Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Higgs Boson's role in the standard model is unique.

"When the electroweak symmetry is broken, the W+ gets its mass by eating the positively charged Higgs, the W- by eating the negatively charged Higgs, and the Z0 by eating the neutral Higgs. The other neutral Higgs becomes the Higgs boson, detected and discovered earlier this decade at the LHC. The photon, the other combination of the W3 and the B boson, remains massless.(BigThink, The Higgs boson’s most captivating puzzle still remains)

The Higgs boson's energy level is about 125 GeV. That means its existence is very short. The Higgs boson is the last particle, that researchers could connect into a standard model. The Higgs boson may be the last particle, that we can find using particle accelerators that fit on Earth. Maybe the Higgs boson is not the particle that Peter Higgs predicted in 1963, but that is speculation. 

The Higgs boson is unique because it's the only known scalar boson. There is suspicion that there could be other scalar bosons. But those scalar bosons are not founded yet. And another interesting thing is its interaction. The W boson gets its mass from the Higgs boson, and that means the Higgs boson can interact with weak nuclear force. 

"This diagram shows how a free neutron (or antineutron) decays at the subatomic level. A down quark (or antiquark) within a neutron (or antineutron), shown on the left in red, emits a virtual W-(or W+) boson, transforming into an up quark (or antiquark). The W-(or W+) boson forms an electron/electron antineutrino (or positron/electron neutrino) pair, while the up quark (or antiquark) recombines with the original remnant up-and-down quarks (or antiquarks) to form a proton (or antiproton). This is the process behind all beta decays in the Universe." (BigThink, The Higgs boson’s most captivating puzzle still remains)

The four fundamental forces (or interactions) and their transmitting particles are: 

Gravitation                                 Graviton (Predicted)

Electromagnetism                     Photon

Weak nuclear force                   W and Z bosons. 

Strong nuclear force                 Gluons. 

When we are looking at the list of particles that are released when the Higgs boson decays. There is a prediction that decay releases also a gluon pair. So is the Higgs boson the tensor particle that can transform the strong nuclear interaction that transportation particle is gluon to the weak nuclear interaction that transportation particles are W and Z bosons? 

If we think that the interaction chain from the gluon to the W boson is this. The gluon transports energy to the Higgs boson, which transports it into the W boson. Then W boson sends energy to the Z boson. And that thing transfers it to the photon. 

"When a symmetry is restored (yellow ball at the top), everything is symmetric, and there is no preferred state. When the symmetry is broken at lower energies (blue ball, bottom), the same freedom, of all directions being the same, is no longer present. In the case of the electroweak (or Higgs) symmetry, when it breaks, there’s a spontaneous process that occurs, giving mass to the particles in the Universe." (BigThink, The Higgs boson’s most captivating puzzle still remains)

So, could a series of interactions from the strong nuclear force to the electromagnetism be like this? 

Gluon>Higgs boson>W boson>Z boson>photon. 

The point of the graviton is a mystery. And that particle's existence is not confirmed. In some visions, the graviton is similar to the electron hole, but the maker of the hole is different from the electron. If things like gluons can make similar holes with electrons that tells why gravitation is so complicated. The gluon itself has no electric load. But it could change its color charge. The gluon can have eight color states. And those color states can act like electromagnetism in the electrons. 

In some other versions, the graviton is a virtual particle. The energy walley around the "sombrero model". This thing makes it possible for the energy will transfer to the sombrero-shaped structure that we call material. 

However, the remarkable detail in the standard model and known particles is that there are two particles with no confirmed mass. Gluon and photon. In some models, the gluon is a particle that hovers in its electromagnetic or quantum field. 

It's possible that if the particle's energy level is high enough and its size is small enough, it can force gravity waves to travel past it. And if those gravity waves cannot touch particles. They have no mass. Or those particles' mass is impossible to measure. 

Because energy travels out from the particle it can push other energy fields including gravitational waves around it. The gluon is a small and high-energy particle. That makes it possible for the energy flowing out from the particle can push gravitational waves from around it. That means the gravitational waves cannot touch gluon and that makes it massless. But then gluon releases its energy to Higgs boson. 

The weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) and the dark energy particles are not in the standard model. That means there could be particle groups that are not in that model, and that thing denies information exchange between those particles and known particles. Or those particles are the "missing particles" below the Higgs boson. 

In some models, the photon is like an electric arc. That follows something massive but very weakly interacting particles. When that massive particle travels through the quantum fields it makes a channel behind it. When that channel collapses it could form photons. And that means the photon can cover that dark and weakly interacting particle below it. 






Saturday, May 25, 2024

Neutron stars can involve dark matter.

Researchers use supermassive and massive objects to observe the dark matter. The dark matter is the gravitational effect, and researchers use things like galactic clusters to see how the dark matter bends the light. Researchers calculate how much those objects should weigh. Then they, see how much the object turns or blends the light in the gravity lens. That tells what is the real mass of the object. 

In some models dark matter or weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) are inside all or some other particles. The idea for that is from the observation that protons involved charm quark. The charm quark is a more massive particle than a proton. That gave the idea that the charm quark might hover in protons. And the next idea was this. Maybe dark matter's WIMP particle hovers in some other particle. 

Because dark matter interacts with gravity as well as visible material. Researchers should find dark matter near massive objects or gravity centers. The thing that makes this mysterious gravity effect interesting is that, theoretically, the material can turn invisible, and dark matter is only one state of matter. But is it real material or is it some kind of virtual material? 

Above: Neutron is a composition of 1 up quark and 2 down quarks.

Above: Proton is a composition of 1 down quark and 2 up quarks.

The "lone quark" model: 

Protons involve two up quarks and one down quark. Neutron has two down quarks and one up quark. If that lone quark turns into its anti-quark material may turn invisible. 

It's possible that the up quark can transform into its antiquark in neurons, or the down quark can transform into its antiquark in the protons. That causes a situation in which the antiquark cannot find its mirror particle. In that model, the lone quark's transformation turns the material dark. 

In some models, there is the possibility that all other particles can create similar holes with electrons. The electron-hole is a positive point in the electron orbital. It's possible. Researchers can apply this model to eight color states in gluons. 

So can the quarks and gluons have similar abilities with electrons? In that case, the gluon or quark quantum charge can turn opposite. So the color charges or color states act like electricity in, and between electrons. And that means the gluon can create similar holes with electrons. 

Theoretically, a quark can form a quark hole when the quark turns into its antiquark. And if the antiquark cannot interact with its opposite or mirror quark there is no annihilation. Annihilation is possible only when a particle interacts with its mirror particle. 

And if the down quark transforms into its mirror particle in proton, or the up quark can transform into its antiparticle in neutrons it's possible. That the anti-up or anti-down quark doesn't find its mirror particle. And there should not happen an annihilation. 

In some other models, the charm quark in the proton can turn into an anti-charm quark. The charm quark hovers in the protons, and if that thing turns into an anti-charm quark, it might not find the mirror particle. But then another question is, can this thing turn material into dark? 








Monday, May 20, 2024

Where are white holes?

Gravity affects quantum or energy fields. Those fields are things that we can call dimensions. And we can say that space is like water. Gravity is like flow that takes particles with it. 

We can think that the black hole's gravity field model is like a sombrero. Or actually, we can say that the gravitational field of a black hole is like a sombrero where is a hole or channel in the middle. The spin of that structure is the thing that acts as a generator. That keeps this structure in its form. The black hole will not create energy. 

It just moves energy from one place to another. The energy in that structure is in the form of gravity. And black holes turn all other three fundamental forces, electromagnetism, and weak and strong nuclear forces into gravity. So it adjusts the wave movement's frequency to the gravity frequency.

We can say that this channel is the low-pressure area in the gravity field. The outside energy pushes that structure against this channel. That low-pressure channel pulls gravity fields to it and denies the structure collapse. The outside energy pushes energy fields against that channel and the reason why the gravity field forms is that the channel takes radiation or energy fields out from the structure. When that outcoming energy impacts with material around the black hole, it pumps very much energy into that material. 

It's possible. The white holes are so large area that the energy rises very little in that phenomenon. 

White holes are theoretically the opposite phenomenon to black holes. In wormhole theory, white holes are places where energy comes out from the wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge. But where are the white holes? The black hole is like a pothole or hole in the universe. And that means the white hole is like a hill in the universe. 

A theoretical wormhole is a gravitational tornado. That gravitational tornado is the hollow energy channel. Superstrings form the channel's shell. And when the distance to the black hole increases, the wormhole loses energy from its shell. And that means the wormhole starts to leak. 

When we think about that energy hill, we forget that the quantity of energy is the thing in white holes. So we can think, that the white hole can be a very wide and low hill. Those hills would involve as much energy as the black hole, but they are so wide that the rise in the energy level is very low. If we want to compare white holes with something physical, we can compare them with shield volcanoes. Those volcanoes can be very low, but they cover large areas. 

When we think about the wormholes as the cosmic gravitational tornado. We can understand why we cannot see white holes. Those gravitational tornadoes or energy channels are not ending suddenly. They will expand when their distance to the black holes increases. So that means they will turn larger and start to leak. The wormhole is the hollow energy channel and the shell of that channel is the thing, that interacts with its environment. 

The wormhole will erupt like some spring. When their distance from the black hole increases they lose energy, and that means they are starting to leak. The energy that the wormhole loses is the thing, that forms its shell. So when the wormhole loses energy from the hollow superstring structure or hollow energy channel's shell, that shell starts to leak. That means they form extremely large-area white holes. That means a white hole would be like a large-area hill where the energy level rises very little. 



Wednesday, May 15, 2024

AI-driven fusion is the next step for fusion research.

"Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory are harnessing artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance fusion energy production, tackling the challenge of controlling plasma reactions. Their innovations include optimizing the design and operation of containment vessels and using AI to predict and manage instabilities, significantly improving the safety and efficiency of fusion reactions. This technology has been successfully applied in tokamak reactors, advancing the field towards viable commercial fusion energy. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, AI-Powered Fusion: The Key to Limitless Clean Energy)

The next-generation fusion systems use AI to control the environment. In Tokamak-type fusion reactors, the plasma, temperature is far higher than the Sun's core orbits in a donut shape accelerator. The plasma hovers in a magnetic field, that presses it in the shape of wire. 

When the system ignites the fusion the ignition lasers or opposite pole plasma will inject into the reactor. The problem is that in the flashpoint. When fusion starts in the middle of the plasma ring, the energy travels out from the plasma ring. Push it outside. The fusion energy destroys the plasma ring if it travels from the inside out. 

But if the fusion starts on the plasma ring's shell. it starts to push plasma into its form. In that system, the fusion reactor must create two internal, positive (ion) and negative (anion) plasma rings, and then drive them together. The idea is that the fusion starts in the shell of the internal plasma ring. The problem is how to control those plasma rings. 

The system should begin the fusion symmetrically in the outer shell of the plasma ring. In that case, fusion transfers energy in the plasma from its shell. And that energy keeps the plasma in its form. 

The ion-anion fusion. Where the system puts ions impact with anions could be promising. 

One of the theoretical systems that can be promising is the so-called double Tokamak, where the toruses or plasma rings in them touch each other. 

In the first ring the positive, and the second ring or reactor, the negative plasma orbits in the intensive heat and magnetic pressure. Then the system drives those plasma rings against each other. But making that system practical is difficult. The system must control those plasma rings with very high accuracy. The problem is how to control the contact points. and keep those plasma rings separated before the ignition starts. 

Double-tokamak-reactors model. In that case reactor system has two impact points. The ion plasma orbits in another and anion plasma orbits in another ring. The problem is how to control those ion and anion flows. And deny their impact too early. 

In some other systems, two linear accelerators will shoot positive or ion plasma against the negative, or anion plasma. When those accelerators shoot ions against anions at quite high speed, and the system aims for microwaves and lasers at the impact point, the system can create fusion. The only difference between double tokamak and linear fusion reactors is the shape of the accelerator. 

The temperature in the fusion system is higher than in the Sun. And that means the reactor must control that intense plasma with very high accuracy. And if the plasma comes too close to the reactor's shell. It burns a hole in the reactor immediately. In that case, the high-energy plasma causes the same effect as a hydrogen bomb. 

The fusion system offers a limitless energy solution but if the system cannot predict the situation, where plasma comes too close to the reactor's shell, that thing can cause destruction. The AI can control the reactor's magnets. And things like ignition systems. If those systems are not accurate enough, that destroys the plasma structure. 


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The ice-cube sensor detected the high-energy tau-neutrinos.

The ice-cube sensor detected the high-energy tau-neutrinos. Those mysterious ghost particles' form and weak interaction are some of the most interesting things in the universe. The neutrino is sometimes called a "grey photon". The weak interaction means that the neutrino can travel through planets without interaction. And only direct impact with other atoms makes that mysterious particle interact and release its energy. 

The thing that could help to solve the mystery of neutrinos is the charm quark, that researchers discovered in the proton. The charm quark is more massive than other particles in the proton. So the charm quark is heavier than a proton, where it should be involved. Maybe charm quark spins so fast that it hovers in the proton. 

The idea is that fast-spinning particle makes the quantum supercavitation effect. When the propeller super cavitates, it starts to spin in a bubble, where it cannot touch the water. So we can use supercavitation as the model of how the fast-spinning particle acts in the quantum field. 

If a particle spins fast enough, it forms a bubble around it. The quantum field acts like water. And if a particle spins "too fast". The particle forms a quantum bubble around it. The fast spin means that the quantum field cannot touch that particle. That ultra-fast spin can cause a situation, where the particle simply pushes other quantum fields from around it. And the only time when a particle can cause interaction is that. It hits directly into the atom or some subatomic particle. 

In this model, the fast spin causes a situation in which the particle tunnels itself through the material. But can neutrinos be faster than light? 

There is a model that neutrinos can travel slower than the speed of light. But the fast spin makes the shell of that mysterious particle move faster than the speed of light. The idea is that neutrino travels its axle vertically to its trajectory. That means the spin of a neutrino makes its shell move faster than the speed of light. 

The other version is that the wobbling spin of some, yet unknown particle forms the neutrino. In this model, the unknown particle's spin is similar to the electron's spin. The particle moves back and forth. That very slow but fast spinning particle could be the hypothetical weakly interactive massive particle (WIMP). The WIMP moves slowly but spins very fast. And if the WIMP spins like an electron, it sends the energy impulse all the time, when it changes its direction. And wave-particle duality turns that energy impulse into the particle called neutrino. 

The speed of light depends on the environment. That means the speed of light is higher in space than in the atmosphere. The speed of light is higher in the atmosphere than it is in water. And neutrino detector benefits this thing. When a particle moves from another environment like from interplanetary space to the atmosphere it releases its energy as a blue light flash called Cherenkov radiation. So in a small moment particle travels with a speed that is higher than the speed of light in the medium. 

The neutrino detector detects neutrino when its speed decreases, and it releases its energy as a blue light flash. Neutrino arrives at the sensor with speed that is lower than the speed of light. But its speed is faster, than the speed of light in a medium like water. When a neutrino hits something it releases its kinetic energy in the form of a blue light flash, called Cherenkov radiation. That radiation makes the sky blue because particles hit Earth's atmosphere at a speed that is higher than the speed of light in the atmosphere. 

That means the neutrino has already released its energy when it hits the neutrino detector. That means that the neutrino's speed can be far higher in interstellar space than it is in our solar system. There is a theory that neutrino is a transformation particle of a hypothetical tachyon, faster than a light particle. In theories, the tachyon can form in antimatter annihilation in interstellar space. When that particle travels in the solar system, the plasma around the star slows its speed, and maybe the neutrino has been tachyon. 









Saturday, May 11, 2024

The breakthrough in quantum teleportation.

"Quantum teleportation researchers have developed a method to improve teleportation quality in noisy conditions by using hybrid entanglement of photons, achieving nearly perfect state transfers. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Turning Quantum Noise Into a Teleportation Breakthrough)

In quantum teleportation, particles like photon transport their information into another particle without moving themselves. In that system, the laser, or some other energy source creates the electromagnetic electromagnetic shadow behind another photon or other elementary particle. 

Then, that electromagnetic shadow moves wave movement to another similar particle and synchronizes its oscillation frequency the same as the sending particle has. The very important thing is that the receiving particle is in the lower energy level. When those particles reach the same energy level the standing wave pushes those particles away. And that breaks the quantum entanglement. Another thing that disturbs the quantum entanglement is the quantum noise. 

The new idea turns the quantum noise into the thing that carries a qubit and denies it to deliver its information. The idea is that quantum noise is wave movement as regular and electromagnetic noise. The quantum teleporting system can ride the quantum wave. When the system sends a qubit forward at the top of the quantum wave, that quantum wave can carry the qubit. The qubit rides the wave like a windsurfer. 

In quantum entanglement, the energy travels in one direction. In some visions, the system makes the quantum entanglement where energy can travel back to the sender. That helps to maintain the quantum entanglement for a longer time. Theoretically is possible to create a curve where the energy level of the information rises higger than sending particle. But the problem is how to deny the information travel back. 

"Researchers have developed a method to quantify quantum entanglement using normalized entanglement witnesses in various experimental scenarios. This advancement allows for the estimation of lower bounds on entanglement measures and can differentiate between entangled and separable states more effectively. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Entanglement Unmasked by Entanglement Witnesses)

Another problem is how to deny the particles reach the same energy level. At that point, a standing wave destroys the quantum entanglement. The answer could be the virtual particle. In that case, the system creates the virtual particle-like standing field that maintains the quantum entanglement. 

The idea is that the superpositioned and entangled particles create a second route that they can use to transmit information. The idea is that the system makes quantum entanglement through the relay or middle-man particle. The information travels first to the middle-man particle. In that case, the system transforms the receiving particle in the quantum entanglement into the transmitting particle. 

The system raises the receiver particle's and middle-man particle's energy levels. Then the system makes quantum entanglement from the middle-man particle to the receiving particle. Another way is to transport energy out from the receiving particle. 

The waves whose wavelength is precisely right can help to make the stable quantum entanglement. The system can wave the superpositioned and entangled particles and switch their energy level. So in that model, the superpositioned and entangled particle pairs act like a seesaw. The problem is how to deny the destruction of the quantum entanglement in the moment, where the particle pair is in the same energy level higher than a previous transmitting particle. 

The information travels first into the middle-man particle, and then to the receiving particle. This thing can make the quantum entanglement act like a seesaw. In some other models, the third particle must transport energy out from the receiving particle. That helps the system to lock the quantum entanglement. 

The answer could be the third wave. The locked wave can act as a virtual particle. The virtual particle, that system creates created between hose superpositioned entangled particles can adjust the energy level in quantum entanglement. In this model, the system can create the "auxiliary" entanglement through the virtual particle that stands and warped energy waves as I wrote before. That virtual particle can help to raise the energy level higher in the receiving particle without breaking the quantum entanglement.  



Thursday, May 9, 2024

The first glueballs or gluon balls detected.

"Argonne National Laboratory scientists have used anomaly detection in the ATLAS collaboration to search for new particles, identifying a promising anomaly that could indicate new physics beyond the Standard Model. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, New Particle? AI Detected Anomaly May Uncover Novel Physics Beyond the Standard Model)

The AI detected some kind of anomaly in the CERN ATLAS system. That anomaly can mean that there is some new particle. The new particle can be something that takes us beyond the standard model. The new particle is easy to connect to the standard model. The model itself is open. But the new particle can mean that the missing particle between the Higgs Boson and the photon is found. 

If we think that all bosons are like W and Z bosons. Maybe, the Higgs boson is another part of some other boson pair. The W and Z bosons transmit the weak nuclear force. Another boson pushes. And another pull. So maybe the Higgs Boson's pair is missing. That particle pair can explain some mysteries in the universe. Or maybe that new particle is a so-called graviton. The glueballs, gluon balls, or gluonium are the things that can explain why black holes are so special. 

The black holes are the pure graviton balls. The idea is that if the atom gets a high enough energy load, that energy impulse pushes guns, quarks, and electrons into one entirety. In the next text is the hypothetical material called "Higgs Bosonium" the Higgs boson balls. 

Maybe that hypothetical  Higgs Bosonium is not needed between glueballs or gluonium and singularity. In singularity, all quantum fields and particles are slammed in one entirety. That material forms the black hole. And singularity (material) may be the mysterious graviton. Maybe researchers could form singularity by pressing gluons in gluon balls together. 

"Gluons aren’t simply the particles that bind quarks together; they may also be particles that bind themselves together into a quarkless glob known as a glueball. The lightest glueball state may be able to be revealed from the decays of particles created in electron-positron colliders." (BigThink, New particle at last! Physicists detect the first “glueball”)

Researchers detected glueballs or gluon balls.

The glueballs or gluonium are not elementary particles. They are groups of gluons, that act like some kind of hadrons. Today we know that atoms consist of gluons, quarks, and electrons. Quarks form structures called Hadrons or in the case of atoms: Baryonic Hadrons called protons and neutrons. 

Those particle groups are the non-elementary parts of the atoms. The new particle group is called glueballs. In 2021, researchers discovered the triple glueball. The "Hadron" is made of gluons. 

The glueballs are groups of the gluons. The other name for that thing is gluonium. And it's the highest energy thing that material research can prove. There is another more energy particle group that is even harder to create than gluonium.  

And it's the theoretical "Higgs Bosonium". That hypothetical thing is a group of Higgs Bosons. The Higgs Boson has existed for a very short time. And the Higgs Boson combinations are purely hypothetical. 

And that observation formed a new model of stars. That new theoretical star type is between, a still theoretical quark star and a black hole. That new theoretical star model is the gluon star. And it's possible. The Higgs Bosons can create a similar structure as glueballs. If that "Higgs Bosonium" exists. It can be even more energetic than gluonium. 

So the five densest stars could be...

Neutron star

Quark star (Theoretical)

Gluon star (Theoretical)

Higgs boson star (Hypothetical) 

Black hole

Glueballs or gluonic balls are not new ideas. The first observations. That predicts this kind of material made in 2015. The glueballs or gluon balls are extremely high-energy particles. Some sources describe them as particles made of pure energy. Or pure, strong nuclear force. The model of this extremely high-energy particle group causes visions that the gluon balls can be the thing. That can used to form artificial black holes. 

The idea is that the energy impulse that comes out from the glueball forms an electromagnetic vacuum that collapses immediately. That thing causes a situation in the material and energy around that gluon ball fall back into the bubble. That causes the form of the black hole. 

"Nucleons consist (left) of quarks (matter particles) and gluons (force particles). A glueball (right) is made up purely of gluons." (ScitechDaily, Glueball – A Particle Purely Made of Nuclear Force)

By the way

The gluonium or "Higgs Bosonium" can used to create the WARP bubbles. When Higgs boson decays. It sends energy impulses around it. That energy impulse pulls particles' shells out. The electromagnetic vacuum around that particle rips it in pieces. But if a particle gets energy from inside it, that thing can keep it in its form. 

The hypothetical "Higgs Bosonium" is like gluonium or glueballs. But it's even more high-energy particles. If those particles can stabilized, they can form a new and powerful energy source. But as you know. That kind of particle exists in a very short time. And the energy level that the system needs is very high. 











Monday, May 6, 2024

Light can vaporize water without heat.

MIT researchers found a new photo-molecular phenomenon. That light can vaporize water without heat. There has been suspicion that this kind of phenomenon exists. But this is the first evidence of that phenomenon. Light inputs energy into atoms, and then those atoms release extra energy into their environment. 

Photo vaporization releases vapor from the water surface. Atoms release energy that they get into another atom. At the point of the surface tension, the water molecules resonate when light inputs energy to them. That forms standing waves between those water molecules, and then that energy starts to drive water molecules up. This effect is possible if the light affects all water molecules on the surface. In that case, there is no space where energy can travel. 

Developers can use photo vaporization to make purified water. 

That effect makes space around the atoms. And it separates water molecules from their entirety. The effect. Where light vaporizes water without heat looks a little bit like a photovoltaic phenomenon. This effect can help to determine the age of the icy shell of distant moons. A similar effect should happen when radiowaves hit the ice. 

If visible light can vaporize water, that phenomenon can used to produce a very low-pressure gas. In that process, the ice is in a vacuum chamber and that light effect will separate a couple of molecules from ice. This phenomenon can used to calculate the changes in the electromagnetic environment in distant moons. 

This effect can also escalate to other wavelengths. And maybe this effect explains why some very cold moons like Triton have thin atmospheres. Gas pressure on Triton is very low. It's between 1 and 2 pascals. 

Mainly that atmosphere includes nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. The last gas can form when radiation pushes oxygen and carbon atoms together. An interesting thing about that atmosphere is that the gas that forms it is in a condition that looks like quantum gas. The distance between atoms and molecules is very long. 

When radiation hits those atoms they send radiation that travels longer than on Earth. The low-pressure gas is the tool that makes atomic microscopes possible. Also, the low-pressure gas can measure similar gas atoms from distances. If there is a low-pressure oxygen gas in the chamber, another oxygen atom sends radiation that causes resonance in those low-pressure atoms. 



Sunday, May 5, 2024

Can ultralight primordial black holes exist all around the universe?

"The simulated image shows how black holes bend a starry background and capture light, producing black hole silhouettes" (Interesting engineering, Ultralight, undying black holes could be all around the Universe)

The term: "ultralight black holes" consists of planetary mass black holes, atom, and quantum size black holes. The "Kugelblitz" black holes can be very light. "Kugelblitz"- black holes form straight from radiation. In certain situations, the FRB or some other energy burst that impacts the planet's atmosphere can press the planet so dense, that it turns into a black hole. 

Theoretically, also atoms and all other particles can turn into a black hole if they impact with an energy load that is high enough. In those cases, energy impulses press the atom's quantum fields symmetrically, and that energy pushes all particles in the atoms into one entirety. 

Can ultralight or quantum-size black holes be undying? The black hole is like a bubble in a gravity field. The interaction at the edge of a black hole is that the material disk pumps energy to the black hole. A black hole's gravity field is so powerful that it pulls wave movement inside it, and in the material disk, the electromagnetic radiation interacts with the material forming intensive heat. The question is, does the black hole pull gravity waves in it? 

The event horizon is a standing gravity wave or gravity field, and that should deny the gravitation itself falling in the black hole. Gravitation is an energy form or wave movement with a certain wavelength. The gravity field around black holes is a very powerful thing. Energy always travels into the lower energy space. 

That means the outcoming gravity waves cannot fall into the black hole. The reason for that is, the stronger gravity field pushes the outcoming gravity wave back. This means that the dense gravity field forms a situation in which all other wave movement falls in that bubble called a black hole, except gravitational waves.  

But gravitational waves can start to orbit a black hole. Those orbiting gravitational waves lock the gravitational field around the black hole. That gravitational ring also sends gravitational waves into the black hole. The material that orbits black holes is in a very high energy level. The kinetic energy of that material is massive. When material travels through quantum fields those fields increase the mass of that material. 

Sometimes a black hole pulls all material from its environment inside it. That separates the black hole from the material. And in that case, the energy field around it turns weaker. At that point, the black hole sends gravity waves.  So can the atom-size or smaller black hole be stable? 

Could the material and radiation called wave movement lock the gravitational field in that structure? The thing that denies the expansion of the black hole is the energy stability. The black hole can expand only if it gets more energy than it releases. In the form of gravity waves. It's possible. A small black hole forms the wave movement layer that locks the black hole in its form. 

If the energy level of that layer is high enough that forms a shell that doesn't allow energy and material to fall in the black hole. That wave movement shell can also lock gravity waves that the black hole sends inside it. This is one model that can turn very small and light black holes into stable ones. 


The hydrogen-burning supernovas are interesting models.

"Researchers discovered a significant magnesium anomaly in a meteorite’s dust particle, challenging current astrophysical models and suggesting new insights into hydrogen-burning supernovas. (Artist’s concept.)Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Rare Dust Particle From Ancient Extraterrestrial Meteorite Challenges Astrophysical Models)

If the star is too heavy when its fusion reaction starts, it can detonate just at that moment, when its fusion starts. If the collapsing nebula is heavy enough, it can form a black hole straight from the nebula. But if the nebula's gravity is too heavy to form the blue giant or too small it can collapse straight into a black hole. If the forming star is a little bit larger than the blue supergiants. It can explode immediately when the fusion starts. 


The theory of hydrogen-burning supernovas consists model of the giant stars that explode immediately after their fusion starts. When the interstellar nebula falls it can form a black hole. Or it can form a star whose fusion runs too hot, and that causes a supernova explosion just after the nuclear reaction begins. 

Things like FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts) can transport energy into young stars, and that energy can cause situations, where the energy level in the star turns too high. And that causes the star to explode. Things like kilonovas, or impacting neutron stars, can form fusion in the molecular cloud around it. That shockwave can push atoms together forming things. Like gold and even heavier elements. 

Also, if the star goes near a supernova, another supernova can cause a situation in which another star can detonate because of that massive energy blast. The black holes can cause the stars to run too hot when they transmit energy into them. Black holes can pull energy through stars and that accelerates the fusion. 

In some models, the young, but very massive star can form at least neutron stars and black holes just after their fusion starts. The white dwarfs require that there is carbon in the star. 

It's possible that if the rogue planet starts the interstellar nebula collapse, that planet forms an empty bubble in the star. When the nebula falls and nuclear reactions begin, the planet forms a structure that acts like a vacuum bomb. The shockwave travels inside the planet and reflects causing the expanding fusion front inside the star. And that fusion causes a situation in which the just-born star can explode immediately. 


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The ability to measure differences in energy levels makes it possible. That computer can store data in that system.

"Physicists have successfully identified and manipulated a specific thorium atomic nucleus state using a laser. This discovery enables the merging of classical quantum physics and nuclear physics, promising advancements in precision measurement technologies and fundamental physics, including the potential development of a nuclear clock surpassing current atomic clocks in accuracy. A laser beam hits thorium nuclei, embedded in a crystal. Credit: TU Wien" (ScitechDaily, Decades in the Making: Laser Excites Atomic Nucleus in Groundbreaking Discovery)

During a groundbreaking study, researchers manipulated a single thorium atom's nucleus. The ability to manipulate atoms and their nucleus allows the system to store data in those atoms. 

If the system can have the ability to store and transmit data between atoms and in their electrons can used in the next-generation quantum processor. The ability to write and read data into atoms requires. The system can measure differences in the energy levels in those particles.

If the system can turn two opposite atoms into a quantum computer. It requires the ability to store data in the atom's nucleus. The system can make superpositions and entanglements between electrons that orbit the atom's nucleus in the 2D layer. 

"Researchers have demonstrated how to manipulate light at nanoscale using photonic crystals, simulating the effects of magnetic fields on electrons. This breakthrough in photon manipulation can significantly impact the development of nanophotonic chips, improving devices like lasers and quantum light sources. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Photons Frozen in Time by Innovative Crystal Designs)

When we think of the quantum computer it's possible to create a system that looks like a CCD camera. The number of activated photoelectric points determines the qubit's state. The next-generation mass memories can store information in quantum dots. The multiferroic nanodots can act as data storage. 

The system can look like a chessboard or QR code, and the data that the system stores into those dots. Can be driven into the quantum computer in the quantum state. The system can share data to quantum states using those dots. 

"Researchers at the Tokyo Institute of Technology have made significant advancements in memory technology using multiferroic materials, specifically BFCO nanodots. These materials enable more energy-efficient data writing using electric fields and non-destructive reading through magnetic fields. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Memory Tech: The Rise of Low-Power Multiferroic Nanodots)

When those quantum dots are opposite to each other. That thing makes it possible to transport data between those quantum dots in their entirety. The system shares information between those quantum dots. 

And then it just transports all information as an entirety. When we think of the system that should recover or collect data from the hard disks, the system must only measure differences in the voltage on the surface of that hard disk. Then operating. The system transforms those differences in voltage level into ones and zeros. 

More accurate systems that react with different voltage levels can determine the qubit's state. We can think that the qubit is like an onion and the system transports data from A to B it just sends one layer from sender (A) to receiver (B). 

The new groundbreaking crystal freezes photons in time.  

What would you do with frozen photons? Those photons can store data in the photonic form. In that case, the quantum system data can transfer data into those photons. And then the system can put them into the superposition and entanglement. Those frozen photons can also used to measure things like gravity waves. When gravity waves hit those photons, that affects their annealing or their energy level. 

That makes it possible to create a system, that can revolutionize the measurement. When some system transports information from the system, it simply measures the differences in the energy levels of the data tool. When the system can see those changes in the chemical or quantum field structure, that thing makes it possible to drive data between mass memory and the processor or qubit. 




Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...