizon, gravitation turns its mirror. The idea is in the curvature universe. The material or energy field cannot collapse forever. And that thing means that when the gravitational field turns thick enough. That thing causes a situation where gravitational radiation starts to reflect from that field. 

Another model of black hole internal geometry is the Klein bottle. The idea in that model is that time starts to travel backward in the area where escaping velocity crosses the speed of light. So the material that drops into the black hole will travel backward in time. And that should cause.  The particles that drop in the black hole travel back to the point, where the black hole formed.

Or actually, if the model of a black hole is the Klein bottle the material will not travel precisely to the point where black hole forms. And that thing causes a rush in the inner structure of the black hole. And that forms the inner event horizon. 

But the problem is that the singularity is not forming immediately. The material should drop in the middle of the bubble that the supernova forms. In that process, the time dilation starts to turn stronger before the event horizon is forming. And less than second in the place of the event horizon is the "grey hole". The point where escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light. 

And then the event horizon is forming. In that model, the singularity cannot transport particles exactly at the same point in spacetime where black hole form. The outcoming channel brings particles just inside the event horizon. And in that model, there is a rush at the point where particles that come from the future and particles that drop in the black hole are impacting. 

In that model, there is a rush at the point where particles are meeting each other. And that thing could form Hawking radiation. The thing is that the black hole doesn't create energy from emptiness. It stores energy and transforms it into another form. 

The reason why black holes are vaporizing is the gravitational waves. When we think that there is a so-called standing gravitational wave that is almost in the kinetic form in the middle of the black hole that reflects gravitational waves, we must remember that this pillar also sends part of itself to the environment. 

That means the gravitational waves that are coming out from the black hole are not facing resistance. Extremely powerful, gravitational radiation travels through other radiation frequencies because other electromagnetic frequencies don't interact with that thing. And that thing creates a situation where a black hole will vaporize sooner or later.

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