Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The faux black hole or topological soliton is the star that acts like a black hole.

The black hole describes that the object pulls things inside it by using gravitation. Other types of ultra-dense objects act like black holes. But in those objects, things like electromagnetic fields or molecular wave movement pull material in that structure. Those things can have similar abilities to black holes. And they can accelerate particles at a very high speed. 

"Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have conducted simulations that suggest the existence of a new type of celestial object that closely resembles a black hole. Called a topological soliton, this hypothetical object distorts space in the same way as a black hole but scatters and releases weak light rays instead of absorbing them". Hole Phenomenon: Could This Copycat Black Hole Be a New Type of Star?)

The researchers used mathematical equations and simulations to construct the object, indicating that there may be other hidden celestial bodies in space. This research is based on string theory and aims to reconcile quantum mechanics with Einstein’s theory of gravity, potentially proposing new types of ultracompact stars in the future". ( Hole Phenomenon: Could This Copycat Black Hole Be a New Type of Star?)

"Movie clip showing the gravitational lensing effects caused by no object in an observer’s line of sight, a black hole, and the topological soliton. Credit: Pierre Heidmann/Johns Hopkins University" ( Hole Phenomenon: Could This Copycat Black Hole Be a New Type of Star?)

Faux black holes are hypothetical stars where the magnetic fields are making the star act like a black hole. That thing would be a topological soliton that also could curve space and time. In that structure, two very fast-rotating electromagnetic fields drive plasma in the middle of the star. In that case, the electromagnetic black holes or faux black holes are acting precisely like black holes. But the thing that pulls material in the structure is the magnetic field, not the gravitational field. 

So topological soliton can create a very similar phenomenon as black holes. And the curvature of space and time can be visible also near those topological solitons. If we use the Higgs field model to describe this thing. Topological solitons form rolls. That pulls the Higgs field through them. 

 In physics and mathematics, a soliton is described like this: "In mathematics and physics, a soliton or solitary wave is a self-reinforcing wave packet that maintains its shape while it propagates at a constant velocity" (

"Cancellation of nonlinear and dispersive effects in the medium causes solitons. (Dispersive effects are a property of certain systems where the speed of a wave depends on its frequency.) Solitons are the solutions of a widespread class of weakly nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations describing physical systems". (

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