We can think that the particles, like electrons, are whisk-looking structures. And in that model. There is a quantum low pressure inside that particle. That low pressure pulls the Higgs field inside the particle. And that electromagnetic low-pressure forms quantum gravitation because the Higgs field travels inside that particle. By thinking that way, the Higgs field is the same thing as gravitation.
The electron spins back and forth. The spin of that particle is 1/2. The spin of quarks is also 1/2. And that means the spin might have something to do with weight. The photon's spin is 1. And maybe that explains why the photon has no weight.
That effect causes a situation that the particle stops for a short moment. And at that moment the Higgs field falls inside the particle through those "sticks" or quantum lightning called superstrings. So when the Higgs field travels inside the whisk-looking structure that is the elementary particle like quark or electron it creates a standing wave.
Above) Electron's spin (spin 1/2)
Then that standing wave reflects the Higgs field away. Sooner or later that interaction causes the particle turns to wave movement. The reason for that is that the reflecting field or wave movement forms an electromagnetic shadow that pulls those quantum strings away. So the Higgs field is the thing that keeps particles in form and also destroys them.
The reason, why a photon has no mass is that the Higgs field cannot tunnel itself inside that particle.
To make mass for particles. The Higgs field must tunnel itself inside them. The traveling Higgs field is the thing that makes material travel in a certain direction. And without that tunneling. There is no electromagnetic low-pressure. That makes the Higgs field travel inside the particle. If the Higgs field cannot penetrate the particle, that will not cause reflection that rips the particle into pieces. That thing explains why there is no mass of photons.
But why there is no mass in photons? The reason for that could be simpler than we expected. The photon might have a spin that is 360 degrees. So because the photon is a rotating particle. That thing means the Higgs field cannot tunnel itself inside a photon.
So the photon repels the Higgs field because there is no electromagnetic low-pressure inside the photon. That thing means the photon can repel the electromagnetic field away from it. When the whisk-looking structure rotates in the Higgs field, that field loads energy to those superstrings. And that thing denies the possibility that the Higgs field can travel inside the photon.
Another reason for that is this. The photon reflects as much radiation as it gets. So the form of the photon could be like the planet where the sides or equator is interacting with the Higgs field. And then the energy travels out from that particle from its poles that are forming at both sides of the rotating axle. The thing is that photon hovels in the Higgs field and because there are no low-pressure areas that thing denies the aging of the photon. The Higgs field cannot get in the photon and rip its structure into pieces.
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