Saturday, April 15, 2023

Where do we need General Relativity?

The main problem with old-fashion models of cosmology is that they are modeling the universe and its energy fields as a static entirety. The new models are modeling the universe and its energy fields as a dynamic entirety. That changes its form and energy states all the time. The energy state is not the entire universe. Another important thing is the wavelength of the oscillation. 

The Theory of General Relativity from 1916 is the repairing for weaknesses found in the Theory of Special Relativity from 1905. The problem with the Theory of Special Relativity is that it doesn't take notice of the curvature of spacetime. The thing is that we used models where the universe is a static entirety. Old theories didn't match reality like planet Mercury's orbiting time around the sun. 

And that made Albert Einstein create the Theory of General Relativity, which takes notice of the curvature of spacetime around the gravitational centers. Today we think that there is a pothole around every gravitational object. The thing that is made wrong in cosmology is that we forget that there are also hills in spacetime. Those hills are things like supernovas. Or high-energy objects that act like sources. That energy moves the borders of the system away from that center. 

In the light cone model, the hypersurface of the present is the energy level that is the same as the speed of light. The problem with that model is that: It introduces spacetime as the static and layer-shaped model. In modern models, gravitation makes potholes around the gravitational centers. And the form of electromagnetic quantum fields is changing all the time. In those models space and time are handled in an entirety called spacetime because the relation between the energy level of the particle and its environment determines the aging of the particle. 

The pothole around the objects makes the thing called gravitational lensing possible. Gravitational lensing means that gravitation can turn the route of the light. So that means there could be some kind of field that will turn the direction of the photons. That thing could be the Higgs field the energy field, that is all around the universe. 

When an object is in a gravitational pothole, that pothole pumps more energy from around the object in it. That explains why gravitation slows aging. When gravitation curves the universe into a pothole. It doesn't make that curvature from nothingness. That thing curves the Higgs field. So we can say that curvature in spacetime is curvature in the Higgs field. 

One of the most interesting things that the Theory of General Relativity makes possible is time travel. When a time traveler wants to travel forward in time. That actor must raise the object's speed to the speed of light. That thing stops time. And if the actor just wants to travel back in time, that person just must cross the speed of light. 

Or otherways saying: rise the capsule's energy level higher than its energy level would be in the speed of light. One of the simplest ways is to create a wheel-shaped craft where ions are traveling around the crew cabin at the speed of light. Then the crew will drive that craft to the gravitational field that causes virtual crossing at the speed of light. 

In some other versions, the system drives the craft against a medium like water with the speed of light. If light travels slower in that medium the craft would cross the speed of light in a second. And that impact can rise the speed of craft higher than the speed of light in that medium. In nuclear reactors neutrons that travel faster than the speed of light less than a second send the blue light shockwave called Cherenkov radiation. 

Time travel requires that the particle gets an energy level that is high enough. The high-power energy field dilates time. And if the particle crosses the speed of light it will travel to the past. Time travel is an interesting thing. The black holes are traveling to the past because escaping velocity from the black holes crosses the speed of light. 

And black holes should take information to the point where the supernova that created the black hole exploded. But there are many paradoxes in time travel theories. One of the most interesting things is that that time traveler can shoot his grandfather. And that means the time traveler will not ever be born. But if a time traveler meets and touches him or herself in the past there is a possibility that this thing causes detonation. 

The idea is that if we think of the time cone that models the particle that crosses the energy level that keeps that particle in the third dimension it turns to its mirror. The thing in time travel is bringing an interesting model about the particle that comes outside the system or space. When a particle comes outside the system. It creates a shockwave because it must push all other objects from its route.

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