Friday, April 21, 2023

Could dark energy be the energy that travels in the wormholes that take information out of the universe?

Could wormholes that transfer information away from the universe explain dark energy? In that model, the wormhole takes information outside the universe. That means there are white holes outside the material bubble called the universe where that information comes out. And that thing explains why our universe expands a certain way. But confirming that theory requires the existence of wormholes and white holes. 

Distant galaxies are important objects for measurements that test redshift and extreme theories. The distant galaxies are also important objects where the movements in the universe are observed. And one thing that distant galaxies can tell is this. Could there be some kind of center in the universe? If all galaxies travel in the same direction, that thing supports the theory of the hypermassive black hole in the center of the universe. 

If there is a hypermassive black hole in the center of the universe, that thing could send radiation through the universe. And that radiation could explain why dark energy is so hard to detect. The energy pike travels vertically away from the universe, and there is one thing that can deny the possibility to detect that radiation. 

If there is some kind of wormhole where that radiation or dark wave movement travels. That thing makes it hard or even impossible to detect from outside the wormhole. 

Wormhole is like a tornado where information travels. There is the possibility that a wormhole is forming between superpositioned and entangled black holes. So if another black hole goes outside the universe it vaporizes in seconds. And then there could be the white hole. In that model, wormholes transfer material or information away from the universe to outside the edge of that material. 

Image: "Survey of the sky at energies above 1 GeV, collected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope in five years of observation (2009 to 2013)". (Wikipedia/Gamma-ray astronomy)

There is the possibility that the dark energy exists only at the edge of the universe. There are no quantum fields and the effect of the Higgs field should end. But the thing that limits the speed of the particles and wave movement gravitation of the universe. 

That means there could form standing gravitational waves or some kind of particles form a vacuum behind them, and that thing pulls the universe larger and decreases its energy level. That increases the speed of the material's vaporization or turning to wave movement because energy transfers faster from particles to their environment. 

Dark matter is one of the things that are a mystery. One of the tips where dark matter could be is in protons. There is the charm quark the extremely heavy particle in the proton. Charm quark is heavier than the proton, and the reason why there is a particle inside the proton that is heavier than itself could be that. The charm quark hovers inside the proton. That causes an idea that maybe inside other particles are yet unknown hovering particles. 

The virtual particle called exciton, where two holes are orbiting each other caused an idea that maybe dark matter is the virtual particle. The higher energy point in the gravitational field or Higgs field. Dark matter is the strange gravitational effect that the source could be some kind of material. But that material could be real or virtual. And it can hide in some other particles. 

Dark matter and its relationship with dark energy is dark order. 

There is a possibility that dark matter is the short-term material that forms when impacting gravitational fields are scrubbing each other. In that model Schwinger-effect forms short-term particles that turn wave movement very soon. When those particles are detonating that thing releases energy that is stored in them. 

Even if those particles existence remains only less than microsecond they can absorb energy. And that means the energy level of those almost virtual particles is higher than the energy level of the particle that forms straight from the impacting gravitational wave. That thing can also be virtual material. 

Maybe dark matter is quantum-size black hole pairs that are orbiting each other. That means they send radiation that can explain the expansion of the universe. The bubble in the Higgs field can be the thing that causes the mystic expansion of the universe. 

Nobody ever confirmed the connection between dark energy and dark matter. But logically thinking the dark energy can be the wave movement whose source is in dark matter. In some theories, the origin of dark energy is in short-term particles that gravitational fields form when they impact together. Those gravitational-forming particles could immediately turn back to wave movement. And that thing releases energy, that is stored in those particles. 

Another source of dark energy is introduced material that falls into the black holes. When that particle falls into the massive gravitational field the field pushes it to a small size. When that particle impacts the event horizon it turns like spaghetti. The photon and wave movement is traveling around the black hole and when that spaghetti-looking particle crosses that point the energy impacts it. That means the particle or superstring turns into an antenna that sends a wave, moved away from the black hole. And maybe that radiation is dark energy.

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