Sunday, April 30, 2023

GUT (Grand Unified Theory) theory and the modified Big Bang theory.

The model that connects bosons with GUT (Grand Unified Theory) and all fundamental forces might look like this. 

Things like crossing gravitational fields can form material. But there must be some kind of source for those gravitational waves. When force travels in the universe it requires the force carrier, like a boson, that transfers the force. And then there must be some kind of force that the boson carries. 

Without force, that touches the boson. It cannot carry force. When a boson travels through the quantum fields those fields are touching it. But if the energy level of those fields is lower than the boson's energy level is.  The boson releases energy. 

The boson cannot transport energy or force. In some models, the size of the carrier boson determines the force that it carries. In the field model, the boson travels through the quantum field (or Higgs field) and then that field touches it. The size of those bosons or force-carrier particles is different, and when they travel through the universe the quantum field touches them like some kind of stamp or tape. 

And the size of that tape determines which of the four interactions the particle transmits. So when boson particle forms in the middle of an atom it's like an energy whirl that is left from the standing wave that forms between the three quarks. 

Then that boson or gluon strats travel out from that power field and its size grows. Whenever that boson crosses the quantum field its size turns bigger and it transmits different forces. In theories, four fundamental interactions are the same force. All of those forces are wave movements but they have different wavelengths. 

Protons are more complicated than neutrons. And some bosons may be forming between those smaller particles. But also the main particles in the proton are two up, and one down quarks. 

Fundamental interactions: (Wikipedia/Fundamental interaction)

Standard model: 

It's time for a new Big Bang Theory. 

One galaxy doesn't make the universe. It doesn't brake any theory. When we are talking about redshift measurements, the virtual redshift of the object may be stronger than usual. In those models, there could be a supermassive black hole or zombie galaxy, that is full of black holes in line with the visible galaxy but behind it. And that thing means that the pulling effect of those things might be stronger than it used. And that thing stretches the wave movement. 

It's time for the new Big Bang theory. Which can call the modified Big Bang Theory. The biggest weakness of the Big Bang theory is that it cannot explain where the material came from. Material can turn to wave movement and the opposite. But there must be some kind of wave movement that formed the material. Of course, material can come out from singularity but the problem is where that singularity came from. 

The Big Bang is over, or at least that theory requires adjustment, but we still can talk about the "Bang" as the beginning of our universe. But the "bang" was not as big and unique as we might want to believe. The problem with the original Big Bang theory is that it cannot explain where the material came from. The material is one version of energy and other ways of saying: the energy is one version of the material. So what is energy? 

It's the wave movement or movement where small strings are moving. The Schwinger effect can transform energy or wave movement into particles and particles into energy or wave movement. But the main problem with the original Big Bang theory is that all models that we know require, that there is some kind of energy or material field before the Big Bang. 

The oversimplified model of the Big Bang theory is that there was some kind of "singularity" that exploded in a total vacuum. That thing is an excellent model, except that it requires, that this material comes from somewhere. And the good explanation for that is the Phoenix universe. In that model, the fate of the past universe was the big crunch where all material dropped into the giant black hole. 

And then when the black hole pulls the final quantum field remnants inside it, the quantum (or Higgs) field that travels in the black hole will turn too weak that it can press the black hole into its form. And then that black hole starts vaporizing. Then those impacting waves formed the new universe. In some version of that theory, multiple black holes were remaining in that ancient universe. Then those black holes started to explode, and impacting waves formed the universe. 

But then, where that past universe came from? 

There are models where the energy beam dropped from another dimension. But the weakness is that energy must interact with some kind of power field. And that requires the existence of the quantum field before that energy beam came to the third dimension. And that energy field cannot form from nothingness. 

Total emptiness cannot form material or anything. So theory called multiverse is one of the simplest ways to explain things like dark energy dark matter, and begin of the universe. In oversimplified models, dark energy is energy that origin is outside of our universe. 

The thing. What makes multiverse theory interesting and funny is that maybe we ever cannot prove it. Multiverse theory means that there are other universes. And we are living in one of them. That means many other universes can exist, but they can be different. 

Antimatter can form those other universes. There may be antimatter stars, antimatter solar systems, or even antimatter galaxies in our universe, or their age can be different. And, the size of elementary particles in those other universes might be different than in our universe. If another universe is very old.  That means its energy level is lower than in our universe. And that thing causes the situation where light from our universe pushes light from another universe away. 

So in those models, we cannot see those other universes. In that model, the explanation for dark energy and dark matter is that: they come from another universe.

See also: 

Dark matter

Dark energy

Friday, April 28, 2023

Gravitational lensing and black holes can uncover the secret of dark matter and maybe also dark energy.

But let's start with hyperdrives. 

When energy travels in the particle, it increases its speed, or the particle accelerates. At the point in the acceleration track where a particle reaches energy stability, it delivers as much energy, as it gets from outside. And, at that point, acceleration ends. When energy starts to transfer out from the particle its speed decreases. 

In some models, the laser beam will aim to the point where the particle's speed is as close to the speed of light as possible. When that beam crosses the road of the particle, it will reach a higher speed than the speed of light.  Another version is that the quantum thermal pump will pull energy out from the internal structure of the particle. In that model, the quantum-size laser ray will send through the particle. 

So if there made a lower energy channel in the particle. That thing can turn energy travel inside the particle when it reaches the speed of light. 

In that model, the hyperdrive is the laser ray or ion beam that travels through the spacecraft. That kind of system makes the craft lower energy or colder. And then that system pulls energy out from the craft's shell. That thing makes it possible. That energy travels in it longer than in regular cases. 

Can gravitational waves from focus like visible light? 

Gravitational lensing means a situation where a massive object turns the photon's routes. If there is a glimpse of dark matter, that thing causes the change in the photon route there is no visible object. There is the possibility that gravitational lensing also makes glimpses of dark matter. The idea is that dark matter has gravitational interaction with photons and visible material. And maybe gravitational lensing can uncover those things. 

Gravitational lensing makes it possible to see dark matter. There is a possibility that other gravitational waves can also make a similar effect with gravitation as gravitation makes to light. If so-called gravitational focuses are possible, that thing can explain dark matter as the gravitational focus. 

The black hole pulls energy or a quantum field inside it. 

A black hole is an extremely powerful object that pulls particles inside it. And researchers hope that black holes can uncover the secrets of dark energy. There is the theory. That the black holes form whirls that cause friction or interaction between WIMPs (Weakly Interactive Massive Particles). 

And those whirls are the source of dark energy. And the thing is that kinds of models are always as good as other models until they are proven wrong. Researchers hope that the gravitational waves of black holes and kilonova explosions push the dark matter so dense that it can interact with visible material. 

The problem with a black hole is that pulls its environment inside it. That thing causes a situation. That particles act like the cork in the river. In that case, the interaction between the particle and the field that transfers it to the black hole is weak. Or otherwise thinking, the particle will not send visible wave movement as much as usual. The waves that that particle sends act like waves in the river when somebody drops a cork in the flow. 

That means the material doesn't act around black holes as it should act in a normal universe. So when we are modeling that material turns shorter when it reaches the speed of light, we are using a model. That is not suitable in the black hole and curvature universe. At least if there is something that makes the curve or gravitational pothole at the front of the traveling object. 

When a particle travels in a normal universe it faces the quantum field. That quantum field acts like air in the molecular world. It pushes the particle flat when it reaches the speed of light. The black hole will stretch that object. But there is one thing that people always forget when they are talking about the black hole and its interaction with its environment. Quantum fields near black holes are not static. 

Black holes pull the quantum fields or Higgs field in them. And that thing forms a situation where the particle travels into the black hole with the quantum field that travels like a river. So the virtual speed near the black hole is lower than it seems from outside that gravitational effect. That thing will push the object to form that looks like spaghetti. 

In some models, if some person sits in a spacecraft that reaches the speed of light that person sees that the universe turns smaller. The fact is that is the result of time dilation. But also the object's size turn smaller, and its shell turns larger in comparison to its internal structures. 

The light cone is the thing that shows the problem that a particle faces when it reaches the speed of light. The particle must press itself through the light wall. 

Then we can return to thinking about the particle's behavior when it closes to the speed of light in the normal universe. At first, the particle turns flat, and then it starts to create a pothole in the universe. 

Very fast-traveling particles form the pothole or channel behind them. The quantum field acts like water. When, something very fast travels in it, it creates a channel behind it. That is similar to what a bullet makes in the air. So light travels behind that particle faster than outside that channel. 

And if there is some kind of light wave or light string that impacts the particle from backward it can make the situation where the particle will compress. If the superstring or extremely thin light string travels through the particle it acts like a thermal pump. That thermal pump transports energy out from the particle. And it also decreases the quantum pressure in it. That allows it to make a situation where the energy continues to travel in the particle. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Einstein's Beef.

Once a man said that he could transport a tonne of steel alone. And the way how that man makes that thing is that he makes thousand, one-kilogram weights. And then he walks thousand times between the beginning and end carrying a one-kilogram weight. That means the small parts can make the entirety that is dominating. 

We can think that the universe is like some kind of beef. If we want to make similar beef to what we eat in some restaurant we must know everything about that beef. We must know the spices that the restaurant uses. But then we must know what kind of animals it uses. And then the animal is what it eats. We must know does it feel stressed. And the most important thing is that we must know the nutrient that the cow eats. We must know what kind of landscape is in the area, where that cow lived, and then we must know the transportation conditions, etc. 

We must know the entirety so that we can model the thing. Everything in the beef means something. Same way, we must realize that there are no meaningless pieces in the puzzle, called the universe. Things like oscillations and other kinds of things, like the maser-effect that comes from the superstrings were more powerful in the just-born universe than they are today. When an open superstring is in a high power energy field it interacts like an antenna. 

That means the superstring conducts energy out from its ends. And if those superstrings are radially in the same position, to the center of the young universe that causes expansion because that radiation pushes plasma away. But same time the radiation that travels in the middle of the young universe from those superstrings forms the focus there energy level was very high. 

We are wrong if we think that there are "useless" particles in the universe. Maybe neutrinos and other kinds of things have no mass. But if there are trillions and trillions of neutrinos they act as entirety.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The neutrinos, and dark matter

Could the source of dark energy be in the WARP bubble around some particles that are in extremely high energy levels? When a particle sends radiation that comes through that WARP bubble its speed is higher, than without that bubble. And when the bubble is gone. That field sends similar radiation to Cherenkov's radiation. 

One explanation for dark energy is material that sends energy or wave movement very often and with very high levels. If that thing is true the reason for dark energy is that some particles in our universe are in the WARP bubbles. 

And those bubbles make energy travel out from particles at a very high speed. The thing that forms the wave movement is the superstrings. When that energy or wave movement hits the Higgs field around that particle it sends one version of Cherenkov radiation. And that thing could explain why Dark Energy is hard to detect. So when the superstring hits the Higgs field it sends one version of Cherenkov radiation. 

"Universe Dark Energy-1 Expanding Universe"

"This diagram reveals changes in the rate of expansion since the universe's birth 15 billion years ago. The more shallow the curve, the faster the rate of expansion. The curve changes noticeably about 7.5 billion years ago, when objects in the universe began flying apart as a faster rate. Astronomers theorize that the faster expansion rate is due to a mysterious, dark force that is pulling galaxies apart".

Credit: NASA/STSci/Ann Feild" (

In some theories, dark matter is bi-polar WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) that rotate between those poles. There is the central axle in that particle that makes it rotate like the planet. But there is more about that thing later in this text. In this text, "regular material" means visible material. Dark matter is 85% of the universe's material. 68% of the energy in our universe is dark energy or dark wave movement. 


Maybe neutrons can give a tip, about what dark matter looks like. 

Possibly there are three types of material in the universe. 

1) White or regular material like electrons, protons, and neutrons. 

2) Grey material or WIP (Weakly Interacting Particles). 

3) Dark matter. The particle's only interaction is through gravitation. There is the possibility that WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) is the thing that makes dark matter. 

The WIMP might have a different type of spin than regular material. Or it might be material that sends radiation that forms the WARP bubble around those particles. 

Neutrinos are weakly interacting particles or WIPs. That means their energy level is almost the same as their entirety. If the energy level is higher than it's the environment it sends radiation. And the difference between the energy level of a particle and its environment determines how often a particle sends radiation. 

And the higher energy level particles like Top Quark sends energy impulses more often than neutrinos. Because neutrino sends radiation or wave movement so rarely, it's hard to detect. When a particle sends radiation it will transfer energy out from it which is the mark that the direction of the particle's spin is changing. 

The spin of a neutrino is 1/2 like an electron. And that means neutrino has many similarities with electrons, but the spin of that particle is weaker or slower, but otherwise similar to electrons. When a neutrino's spin direction changes it sends that radiation. 

So neutrino is turning back and forth like an electron but the movement is so slow that it's hard to see. And that very slow spin is creating one model. That gives neutrinos the ability to travel through Earth. The idea is that the Higgs field that gives mass to that object will travel through that particle without any interactions. 

That means the interaction between the Higgs field and neutrino is weak. And the situation is similar to the case where somebody puts the cage in the river. If we think that water is the Higgs field it flows through that cage, and it's not taking it with the flow. 

So could the dark matter be the bipolar particles that rotate around their axles? Dark matter is the strange gravitational effect. The connection between dark energy and dark matter is not confirmed. But there is the possibility that those things have a connection. 

If we follow that model in the cases of dark matter, there is a small possibility that the dark matter is a particle. That has an extremely weak spin. Or the particle can spin around the central axle like the planet. That means the dark matter WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) could be the bi-polar extremely high-energy particle that spins like a planet. 

And in that case, the energy pikes are pushing the Higgs field away from those particles. The reason why an electron's spin is 1/2 is that it has multiple poles. But if the particle has only two poles it could rotate around its axle. 

But is it possible that the particle just shakes back and forth? What if that movement is extremely small when it sends very weak radiation? If the particle's spin is more than 1/2 like 1/6 or maybe 1/300, the spin is so small, that the particle is like a ghost. The interaction with the Higgs field is much weaker than the Neutrino. Even if that hypothetical material sends some kind of wave movement very often that wave movement is so weak, that material is not at least easy to see. 

There is the possibility that there is also a material or particle whose spin has a very high frequency. Theoretically is possible to turn an electron's spin to 1 if its energy level is rising high enough. If there is a particle that spin is 1 or higher. There is the possibility that the particle rotates so fast that it makes the hole in the Higgs field. 

If the energy level of the particle is high enough it sends radiation very often. That radiation can push the Higgs field from around those kinds of particles. In that case, the radiation continues all the time. And that means there is no visible stop in the energy transmission. 

That kind of particle is hard to see because there are no changes in its energy transmission. And the particle is in one kind of WARP bubble. That can cause that energy travels away from those particles faster than cosmologists calculated.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

How do black holes create wormholes?

Wormholes are theoretical structures. Those things are also called as Einstein-Rose bridges. And theoretically, those things are offering superhighways across the universe. The idea of the wormhole is that it's like a tornado or tunnel through the Higgs field or three-kelvin field. Or we can call the wormhole a gravitational tornado. When information travels in the wormhole, that thing causes a situation the energy that comes behind the information pushes it forward. 

There are two types of wormholes. 

1) Electromagnetic wormholes like laser rays and X-ray bursts of black holes. 

2) Gravitational wormholes. Those gravitational wormholes are similar to electromagnetic wormholes but the radiation that makes them is gravitational radiation. 

So if we think that the Higgs field is the thing. That makes the gravitation. We can make a model where the coherent radiation that forms the hollow circle in the Higgs field forms the lower energy level area in the Higgs field. And that thing causes a situation where energy or wave movement starts to travel at that point. 

The time that we can keep that hollow gravitational maser to point that point determines the depth of that gravitational pothole. The thing that forms the pothole is that coherent gravitational radiation makes the wall around that pothole. The problem is that we cannot yet make synthetic gravitational maser rays. 

"Wormhole visualized in 2D" (Wikipedia/Wormhole) 

Gravitation is radiation or wave movement, as well as gamma- and other electromagnetic radiation. But its frequency is different. But all wormholes are similar. 

Sometimes I wrote that theoretically, wormholes form when black holes turn to superposition and entanglement. But then we might think that this theory is oversimplified. In some versions of the wormhole theories, the black hole or the supernova that is the forming black hole simply pulls the wormhole open. 

The idea in this theory is that the universe is full of wormholes, but their size is smaller than a quark. The wormhole is an extremely small-size quantum tornado in the Higgs field or base energy field that fills the universe. 

We might call that field also the three-kelvin field because the minimum temperature in the universe is three kelvin, which is the temperature of the cosmic background radiation.  In laboratories, researchers made temperatures that are lower than three kelvin. But in natural conditions, the cosmic energy minimum is three kelvin. The wormhole is an extremely small whirl in that field. 

The energy field travel in neutron stars looks like this. And maybe that is the model of how gravitational fields travel in black holes. 

Supernovas and their effect on wormholes are causing interesting theories. 

So when a supernova explodes, it acts like a vacuum bomb that forms an electromagnetic vacuum at the point where it detonates. At that point if there is a wormhole. That detonation increases its size because the energy level around the wormhole drops to a minimum. That thing causes that energy travels out from the wormhole. 

When the power of the shockwave that the supernova sends turns weaker the base energy field drops back in, and then the Higgs field presses the wormhole back to small size. That wormhole is the stick that makes the gravitational field roll, and that stick transports energy out from the black hole. The thing is that the whirls of the gravitational field impact the wormhole they are transporting energy out from it. And that thing can explain the vaporization of the black hole. 

The teleportation machine pulls quantum entanglement through the wormhole. 

The wormhole theory is forming a question about the possibility to create a teleportation machine or "Stargate". If that system benefits theoretical wormholes the idea is that the teleportation machine pulls quantum entanglement through the wormhole. Nobody knows can this technology ever transport anything than some electrons. 

The idea of human or complicated structure teleportation is that the system turns the object wished to teleport to radiation. And radiation can conduct through the wormhole. The problem is that the structure must re-assemble. And that is a little bit too difficult. 

But there are two ways to create that wormhole. 

1) The ring-shaped structure forms a black hole in the middle of it. That thing can make possible by pumping energy to hovering atoms that are trapped in the middle of that structure. Then those miniature-size black holes will put to oscillate with the same frequency as some black holes. 

2) The stargate will pull the existing wormhole larger. The idea is that the stargate conducts energy away from around the wormhole that is everywhere. When the system removes that Higgs field, that thing will open the wormhole or make the bubble in it. The system can use the ring of quantum-size black holes to pull the Higgs field away from the selected wormhole. 

If we think that way, the black hole is the bubble in the wormhole. 

In a simpler model, the three-kelvin field that the supernova pushes away will drop black in the middle of the explosion, and that energy impact opens the wormhole. The thing that makes the wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge work is the higher energy level at the whirl of its walls. 

The problem with a wormhole is that the three-kelvin field or Higgs field pushes it from outside. Energy travels out from that whirl from its sides and the three-kelvin field will sooner or later close the wormhole. The thing that theoretically happens in the energy tornado is that the walls of that energy whirl also create maser-effect in it. 

When a supernova explodes, that electromagnetic vacuum causes a situation. Where material drops out from the energy level, called the fourth dimension. The reaction is like somebody making a vacuum under the floor that pulls the floor out from the higher room that is on the upper floor. 

Then that thing makes it possible that the particles are sending radiation or superstrings from the fourth dimension in the third dimension, or maybe that energy travels straight to the second dimension where the material is in too low an energy level that it can interact with 3D material.

In that model, the energy. That came from the fourth dimension is the thing that keeps the wormhole open. The interaction between energy in the wormhole and the three-kelvin field that surrounds it causes the wormhole will start to deliver energy. 

We know energy always travels out from the higher energy point. And that means the three-kelvin field turns stronger if we compare its energy level, with the wormhole's energy level sooner or later, the outside energy field pushes the wormhole to a small size again. That is the thing that can explain the wormhole.

Friday, April 21, 2023

How the Higgs field gives mass to the material?

We can think that the particles, like electrons, are whisk-looking structures. And in that model. There is a quantum low pressure inside that particle. That low pressure pulls the Higgs field inside the particle. And that electromagnetic low-pressure forms quantum gravitation because the Higgs field travels inside that particle. By thinking that way, the Higgs field is the same thing as gravitation. 

The electron spins back and forth. The spin of that particle is 1/2. The spin of quarks is also 1/2. And that means the spin might have something to do with weight. The photon's spin is 1. And maybe that explains why the photon has no weight. 

That effect causes a situation that the particle stops for a short moment. And at that moment the Higgs field falls inside the particle through those "sticks" or quantum lightning called superstrings. So when the Higgs field travels inside the whisk-looking structure that is the elementary particle like quark or electron it creates a standing wave. 

Above) Electron's spin (spin 1/2)

Then that standing wave reflects the Higgs field away. Sooner or later that interaction causes the particle turns to wave movement. The reason for that is that the reflecting field or wave movement forms an electromagnetic shadow that pulls those quantum strings away. So the Higgs field is the thing that keeps particles in form and also destroys them. 

The reason, why a photon has no mass is that the Higgs field cannot tunnel itself inside that particle. 

To make mass for particles. The Higgs field must tunnel itself inside them. The traveling Higgs field is the thing that makes material travel in a certain direction. And without that tunneling. There is no electromagnetic low-pressure. That makes the Higgs field travel inside the particle. If the Higgs field cannot penetrate the particle, that will not cause reflection that rips the particle into pieces. That thing explains why there is no mass of photons. 

But why there is no mass in photons? The reason for that could be simpler than we expected. The photon might have a spin that is 360 degrees. So because the photon is a rotating particle. That thing means the Higgs field cannot tunnel itself inside a photon. 

So the photon repels the Higgs field because there is no electromagnetic low-pressure inside the photon. That thing means the photon can repel the electromagnetic field away from it. When the whisk-looking structure rotates in the Higgs field, that field loads energy to those superstrings. And that thing denies the possibility that the Higgs field can travel inside the photon. 

Another reason for that is this. The photon reflects as much radiation as it gets. So the form of the photon could be like the planet where the sides or equator is interacting with the Higgs field. And then the energy travels out from that particle from its poles that are forming at both sides of the rotating axle. The thing is that photon hovels in the Higgs field and because there are no low-pressure areas that thing denies the aging of the photon. The Higgs field cannot get in the photon and rip its structure into pieces.

Could dark energy be the energy that travels in the wormholes that take information out of the universe?

Could wormholes that transfer information away from the universe explain dark energy? In that model, the wormhole takes information outside the universe. That means there are white holes outside the material bubble called the universe where that information comes out. And that thing explains why our universe expands a certain way. But confirming that theory requires the existence of wormholes and white holes. 

Distant galaxies are important objects for measurements that test redshift and extreme theories. The distant galaxies are also important objects where the movements in the universe are observed. And one thing that distant galaxies can tell is this. Could there be some kind of center in the universe? If all galaxies travel in the same direction, that thing supports the theory of the hypermassive black hole in the center of the universe. 

If there is a hypermassive black hole in the center of the universe, that thing could send radiation through the universe. And that radiation could explain why dark energy is so hard to detect. The energy pike travels vertically away from the universe, and there is one thing that can deny the possibility to detect that radiation. 

If there is some kind of wormhole where that radiation or dark wave movement travels. That thing makes it hard or even impossible to detect from outside the wormhole. 

Wormhole is like a tornado where information travels. There is the possibility that a wormhole is forming between superpositioned and entangled black holes. So if another black hole goes outside the universe it vaporizes in seconds. And then there could be the white hole. In that model, wormholes transfer material or information away from the universe to outside the edge of that material. 

Image: "Survey of the sky at energies above 1 GeV, collected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope in five years of observation (2009 to 2013)". (Wikipedia/Gamma-ray astronomy)

There is the possibility that the dark energy exists only at the edge of the universe. There are no quantum fields and the effect of the Higgs field should end. But the thing that limits the speed of the particles and wave movement gravitation of the universe. 

That means there could form standing gravitational waves or some kind of particles form a vacuum behind them, and that thing pulls the universe larger and decreases its energy level. That increases the speed of the material's vaporization or turning to wave movement because energy transfers faster from particles to their environment. 

Dark matter is one of the things that are a mystery. One of the tips where dark matter could be is in protons. There is the charm quark the extremely heavy particle in the proton. Charm quark is heavier than the proton, and the reason why there is a particle inside the proton that is heavier than itself could be that. The charm quark hovers inside the proton. That causes an idea that maybe inside other particles are yet unknown hovering particles. 

The virtual particle called exciton, where two holes are orbiting each other caused an idea that maybe dark matter is the virtual particle. The higher energy point in the gravitational field or Higgs field. Dark matter is the strange gravitational effect that the source could be some kind of material. But that material could be real or virtual. And it can hide in some other particles. 

Dark matter and its relationship with dark energy is dark order. 

There is a possibility that dark matter is the short-term material that forms when impacting gravitational fields are scrubbing each other. In that model Schwinger-effect forms short-term particles that turn wave movement very soon. When those particles are detonating that thing releases energy that is stored in them. 

Even if those particles existence remains only less than microsecond they can absorb energy. And that means the energy level of those almost virtual particles is higher than the energy level of the particle that forms straight from the impacting gravitational wave. That thing can also be virtual material. 

Maybe dark matter is quantum-size black hole pairs that are orbiting each other. That means they send radiation that can explain the expansion of the universe. The bubble in the Higgs field can be the thing that causes the mystic expansion of the universe. 

Nobody ever confirmed the connection between dark energy and dark matter. But logically thinking the dark energy can be the wave movement whose source is in dark matter. In some theories, the origin of dark energy is in short-term particles that gravitational fields form when they impact together. Those gravitational-forming particles could immediately turn back to wave movement. And that thing releases energy, that is stored in those particles. 

Another source of dark energy is introduced material that falls into the black holes. When that particle falls into the massive gravitational field the field pushes it to a small size. When that particle impacts the event horizon it turns like spaghetti. The photon and wave movement is traveling around the black hole and when that spaghetti-looking particle crosses that point the energy impacts it. That means the particle or superstring turns into an antenna that sends a wave, moved away from the black hole. And maybe that radiation is dark energy.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Black holes and quantum "magic" can help to model the beginning of time.

Material is one form of energy. To understand the absolute form of the energy and material the researchers must realize what kind of effect the beginning of time. The time began at the point called the Big Bang. At that point, the material is released into the 3D universe. At that point, the linear time began. One version of the description of time is the expansion of the universe, and another description could be the decrease of the temperature in the universe. 

Modeling the beginning of time helps to model the end of time. And why we are so interested in the end of time? That helps to create new types of energy sources. We say that things like steam machines can operate only at high temperatures. But then we forget one thing temperature is relative. If we would be on the planet or dwarf planet Pluto, the low temperature makes it possible to use liquid helium in our steam engine. 

That means the system uses boiling helium as the steam that puts our cold steam engine moving. Or if we want just to create steam we must decrease pressure in the pressure chamber, and that decreases boiling temperature. The expansion of the liquid is the thing that gives power to the machine. So what is hot and what is cold? The boiling gas is very cold but it can act like boiling water.

The quantum world is marvelous. When we think that material or wave movement tunnels through the wall they can cross the speed of light. The first version is when a particle hits the wall with the speed of light in the vacuum it slows its speed. 

The reason for that is simple. The particle which hits the wall or potential barrier starts to deliver energy. That forms Cherenkov radiation.  If the energy level of the potential barrier is high the incoming particle delivers energy slower than if the potential barrier is cold. But if the energy level of the potential barrier is higher than impacting particle's energy level, it starts to send energy to that particle. 

The universe is the time. Or it's spacetime. The combination of time and space dominates the material. Time is the mystery that dominates the universe and determines its fate. The fate of the universe is destruction because sooner or later the last stars will lose their energy sources. And then the energy level of the universe starts to decrease. That thing causes a situation where a black hole's vaporization turns faster.

Gravitational waves that black holes send are the result of that vaporization. Gravitation is an energy field, or radiation field, as well as all other energy fields. So gravitational field is a quantum system. That means the gravitation attempts to reach energy minimum the same way as all other quantum systems are. 

Gravitational fields are also energy fields. So stronger gravitational field is like a hill in a lower gravitational field. And that thing causes a situation where the gravitational waves start to flow to the gravitational field, that is at the lower energy level. And that effect can be one of the explanations for the dark energy. 

How can gravitation turn opposite? And could that antigravitation be the reason for dark energy that rips the universe into pieces? 

When a stronger energy field. That has the same oscillation frequency as a weaker field impacts that field on a lower energy level, it pushes it away. The thing is that gravitation cannot come from nothingness. And another interesting thing is that gravitational fields also can form the Schwinger effect. 

The gravitational Maser effect is also possible. When gravitational maser radiation impacts to regular gravitational field it causes the Schwinger effect that forms very short-term particles. That thing forms the empty hole in the gravitational field where that field drops. The effect would be similar to the vacuum bomb. But the radiation that this thing causes is the gravitational radiation. 

Sometimes I have written that maybe the Higgs field is the thing that explains gravitation. The Higgs field gives mass to objects. And that means the field could be the base-energy level in the universe. If we talk about the minimum energy levels there must be some kind of energy field that is the minimum energy level. 

If we observe the Gravitational maser effect and antigravitation by using the Higgs field, the gravitational maser will create a hole or vacuum bubble in the Higgs field. And then that thing will collapse. The reflecting gravitational field (or Higgs field) forms the gravitational waves that are traveling below the object if it hovers above something. 

The idea is that when that gravitational radiation travels out from those gravitational waves. And then that thing should turn gravitation to repelling. That can be the thing behind the expansion of the universe.

Is deep learning necessary for artificial intelligence?

Once physicist name  Richard Feynman said: learn principles, not formulas. Or the full version of that quote goes like that: " Understand. Don't memorize. Learn principles, not formulas.". Feynman meant that nobody can memorize every single formula and parameter in the world. Knowing principles helps to make connections between formulas, across the field where those formulas require. The base thing is that there are multiple formulas. 

That meant for certain purposes. The formula that is made for physics will probably not fit mathematics. The difference between calculations is minimum, but the physics formula requires different variables than mathematical formulas. But otherways the physics formula requires only regular mathematics if the user of the formula gets the right variables. 

So formula E=Mc^2 mean



C^2 is the speed of light power 2. 

That means we can solve that formula very effectively by using simple mathematics. But for that, we require variables like the speed of light. 

All of the formulas not fitting into every field. But we can solve them be solved by using simple mathematical principles. Or actually, those formulas are nothing to solve. Those mathematical formulas are tools that are meant for calculating things like energy levels. 

The same formula meant for calculating energy levels doesn't fit to calculate the pressure at normal temperature. That calculation requires its formula. 

That idea is the key to deep learning or fuzzy logic. The learner simply learns principles. And then apply those principles to every formula that the learner sees. 

"Recent research demonstrates that brain-inspired shallow feedforward networks can efficiently learn non-trivial classification tasks with reduced computational complexity, compared to deep learning architectures. It showed that shallow architectures can achieve the same classification success rates as deep learning architectures, but with less complexity." ( the Myth: Is Deep Learning Necessary for Artificial Intelligence?)

 "Efficient learning on shallow architectures is connected to efficient dendritic tree learning, which incorporates findings from earlier experimental research on sub-dendritic adaptation and anisotropic properties of neurons. This discovery suggests the potential for the development of unique hardware for fast and efficient shallow learning, while reducing energy consumption. (Representation of a deep learning neural network tree.)". ( the Myth: Is Deep Learning Necessary for Artificial Intelligence?)

The neural network can be physical. Or it can be virtual. We can say that structure that connects things like databases is a neural network as well as the structure. That connects sensors to databases or human brain neurons to one entirety. 

That is one way to close learning. The learner will not try to remember the exact formula. The learner simply studies the way to highlight the principle that guides that learner to select the right pages from the formula book, and there that learner can find the right formula. 

The idea of that kind of model is this. When the learner just knows the base principles that creature can connect those principles with multiple different places. 

In that case, things like physics lecture are the thing, that guides the learner to think that: "maybe the needed thing is physics formula". The reason for that is that lecture is about physics. This is an example of fuzzy logic. But I don't know how good an example that thing is about deep learning. 

Then we must realize that deeply learned things give the same answers as the formulas. That the actor just read from the paper. If we think about things like a robot that moves on streets. That machine might seem very deep thinking. The information handling protocol seems very impressive. But the thing is that the system might not realize what it does. When it sees something it just connects that thing to the certain database, where are certain actions that the robot can use in those situations. 

When the AI connects something that it gets from sensors with the database we must realize that the AI might not know what things in the databases mean. This is the thing about AI. 

The thing. What we call learning in the case of AI is just to make a new record for the system. When we are making databases. There might be a system that keeps records of how often it uses certain databases. And in that model. The system raises the rank of the database depending on how often it uses that database. The system operates like a page rank on the internet. 

But if we want that system gives some kind of response to the thing the computer just reacts to things like incoming stones. Or another car that comes from the right. The system must know traffic regulations. And then if the other car is too close push the brakes. But that kind of thing doesn't require deep learning. The system must not know why it must do something. It must just know the reaction to the case. When AI controlled robot sees some calculation and somebody asks solution for it. The system must not know what it does. It must just react the right way.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The faux black hole or topological soliton is the star that acts like a black hole.

The black hole describes that the object pulls things inside it by using gravitation. Other types of ultra-dense objects act like black holes. But in those objects, things like electromagnetic fields or molecular wave movement pull material in that structure. Those things can have similar abilities to black holes. And they can accelerate particles at a very high speed. 

"Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have conducted simulations that suggest the existence of a new type of celestial object that closely resembles a black hole. Called a topological soliton, this hypothetical object distorts space in the same way as a black hole but scatters and releases weak light rays instead of absorbing them". Hole Phenomenon: Could This Copycat Black Hole Be a New Type of Star?)

The researchers used mathematical equations and simulations to construct the object, indicating that there may be other hidden celestial bodies in space. This research is based on string theory and aims to reconcile quantum mechanics with Einstein’s theory of gravity, potentially proposing new types of ultracompact stars in the future". ( Hole Phenomenon: Could This Copycat Black Hole Be a New Type of Star?)

"Movie clip showing the gravitational lensing effects caused by no object in an observer’s line of sight, a black hole, and the topological soliton. Credit: Pierre Heidmann/Johns Hopkins University" ( Hole Phenomenon: Could This Copycat Black Hole Be a New Type of Star?)

Faux black holes are hypothetical stars where the magnetic fields are making the star act like a black hole. That thing would be a topological soliton that also could curve space and time. In that structure, two very fast-rotating electromagnetic fields drive plasma in the middle of the star. In that case, the electromagnetic black holes or faux black holes are acting precisely like black holes. But the thing that pulls material in the structure is the magnetic field, not the gravitational field. 

So topological soliton can create a very similar phenomenon as black holes. And the curvature of space and time can be visible also near those topological solitons. If we use the Higgs field model to describe this thing. Topological solitons form rolls. That pulls the Higgs field through them. 

 In physics and mathematics, a soliton is described like this: "In mathematics and physics, a soliton or solitary wave is a self-reinforcing wave packet that maintains its shape while it propagates at a constant velocity" (

"Cancellation of nonlinear and dispersive effects in the medium causes solitons. (Dispersive effects are a property of certain systems where the speed of a wave depends on its frequency.) Solitons are the solutions of a widespread class of weakly nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations describing physical systems". (

Monday, April 17, 2023

Is there life on Mars?

"NASA’s Perseverance rover, shown in this artistic rendering, landed at Mars’ Jezero Crater in February 2021 and started gathering soil samples soon after that. Although Perseverance is not looking directly for organisms living on Mars today, the rover is collecting data that could be used to identify biosignatures of ancient microbial life. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" ( Asked a NASA Scientist: Is There Life on Mars?)

Another question about this topic again. The answer to that question is very complicated. Before samples from the red planet are transferred to the BL-5 level laboratory where research teams can make the real chemical and microscopic analysis all answers are open. The BL-5 laboratories are required because those samples pollute very easily. 

"Electron microscopy revealed chain structures resembling living organisms in meteorite fragment ALH84001". (Wikipedia/ Those remnants could be bacteria fossils that could have a Martian origin. 

And if some DNA from Earth touches them. That makes it hard to detect the DNA or RNA samples from those bacteria remnants. Nobody believes that there are living bacteria on Mars. But there might be some bacteria fossils, there could be remnants of their genomes. 

The fact is before intensive research the question about primitive lifeforms on Mars is open. And the problem is that Mars lost its atmosphere in multiple meteorite impacts. At least three times Mars lost its lithosphere in deep impacts with asteroids. In that process, the position of the red planet changed. The shell of that planet melted. And that destroyed all lifeforms. But it's possible. That there still are DNA or RNA remnants in those stones. 

The big problem with searching for extraterrestrial bacteria is the lack of extraterrestrial DNA or RNA. No sample involves DNA that is 100% proven to be extraterrestrial. So without that information, it's very difficult to separate extraterrestrial bacteria from Earth bacteria. And the problem is that bacteria exchange their genomes. That means there is very hard to prove the extraterrestrial origin of some bacteria fossils even if there are some DNA or RNA remnants. 

And finally, "the face, Cydonia and Little Green men.

The "Cydonia City" is named because of the shape of those forms. The fact is that the "city" is an interesting place. And in some theories that is an abandoned alien city. The fact is that those pyramid-shaped structures. Along with " the face", are interesting because the geological process behind them is extraordinary. 

The remarkable thing in Cydonia is found in Wikipedia. 

"Cydonia lies in the planet's northern hemisphere in a transitional zone between the heavily cratered regions to the south and relatively smooth plains to the north. Some planetologists believe that the northern plains may once have been ocean beds and that Cydonia may once have been a coastal zone. It is in the Mare Acidalium quadrangle". (Wikipedia/Cydonia (Mars) So that area was a good place to establish a nuclear plant. And researchers cannot pass that kind of thing. 

Theoretically, we can create green skin for ourselves very easily. By using genetic engineering and nanotechnology, we can connect the genome that makes the chlorophyll in our skin cells. And that thing turns our skin photosynthetic. We must remember that there are also green snakes and other green reptilians on Earth. Chlorophyll would turn the skin green and make it possible. Animals can create sugars and vitamin C in their skin. 

The other interesting things are the "face" and "Cydonia. The problem is that those things are very interesting because there is a possibility that the "face" was a short-term geological structure. But what forms that structure? Also the "ruins" are interesting and that opens new questions. What is behind those structures? The thing is that three images from Viking 1 to Mars Global Surveyor 2001 show that the structure was real. But the geological process behind it is anyway interesting. 

But what if researchers find remnants of the things like human enterobacterium from Mars samples? That thing makes very big thoughts in the minds of researchers. There are lots of mysteries in the universe. And one of the things that we might think about is the possibility that some Earth bacteria will be found on Mars in an area. there are no probes. When we search for the origin of life we cannot close anything away from our minds. When we are talking and reading about myths of ancient aliens. We must keep our minds open.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

NASA found the point in the universe where nothing exists.

The bubble of nothing. The diameter of that bubble is about 300 light-years is the place where is the lowest known energy level. The density of radiation and other fields are lowest as possible. That area is interesting. Because there some researchers hope that they could see the fourth dimension. 

The thing that separates the third dimension from the fourth dimension is the energy level. At which a particle loses its ability to interact with other 3D particles. That great nothing can just uncover the Higgs field. And it can answer the question does the proton split? That could uncover the possibility of the formation of iron stars. 

As I wrote many times the energy roof in the third dimension is the energy floor of the fourth dimension. In this area, the energy floor of the fourth dimension is extremely low. And researchers could think that they could see tachyon interaction. Theoretically, the tachyon cannot come out from the fourth dimension because the energy floor or energy that transfers to the tachyon at the point where it should start to interact with material pushes it back to the fourth dimension.  

The bubble of nothing is the place that is as close to the universe in its last times as possible. 

The low energy level makes it possible. That tachyon will enter into the third dimension. At that moment. There is no energy anymore that can push those particles back to the fourth dimension. So in a very old universe, tachyons can also travel in that low energy and a very cold place. Maybe Iron stars are the last stars that are creating energy. That thing requires that the proton is not splitting. If a proton splits the last energy source would be splitting protons. The splitting neutrons are the things that are also capable of energy sources. 

The bubble of nothing is the area that is as close to the time at the end of the universe as possible. The energy level in the old universe is very low if we compare it with the universe where we live. The material and gravitation interact similar way as they interact now. So near the last stars is similar plasma bubbles. That is around the Sun and other stars. But the universe or space is lower energy than it's today. 

The universe's density is lower and that means the difference between material density near stars and interstellar space is steeper than it's now. So when photons or electrons are traveling between stars. They are traveling faster than they travel today. And when those photons or electrons hit the plasma bubble they will slow their speed sending Cherenkov radiation. The energy roof is lower and there is a possibility that the tachyons can slip in that very cold universe where is only a couple of red dwarfs, black dwarfs, and maybe iron stars.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of cells.

There is no remaining original DNA of the very first organisms on Earth. People normally say that things like mitochondria (mtDNA) are not changing. But actually, there are mutations also in that DNA. When electromagnetic or chemical stress impacts the DNA that causes changes in its structure. This is one of the reasons why we cannot restore things like T-Rex to nature. We can take the DNA of that dinosaur and put that DNA in some other reptilians morula. In that process, we must just change the DNA in the cell's nucleus.

 But the problem is nobody knows how much damage is in that DNA. Nobody has ever seen a living T-Rex, and that means. No DNA can compare with the DNA sequences used in that work. Without full DNA from the living organism, there is no DNA matrix. If we want to fix those damages in genomes by using sequences taken from some chicken that thing will not work as we want. 

The problem is that nobody knows what DNA sequences are missing. So genetic engineers can create something that looks like T-Rex, but that thing will not be T-Rex. The mitochondria DNA doesn't give very much data about the organism where they give energy. 

Mitochondria have different, own DNA. That has no connection with the specie's DNA. So mitochondria still have the form. That they had before they went into symbiosis with cells. When cells start to divide, the mitochondria get a signal that they must start to multiply. This thing brings a very interesting idea to my mind. 

"A human blastocyst-like synthetic embryo called blastoid showing the presence of an enveloping layer of extra-embryonic cells, a blastocoel-like cavity, epiblast cells (green, giving rise to the future embryo) and hypoblast cells (red, giving rise to the future amnion). iMiGSeq was used to sequence mtDNA in a single blastoid to model the dynamics of mtDNA mutations during human embryogenesis. Credit: © 2023 KAUST; Mo Li". ( Inherited Diseases: New Technology Uncovers Hidden Mitochondrial DNA Mutations)

Above: Asterix cartoon (Image:

The strength of muscle cells depends on the number of mitochondria in those cells. If genetic engineers can create muscle cells that are more mitochondria than usual those muscles will be stronger. 

Do you know the comics Asterix? The small Gallian village defends itself against the Romans by using a secret potion that gives supernatural strength to those people. The reason why those strengths come from the potion is that those people are easier to control. When the effect time of the potion is limited they need the potion again, if they wish to fight. 

There is a possibility that something can give a chemical signal to mitochondria that they must start to divide. But at this time the cell will not divide. That thing increases the power of the muscle cells. If researchers make this kind of chemical, there is a possibility that that kind of thing makes it possible to create superhumans. And when superhumans will not need those strengths anymore the extra-mitochondria could be destroyed. 

These kinds of things are interesting. And new technology allows the creation of cloned mitochondria that can inject into cells. Those cloned mitochondria can give immune cells superpowers. That allows them to destroy cancer cells. The cloned mitochondria can help to keep things like cells alive until they will get to the laboratory. That technology can make organ transfers more successful than they still are.

Where do we need General Relativity?

The main problem with old-fashion models of cosmology is that they are modeling the universe and its energy fields as a static entirety. The new models are modeling the universe and its energy fields as a dynamic entirety. That changes its form and energy states all the time. The energy state is not the entire universe. Another important thing is the wavelength of the oscillation. 

The Theory of General Relativity from 1916 is the repairing for weaknesses found in the Theory of Special Relativity from 1905. The problem with the Theory of Special Relativity is that it doesn't take notice of the curvature of spacetime. The thing is that we used models where the universe is a static entirety. Old theories didn't match reality like planet Mercury's orbiting time around the sun. 

And that made Albert Einstein create the Theory of General Relativity, which takes notice of the curvature of spacetime around the gravitational centers. Today we think that there is a pothole around every gravitational object. The thing that is made wrong in cosmology is that we forget that there are also hills in spacetime. Those hills are things like supernovas. Or high-energy objects that act like sources. That energy moves the borders of the system away from that center. 

In the light cone model, the hypersurface of the present is the energy level that is the same as the speed of light. The problem with that model is that: It introduces spacetime as the static and layer-shaped model. In modern models, gravitation makes potholes around the gravitational centers. And the form of electromagnetic quantum fields is changing all the time. In those models space and time are handled in an entirety called spacetime because the relation between the energy level of the particle and its environment determines the aging of the particle. 

The pothole around the objects makes the thing called gravitational lensing possible. Gravitational lensing means that gravitation can turn the route of the light. So that means there could be some kind of field that will turn the direction of the photons. That thing could be the Higgs field the energy field, that is all around the universe. 

When an object is in a gravitational pothole, that pothole pumps more energy from around the object in it. That explains why gravitation slows aging. When gravitation curves the universe into a pothole. It doesn't make that curvature from nothingness. That thing curves the Higgs field. So we can say that curvature in spacetime is curvature in the Higgs field. 

One of the most interesting things that the Theory of General Relativity makes possible is time travel. When a time traveler wants to travel forward in time. That actor must raise the object's speed to the speed of light. That thing stops time. And if the actor just wants to travel back in time, that person just must cross the speed of light. 

Or otherways saying: rise the capsule's energy level higher than its energy level would be in the speed of light. One of the simplest ways is to create a wheel-shaped craft where ions are traveling around the crew cabin at the speed of light. Then the crew will drive that craft to the gravitational field that causes virtual crossing at the speed of light. 

In some other versions, the system drives the craft against a medium like water with the speed of light. If light travels slower in that medium the craft would cross the speed of light in a second. And that impact can rise the speed of craft higher than the speed of light in that medium. In nuclear reactors neutrons that travel faster than the speed of light less than a second send the blue light shockwave called Cherenkov radiation. 

Time travel requires that the particle gets an energy level that is high enough. The high-power energy field dilates time. And if the particle crosses the speed of light it will travel to the past. Time travel is an interesting thing. The black holes are traveling to the past because escaping velocity from the black holes crosses the speed of light. 

And black holes should take information to the point where the supernova that created the black hole exploded. But there are many paradoxes in time travel theories. One of the most interesting things is that that time traveler can shoot his grandfather. And that means the time traveler will not ever be born. But if a time traveler meets and touches him or herself in the past there is a possibility that this thing causes detonation. 

The idea is that if we think of the time cone that models the particle that crosses the energy level that keeps that particle in the third dimension it turns to its mirror. The thing in time travel is bringing an interesting model about the particle that comes outside the system or space. When a particle comes outside the system. It creates a shockwave because it must push all other objects from its route.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...