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Black holes and their geometrical shape are interesting things. And maybe they can explain the vaporization of back holes.

Black holes are like cosmic kebap or paper rolls. 

We can think that a black hole is a standing gravitational field. Or it's the standing gravitational wave in the middle of a black hole. If we think that the gravitational field is the Higgs field and gravitation is the effect that pulls the Higgs field inside the black hole, we can use Turkish kebap as the model of the Higgs field and how it stays and interacts in the black hole. 

The Higgs field is standing around the black holes axle like a paper roll or meat around the kebap skewer or paper is around the roll. In that model, there is an absolute vacuum in the middle of the roll. And that vacuum pulls the Higgs field around it. Then the Higgs field will start to repel another Higgs field. The energy level of that Higgs field is higher. And it pushes the incoming field away. That thing explains the black hole's vaporization. 

If we think that the black hole has two internal event horizons the radiation reflection. That comes from the internal event horizon and impacts the outer event horizon. Or when a black hole pulls enough material and wave movement inside it, that thing causes a situation that the internal event horizon starts to expand. Then sooner or later. Those event horizons touch each other. Then those things form the boom. That is visible as the gravitational waves. 

So the open question is: is Hawking radiation independent energy form or is it reflecting gravitational radiation or antigravity? In other theories, the outer event horizon transforms Hawking radiation into gravitational radiation. The event horizon is a standing wave. And that thing can transform Hawking radiation into gravitational radiation. 

And that means the Hawking radiation can be gravitational radiation that is forming inside the black hole. Or it might be wave movement that is happening in the Higgs field. The Higgs field or 3-kelvin field is the thing that is everywhere in the universe. And that thing forms the mass of the particles. 

Reissner-Nordström (RN) model

Klein bottle

The interaction in the knot point of the Klein bottle is interesting. 

Klein bottle is the model of 4-dimensional spacetime. And it's introduced as the geometrical form of the black hole. And if material travels in that bottle, it will interact in the knot point of the bottle just behind the bottleneck with material that falls in the bottle. When material drops in the black hole it starts to travel back in time, because if the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light the time starts to move backward. The material should travel backward in time to the point in spacetime where black hole forms. And in the point, where those particle and energy flows are connecting happens an interaction that could explain the radiation of a black hole. 

Because the material and wave movement loses their energy all the time when they travel in that tube, there forming a vacuum inside the tube. When the time between the point where the black hole forms and when it pulls material inside it turns longer, the length of the tube or Klein bottle increases. And that means the energy level in that knot point decreases. 

So could that impact in the knot point explain the interaction in the black hole? When the energy that forms in that interaction starts to travel in that bottle it travels in the channel causing non-centralized energy flow. That energy flow causes an electromagnetic low-pressure just behind that impact- or interaction areas. And that thing forms the effect that pulls material and wave movement to the channel that is like a Klein bottle. 

The light cone introduces the point where at least time and maybe gravitation turns to their mirror. The fact is that the light cone can use to introduce many things. It portrays a situation where time is connected with the material. It also could portray how reality and information focus on the "now" moment. And the hypersurface of the present could be the event horizon. So the event horizon or light barrier can be the speed that is the speed of light. Or it can be the gravitational field that forms escaping velocity that is higher than the speed of light. At that point. Where the escaping velocity reaches the speed of light the information freezes. 

The light cone can use as a model of how the gravitation or energy presses information into one very small point when its speed closes to the speed of light. When gravitation will focus on a small point. That increases the surface area of that information particle. And that warps the spacetime. 

Black holes and their geometry are like bottles. 

When we think of the Reissner-Nordtröm model: the black hole has two internal event horizons. The outer and inner event horizons are very important points in the black hole. At the point of the inner event horizon, the curvature of the spacetime will increase. That thing forms the bottleneck that will dam the radiation or material that drops into the black hole. And maybe the inner event horizon is the point, where the gravitational radiation forms. 

Maybe gravitational radiation is a result of the Hawking radiation. That means Hawking radiation interacts with the very thick gravitational field. And that forms the situation where radiation can escape from the black hole. So in this model, the gravitational field is extremely thick at the point near the event horizon. 

Gravitation acts like all other power fields. That means the thickness of the gravitational field determines its power. And then, the thick gravitational field starts to reflect other gravitational waves. 

The idea is that the stronger wave field same frequency as impacting field will push that impacting field away. At that point forms the standing wave. And then we might say that the event horizon is the standing Gravitational wave. And if we look at the Reissner-Nordström model there are two standing waves in the black hole's geometry. Those standing gravitational waves are inner and outer event horizons. And is it possible that an internal event horizon forms at the point, where a black hole brings material from the future? 

So, if we think about Klein bottle as a black hole's model the internal event horizon is forming at the point where the channels of the material flows connect. 

The field with a higher energy level in the same frequency dominates the interaction when it impacts with lower energy or recessive field. And if the frequency of those impacting fields is the same the dominating field pushes the recessive or lower energy field away. And to the point where those fields impact is forming a standing wave. 

But when we return to the Reissner-Nordström model. There is a possibility that inside the inner event horizon, gravitation turns its mirror. The idea is in the curvature universe. The material or energy field cannot collapse forever. And that thing means that when the gravitational field turns thick enough. That thing causes a situation where gravitational radiation starts to reflect from that field. 

Another model of black hole internal geometry is the Klein bottle. The idea in that model is that time starts to travel backward in the area where escaping velocity crosses the speed of light. So the material that drops into the black hole will travel backward in time. And that should cause.  The particles that drop in the black hole travel back to the point, where the black hole formed.

Or actually, if the model of a black hole is the Klein bottle the material will not travel precisely to the point where black hole forms. And that thing causes a rush in the inner structure of the black hole. And that forms the inner event horizon. 

But the problem is that the singularity is not forming immediately. The material should drop in the middle of the bubble that the supernova forms. In that process, the time dilation starts to turn stronger before the event horizon is forming. And less than second in the place of the event horizon is the "grey hole". The point where escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light. 

And then the event horizon is forming. In that model, the singularity cannot transport particles exactly at the same point in spacetime where black hole form. The outcoming channel brings particles just inside the event horizon. And in that model, there is a rush at the point where particles that come from the future and particles that drop in the black hole are impacting. 

In that model, there is a rush at the point where particles are meeting each other. And that thing could form Hawking radiation. The thing is that the black hole doesn't create energy from emptiness. It stores energy and transforms it into another form. 

The reason why black holes are vaporizing is the gravitational waves. When we think that there is a so-called standing gravitational wave that is almost in the kinetic form in the middle of the black hole that reflects gravitational waves, we must remember that this pillar also sends part of itself to the environment. 

That means the gravitational waves that are coming out from the black hole are not facing resistance. Extremely powerful, gravitational radiation travels through other radiation frequencies because other electromagnetic frequencies don't interact with that thing. And that thing creates a situation where a black hole will vaporize sooner or later.


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